Love Oracle 23: Dance to the Rhythms of Life

Happy Summer Solstice! On this longest day of the year, let’s dance to the rhythms of life.

Are you dancing towards or away from what your heart desires?

Are you dancing to the beat of the music or stepping on toes, your own included, as you fight the tempo?

Are you frustrated because you can’t sensually rumba or do a Grand Jete on your first try?

If you’d like to dance through life with ease & grace, pay attention to the lessons of these, the last 3 of 12 Universal Law mandalas presented in the Love Oracle series. They’ll help you transform your life from the inside out.

Pick the painting that speaks most to you and focus on its lessons this week. Its message is below.

Note: You can learn more about all 12 Universal Laws in my free Guide to the Universal Laws.

Love Oracle Message 1: The Law of Polarity

Dear Beloved,

We live in a dualistic world. It’s what makes existence possible. There’s no north without south, hot without cold, success without failure, etc.

The beauty is that there’s a whole continuum of existence between those polar opposites.

When you focus on the opposite of what you don’t want, you start dancing along the continuum towards what you do want. 

Where attention goes, energy flows. You always have a choice. Which way do you want to tip the scale?

I’m sure you can think of examples in your own life when fear kept you focused on what you most wanted to avoid. You were so intent on it that you ended up attracting it your way – fear of being sick, fear of failing a test, fear of freezing on stage. The possibilities are endless.

So are the possibilities of being healthy, successful, inspirational, etc.

Why not shimmy, sway or skip your way towards the end of the continuum that holds all your heart truly desires? 

I smiled when I heard in the movie “The Art of Racing in the Rain:

“In racing, they say that your car goes where your eyes go. The driver who cannot tear his eyes away from the wall as he spins out of control will meet that wall…Simply another way of saying that which you manifest is before you.” (quoted from the book p. 83)

Which end of the continuum do you want to make your dance partner? 

Painting: Law of Polarity. Order mandala prints here. Collection of twelve 30″ x 30″ originals + one 36″ x 36″ summary piece for sale here. Free Guide to the Universal Laws here

Love Oracle Message 2: The Law of Rhythm

Dear Beloved,

Nothing is random. There’s order in the Universe through the repetitive movement, patterns, and cycles in everything.

This is as true about the seasons as it is about relationships, politics, and the economy.

Everything is either growing or dying.

By understanding this rhythm, we can act accordingly and sensibly.

Don’t fight the cycles. Work with them to your advantage.

Mastering the Law of Rhythm means finding balance and equanimity no matter which way the pendulum is swinging.  

Don’t bring your ballet slippers to a rock concert or your Dr. Martens boots to a ball. You’ll end up hurting someone on the dance floor or getting hurt yourself.

Instead, familiarize yourself with the music, the weather, the setting, the crowd and your own state of being to see how you can most enjoy the dance you’re going to.

Wearing a thick wool sweater to a salsa dance on a summer day in Cuba would be as uncomfortable as wearing a bikini beach dress to a New Year’s Eve Ball in Switzerland.

If you know ahead of time what the circumstances will be, you can better prepare for them.

Know that life’s pendulum will keep swinging. If it’s down, know that it’s going to head back up. Don’t sabotage yourself by lowering your vibration and getting depressed. If it’s up, don’t overindulge so that there’s nothing left when it starts heading down again.

Are you riding an emotional roller coaster or are you in a state of inner peace and joy, no matter what?

Painting: Law of Rhythm. Order mandala prints here. Collection of twelve 30″ x 30″ originals + one 36″ x 36″ summary piece for sale here. Free Guide to the Universal Laws here

Love Oracle Message 3: The Law of Gender

Dear Beloved,

It takes two to tango, waltz or cha cha.

The Law of Gender is about both creation and gestation.

First, gender exists in everything and on all planes: physical, mental, and spiritual.

On the physical, this manifests as sex.  On the psychological, it’s the right and left brain traits.  On the spiritual, it’s the yin and yang qualities of the soul and ego, the heavenly and earthly. 

It takes both male properties (will, penetration, action, expression) and female properties (intuition, openness, allowing, nurturing) for all creation.

The key to using the Law of Gender on the spiritual plane is in nurturing harmony and balance between the male and female aspects within ourselves.

Second, everything needs time to gestate and grow.

For humans, it takes 9 months. For your dreams and goals, it depends.

There’s Divine Timing, but like with anything, where attention goes, energy flows.

The more you focus on your dreams, the faster they’ll come to fruition.  The trick is keeping the faith and exercising both inspired action and gratitude along the way.  

Don’t give up. Don’t get negative. That will only delay, stunt, or kill its growth. 

Like with all seeds, our ideas need time and nourishment. Be patient and keep on believing..

Are you feeding your dreams or have you given up on them?

Painting: Law of Gender. Order mandala prints here. Collection of twelve 30″ x 30″ originals + one 36″ x 36″ summary piece for sale here. Free Guide to the Universal Laws here

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Love Oracle 18: Consciously Co-Creating with the Universal Laws

Let your heart & intuition guide you to picking the Universal Law Mandala that will most help you consciously co-create your very best life this week.

Pick a painting then scroll below to read its message. Ponder how it applies to your life right now.

The 12 Universal Laws help you transform your life from the inside out. This is the 3rd trio featured in this series.

Note: You can learn more about all 12 Universal Laws in my free Guide to the Universal Laws.

Love Oracle Message 1: The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction mandala

The Law of Attraction

Dear Beloved,

Like attracts like. Follow your bliss and you’ll attract the keys to unlock your magnific-essence. The Universe will answer your prayers.

Did you see the movie “The Secret?”  That’s what made The Law of Attraction so popular. My favourite mentor though is Abraham channeled through Esther Hicks.

But the law of attraction has been known by all successful people long before it became so popular.

As Joseph Campbell said:

“If you do follow your bliss you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Follow your bliss and don’t be afraid, and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be.”

Use what Abraham Hicks calls your emotional guidance system to help you co-create the life you were meant to live.

No matter where you are on the scale below, all you need do is start thinking thoughts that make you feel a bit better. It’s not about giant leaps up the ladder. Just head on up.

So if you’re in a state of despair, for example, anger can be very helpful. But if you’re worried, don’t let it turn into anger. Do something or think something that might turn that anger into a less charged frustration.

The Emotional Guidance Scale (From the book “Ask and It is Given”, pg. 114)

  • Joy/Appreciation/Empowered/Freedom/Love
  • Passion
  • Enthusiasm/Eagerness/Happiness
  • Positive Expectation/Belief
  • Optimism
  • Hopefulness
  • Contentment
  • Boredom
  • Pessimism
  • Frustration/Irritation/Impatience
  • Overwhelment
  • Disappointment
  • Doubt
  • Worry
  • Blame
  • Discouragement
  • Anger
  • Revenge
  • Hatred/Rage
  • Jealousy
  • Insecurity/Guilt/Unworthiness
  • Fear/Grief/Depression/Despair/Powerlessness

Like attracts like. So what are you feeling today? The power of emotion was shown to me over and over again in my guided visual journey that led to painting this mandala. 

