Tune In #27: Planting Seeds

You’re planting seeds every day – through your thoughts, feelings, actions, and vision. Your inner and outer landscapes are a result of the seeds you planted in your past.

What kind of growth would you like to see in your future? What seeds do you need to plant right now?

Let your intuition guide you. Tune in!

Pick the photo that attracts you the most and scroll down to start planting seeds that are right for you. 

Tune In 27 - Planting Seeds

As you contemplate your chosen image, also add your own interpretation. This is a great way to exercise your intuitive muscles. Why do you think that image is calling you?

Want to find out what I’m inspired to create for you next? Join my mailing list and get a free guided meditation mp3.

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#1 – Serenity

"Serenity" from the Treedom Collection

Are you able to stay calm, peaceful, and untroubled in the midst of chaos?

Or are you thrown off kilter by changes in plans, unexpected results, world news, and unhappy people?

Wouldn’t you like to be the eye of the storm instead of jumping right into the drama, adding more energy to it?

Serenity is something you can nurture within yourself so you can act instead of react to life.

The more deeply rooted you are in your own serenity, the stronger a source of peace you’ll be for those around you. They’ll gravitate to you. Your very presence will calm them down. What a gift!

If you’ve picked this photo, you’re asked to check in on your serenity levels. Then take inspired action to become more peace-full.

  • Do what you need this week to nourish your spirit: rest, breathe deeply, meditate, and de-stress in healthy ways.
  • Simplify your life – be it your space or your schedule. With more room to breathe, you’ll breathe easier and be more loving (see this post).
  • Be patient with yourself. It takes time for the seeds of serenity to germinate and grow. Keep practicing with self-love.

So what do you need to be more at peace with everyone and everything?  Schedule it right away. You’re worth it!

* Need more guidance? I do intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on these to learn more.

#2 – Generosity

"Generosity" from the Treedom Collection

According to the Law of Compensation, the more you give, the more you get.

The opposite is also true. The less you give, the less you get.

If you’ve picked this photo, you’re asked to reflect on both your level and quality of contribution.

Take note. True generosity comes from planting healthy seeds. Their energy is pure.

So keep an eye on your motives. You don’t want to be planting tainted seeds. Giving just to get doesn’t work.

  • Are you being generous or manipulative? Do you help others just so they can owe you a favour? Do you expect or demand reciprocity though guilt?
  • Are you a gift-giver just to be liked?
  • Do you give advice just to increase your sense of self-importance?
  • Do you volunteer because it’ll look good on your resume or gain you recognition?
  • Do you donate out of a sense of obligation?

There’s a difference between giving to get and receiving through giving.

Giving feels great when it’s aligned with your beliefs and values. It increases your happiness, opens your heart, supports cooperation, promotes gratitude, inspires more giving, and is good for your health. That’s part of the abundance the Universe returns for your generosity.

So back to the question: How can you be more generous? Is this a question of quantity, quality, or both for you?

Let your generosity be inspired, not forced. The quality of energy you put into your gifts will affect the difference they make in the world.

* Need more guidance? I do intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on these to learn more.

#3 – Stillness

"Stillness" from the Treedom Collection

Be still.

Quieten your mind and your heart to reconnect to your essence.

This is easier said then done.

If you’ve picked this photo, you’re invited to carve out time in your busy schedule to connect to Source through stillness.

Start by setting your intention. Expressing it through rituals can help: prayer, smudging, lighting a candle, pouring a hot bath, sitting in a dedicated spot, etc.

Then meditate or focus your attention in a way that calls you.

You might:

  • sit in silence with your eyes closed to slowly scan your body from head to toe,
  • focus on your breath,
  • listen to a guided meditation,
  • repeat a high-vibration phrase or Sanskrit mantra,
  • contemplate the wind in the trees and the birds in the sky, etc.

Simply observe where your mind goes without judgment and gently redirect it back to your point of focus.

And breathe deeply so that Life Force fills your lungs and spreads throughout your body. Your breath is your connection to Spirit. It’ll help you decrease the static on the line between you and your team of Divine Helpers for clearer communication.

Whatever stillness practice you use, know that you’re planting seeds of awareness, connection, and wellness in your body, mind, and spirit.

* Need more guidance? I do intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on these to learn more.

#4 – Witness

"Witness" from the Treedom Collection

Don’t you feel all warm and fuzzy inside when you know that someone’s truly seen and heard you?

They’ve shared in your sorrows and joys by simply being there – open and accepting.

If you’ve picked this photo, you’re invited to become more of a witness in the lives of others. Really listen. Share in their experience.

Be fully present, whether you bump into a friend at the store for 2 minutes, share a meal with your family, or meet someone new at a networking event.

Be careful not to jump right in with your story or try to fix the situation with your advice.

Try not to compare yourself or your situation to theirs. Gently bring your focus back to them. Witness their truth of the moment.

See and accept them for who and how they are right now. Acknowledge the beauty of their perfection in their imperfection.

Life isn’t meant to be lived alone. Being human is a shared experience. By being a witness to the ups and downs of those who entrust you with their moments and stories, you connect the Spirit in you to the Spirit in them. You’re planting the seeds of love.

Go ahead. Practice truly seeing and listening to the people you meet today. Be the witness they deserve!

* Need more guidance? I do intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on these to learn more.

Planting Seeds

What seeds have you planted today? Please comment below on how your image and its message will grow within your heart and your life. Thanks.

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Tune In #26: Connect Up

How can you best connect up to life’s opportunities, like-minded people, your Team of Divine Helpers, etc.? Tune in and find out!

  • Pick the photo that attracts you most and ask your heart “How can I best connect up to what’s in my Highest Good this week ?”
  • Contemplate your image for answers before reading the text below. It’ll strengthen your intuition.
  • Journal before and after to go even deeper into the messages of your heart.

Tune In 26- Connect

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#1 – Vision

"Vision" from the Connection Collection

It’s OK to have your head in the clouds for short periods of time every day. Actually, it’s fantastic!

