Tune In for Guidance – Photography Oracles

Welcome to Tune In – an intuitive hearing aid for daily, weekly, or monthly guidance. 

Use this index as you would an oracle deck.

Each set will bring you to another page to pick your image & read its guiding message.

Bookmark this page & come back often.

Enjoy the process using my

Intuition Into Action Treasure Map:

5 Steps to a Happy Healthy Life

  1. ASK your Team of Divine Helpers a question.
    What’s in my Highest Good today?
  2. ACCESS your intuition. Click on a photo-set that appeals to you. What title/ image-set  feels right?
  3. ANALYZE using your intuitive right & analytical left brains.
    – Contemplate your photo’s meaning in relation to your question.
    – Read its accompanying text for extra layers of guidance.
  4. ACT. What inspired action comes to mind/heart? Follow-through.
  5. ALLOW.  Pay attention and stay open to synchronicities, dreams, messengers, etc. Trust the process & expect miracles.

Connect Up

Tune In 26- Connect

Is It Time to Branch Out?

Tune In 21- Time to Branch Out

Your Invitation for Transformation

4 photos from Transformation Collection

Which Treedom Calls?

Take the Test: Treedom 1

What’s your Treedom of Expression?

Pick a photo and learn how it can liberate your treedom of expression

Mighty Oaks from Little Acorns Grow

Take your Pick and see how mighty oaks from little acorns grow

Are you Ready to Blossom?

Where Are You Rusty?

Pick your favourite from the Autoscape Collection

Bloom Baby Bloom

Pick from these 4 photos from the Blossoming Collection and find out what your intuition is saying to you

Do You Get the Connection?

Pick your favourite photo from the Connection collection

Are You Connected?

Pick your favourite from the Connection Collection and see what it means

Turn Over a New Leaf

Pick your favourite from the Blossoming Collection and see what it means

Connect the Dots

Tune In 17-Connect the Dots

Knock on Wood

Tune In 18: Knock on Wood

Planting Seeds

Tune In 27 - Planting Seeds

Are You a Wallflower?

Tune In 19-Are You a Wall Flower

Your Treedom of Choice

Tune In 24 - Treedom of Choice

What’s Your Stepping Stone?

Tune In 22 - What's Your Stepping Stone?

Can You See the Connection?

Tune In 20-Can you see the connection?

What’s Your Call to Treedom?

Pick your favourite Treedom photograph and read what's your call to Treedom

What’s Your Transformation Affirmation?

Tune in 22-Your Transformation Affirmation

What’s Your Connection?

pick your favourite photo

Your Soul’s Call for Connection

Pick your favourite from the Connection Collection

Come Into Bloom

Tune In 25-Come Into Bloom

Connect to the Shades of Time

Take the Test 11: Connect ot he Shades of Time

Your Transformation Revolution

Take the Test 16: Transformation Revolution

Want Inspiration For Connection?

Pick your favourite photo and get inspiration for connection
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