Who or what are you attracting into your life? How can you attract something even better by rising up the Emotional Guidance Scale?

Painting: Law of Attraction. Order mandala prints here. Collection of twelve 30″ x 30″ originals + one 36″ x 36″ summary piece for sale here. Free Guide to the Universal Laws here

Love Oracle Message 2: The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy mandala

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

Dear Beloved,

Energy is constantly moving in response to your thoughts and emotions.

Nothing in life is constant but change itself.

By consciously focusing your attention, you can create the world you want.

Turn your face to the sunshine, and watch your reality transform itself.

Through change comes growth, through growth comes change.  It never stops. Are you ready for change?

Remember that by resisting change, you’re blocking your growth momentum and causing inner-suffering.

You weren’t meant to stay exactly as you are.

Every day you are emerging more and more as your True Self. Embrace that and keep expanding by saying yes to your intuitive urges. Resist them and you’ll manifest various forms of dis-ease from bursting at the seems of being.

Embrace the change that comes from expanding your comfort zones and inviting in what is needed for your Highest Good.

How do you know that’s what’s happening?

Ask yourself: “Am I welcoming the thoughts, emotions, actions, habits, and character-building steps needed to co-create the life I want to live?” If you answered “yes”, you’re working this Law to your advantage.

And remember to ask The Universe and your Team of Divine Helpers for help in embracing the necessary changes for growth. You don’t have to do it alone.

Painting: Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy. Order mandala prints here. Collection of twelve 30″ x 30″ originals + one 36″ x 36″ summary piece for sale here. Free Guide to the Universal Laws here

Love Oracle Message 3: The Law of Relativity

The Law of Relativity

Dear Beloved,

The Law of Relativity says that everything is relative.

You create your misery by comparing yourself and your life to what you judge as better people, circumstances, or times.

Were you ever happy about your day until you saw what someone else was doing on Facebook?

Did you enjoy driving your car more before your neighbour upgraded theirs?

Are you unhappy at your waistline because it’s not the same as when you were 17?

Be careful about comparing yourself to others or to a time that isn’t now.

Nothing has meaning except the meaning you give it.

You can break free from your limiting perceptions through the creative transformation of mind and spirit.

Use your judgements to guide you out of the darkness and into the Light. Things could always be worse.

Love what is, and be happy.

There’s a great song by Fearless Soul called “The Grass is Greener” that speaks to all this. You can listen to it here.

Comparing yourself to another is an insult to who you ARE.
It is an insult to who you are GOING TO BE!

That was the last time I said someone was better
It’s about time I focused on me
I run my own race
I’m not looking over my shoulder
The battle is me vs. me

I won’t do it no more
No more looking at other people thinking I’m not enough
From now I’ll be strong
I am comfortable with who I am,
I am one of one

I can’t live my life by someone’s expectations
When I try to be someone else
I hold back my own greatness
I can’t feel that I’m not enough
When I’m better than yesterday
From now I’m not looking over the fence,
The grass is greener where I water it

That was the last time that I thought the grass was greener
Things ain’t always what they seem
It’s an insult comparing myself to another
I am unique
I can only be me
I won’t do it no more
No more looking at other people thinking
I’m not enough
From now I’ll be strong
I am comfortable with who I am, I am one of one

I can’t live my life by someone’s expectations
When I try to be someone else I hold back my own greatness
I can’t feel that I’m not enough when I’m better than yesterday
From now I’m not looking over the fence,
The grass is greener where I water it

Writer(s): Nicholas Macri

Painting: Law of Relativity. Order mandala prints here. Collection of twelve 30″ x 30″ originals + one 36″ x 36″ summary piece for sale here. Free Guide to the Universal Laws here

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Love Oracle 12: Living Large with the Universal Laws

What does “living large” mean to you? Having a successful and abundant life may look different for you than for me.

May this second trio of Universal Law mandalas help you live large, no matter what that means to you. 

Pick a painting then scroll down to read its Love Oracle message. Ponder how it applies to your life right now.

The 12 Universal Laws help you transform your life from the inside out. 

Learning to use them to your advantage will help you become the conscious creator you were meant to be.

Note: You can learn more about all 12 Universal Laws in my free Guide to the Universal Laws.

Love Oracle Message 1: The Law of Correspondence

Dear Beloved,

The world as you see and experience it stems from your thoughts and feelings.

Two people in the same space may see and experience it completely differently.

Two people in the presence of another may see and experience that person completely differently.

According to the Law of Correspondence, whatever is growing within your inner being spirals out into the world. Your current reality, therefore, took roots within your mind. This is as true for individuals as for communities.

The more you nurture and cultivate your inner world, the more your outer world will match your true essence.

Moment-by-moment, are you choosing light or darkness – love or fear?

What are you sowing in your inner world with your thoughts, actions, choices? Know that these seeds are taking root and will spread into your outer reality.

Know also that your full potential in this world already lies within you, just as the tree already exists within the seed. By tapping into your true essence and nurturing your growth, you can evolve into the True You that you were meant to be.

With every new day, you are given another opportunity to live large, re-creating a world more aligned with that golden essence that lies within you. Choose love, not fear.

Painting: Law of Correspondence. Order mandala prints here. Collection of twelve 30″ x 30″ originals + one 36″ x 36″ summary piece for sale here. Free Guide to the Universal Laws here

Love Oracle Message 2: The Law of Cause & Effect

Dear Beloved,

Everything happens for a reason.

Today is the result of your past thoughts and actions. Tomorrow is being shaped through your thoughts and actions of today. 

What kind of future are you creating?

We currently live in a world of contrasting choices, emotions, thoughts, actions, beliefs, and resulting realities.

By experiencing contrast (love / fear), you can better appreciate the power of free will – the power of what you choose every moment of every day.

“Man becomes what he thinks about all day long.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

When you can fully appreciate your own creative power, you open yourself to living an abundant successful life, no matter what that means to you.

“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” ~Sir Isaac Newton

So start with today, Beloved.

  • What movies or shows are you choosing to watch?
  • What foods are you choosing to feed yourself with?
  • What people are you choosing to hang out with?
  • How are you choosing to act (vs. react) in the situations that present themselves to you?
  • Are you nurturing loving or fearful thoughts?
  • Are you focusing on everything that’s going “right” or everything that’s going “wrong” in the world?

Keep making the higher-vibration choices and watch your reality shift.