In order to connect up with the life you want, you need to imagine what that life looks like, feels like, is like.

Visionaries blend wisdom and imagination to create new possibilities. Inventors first give birth to innovation in their minds.

So go ahead. Fill your head with what might seem to others as unrealistic ideas. Imagine already being and having what it is you want. Schedule visionary breaks and invite the angels to play with you.

Have fun this week exercising creative daydreaming in line-ups, on your daily bus ride, while brushing your teeth, or right after waking up.

Explore the manifestation powers of your mind.

But don’t forget to come back into the here and now with those feelings and visions. Let their essence inspire creativity and action.

P.S. This image was digitally created using a photograph of a horse and the sky above it.

* Need more guidance? I do intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on these to learn more.

#2 – Impact

"Impact" from the Connection Collection

You’ve heard the slogan “Just Do It!”, right?

Well, it’s time.

You’ve been in your head long enough.

Stretch your comfort zones and grow through action.

Dive into that project that’s been calling you.

Go to that class to learn what you need.

Tackle that problem head-on.

Join that club to meet like-minded people.

Ask that person out for lunch.

Call that potential client or collaborator.

Make an impact in your life and in the world around you this week by moving ahead in the areas that both excite and scare you.

Take action!

P.S. Sitting in a zodiac and watching this humpback whale coming straight at us was exhilarating. It’s boldness and curiosity had a great impact on me.

* Need more guidance? I do intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on these to learn more.

#3 – Mystery

"Mystery" from the Connection Collection

Your first job as a co-creator with the Universe is to have a clear vision of what it is you’d like to live, have, create, etc.

Your next job is to let go of how that will manifest. Don’t try to force things to happen your way.

If you’ve picked this photo, you’re being reminded to let go of control. Have faith, trust, believe! Embrace the mystery. Get comfortable with the unknown. Let your plan evolve through inspiration.

Focus on what’s working and keep your energy aligned with the end result to keep attracting it to you. Don’t put the energetic brakes on by focusing on what you don’t have or the fact things aren’t working as you’d planned.

If you’re so bound on things manifesting in a particular way, you may miss the magical opportunities right in front of you.

For example, if it’s more money you need for a project, you may be so fixated on having your loan approved that you didn’t pay attention to a lucrative short-term contract proposal or an acquaintance’s offer to volunteer, which would reduce the costs of the project. Let your angels get creative and be ready to receive.

Stay excited about your vision and focus on the beauty of the co-creative process. Know your “what”, but leave the “how” up to the Universe.

Then keep your eyes, ears, and heart open. You’ll be inspired to take the necessary actions to achieve your goals and recognize alternative solutions to your challenges.

* Need more guidance? I do intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on these to learn more.

#4 – Trinity

"Trinity" from the Connection Collection

What does the word “trinity” bring to heart for you?

Is it:

  • Father, Son, Holy Ghost
  • Mother, Father, Child
  • Past, Present, Future
  • Body, Mind, Spirit
  • Creation, Preservation, Destruction
  • Thought, Feeling, Emotion
  • Maiden,Mother, Crone
  • Power, Wisdom, Love
  • other?

If you’ve picked this photo, you’re asked to reflect on how to best connect up to the three prongs of the trinity to empower your life.

Do you have an equally strong relationship with all three? Have you neglected any?

Are you stuck in one phases resisting the natural progression to the next?

Take some time to ponder why you chose this image and what your soul is calling you to be and do in response.

* Need more guidance? I do intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on these to learn more.

How Are You Connecting Up?

I’d love to hear one specific way your image and its text has inspired you. Please share in the comments below.

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Tune In #25: Come Into Bloom

Tune In 25-Come Into BloomTune in to your intuition and come into bloom. It’s your time!

Which of these 4 photographs attracts you most today? Pick one.

Then scroll down to find out which area of your life is ready to blossom.

The text is just another tool for you to tap into the messages from your heart. Make sure to add your own interpretation.

You’re truly the best to figure out why you feel called to a particular life-enhancing energy-infused image.

P.S. These photos are all from my Blossoming Collection.

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#1 – Unconditional

"Unconditional" from the Blossoming Collection

“Love sees the thorns but cherishes the rose anyway.”
― Jeffrey Fry

To love someone unconditionally is to see and accept that person for who he or she truly is.

If you’ve picked this photo, you’re invited to contemplate all your relationships.

Do the people in your life feel comfortable showing their true colours to you? Or do they wear masks because the price of being themselves in your presence is too high?

You can’t change how they choose to be. But you can certainly cultivate a more accepting and loving environment for them to grow in.

To really love, you first need to truly see. That means it’s important to look beyond the masks and mud to reconnect to the truth.

One way to encourage others to be who they truly are is to show yourself as you truly are. Show both your flowers and your thorns. Be honest. Be vulnerable. Be quirky. Be brilliant.

By seeing, accepting, and loving yourself for who you truly are, you’re opening the garden gate to others. They may feel freer to blossom in your light. Some won’t like it, but that’s their choice.

Living your life as someone else defeats the purpose of being alive. So be your Self and allow others to do the same.

As they reveal their essence to you, check in with your heart to see if you’re fully appreciating them, thorns and all.

Are you open to their differences? Can you empathize or sympathize with their growing pains? Can you celebrate their buds and their blossoms?

May you grow in both your giving and receiving of unconditional love.

* Need more guidance? I do intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on these to learn more.

#2 – Allowing

"Allowing" from the Blossoming Collection

Doesn’t it feel great to give?

Do you like to give gifts, advice, donations, affection, time, or help?

Do you enjoy organizing parties or preparing meals for friends and family?

For someone to express their joy of giving, there needs to be someone whose equally happy to receive.

If that person, however, is so focused on what they don’t have, they close themselves off from you. They won’t even see your gift, appreciate your love, or hear the invitation.

