Where Do You Belong?

IMG_1264Where do you belong?

Here’s my answer.

You belong where your heart and soul are free to express themselves. You belong where you can feel the happiness that lives at your core. 

Does that feel like a good answer to you?

Indulge me as I use these reflections to share more of my summer photos with you.


Feel Your Way Home

I’ve come to the conclusion that you belong where it feels good to be you. I’m not talking about instant gratification but where you have access to that inner well of joy and happiness.

To have that access, you need to find what resonates with your Highest Good. That will look completely different for different people. It may be helping orphans in Africa for one, leading a mega corporation for another, writing a book alone in a cabin for a year, or raising 2 children to the best of your love and ability.

Where can your True Self shine so you can live in alignment with your soul?

Let your feelings guide you there. Make your decisions on what feels better, more expansive.

So let me ask you. Do you feel at home in your life right now?

Are you at home in your job? in your relationships? in your house? in your city? with your friends? alone with yourself? 

What can you do to feel more at home where you are right now? What changes do you need to make to feel like you belong in your life?

This may mean a change of perception, acceptance, skills, practice, or circumstances. It also means getting help when it comes moving time so that the transition happens with ease and grace.

Yes, some changes will be physical (location, environment, diet, lifestyle) but others may be emotional, mental, or spiritual.

Try a bit of automatic writing to tap into your guidance. Ask the question in writing to your Higher Self and Guides and just keep writing for 3 pages without pauses, trusting they’ll find a way to speak to you through your own hand.


The theme of “home” has been wafting through my inner space a lot this summer.

One of the thematic units I taught to my ESL students this summer was on resettlement: a post-confederation program whose goal was to move small remote communities to growth centres throughout Newfoundland to have better access to government services. It had a huge impact on life in in this province and is still affecting some communities today.

My photo buddies and I recently went hiking in LaManche, one of the many communities that voted to move.

Some families actually moved their houses- towing them across the water to their new location. But the question that remains in my heart is whether they all succeeded in moving their homes. What kind of help did they receive to feel fully at home in their new circumstances?

I’m always reflecting on the meaning, energy, and symbolism of my experiences. This unit and field trip to a resettled community was part of what inspired today’s blog.

Happy to Share

Something else that inspired this post was that my housemate and I hosted an Irish student for a week while he was attending a conference. I happily volunteered to play tourist guide for 1.5 days – something I love to do!

If you’re happy with who, what, and where you are, you’ll naturally want to share it.

Here are a few snapshots from our visit along the southern shore of the Avalon peninsula and to the neighbouring fishing village of Petty Harbour, where the fishermen obviously loved to share.

May you feel at home no matter where you are.

Love & light as you make your inner and outer journey to where you truly belong.

P.S. If you need help letting go of what no longer serves you to connect to what does, click here for a free 26-minute guided visualization.




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2 replies
  1. Jade :II: Cathy
    Jade :II: Cathy says:

    Oh it is so beautiful!! And as always your photos are impeccable and your storytelling delighful. I dream of coming one day and being the lucky friend who gets you as my tour guide xo


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