Painting: Law of Cause & Effect. Order mandala prints here. Collection of twelve 30″ x 30″ originals + one 36″ x 36″ summary piece for sale here. Free Guide to the Universal Laws here

Love Oracle Message 3: The Law of Compensation

The Law of Compensation Mandala

The Law of Compensation

Dear Beloved,

The more you give, the more you get. The opposite is also true.

The key is not to give in order to get. That takes love out of the equation and just won’t work.

So if today is a reflection of what you’ve given in the past, how can your choices today attract what you’d like to receive in the future?

What doors are you opening with your generosity and kindness? What are you contributing, receiving, building in your world?

The beauty is that there are many ways to give.

No matter if you’re the type of person who is very active in the community, part of a family unit, or single with more hermit tendencies – you can find ways to give that suit your unique presence and purpose on this planet.

Here are the 7 Sacred Gifts that Give You Everything, according to Derek Rydall, one of my teachers.

  1. Giving to yourself: give yourself what you seek from others
  2. Give thanks: what you appreciate, appreciates
  3. Give forth: share your time, talent & treasure
  4. Give up: release habits, criticism, complaints, judgment
  5. Give in: let go of resistance, surrender to what’s emerging
  6. Give away: circulate what you no longer need/use
  7. ForGiving: free yourself and others from emotional debt

Try focusing on one every day or every week and watch your inner and outer realities transform.

The results may not be immediate. You may not make the connection between what you’re giving and what you’re receiving. You don’t need to.

Remember, however, that to be a part of the Universal Energy Flow, you need to be as gracious about receiving as you are about giving. 

You may already be a big giver but have trouble accepting the fruits of others’ giving. Or is it difficult for you to ask for help, which offers others an opportunity to give?

Open your heart to both giving and receiving as both are needed to live large.

Painting: Law of Compensation. Order mandala prints here. Collection of twelve 30″ x 30″ originals + one 36″ x 36″ summary piece for sale here. Free Guide to the Universal Laws here

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Learning from the 12 Universal Laws

“All In One” – A summary of the 12 Universal Law mandalas.

I’m not proud of how this story starts. But I’m thrilled with what it taught me about how to apply the 12 Universal Laws in times of stress. May you learn from my experience.

I’d just come home from an evening of empowering stories during a Fearless Women’s Summit. I felt inspired, strong, and definitely ready for bed.

Instead of quickly drifting into blissful sleep, however, I checked my emails (first mistake).

A message from the organizer of CB Nuit (a Corner Brook art festival on Sept. 28) triggered my little-self into immediate overwhelm followed by hours of restless turning and tossing filled with anxiety, questions, a perceived lack of control, some excitement, and confusion at my unexpected and uncharacteristic state of being.

Here I was so easily thrown into reaction mode, even after a few weeks of recharging my batteries in the UK and an evening of fearless stories. I found myself far from being flexible and adaptable in my thoughts or my spirit. I was stuck in fixed ideas. I couldn’t see past my fear of failure to envisage the possibilities. Creativity was out the door. Instead, I was drowning in a perceived lack of control and capability, keeping me from my usual deep and restful sleep.

Where was that confidence, open-mindedness and open-heartedness I’d been nurturing these past few decades?

Why was I so easily taken out of my peace?

It certainly had nothing to do with the content of the email – details of a great location for my exhibition & workshops.

Sure, some of the parameters were different than what I’d imagined or experienced the year before when I got to share this same Enter the Mandala: 12 Universal Laws exhibition & workshops as godmother at the Atlantic Festival of Visual Arts (FAVA) in New Brunswick.

No big deal?! Right?!

For some reason, some small insecure part of me made it a big deal. I threw myself into a tizzy of frantic thoughts and emails. It was only hours later that I finally put on a guided meditation to help me fall asleep.

The next morning, I woke up with a fresher perspective and a few intuitive answers but still an undercurrent of stress. This time, I remembered to consciously ask for guidance on how best to plan my event and how to understand my mind’s  mishandling of the whole situation.

The Irony

My strength had turned against me. Or should I say that one of my shadows that had always helped me excel was now taking its toll.

You see, one reason I climbed the ladder so quickly in my first career in recreation is that my detail-oriented mind is excellent at imagining worst-case scenarios. Fear had helped me compensate by becoming an excellent planner and over achiever.

Somehow, lying in bed, I got stuck in the fear and its negative byproducts.

My Team of Divine Helpers highlighted the irony of the situation.

Here I was getting ready to bring my Universal Law mandalas and teachings to Corner Brook, but I wasn’t practicing them to my advantage!

I had a good laugh at myself when they told me that – a welcome bit of comic relief. The answers I sought had been in the project I was presenting. Too funny!

“Let’s review” – they advised.

So I spent the next while reviewing each of the Universal Laws in my mind and how I could use them to my advantage in this situation.

It was time to practice what I preach. What a great way to align to what I’ll be offering at the end of the month. 

Using the 12 Universal Laws For Our Highest Good

If you’re new to the 12 Universal Laws, the more you understand them, the happier you’ll be. They help you transform your life from the inside out so you can become the conscious creator you were meant to be.

The Enter the Mandala Collection was created over the span of a year in 2015 while my Team of Divine Helpers was teaching them to me. To learn more about the collection and access all 12 original blog posts with the intuitive reading recordings, click here.

Today, let me share how reviewing the 12 Universal Laws changed my internal experience and no doubt my upcoming results.  You’ll notice as you read that they’re interconnected and sometimes overlap.

1.  Law of Divine Oneness:  

Remembering that all that is seen and unseen comes from a field of infinite possibilities, I realized my reactionary thought stream came from an unwelcome “the world against me” point of view. Where did this feeling of not only separateness but conflict come from? There were many healthier perspectives and possibilities to choose from. I wasn’t seeing all the people and logistical details as moving together as one web of interconnectedness. Instead of adding beauty and harmony to the dance, my thoughts were like an out-of-control child having a temper tantrum on the dance floor. For me to move more harmoniously as part of the Divine Oneness, I had to reposition myself in my mind as a willing and joyful dance partner, trusting that everyone and everything (including myself) was moving together to make this festival – and my part in it – a success. Me as we and we as me…


2.  Law of Vibration:

Absolutely everything is alive with pure energy vibrating at different frequencies. As a vibration manager, my role was to reach for higher frequencies to attract more of what resonates at that same frequency. There’s no way I was going to have a positive experience or attract positive outcomes if I stayed stuck in that low vibe that was so far from my usual frequency. I might not have been able to  jump from fear straight up to love, but I finally used that guided meditation to feel better and fall asleep.

For my event to create a space of joyful manifestation for its participants, I have to bring more joy into my days and every step of the planning process. This means breathing deeply when I’m scared and doing what I need to do more quickly to raise my vibration. Since then, whenever I feel myself go into overwhelm, I immediately take time out for yoga, a backyard break, walk, prayer, affirmations, or meditation. My tolerance for ego-generated negative stress is much lower now. Or rather, my ability to recognize it as signalling a need for change is better.