If you’ve picked this photo, you’re being asked to explore the ways you can allow the Universe’s abundance into your life. How can you become a better receiver?

Do you graciously receive gifts and compliments? Are you open to asking for and receiving help?

Can you let go of control for even better solutions to present themselves?

Are you allowing the flow of energy into your life – be it love, money, inspiration, well-being, experiences, etc.?

Allowing is an art. It’s at the core of the Law of Attraction.

Get in touch with your heart’s desires in any area of your life. Appreciate what you already have and imagine the feeling of having more of it.

Like attracts like. So if you’re broadcasting to the Universe your appreciation for the money or love you already have, you’ll attract even more to you.

Allowing means not resisting how the energy of your thoughts and feelings work.

If your thoughts turn to lack, for example, it’s like closing yourself off from the flow of abundance. It’ll pass you by.

Get the flow moving. Be open. Ask and you shall receive. The Universe loves to give.

Think, act, and feel as though you’re abundant right now. In truth, you are! Once you allow for that truth to sink in, you’ll become a much better receiver to gifts of the Universe.

* Need more guidance? I do intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on these to learn more.

#3 – Geisha

"Geisha" from the Blossoming Collection

Sometimes misunderstood, the Japanese Geisha is a professional entertainer, not a prostitute.

She’s a highly cultured woman trained in the arts of dance, music, conversation, and yes, a little flirtation.

In traditional Japanese culture, the wife’s role was to be modest and responsible. The Geisha’s role was to be skilled, entertaining and seemingly carefree.

If you’ve picked this card, you’re being asked to contemplate the balance of these qualities within yourself and your relationship.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a man, woman, single, or married.

Are you blooming true or hiding parts of your authentic beauty? Have you become too serious and blasé about life?

If you’re in a committed relationship, are you both a friend and a lover? Or have you become more of a mother / father to your partner?

How can you be more entertaining with and for each other? What skills would you like to bring into your relationship? Dancing, communication, cooking, Kamasutra positions?

If you’re single, are you so focused on your work that you’ve stifled your need for culture?

What skills would you like to add to your life? Painting, music, dancing, etc.? You don’t need someone else to get dressed up for or go out with – get glamourous for the fun of it!

So go ahead! Bring your Geisha side out, so you can form, nurture and grow your relationship to Self and others!

* Need more guidance? I do intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on these to learn more.

#4 – Sun-Kissed

"Sun-Kissed" from the Blossoming Collection

Are you bored or overworked?

It’s time to have fun outdoors!

If you’ve picked this photo, your soul is calling you to shake things up a little.

What can you do outside to raise your vibration? What brings you joy!

It’s never a waste of time to boost your batteries.

Get out in the sunshine and bask in the wonder of being human.

Feel the sun on your skin and the breeze in your hair! Stop and smell the flowers! Make snow angels! Play!

Beware of energy-sapping escapism. This isn’t about losing yourself. It’s about reconnecting to your Self and nature in fulfilling ways.

This could be on your own or with friends. Perhaps it’s travel, photography, nature contemplation, or skiing. Whatever it is, make time for it and do it soon.

You’re worth it!

* Need more guidance? I do intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on these to learn more.

How Will You Come Into Bloom?

What’s one inspired action you’ll take in the next few days to come into bloom? Please share in the comments below.

Surround Yourself with Beauty.

It’s so important to surround yourself with art that support you on your journey to your Highest Good. Does your artwork raise your vibration and inspire you to connect to your True Self?

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Tune In #24: Your Treedom of Choice

Want to find out what your intuition is saying to you? Tune in! 

Pick the tree photo that attracts you most. 

Then, scroll down to find out how it’s asking you to exercise your treedom of choice. 

As you contemplate your chosen image, also add your own interpretation. This is a great way to work out your intuitive muscles. Why do you think that image is calling you?

Tune In 24 - Treedom of Choice

Always take what serves you and leave the rest.

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#1 -Perception

"Perception" from the Treedom Collection

How you understand or interpret what’s happening in front of you will depend on your perception.

How do you see, hear, or feel your environment?

Are you focusing on the light or the shadows? Do you have a filter of love or fear?

You may have learned a fearful approach from your parents or circumstances. But habits can change. It’s your choice.

As you walk through your day, simply become aware of your default choice.

  • How do you act or react when you see a homeless person?
  • How do you feel when the phone rings?
  • Where do your thoughts go when you’re dealing with money?
  • What goes on inside you when someone gives you a compliment?
  • Do you feel jealous or happy for those spreading good news on social media?
  • How do you act or react to the fluctuations in your business?
  • etc.

Every moment of your waking day is a window into the world you’re creating for yourself through your perceptions.

Don’t beat yourself up for your limiting beliefs and patterns. They’re a gift and a teacher.

The more you understand what love and fear feel like in your body, the better equipped you’ll be to choose love.

If you’re constantly checking in with your observer Self as you act and react to life, you’ll start redirecting your gaze and your ways.

So write yourself some post-it notes or activate a chime on your phone every 15 minutes as a reminder to check-in. In that moment, are you in love with life or in fear of it? Is it time to switch filters?

Your Truth is love. May you find your way back to it over and over again. Namaste.

* Need more guidance? I do intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on these to learn more.

#2 – Freedom

"Freedom" from the Treedom Collection

“We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” Viktor Frankl – Holocaust Survivor & Psychoanalyst

Viktor Frankl discovered the difference between liberty and freedom during the war. His book “Man’s Search for Meaning” is a powerful testimony to it.

Liberty is the freedom granted to you from society or some other external control. Prisoners, for example, have limited liberty.

Freedom, on the other hand, is the power to act or think in your chosen way no matter your external circumstances. It’s the choice you make in that space between stimulus and response.

Viktor Frankl trained himself to exercise his freedom until it grew beyond the limits of liberty. He practiced mental, emotional and moral disciplines through memory and imagination. In the end, he had more freedom than his Nazi captors.

So how does this relate to you?

