A Moment of Wisdom

The Event -> Judgment -> Feeling -> Reaction Cycle

Are you like me? Do you have days when you’re much more your human self than your Spirit Self? I’m sure you do. This video story is about one of mine and my efforts to re-align with that Divine Essence within all of us.

It was a perfect opportunity to see the Event, Judgment, Feeling & Reaction Cycle that one of my mentors, Dr. Greg Baer of RealLove.com often talks about. He teaches unconditional love in the most practical way I’ve experienced.

So listen to my story in the video above and come back to see how it relates to a few of Greg’s stories below.

Real Love Story: The Splasher

One of the stories he tells is of a woman’s reaction to being splashed at the pool.

At first the splashing was hitting her feet, which was a bit annoying. But then it got worse and started to get her pants and then her top wet. She was really pissed off and got up to go tell that inconsiderate swimmer to stop it.

When she stood up, however, she could see over the lawn chair that had been blocking her view, immediately realizing the man was drowning.

Her initial judgment had caused her to be angry. Correcting her judgement with the truth immediately changed her feelings and her reaction.

Instead of telling the guy off, she quickly took action to save his life. No anger or blame left at all.

Real Love Story: The Bumper

Another story is of a man happily walking in the park, enjoying all the sights, sounds, and smells.

He accidentally brushed against another nature lover, who stopped, exchanged a few pleasant words about the weather and beauty before they both went on their way.

The man was still in his own world and accidentally brushed against a woman who was so involved in her conversation with a friend that she didn’t even notice the bump.

A third man, however, came into the park already angry. So when the same man brushed against him, he considered it an attack, jumped back with great drama to make his point, twisted his ankle and had to be carried out of the park on a stretcher, screaming and blaming that man for his injury.

And to take the story even further, a fourth man, severely empty, afraid and depressed came into the park with a gun, already determined to leave this world. So when the man brushed against him, he took it as proof that no one loved or even noticed him, and told the man that what he was about to do was his fault. Then he shot himself.

Was the man who bumped into people responsible for any of the feelings and reactions of those 4 other people?  No. He was responsible for being a bit careless, yes, but it was the judgment these people made that caused their feelings and reactions.

The event was the same in all 4 cases. The rest depended on how empty or afraid these people were, or how loved and loving they were feeling.

Event -> Judgement -> Feeling -> Reaction ->

And as I mentioned in the video, it’s a cycle. It keeps going on. Whatever reaction you have will influence some of the events in your life. You get the picture.

Dr. Baer has a whole series of books on Real Love – from the basic to Real Love in marriage, parenting, at work, etc. I’ve read them all and recommend them.

Peace Be With You

I hope my story (which wasn’t as dramatic thank goodness) and those from Dr. Baer’s books help you become more aware of the judgments, feelings and reactions in your life.

May you do what you need to raise your vibration, feel loved by your Team of Divine Helpers and other people, and have a happy healthy life.

If one of my art or intuitive service offerings can nourish your transformational journey, it’ll be my pleasure to serve you.

Peace be with you!

These are the cards I featured in my video.

Created as a fundraiser, this 88-card deck is a great way to tune into your intuition for guidance in your day.

You can use them by yourself or with others to stimulate creative problem-solving and decision-making. I make several suggestions of how to use them on the instruction sheet.

They’ve become an integral part of my spiritual practice. May they serve you too.

I only have 11 Limited Edition decks left. 111 signed & numbered decks will ever be in existence!

Each combination of images & words can open up limitless possibilities for you. 

Buy yours here for $111 Canadian (~$80 US).


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