3.  The Law of Action:

I’ve regularly experienced how, when fuelled by the fires of purpose and passion, each inspired step towards our dreams leads to the opportunities and tools we need to achieve them. In terms of this festival, I’d been guided into proposing new events, was chosen to participate, received funding to pay for my travels, and offered housing for my stay in Corner Brook. Through the continuous process of tuning in, communicating to the Universe, staying open and receptive, and following through on guidance, I’d been creating the necessary momentum to manifest my vision.

Fear on that sleepless night had cut me off from my intuition. When I was reacting in a state of stress, I sent off a series of uninspired emails about details that could have been better handled in the morning. Although the next day’s outer work started off much later than I like, I’m so glad I listened when I was guided upon waking to do some inner work with Derek Rydall’s Shadow Dancing meditation. Wisely investing the time to understand what was at the root of my fears helped me flow to the right questions to ask the organizer, the creative ideas of how to set up my exhibition, and more.


4. The Law of Correspondence:

The world as we see and experience it stems from our thoughts and feelings. The more you nurture and cultivate your inner world, the more your outer world will match your true essence. Moment-by-moment, are you choosing light or darkness – love or fear?

For me to be so easily triggered into overwhelm was both surprising and revealing. I had obviously chosen fear in that moment- showing me that there’s still a lot happening in my inner world that could use more love. Being honest about what happened – to myself, a confidante, and now the whole world via this blog post – is all part of cultivating love in myself and the world around me. I know how important it is to do the inner work. It’s made such a difference in so many areas of my life already. Whatever triggered that anxiety bout was an opportunity to heal something deep within. I’m glad to report that similar situations since have been met with greater trust, openness, and action vs. reaction.


5.  The Law of Cause & Effect:

Everything happens for a reason. Even that sleepless night.

My reaction was an obvious result of my shadows and fears developed throughout the years. I’d learned to be control-hungry as a way of coping with my fear of the unknowns. I’d also learned to be defensive because I’d been bullied as a child. My reaction was a leftover from my past.

My future, however, is being shaped through my thoughts and actions of today. By laughing with myself while embracing this seeming debacle of an evening was a start. Learning & teaching from my experience is definitely helping me become more flexible, adaptable and self-loving. The time invested in understanding & accepting myself so I can emerge more fully as my True Self is shaping my future.


6.  The Law of Compensation:

The more you give, the more you get. The opposite is also true.

With my ego having such set expectations and fear-based thinking, I was closing the doors to my mind, my heart, and the greater good of my participants. I’d made “me” the centre of my event. Yikes! As soon as I realized that, I asked myself  “How can I be kinder to myself and with others as I prepare? How can I be more generous in what I’m offering? ”  Once I remembered what I really wanted to contribute and build in the world by sharing this art collection and related events, my whole experience changed.

As my heart expanded, so did my vision for my role in CB Nuit. I know I’ll receive so much from leading my workshops and ongoing nighttime event on the 28th. I come alive in front of groups and get such joy from sharing uplifting experiences. May I be a channel of the Universe’s abundance for the thousands who visit this festival.


7.  The Law of Attraction:

Like attracts like. I know that if I follow my bliss, I’ll attract more bliss that helps me shine my Light.

The Universe is already answering my prayers.  My absolute thrill and gratitude for my role at the FAVA last years definitely led to this opportunity to expand on the same offerings.

By repeatedly accepting my Team of Divine Helpers’ invitation to stretch my comfort zones and grow, I open myself to more emergence into my True Self.  I know that if I dwell on the negative possibilities, I’m going to bring them into my reality. No thank you! Instead, I’ll keep on connecting to love, beauty, joy & peace every day. I’ll also focus on my gratitude for the art, the teaching, the travel, and the opportunities for connection at CB Nuit. I love my life! When I focus on that, I attract a lot more to love! 

8. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy:

Energy is constantly moving in response to our thoughts and emotions. By consciously focusing our attention, we can create the world we want. Turn your face to the sunshine, and watch your reality transform itself.

Through change comes growth, through growth comes change.  It never stops. As soon as I focused on all that was amazing about CB Nuit and my participation in it, the more I realized how I was freaking out about a few tiny pieces of the puzzle. By redirecting my thoughts, I shifted my internal and external reality and those pieces appeared in perfect timing. When I need help shifting my focus, I take the time to do do a guided meditation or hypnotherapy audio program.

If I’d ignored the experiences of that restless night, what triggered it would continue to fester below the surface. By changing my thoughts and emotions through self-awareness and choice, I changed the flow of energy.


9.  The Law of Relativity:

Everything is relative. We create our misery by comparing ourself and our life to what we judge as better people, circumstances, or times. Nothing has meaning except the meaning you give it. Use your judgements to guide you out of the darkness and into the Light. Love what is, and be happy.

Instead of loving what was, or even acknowledging it, I got caught in a deadly game of shoulds, coulds, and comparisons. I gave the uncertainties an unhealthy meaning. Instead of seeing the challenges as possibilities, my fear triggered anger & anxiety. I dove deep into my darkness instead of sleeping. I could have said “Fun, a new situation to explore and play with in the days to come”, but instead I said “I don’t know what to do with this and I can’t handle that!”.  Luckily, I eventually used this unhappiness to guide me out of my judgments and back into a more loving way to approach life. Yay!


10. The Law of Polarity:

We live in a dualistic world. It’s what makes existence possible. There’s no north without south, hot without cold, sweet without sour, etc. The beauty is that there’s a whole continuum of existence between those polar opposites. When we focus on the opposite of what we don’t want, we start moving along the continuum towards what we do want. Where attention goes, energy flows. You always have a choice. Which way do you want to tip the scale?

I spent hours focusing on what could go wrong, how it was too much for me to do alone, and how things were different than I’d imagined. Thankfully, the next day I was able to start visioning the magical event I wanted to co-create. That got me heading in the right direction. The details have continued to fall into place, one at a time as I aim towards what I want to open for my participants. I even recruited a skilled volunteer to help me. I’m not doing this alone!


11. The Law of Rhythm:

Nothing is random. There’s order in the Universe through the repetitive movement, patterns, and cycles in everything. This is as true about the seasons as it is about relationships and the economy. Don’t fight the cycles. Work with them to your advantage. Mastering the Law of Rhythm means finding balance and equanimity no matter which way the pendulum is swinging.  Are you riding an emotional roller coaster or are you in a state of inner peace and joy, no matter what?