Do you have limited liberty in your life right now because of your circumstances? Are you:

  • a busy parent
  • a caregiver to your elderly relative
  • working in a job with excessively high demands
  • limited financially,
  • physically disabled or ill?

You get the picture. Are you feeling ‘imprisoned’ by anything in your life?

If you’ve picked this photo, there’s an invitation here for you to grow through your imagination. Visualize what it is you want. Feel it. Dance in your mind even if you’re bedridden. Close your eyes for 5 minutes during your busy work day and walk on a tropical beach with the sand and salt water between your toes.

Be happy. Be free.

Exercise your power of freedom to choose how you’ll act, think, or feel in your circumstances. Make life-enhancing choices in that space between stimulus and response.

Ask your angels for support. They’re always there to help, but you need to ask. That’s also part of free will.

* Need more guidance? I do intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on these to learn more.

#3 – As Above So Below

"As Above So Below" from the Treedom Collection

According to the Law of Correspondence, the world as you see and experience it emanates from your thoughts and feelings. The more you nurture and cultivate your inner world, the more your outer world will match your true essence.

As above, so below, as within, so without…”  Hermes Trismegistus

Your current reality has sprouted from your mind.

How do you feel when you read that? Is there resistance?

Where in your life can you acknowledge this?

In which areas is this harder to accept?

Moment by moment, you can choose light or darkness – love or fear.

Your mind is your gateway to transformation! Isn’t that wonderful?! You don’t have to go looking for it – you already have all you need to change either your life or how you perceive it.

Take this moment, for example. Does reading this make you want to beat yourself up for your failure to create the world you truly want? Are you experiencing any negative feelings about yourself, the text, or me? Or are you reading this with hope and empowerment, grateful for the reminder that you can create a new reality?

Just like with our friends the trees, your full potential in this world already lies within you. By tapping into your true essence and nurturing your growth, you can evolve as you were meant to do / be.

With every new day, you’re given another opportunity to re-create a world more aligned with your Truth. What can you do or how can you be today to cultivate the ground in which your future grows?

* Need more guidance? I do intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on these to learn more.

#4 – Stand By Me

"Stand by Me" from the Treedom Collection

You’re not alone. You’re never alone.

You’re constantly floating in a sea of unconditional love – supported and carried upon its all-seeing, all-accepting waves.

If you’re not feeling it though, your imagination can help.

You’ve heard of fake it til you make it? So go ahead. Pretend. It’ll help you let go of the real illusion – your disconnection from Source.

See yourself standing in a beam of light. Imagine that you’re being showered by the Creator’s pure love. See His messengers, the angels and archangels, standing all around you. They are! Have a group hug if you like that idea. Stay in that vision for as long as it takes to melt your resistance.  Ask them to help you let go of all that no longer serves you in body, mind, or spirit.

Take a walk in nature and imagine that every tree is a source of eternal wisdom. Touch or hug one and pretend that it’s infusing you with both grounding and connecting energy. It is! Let Mother Earth nourish you. Connect with her through your bare skin and imagine her sucking out of you all negativity, tiredness, concerns, etc. She is!

Now pretend that your family, friends, colleagues, and strangers are a reflection of Source here on Earth.  They are! Imagine that God lives within them as He/She does in you. Let the Spirit in you honour the Spirit in them in the way you talk, listen, interact, and treat them.

You’re never alone. You may feel lonely at times, but that’s because you’re feeling disconnected from the truth. Reality is that you’re always in the presence of pure unconditional love. Simply use your imagination to melt away any resistance to it. Let it in. It’s already yours.

* Need more guidance? I do intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on these to learn more.

How Will You Exercise Your Treedom of Choice?

What’s one blessing that your pick of photos and its text has given you today? Please comment below.

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Tune In #23: What’s Your Transformation Affirmation?

As we near the new year, you’re invited to adopt a transformation affirmation to support you in your growth.

Affirmations work. As long as you can feel the seed of truth in an affirmation, repeating it can help you transform your reality by influencing your feelings, your vibration, and your power of attraction.

So tune in.  

  1. Pick the photo that attracts you most.
  2. Feel what guidance it has for you.
  3. Read the text below and either adopt its affirmation or write  your own (in the present tense).

Tune in 22-Your Transformation Affirmation

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#1 – Unfolding

"Unfolding" from the Transformation Collection

“I create my reality.”

I create my reality
Through my thoughts,
Emotions, actions,
and vibration.

My life is unfolding perfectly.
Everything that happens, happens for a reason.
I love what is,
Knowing that I created it
So I could learn and grow.
My challenges happen for me, not to me.

I am tapped into my guidance.
Intuition is the wind in my sails.
It drives me to inspired action.
It fuels the transformation.

* Need more guidance? I do intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on these to learn more.

#2 – Transformation

"Transformation" from the Transformation Collection

“I am a radiant being filled with light and love.”

Blessed be the day I was born
A splash of colour
From the Creator’s palette.
I am a radiant being
Filled with light and love
For my Self, Source,
And all that is.

Make me a vessel
of your Joy.
Make me an instrument
Of Thy Peace
So that my unique soul imprint
In the fabric of life
Can be an agent of change
In myself and the world around me.

* Need more guidance? I do intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on these to learn more.

#3 – Harvest

"Harvest" from the Transformation Collection

“I give and receive love easily and joyfully”.

I live in the essence of abundance,
Rejoicing in the eternal harvest
Of opportunity and possibility.

As I work with the law of karma
To transform my inner landscape,
My intentions inspire action
My actions cause reaction.

I give and receive love
Easily and joyfully.
As I smile, the world smiles back.

I feel grounded
In the knowledge that
I reap what I sow
And from here, I continue to grow.

* Need more guidance? I do intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on these to learn more.

Share Your Transformation Affirmation

What affirmation resonates with your goals for 2018? Did you keep the one from the text or make your own?

Email it to yourself, leave post it notes on your mirrors, call it in to your voice mail, get creative with it.

I’d love if you shared one difference you envision for your life from using your transformation affirmation. Please comment below.

Add Art to the Heart of Your Home & Office.

It’s so important to surround yourself with visuals that support you on your journey to your Highest Good. Does your artwork raise your vibration and support your personal transformation?

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Tune In #22: What’s Your Stepping Stone?

What can help you progress towards your goals? Tune in! Pick a photo and discover what stepping stone your Divine Helpers are laying down on your Path. 

First, contemplate what you feel your photograph is saying to you.

Then scroll down for extra guidance.

Tune In 22 - What's Your Stepping Stone?

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#1 – Reflection

"Reflection" from the Connection Collection

Things are looking up!

You’ve been busy doing the groundwork and your magic is shining all around you.

Can you see it?

Stop the busy-ness for a few minutes and contemplate how your radiance is lighting up your inner and outer space. Where can you see the reflections of both your being and doing?

As an instrument of God’s love (or whatever term you’re comfortable with), you’re helping spread the Light (yours as a reflection of the Creator’s).

Bask in the luminosity of your efforts and what they’ve inspired in others.

As you witness the effects of your own Light, you fuel your flame and spark new ideas of how to brighten your days and those of others.

Your stepping stone rests in your recognizing your own value. If you don’t value yourself, no one else will. To make a difference in the world, you need to own your power and its Source, whatever you call it.

You’re here to illuminate. You’re already doing it. Acknowledge your role as a microcosm of the divine and don’t be afraid to shine! We need it. We love it! We’re grateful for it!

* Need more guidance? I do intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on these to learn more.

#2 – Remembering

"Remembering" from the Connection Collection

What task, project, or goal do you need help with?

If you’ve picked this photo, your stepping stone lies in the recesses of your mind.

Trust that you have what you need. You just have to remember what that is and dig it out of your tool box to put it to good use.

Sometimes, we busy ourselves with yet another course, book, or more research. Is that really necessary?

You already know the person you need to contact to help you with your project. You already have the resources or skills necessary to achieve your goals.

For example, if you’re looking to discover your purpose in life, look to your past to see what brought you the greatest joy growing up.

If you’re looking to make good investments, reconnect with a blogger you used to follow or seek the advice of an expert you once heard about in your social or professional circles.

If you’re having issues in your relationship with your dog, look at the book that’s already on your shelf, connect with that behavioural therapist whose card is in your desk,  or re-watch a TV show that matched your philosophy.

Your memory is like a filing cabinet filled with valuable information and resources.

But don’t waste time digging in too deep. Ask your guardian angel for help remembering. Spend a few moments staying open to the information being pulled out for you. If it doesn’t come up right away, go on to other tasks and it’ll likely pop out on its own or in a dream.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#3 – Treasures

"Treasures" from the Connection Collection

You are so abundant!

By focusing on what you already have, you’re opening yourself to the energy flow of even greater abundance.

Your stepping stone to true happiness lies in your gratefulness for the treasures in your life.

Take out a piece of paper and pen and start listing your answers to these questions.

  • What do you already appreciate in your physical environment or location?
  • Whose loving presence helps you connect to the love inside you?
  • What activities bring you the most satisfaction and fun?
  • What aspects of your business or career are the most fulfilling?
  • What has already nourished you on your path of personal or spiritual growth?
  • How are you healthy and well?
  • How have your finances already served you?
  • How are your challenges a gift?

Where attention goes, energy flows.

If you focus your attention on your own treasure chest, it’ll magically seem fuller and keep on filling.

Enjoy the process!

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#4 – Timeless

"Timeless" from the Connection Collection

“True imagination is not fanciful daydreaming; it is fire from heaven.” Ernest Holmes

Were you slapped on the wrist for daydreaming in school? Forgive your teacher for not recognizing the very important work you may have been doing. It’s possible that you were laying the foundation stone to a great invention, creative project, or solution to a problem.

It’s too bad that some of our educational and social systems take away people’s power by discouraging imagination. Your stepping stone is in reclaiming this gift, your key to freedom.

Do you give yourself the time and space to play with your imagination?

It’s your key to creativity and a window into infinite inner and outer worlds. It’s never a waste of time. As one of the 3 levels of Higher Knowledge, it’s the gateway to inspiration and intuition.

So nurture your imagination. Learn to relax. Lose track of time. Play. Be in the free flow of the moment. Get creative.

Creative visualization is a great way to play with your imagination to create your dreams and build your future.

“Visualization is daydreaming with a purpose.”Bo Bennett

Click here to try one of mine. I’ll guide you through various scenes and invite you to play in the musical spaces. If intuitive messages don’t come streaming through your many channels, use your imagination to invent various scenarios. Then journal to go deeper into your visions and guidance.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

What Do You Think of Your Stepping Stone?

Which image spoke to you today? I’d love to hear how the photo or text is helping you progress towards your goal, your vision. Please comment below.

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Tune In #21: Is It Time to Branch Out?

Are you feeling a desire to diversify and explore new areas in your life? Is it time to branch out ?

Intuitive hearing aids like these visual prompts can help you better understand your soul callings.

So tune in! Which photograph attracts you most today?

Then, scroll down to dig deeper into its invitation.

Tune In 21- Time to Branch OutNote: The texts below are a cue to ignite your own intuition. Contemplate the image and listen to your heart to gain even greater meaning from your choice.

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#1 – Vibrations

"Vibration" from the Treedom Collection

Absolutely everything is pure energy vibrating at different frequencies: people, plants, objects, thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and even consciousness!

These aren’t only spiritual concepts, but quantum physics ones as well.

As a spiritual being here on earth to have a human experience, you’re bound to vibrate at various frequencies during your life, your chapters, your days and even your minutes.

If you’ve picked this photo, you’re asked to pay attention to how well you’re doing in your role as a vibration manager. Are you working the Law of Vibration to your advantage?