Well, that night I’d jumped on the emotional roller coaster! I wasn’t respecting the fact I was tired and in need of sleep. Being a morning person is part of my fear – will I be able to enthusiastically lead events until midnight and get everything packed up / cleaned up by 2am ? I usually go to bed at 9pm because I wake up at 4 or 5am. Knowing this, however, I’ve planned my trip to arrive 2 days before so I can regulate my sleep and energy levels. I’ll make sure to have enough me-time to recharge my batteries, so I can be at my optimum to teach a morning & afternoon workshop before leading 5 hours of programming at night. I can do this if I eat well, sleep well, and manage my energy. Self-knowledge is key!


12. The Law of Gender:

First, gender exists in everything and on all planes: physical, mental, and spiritual. It takes both male properties (will, penetration, action, expression) and female properties (intuition, openness, allowing, nurturing) for all creation. Second, everything needs time to gestate and grow. The more you focus on and nurture your dreams, the faster they’ll come to fruition. Any doubt or negativity will stunt or kill their growth.

I didn’t need to know all the answers that night. Getting swallowed up by fear wasn’t healthy. If I’d stayed there, I’d have killed any chance of creating something beautiful at CB Nuit. Thankfully, I was guided to do what I needed to do to be what I needed to be – my true creative loving self co-creating the life of my dreams by helping others do the same. In the 2 weeks that followed that restless night, many of the details came together with ease & grace. I just had to be patient and trust. I still don’t know how many people will show up and exactly how I’ll set up the exhibition. I’ll prepare as much as I can (the masculine) and be open to the possibilities that present themselves once I’m on location (the feminine). I’ve led a fulfilling intuitive life so far by feeling the fear and doing it anyway. This is just another opportunity to do so and grow.


I may not be a master yet, but I’m an enthusiastic student of the 12 Universal Laws and look forward to teaching more about them through my art & events at CB Nuit in Corner Brook on September 28th. Join me!

Order Mandala Prints in many sizes / mediums
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What’s Your Perfect Role? This Was Mine…

You’re like no other on this planet. You’re your life experiences, skills, gifts, talents, loves, and passions all rolled into a unique combination that’s here to be in and serve the world in ways no one else can.

You’re an individualized expression of the Divine with a unique role to play.  So the question is, what’s your perfect role or combination of elements that would make up your perfect role?

Your answer will be very different than mine.

You can use the meditations at the end of this post to explore your vision in greater depth. Know that part of the process, however, is to let go of the vision and amplify the feeling it gives you to allow the Universe to help you fulfill that vision in ways beyond your imagination.

That’s what I did… for years but more intensively on a daily basis for a month using the meditation in Derek Rydall‘s Awakened Wealth Mastery course.

Exactly a month after I started his program, I received an invitation to fulfill what turned out to be my perfect role.

Where attention goes, energy flows.

Godmother to the 22nd Atlantic Visual Arts Festival (FAVA)

Caraquet, New Brunswick

“God, make me an instrument of thy peace”. This has been part of my lightworker prayer for years.

When I became a full time artist, however, my focus often bounced back and forth from my heart to my head – from thriving to surviving. Becoming a soulpreneur has had its learning curve.

But since part of my mission is to help others align to their True Self to live a happy healthy life, I’ve been constantly reminded of the importance to do so myself.

It’s true, when I first received the organizers’ invitation, I thought that being named the FAVA godmother would be a great opportunity for my career. I equated “godmother” with “featured artist”.

But it was so much more than that, something that gradually dawned on me while preparing for my trip.

What does it mean to be the godmother of an arts festival?

I was chosen to nurture the other artists’ and festival goers’ transformational journeys through my scheduled offerings and presence. What a responsibility… and fun!

The theme of this year’s festival was “La faim de loup” – or “hungry like a wolf” with undertones of humanity’s deeper hunger on a body, mind & spirit level. Basically, the theme was “intuition”.

What a perfect match!

I’d basically been hired to allow my Light to shine and my love to flow through my energy-infused art and intuitive services while opening myself up to a circulation of positive energy in return.

My Team of Divine Helpers had been preparing me for this for years.

Exhibition: Enter the Mandala – The 12 Universal Laws

In 2015, I’d been guided to spend a year creating the 13 Enter the Mandala Project paintings. There’s one 30″ x 30″ mandala for each of the 12 Universal Laws and a summary piece that incorporates symbolism from all 12. See video below.

This was the first time I’d created a body of work that wasn’t for sale (unless I find a buyer for the whole collection willing to display them for the public).

This intuitively guided collection was designed to first teach me about the 12 Universal Laws and then become a teaching tool for others: helping us transform our lives from the inside out by becoming the conscious creators we are meant to be. 

The FAVA exhibition was the collection’s first time in public since its 1-day unveiling during a Winter Solstice event in 2015.

I knew I hadn’t painted those mandalas to sit in a closet. Part of me trusted guidance that the collection and I were experiencing a gestation period. But I’ll admit I’d been discouraged when my exhibition proposals for the collection hadn’t been accepted in 2 local galleries.

Still, I held on to visions of the mandalas and I travelling together. The FAVA exhibition was an answer to my prayer.

The festival organizers built a spacious gallery with perfect lighting for my work on the main stage. I was blown away!

The space allowed for 2 chairs to be placed in front of each mandala so the paintings could be used as meditation tools and portals to the Universal Energy Flow.

Many people accepted that invitation to go deeper into both their Self and All That Is by really taking the time to be in the experience. 

I was thrilled with the response! It was so fulfilling on so many levels.

I had the honour of energetically supporting a young woman experiencing a healing while sitting in front of The Law of Vibration.

I got to observe a young couple sit in front of each mandala for at least 10 minutes to animatedly discuss them!

I couldn’t help but melt when a beautiful man in his golden years shed one huge tear when I talked about my Source of Inspiration for the collection. The accompanying texts that I’d written as a summary of the painting and inquiry process had inspired him to ask me about my Team of Divine Helpers. His response was but one of so many touching moments during my time in Caraquet.

To witness so many people enjoying, feeling, opening to the exhibition was a dream come true.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Yes, tears are rolling down my cheeks again as I write this – tears of gratitude and joy.

You can learn more about the 12 Universal Laws and my mandalas by clicking here.

Intuition Into Action: A Gateway to Creativity

Another way my Path had led me to this role was in the development of my intuitive services, workshops, and Intuition into Action: 5 Steps to a Happy Healthy Life presentations.

Traditionally, a godmother’s role is to take responsibility for the spiritual education of her godchildren.

Part of my role as the FAVA godmother wasn’t so far off from that definition. I was asked to share in my intuitive gifts and teachings, something that brings me such joy and fulfilment while helping others.

I’ve been inspired to do this work and love it. Still, it isn’t always easy. I’ve had to cancel workshops due to lack of registration after months of preparation and marketing. I’m still learning about the business and marketing sides of things.

Thanks to several recent conferences and a yoga festival, however, I’d come to the conclusion that I love being a special guest in someone else’s group. That way, I can focus on sharing my offerings instead of marketing.

So I’d been focusing on that in my visioning meditations and the FAVA was a perfect manifestation of it.

42 participants attended the visionary art workshop, in which they experienced a channeled meditation before translating their inner discovery journey into a mandala drawing and list of inspired actions.

Many reported that the messages and visions they received had made a difference in their lives, their art, and their understanding of the energy flow as they witnessed it in the group.

*Note: Many of the photos in this blog post are by Louis Légère on the FAVA team.

I also gave a 1.5 hour talk and Q & A session on Intuitive Living & Intuitive Painting. The feedback was equally affirming that my work is making a difference. That’s a wonderful feeling indeed!

To share the intuition offerings I’ve developed in recent years in an event that not only featured my visual art but fully supported and appreciated my desire to share life-affirming processes was truly a vision come to fruition.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

My Beloved Godchildren

Just so you know, I giggled when I wrote that subtitle.

The Artists

One of my favourite parts of being the godmother of the festival is that I was given a leadership role when it came to the 20 or so other artists involved.

As much as I may be an experienced and enthusiastic teacher and public speaker, as much as I can be shy or uncomfortable in public. Hyper sensitive to energy in crowds and an introverted social observer by habit, there have been many times when I’ve chosen to be on the outskirts.

Not this time. I was hired to be a leader and a nurturer, and I thrive in that role.

Instead of focusing only on my exhibition and events (there was a lot to coordinate), I really enjoyed the encouragement my role gave me to connect with the other artists.

I consciously made the time to circulate to their booths to chat or shoot videos that I posted on Facebook or sit with them during meals to have heart-to-heart conversations (instead of taking quiet solo retreat times).

My interest in the other artists and ease with which we shared connections, techniques, experiences, etc. delighted me.

I met so many wonderful beings in this process and look forward to deepening some of these peer relationships through collaborations, exchanges, and more.

Being the FAVA godmother gave me the responsibility and permission to just let my full self shine. I did and was reminded that I shouldn’t need a role or excuse to be and do what I did at this festival – and am grateful for that lesson. I’ll never forget it.

When we shine our light, it gives others permission to shine. Please remember this next time you wonder if you can really fulfill the role of your dreams.

The Community

The reception, appreciation, generosity, enthusiasm, open-heartedness, etc. that circulated during the whole weekend and the days leading up to it was amazing.

Together, we raised our vibration. The more I gave, the more I had to give. The more I received, the more I allowed myself to receive.

As a godmother would, it was my pleasure to proudly share my Caraquet experience, FAVA, and the many wonders & miracles that took place while I lived my perfect role in such a warm-hearted community. If you follow me on Facebook, you know I enjoyed spreading the word about the love & beauty I witnessed in the heart of Acadian country.

From the organizers, staff, and volunteers who helped me with my events and showed me around town, to the light technician who helped my work shine, to the people in the streets that recognized me from my picture in the program they received in the mail, to the costumed characters at the Acadian Historic Village who crossed the time barrier to say they knew who I was – I felt so welcomed!

Yes, I could see how such attention could go to my head. Instead, I let it go to my heart.

I was scared when I came out of the visionary closet a few years back. It wasn’t easy to talk about things I’d learned to shut up about when I was a child. Intuition, however, is always an invitation to grow. I’m glad I followed guidance.

To be so welcomed, acknowledged, appreciated, and given a platform to be fully me without fear or resistance has left me a changed woman.

So I’ll keep asking:”What would love do now?”, “How can I be an instrument of thy Peace dear God and blessed Universe”. And I trust that my next perfect role is on its way.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

The Bucket List

Part of my vision for my life is that my teaching/ art will allow me to continue to travel the world exploring and expressing my love of beauty and the beauty of love.

Thanks to my FAVA sponsor, Tablo-Solution, my 2-week road trip across Newfoundland to New Brunswick was fully paid for.

I also got to check 2 things off my bucket list during this trip: the 7-hour ferry from Port-aux-Basques to North Sydney (which I’d read about in many NL -based novels) and a 2.5-day drive on the Cabot Trail on the island of Cape Breton on my way home from the festival.

I’ll write more about that in the next post.

I wonder… does an event in Ireland need a godmother? That’s still on my bucket list and my mandalas now have excellent crates to travel in. I’m ready! Hee hee.

I’ll keep visioning and generating the feelings of my ideal life and am open to what the next perfect role the Universe has in store for me.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

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Solstice Intentions – De-cluttering and Visioning

Painting "Lighting the Way"

“Lighting the Way” – prints available.

It’s 4:37am here in St. John’s, where a fresh layer of snow transformed the city overnight – the kind that sits prettily on the branches.

It was easy to remember that Solstice was just a few hours ago because my room was still lit up with 15 of the battery-operated flickering tea-light candles I’d purchased to decorate the Enter the Mandala Winter Solstice Event.

I know you want to hear how it went … Hold on. That’s coming at the end.

I’d ceremoniously placed these lights on or near symbolic objects I wanted to energize:

  • this self-portrait -“Lighting the Way” which honours my sources of Guidance
  • my new art brochures
  • my parents’ wedding portrait
  • my bookkeeping files
  • my 2016 agenda
  • my computer
  • my crucifix of the resurrected Christ (a happy colourful one)
  • a photo of one of my energy painting commissions
  • an image of unconditional love

So I’m writing this to candlelight – fake candlelight, but it’s all in the intention. And that’s what this post is about.

I’m focusing on my true intentions because I didn’t like what I’d answered in my dream.

Right before waking, an unseen voice asked me what my intentions were for 2016. I answered that I wanted to return to the Czech Republic to do some post-war photo-reportage.

But then another level of my consciousness piped in with “You said that because you watched a movie about a Second World War love story in Poland right before falling asleep. See how movies influence you? Is that really what you want the Universe to record as your intention?”

So I started composing this in my dream. Then I decided to wake up to write it down instead.

My Plans for Today

The 6 days before and after Solstice are powerful for transformational shifting. I’m using this energy to help set the pace for 2016.

Today, I’m going to continue cleaning up after Sunday’s event, clearing space in both my room and studio. I’ve always been a believer that de-cluttering allows us to let go of what no longer serves us to let in what does. I don’t want to start the new year in a mess.

Then, 2 of my friends are coming over for an intuitive vision board party.  Writing down your conscious intentions for the year ahead is one thing. Letting your intuition guide you in them is another. Last year’s board was instrumental in my decision-making. I look forward to seeing what comes up for me today. If you want to do one too, you can learn how in my “7 Easy Steps to Creating An Intuitive Vision Board“.

My Conscious Vision for 2016

So – to cancel my post-movie dream declaration, here’s what I’d like the Universe to hear as my reality for 2016. You’ll notice I use the present tense to avoid keeping my intentions in the perpetual future.