Your circumstances will help you figure that out. What you’re living now is the result of your past frequencies. Your future will be the result of your current ones.

By vibrating at a certain frequency, through the power of your emotions, you attract what is also vibrating at that same frequency. If you want better experiences, you need to send out better vibes.

Doing what you love, what inspires love, and brings you joy will raise your vibration. What comes to heart when you read this?  Add more of it to your life to open up brighter avenues.

Start your day consciously programming your vibration. Abraham (channeled by Esther Hicks) describes sleep as a reset button. That’s why it’s so important to spend the first minutes upon waking on the higher frequency vibrations instead of instantly checking emails or listening to the news.

Abraham also explains that you have 17 seconds after a negative thought to get off that vibration frequency before it sticks. So stay conscious of your thoughts and feelings during the day. If you feel yourself spiralling downwards, do something quick to change your frequency. Look at your baby’s photo, put on your favourite song, hug a tree, or tell yourself “cancel” and change your thoughts.

Your angels are your vibrational bridge to the pure loving essence of Source.  Ask them for help. They’ll always support your efforts to live at a higher vibration.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#2 – Grace

"Grace" from the Treedom Collection

Success in all areas of your life is often the result of hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, and sacrifice. This is true.

It’s also true that success is the result of loving what you do or what you’re learning to do.

If you’ve picked this photo, you already know this.

Here, you’re invited to remember that success also includes knowing when to let go, take breaks, and care for yourself.

You can’t do this if you’re operating from a strictly left-brain action-oriented approach. You need to reconnect to your intuitive right brain to make sure the energy you’re investing is going in the right direction.

Sure, there are times when you need to push yourself hard. But there are also times when you need to recharge your batteries in nourishing ways. Burn out won’t serve you or your projects.

Are you determined to reach your goals through blood, sweat, and tears? Or can you invite more ease and grace into your process? It’s time to branch out in your approach to success.

Go ahead. Relax in nature to gain greater perspective. Breathe deeply of the forest’s balm. Oxygen is your Life Force and your connection to Spirit. You’ll achieve much greater success in life if you’re in tune to your your intuition, your guidance, your essence.

Let the trees sweep away your stress and tension. These are like static on your line of communication with your heart. Then ask your Self and your team of Divine Helpers what’s needed right now.

Achieving success through inspired action, which comes from being connected to your inner guidance, is a lot more effective than trying to force things to happen through purely left-brain thinking and planning.

So go ahead, book an essential oil massage, relax among the trees, and make sure you’re getting enough sleep. You deserve it. And so do your projects.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#3 – One Step At A Time

"One Step at a Time" from the Treedom Collection

What do you really want in life?

Is it better health, a loving partnership, a successful business venture, to move to a warmer climate, a degree, more time with your family, to let go of limiting beliefs?

If you’ve picked this photo, you’re invited to bring your soul callings back to mind and to heart.

Are you being distracted by alls sorts of demands and temptations?

Do you find it difficult to say “no” to invitations and requests that take you away from your priorities?

Have you lost faith in your ability to manifest what it is you truly want?

Know that achieving your goals will happen one inspired step at a time. That’s the Law of Action.

So enjoy the scenery, but don’t branch out to explore the many paths around you simply because they’re there.  Stay on track – your track.

Keep your vision in mind and at heart.  Writing a vision statement and repeating it every day can help.

Saying “no” is also a gift to your Self and to those making the requests. Being at a party or a member of some committee when you’d rather be elsewhere won’t be of benefit to anyone.

The Law of Action is not about aimless busy-ness. It’s about the continuous process of tuning in, communicating to the Universe, staying open and receptive, and following through on guidance. It’s this kind of action that creates the necessary momentum to manifest your vision.

So take the steps, open the doors, collect the right tools, send your signals to the Universe, allow, receive, and manifest your dreams.

And remember … no concert pianist started by playing a perfect sonata. Be gentle on yourself as you walk your Path, one step at a time.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

Surround yourself with beauty.

Surround yourself with objects and art that support you on your journey to your Highest Good. 

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Tune In #20: Can You See the Connection?

Today’s intuitive exercise is all about the relationship between things. Can you see the connection? Tune in.

  • Pick the photo that attracts you most and ask your Self “What is it telling me about my life?”
  • Contemplate your image before reading the text below.
  • Journal before and after to go even deeper.

Tune In 20-Can you see the connection?

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#1 – Life

"Life" from the Connection Collection

Have you seen the movie “What the Bleep Do We Know?”

There’s a scene featuring Dr. Emoto’s work that had a profound impact on the way I talk to myself.

It showed how positive words, prayers and music transformed distilled water into beautiful water crystals when frozen. On the other hand, negative words created disfigured crystals.

If 90% of your body is water, what are your words and thoughts doing to you? What do you see and say when you look in the mirror?

Words and thoughts are energy. There’s a relationship between your health on all levels and your self-perception.

So take a few minutes and truly look at yourself in the mirror through the eyes of your soul. Then shower yourself with love. If habitual criticisms creep up, gently smile and love yourself even more.

Then expand from there.  Who are you thinking or talking about negatively – to their face, behind their back or in the “privacy” of your own mind?

You’re a powerful being. Let your love flow, and know that it’s transforming the world for the Highest Good of the planet.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#2 – Renewal

"Renewal" from the Connection Collection

Do you think of yourself as small in the big scheme of things?

It’s true you’re one of 7 billion people on the planet.

It’d be easy to lose you if you were alone in the Rocky Mountains or in the crowds of downtown Tokyo.

But that doesn’t mean you’re not making a huge difference. The very fact you were born has affected countless lives.

Whether in your personal or professional life, your actions and ways of being are constantly transforming the realities of those around you.

Your words may have comforted a friend. Your smile to a stranger may have saved his life. Your purchase may have kept a budding entrepreneur afloat. Your idea may have inspired others. Your self-expression may have brought joy, love, laughter, beauty into the world.