“I connect to my Self and Source every day, so that I may hear guidance and follow it with inspired action.

I’m present. In every moment. I’m healthy. I work when I’m inspired and take the time to nourish my body, mind, and spirit in nature, with friends, and exploring the world in which I’m called to.

I’m nourished by both my alone time and community time. I’m open to new opportunities of all kinds that serve my Highest Good and that of others. I stretch my comfort zones and grow. Clarity comes easily – I know when to say “yes” or “no”.

The right man for me has entered my life and we’re growing together, learning to love unconditionally with ease and grace.

Now that I’ve built this foundation for my new full-time art business, I’m thriving as an artist.

My Universal Law mandalas have found a permanent home where they can serve all those who are embraced in their energy. I continue to practice and share what they’re teaching me.

All of my original paintings for sale easily find loving homes where they inspire and support.

I’m hired by 2 energy painting commission clients and 10 intuitive reading clients a month for 10 months. Using my gifts in this way opens me more and more to the Light and Unconditional Love within me and all beings. I enjoy being of service in this way.

Interior decorators and private customers are drawn to my online shop to order both painting reproductions and photographic prints to raise the vibration of spaces and lives.

Life is fun. Life is peaceful. Life is meaningful. I’m happy no matter what.”

The Enter the Mandala Winter Solstice Event

Sunday’s event was the culmination of my year and of my initial vision for the Enter the Mandala Project. It was exactly as it was meant to be. And for that, I’m so grateful.

Our team of leaders and volunteers created a beautiful and sacred space for the participants. We were about 40 in the circle. The 13 lit mandalas held one side of the room while Regina and Leslie’s altars held the other.

The day flowed through ceremony, meditation, visionary storytelling, a delicious lunch, drumming and chanting, sound healing with crystal bowls, chakra dancing, mandala drawing, and conversation on raising our vibration through self-awareness.  It was exactly the kind of Solstice event I wanted to attend. It felt so good to receive my co-leaders gifts. It felt just as good sharing mine.  And what a heart-opener to be a witness to the experiences of those who chose to attend.

We stayed open for the public after our closing circle. Very few came despite all the marketing, but I know that everyone who did was touched by their experience.

Our day was about quality, not quantity. We all put so much into it. And it was worth it on levels we cannot begin to understand. I know we helped those in attendance make a difference in their lives. It made a difference in mine. How can that be measured in numbers and dollars?!

Sunday provided me yet another mirror for my Self – showing me my gifts and my growth as well as the thoughts and patterns that still cloud my true vision. It was a gift to my Self and to my community.

And now I need a rest. This was a huge year. I pushed myself hard – harder than was necessary. I do that.

You’ll hear more about that on the 29th (I already wrote that post so I can take time off the computer while in Ottawa with family for the New Year).



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“All In One” – A Summary of the Twelve Universal Laws

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The Law of Rhythm: Enter the Mandala



Welcome to the Law of Rhythm. This is  Mandala #11 in the Enter the Mandala Project, an artistic and spiritual quest to better understand the 12 Universal Laws.

The Law of Rhythm tells us that nothing is random. There’s order in the Universe through the repetitive movement, patterns, and cycles in everything:

  • the waxing and waning of the moon and planets
  • the ebb and flow of the oceans
  • the cycle of the seasons
  • the peaks and dips in the economy, politics, spirituality, and relationships
  • the ups and downs in our emotional, physical and mental energy
  • the successes and challenges in business,
  • etc.

Everything is either growing or dying.

By understanding this rhythm, we can act accordingly and sensibly.

Mastering the Law of Rhythm means finding balance and equanimity no matter which way the pendulum is swinging.  

It’s about getting off the emotional roller coaster to be in a state of inner peace and joy, no matter what.

Before getting more into the specifics of how to use the Law of Rhythm to your advantage, let me take you through the intuitive and creative process behind this painting.

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Listen In

I love the Guided Visual Journeys my team of Divine Helpers take me on. 

I ask a question, close my eyes, and start downloading a mini-movie filled with amazing imagery and symbolism. The interpretation comes later.

Listen in – this is the intuitive reading that gave birth to the Law of Rhythm mandala (18 minutes).

And here’s the Spirit Calling Card spread I got at the beginning of the reading.  They were right – the symbolism they gave me for this painting was very clear.


Would you like an intuitive reading to support your path to your Highest Good?

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The Creative Process

I didn’t know the names of all 12 laws before I started this project. But when my Guides asked me to do 12 mandalas on the Universal Laws, I found the list of 12 online. Right before I start my intuitive reading, I read an introduction sentence or two on each.  But it’s only after I’m done the Guided Visual Journey and painting that I like to read what others say about the Law online.

It’s amazing how this time, almost all the symbolism that’s in the painting was talked about on other sites. What great confirmation!

My Guided Visual Journey was accompanied by sound this time – the rhythmic tic tock of the clock or metronome. My first 3 layers of repetitive patterns and cycles were created to this rhythm.

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The Symbolism Close-Up

The Ginger Bread Man

The symbolism for the Law of Rhythm was really clear…

Except for the gingerbread man.

It was cute seeing him rock side to side as he walked to to the rhythm of the tic tock.  I smiled when he appeared again swinging from the pendulum. But if it wasn’t for Google, I don’t think I would’ve figured out why he appeared here.

Do you remember the story of the gingerbread man? I didn’t.

He escaped from the old woman who baked him only to be chased by a pig, cow, and horse. In the end, a fox tricked and ate him.

According to Wikipedia, the story “depends on rhythm and repetition for its effect with one event following hard upon another until the climax is reached”.  That’s life – rhythm and repetition. The trick is not letting it take you off guard. Don’t let it eat you up!

In my painting, I linked the gingerbread man to the emotional roller coaster that comes from not understanding the Law of Rhythm. What goes up must come down. But if you get that it’s all part of the ride, you’ll enjoy the journey more.

The Monk

In my vision, I saw a monk sitting on an island of calm.

I painted him under a 3-D disk of gel. When I apply this medium, it’s white. But it spreads for hours and takes about a day to dry. Observing this process reminded me of the patience and time it takes to train the mind.


Take a look. The roller coaster that started at the extremes turns into gamma brain waves on each side of the monk. This represents the transcendental mental states scientists found while studying Tibetan monks in meditation.

Your Turn

Can you see how the rhythm of nature is reflected in the cycles of life and everything in it?

How is this true in your

  • health & fitness?
  • relationships?
  • personal finances?
  • productivity?
  • emotions?

Are you living in the world of extremes or finding balance to overcome the negative downturns?

Know that the pendulum will keep swinging. If it’s down, know that it’s going to head back up. Don’t sabotage yourself by lowering your vibration and getting depressed. If it’s up, don’t overindulge so that there’s nothing left when it starts heading down again.