Can you begin to fathom how different the world would be if you’d never been born? What would your version of the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” look like?

Knowing this is a powerful motivator to continue doing and being what nourishes your soul and therefore feeds others.

Take a few minutes to reflect on how your life has made a difference from childhood on.

When you acknowledge and appreciate your own worth, you add energy to your step.

If you’re ever feeling complacent or wondering if your efforts are worthwhile, remember that you’re magnificent in the eyes of the Creator and the hearts of so many you’ve met on your Path.

So renew your faith in yourself. If you’re here, it’s for a reason. How will you choose to make a difference today?

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#3 – Namaste

"Namaste" from the Connection Collection

“(A)ll things appear and disappear because of causes and conditions. Nothing ever exists entirely alone; everything is in relation to everything else. Wherever there is light, there is shadow; wherever there is length, there is shortness; wherever there is white, there is black.”
The Teachings Of Buddha, by Bukkyo Dendo Kyonkai

Do you believe that everyone you encounter is both a mirror and a teacher?

Isn’t it wonderful when your love is reflected back at you in the pleasantness of your of perceptions and judgments of others?

How great is it when you can learn the lessons they offer with ease and grace?

But some people are more like petty tyrants. They have the uncanny ability to irritate and annoy you no matter what they say or do. Do you have anyone like this in your life now?

These people torment you. It seems impossible not to take what they say or do personally.

They bring you face to face with your limiting beliefs, thoughts, and emotional reactions in a way that forces you do something.

The question is what. You have a choice. You can use your energy to lash out or to change whatever it is inside you that has disconnected you to your own peace.

How different would your life be if you saw everyone as a gift. By unwrapping that gift, you open yourself up to lessons of growth and love, including the self-love necessary to step away from abusive relationships.

Be grateful for your petty tyrants. Observe how they affect you and use that information to love yourself and others more deeply – even your petty tyrants. They probably need it most of all…

By changing yourself, you change the world.

“Namaste” – the Spirit in me honours the Spirit in you.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#4 – Mystical Realm

"Mystical Realm" from the Connection Collection

Why do you think you were attracted to this image?

Was it because of the contrast between light and dark?

Artists and designers know that the eye is drawn to where there’s the greatest contrast.

It’s the same in life. It’s from contrast that you create focus for your intentions and attention.

We live in a world of contrast to help us choose.

When you’re experiencing something you don’t want, you become more aware of what it is you do want. This creates the momentum to manifest that in your life.

Sure, it’d be wonderful if your Light were constantly glowing at full force into the world. That’s enlightenment. But if you’re like me, you’re not there yet.

So for now, appreciate the role that contrast has in this mystical realm called life.

Are you more aware of your good days because of your “bad” days?

Light against dark and dark against light. It’s beautiful. It’s necessary. It draws you in so that it can reflect right back at you.

Take a look at your life.  What dark parts of your history have gifted you with the ability to shine your Light in your uniquely beautiful way today?

Then keep on shining! You’re radiant!

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

Can You See the Connection?

I’d love to hear how your image choice supported you in any way. Please share in the comments below.

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Tune In #19: Are You a Wallflower?

Are you keeping yourself small or staying on the sidelines of your own life? Are you a wallflower?

Tune in! Pick the photo that attracts you most.

Contemplate it to feel its advice on how to show up more fully in one or more areas of your life.

Then, scroll down to discover extra layers of meaning. Always take what serves you and leave the rest.

Tune In 19-Are You a Wall Flower

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#1 – Wellness

"Wellness" from the Blossoming Collection

It’s time to dance, skip, swim, or make love!

Move in that lovely body of yours in ways that make you happy.

Have you been putting your wellness on the back burner because your work or kids seemed more important?

Has your relationship to your Self, your partner, your friends suffered because the busy-ness of life took over?

Have you rationalized your way out of your own groove?

Movement raises your vibration by inviting Life Force, through your breath, to circulate through your body, soothing your mind and spirit too.

Exercise can be fun. Find what works for you.

If you can, start your day with a few minutes of movement to wake you up to your healthy happy Self.

Then incorporate it in your day.

Park a few blocks from work and walk the rest. Run up the stairs instead of taking the elevator.  Start a lunchtime yoga or dance club with your co-workers. Join in for some backyard play with the kids. Go hiking with friends.

Whatever you do, don’t put your wellness on the back burner. You’re worthy of wellness. Claim it!

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#2 – Open

"Open" from the Blossoming Collection

The life of a hibiscus flower is short. But what a difference it makes to those who witness its delicate beauty, drink its flavourful teas, or heal of its medicine.

What difference is your life making to those around you right now? How is your being here serving the world?

Here’s a great exercise I learned from the author/educator/businessman Stephen Covey to bring more of your Self into your life.

Imagine your own funeral. What would you like someone to say about you in your eulogy? How do you want them to remember your contributions in both your personal and professional life?

Vanity won’t matter once you’ve transitioned, so your answers will likely reflect the truth of your purpose and passion.

By starting with the end in mind, you can start working towards the truth of your essence.

Be more and do more of what you want to be remembered for. And be less and do less of what you’d rather no one say about you.

How can your unique voice add to the symphony of life?

Shine your beauty, dear one.  We need it!

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#3 – In Passing

"In Passing" from the Blossoming Collection

Go ahead, get glamorous!

Dress the way you want to feel.

You’re a fascinating, sensuous, colourful person.

So dress that way.

Are you hiding in your clothes?

Are industry standards suffocating you?

Does your hairdo need a make-over? Are you still doing your make-up the same way you did 20 years ago out of habit?

This isn’t about dressing for others or pretending to be something you’re not. It’s about being your True Self on the outside as well as the inside.

Have fun! Play dress-up until you find your perfect fit.  When you do, your radiance will naturally turn heads.

Let your clothes, hair, jewelry reflect your unique presence on this planet – even if it’s to go to the grocery store.