If your income is flowing in big time, don’t spend it all. Save some for when there’s a natural slow down in cash flow.

If you’re in a peak physical state for some competition, know it won’t stay that way forever. You’ll need rest. You can’t keep pushing yourself to the max year-round.

If the contracts / clients aren’t as frequent during a period of the year, take the time to learn new skills and create new products.

If your relationship is going through a rough patch, focus on being more unconditionally loving – to yourself and your partner. It doesn’t always mean it’s over.

If you’re mentally tired and not as productive as you’d like, don’t give up.  Take advantage of that natural flow to schedule time in nature or networking opportunities.

Basically, don’t fight the cycles. Work with them to your advantage.

Can you think of other examples to help us understand? Please add your comments to the discussion below.


Go to Mandala #10: The Law of Polarity
Go to Mandala #12: Law of Gender
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Purchase the Collection of Original Paintings.
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The Law of Polarity – Enter the Mandala

Law-of-Polarity-Dominique-HurleyWelcome to #10 in the Enter the Mandala Project, a series of 12 mandala paintings based on intuitive readings for each of the Universal Laws.

By entering this mandala, you’ll better understand “The Law Polarity”

What does it  mean?  This is how my Guides explained it. See if you can spot how I represented it in the painting.

We live in a dualistic world. It’s what makes existence possible. 

There’s no

  • left without right,
  • big without small,
  • north without south,
  • light without dark,
  • up without down,
  • hot without cold,
  • plus without minus,
  • success without failure,
  • etc.

The beauty is that there’s a whole continuum of existence between those polar opposites.

When you focus on the opposite of what you don’t want, you start moving along the continuum towards what you want.

Where attention goes, energy flows.

So if your thoughts aren’t serving you, think the opposite. If your actions aren’t serving you, do the opposite.  You always have a choice.

Which way do you want to tip the scale?  Which escalator will you get on?

Don’t criticize or condemn where you are. It’s what makes the opposite possible.

In every problem lies the potential for a solution. In every failure is the seed for success.

Learn from it.  Grow from it. Use the Law of Polarity to your advantage.

But don’t focus on the problem or failure.  Just know that it holds the opportunity for the opposite.

This reminds me of The Work by Byron Katie.  Through a series of 4 questions, you identify and examine the thoughts that cause anger, fear, depression, addiction, and violence in the world. These 4 questions help you turn that around to truly experience peace and happiness:

  1. Is it true?
  2. Can you absolutely know that it’s true?
  3. How do you react, what happens, when you believe that thought?
  4. Who would you be without the thought?

It’s up to you to explore and experience life to its fullest.

If you don’t like where you’re standing on the continuum, turn around. Look the other way. You’ll naturally flow towards where you’re pointing. 

Keep reading to learn more about the intuitive process, creative process, and symbolism in this Law of Polarity mandala.

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The Intuitive Reading

The imagery in this reading was so much fun! I couldn’t wait to start painting.

You can listen in here (13 minutes). It starts with a Spirit Calling Card reading and then goes into one of my guided visual journeys – the mini-movies I download from Source / my Guides / The Universe.

These are the Spirit Calling Cards that started the intuitive process. SCC-TemplateI knew it was going to be great!

The Creative Process

In my usual intuitive painting process, I only know where it’s going one layer at a time. But because of all the symbolism given to me in the intuitive reading, I have more of a direction before it starts. Watch it evolve.

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More on the Symbolism in the Law of Polarity Mandala

The Circus

Life’s a circus. It’s power to engage, empower, educate, excite and entertain you rests in the kind of circus you choose to attend.  

There’s the boring ones where the animals are mistreated and the the staff is disgruntled, unmotivated, greedy, abused, abusive, and angry. Think freak shows, pickpockets, deadly elephants, and debauchery behind the scenes.

Or there’s the one created from a spirit of camaraderie, excellence, skill, balance, stamina, creativity, imagination, artistry, beauty, and daringness. Think Cirque du Soleil.

You’re the acrobat, the unicycle riding juggler, the clown, and the rider in this circus of life.

With focus, training, and motivation you can create the momentum to travel to the side of the continuum you want to live on. You can have the relationships, circumstances, abundance and happiness you want.

The Tower & The Tools

One of the characters in my vision was under the illusion of being trapped in a tower (the outer ring of the mandala). But there were staircases all around that tower! She just wasn’t looking the right way.

The tower symbolizes the mental and physical limitations we create within and around ourselves. It’s our self-limiting beliefs.

Law-of-Polarity-detail-Dominique-Hurley-DLH_2816At the top of that tower lay tools and symbols of various faiths (mala beads, prayer rug, sacred books, etc.).

It felt like a buffet of resources. There was something there for everyone. It didn’t matter which tools or belief system you picked up, as long it supported you in your desire to live a full and happy life.

This meant using the tools for the Highest Good.

But as history shows, these same tools can be used for the opposite. They’ve led to war and fanaticism. It’s all part of the same continuum.  But where war and fanaticism exist, so does the opportunity for peace, harmony, unity, and respect.


Law-of-Polarity-detail-Dominique-Hurley-DLH_2830Although Stonehenge was only one of the symbols I saw at the top of the tower, I was moved to give it more prominence in the painting.

When I looked up its symbolism after I finished, I learned that new studies suggest it was built as a symbol of unity and peace between east and west after a time of intense conflict.

According to the same article, it was a centre of balance in a world of polarities.

The solstice-aligned avenue between the stones sits on a series of natural landforms which mark out the midsummer sunrise and midwinter sunset, suggesting people may have seen the spot as the “centre of the world”.

I especially liked the description on another website that describes what you can experience after you enter the symbolic gateway.

From then on, attaining the intermediary zone of the structure meant achieving the fullness of the human nature. That mostly meant surpassing his own contradictions and rediscovering unity beyond oppositions: fear and aggressiveness, sadness and anger, doubts and credo etc. Opposites as doubt and credo are overcome by trust. Similarly, the resolution of the antagonisms like sadness and anger is accomplished by compassion. As for the dilemma between fear and aggressiveness, it can only be solved by love and sharing.

The same author describes the central zone as a reconciliation of opposites –  day and night, light and dark, and a world of duality. By becoming One with the centre of the world, you reached “Unity at the source of the manifestation of everything”.

Learning how the Law of Polarity works will help you create a life of balance, gratitude, abundance, unity, and harmony.

It depends on your choices and willingness. With self-awareness, education, experience, and belief, it’s all possible.

The trick is to accept whatever shows up in your life instead of resisting it.  Know that your challenges happen for you and not to you.  What gifts, what seeds, what opportunities do they hold?

Then turn around and head the other way, shaping the outcomes you desire.

How can the Law of Polarity work in your life today? Please share your examples and reflections in the comments below. Trust that you’ll inspire us all. Thanks.


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