And if nothing in your wardrobe speaks your language, visit boutiques and thrift stores to find something new-to-you that reflects your Magnific-Essence.

In passing, you’re gorgeous. I see you. Now show yourself!

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#4 – Softness

"Softness" from the Blossoming CollectionWhether you’re a man or a woman, you’ve got both a masculine and feminine side.

If you’ve picked this photo, you’re being asked to honour and express your feminine side more.

Like it or not, this is still a masculine left-brain dominant world – at least here in North America. Learning to favour your masculine side is applauded in this society.

I didn’t even know I was doing it until an intuitive told me my right-brain was shrinking…. “Do something creative Dominique – anything – cut paper dolls!”.

Many have had to wear masks or ignore half of themselves in order to succeed. They’ve learned to only show strength and focus on goals, planning, control, actions, and results.

Where’s your feminine side? Has your right-brain been neglected?

This isn’t about dissing the left brain or masculine side. It’s about balance.

Do you need to soften up in the way you express or present yourself to the world?

Would you and those around you benefit from a more nurturing, creative, intuitive, spontaneous approach?

Do you need to enjoy the journey as well as the destination? Life isn’t all about work. You need to play and take holidays to rejuvenate and connect.

Don’t let your femininity be a wall flower. Bring your whole self to all areas of your life.

Here are some ways to nurture your feminine side:

  • contemplation
  • self-expression,
  • opening up about your feelings
  • time in nature
  • creative projects
  • play (cooperative vs. competitive)

So how can you be softer with yourself, others, and the projects in your life?

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

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Tune In #18: Knock on Wood

Have you ever said “Knock on wood!” after sharing your good luck or hopes for the future? Did you actually touch wood to avoid tempting fate or attracting bad luck? Your head doesn’t count…

Where do such phrases come from? In this case, I’m not surprised to find out that it had something to do with the good spirits that people believed lived within trees and forests. I certainly feel more connected, protected, grounded, and alive in their presence. Don’t you?

Want to find out what the trees are saying to you? Tune in! Pick the photo that attracts you most today.

Then, scroll down to find out what it means.

Tune In 18: Knock on Wood

As you contemplate your chosen image, also add your own interpretation. This is a great way to exercise your intuitive muscles. Why do you think that image is calling you?

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#1 -Curiosity

"Curiosity" from the Treedom Collection

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but where would we be without it?

Curiosity has led great minds into the mysteries of life and the Universe.

It’s also key to finding your own purpose and passion on your Path to your Highest Good.

Life is so much more interesting when you live it with a childlike sense of curiosity and wonder. You’re open, you’re aware, you’re awake and connected to everyone and everything around you. You’re present!

You become more accepting of differences and less set in your ways.

By exploring the possibilities, intricacies, opportunities, and diversities, you have a better chance at truly understanding what resonates with your essence and what doesn’t.

Curiosity is your ticket to authentic living.

You become clearer about who you are: your likes, dislikes, strengths, passions, etc.

What are you curious about? What’s your spirit calling you to explore?

Make time for it this week. Book a date with your Self. Mark it in your calendar and have fun.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.


"Glowing" from the Treedom Collection

Two slides   (remember those?) of the same  scene were sandwiched together to create this image. The first was in focus and at the correct exposure. The second was blurry and open to the light longer. It’s what’s called an Orton slide sandwich.

I did this to add a glow and motion to the photograph. Doesn’t it feel more alive?

The same thing happens when you add layers of Light and perception to your experiences.

If you always look at the same thing in the same way, you’re bound to stay stuck in the same place.

If you soften your gaze and open your heart, however, you’ll connect to the energy behind the object of your focus.

Reality isn’t as it seems.

There’s so much more to the people you meet, places you visit, books you read, etc.

Don’t be so literal with everything. Open up to the metaphors of life. Connect with the essence of the moment. Be in the energy by recognizing your Light and the Light of others.

You’ll see – everything will seem more alive and in motion.

Enjoy the glow!

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#3 – Awareness

"Awareness" from the Treedom Collection

Do you know why your life is the way it is?

Your outer reality is a reflection of your inner reality.

If you grew up believing that money doesn’t grow on trees, you may be operating with a scarcity mentality.

If you suppressed your emotions as a child, your body, mind, or spirit may be suffering the consequences today.

If you persist in believing that people don’t like you, they won’t.

It’s as if you were constantly broadcasting your requests to the world through your belief system and emotions. And the Universe was answering by bringing to you what you asked for.

It’s so important to become aware of what you’re broadcasting. Don’t beat yourself up about it though. There’s no use smashing the radio… just change the station.

Look into mindset tools and coaching in the areas you feel need it the most: abundance, relationship, etc.

Be grateful that you’re now aware of your power as a manifestor.

Do what you need to raise your vibration and be happy. Like attracts like. Be what you want to have in the world.

If you want to be richer, be more generous. If you want to be liked, keep your judgments in check. If you want to have fun, play. If you want to be loved, love.

As above so below. As within, so without.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#4 – Forgiveness

"Forgiveness" from the Treedom Collection

“Forgiveness is the economy of the heart… forgiveness saves the expense of anger, the cost of hatred, the waste of spirits.” Hannah Moore

Is there something you haven’t forgiven yourself for? What about others?

Are you keeping yourself prisoner by refusing to forgive someone for their perceived wrongdoings?

Who or what first came to mind as you read that?

Humans make mistakes. Although it’s hard to believe at times, everyone is doing the very best they can in that moment – your parents and yourself included.

If you picked this mystical mirrored forest, then you’re being invited to elevate your spirit by leaving your grudges behind.

Don’t let them fester and rot inside you. Let them go and set yourself free.

It doesn’t matter if the other person is aware or accepts your forgiveness. Trust that it’s making an energetic difference in your relationship. The true gift is the one you’re giving yourself.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

Did your treedom bring good luck?

What’s one way your choice of treedoms helped open you up to a better future? I’d love to know. Add your comments below.

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