Affirmation Booster 6


Have you heard of 3D affirmations?

They add 2 extra dimensions to the usual “I am” statements.

How to say 3D affirmations:

  1. Start with repeating the I AM … until you can connect it to a memory or feeling of truth. You need to believe and feel it for it to work. Be creative on how it applies to you and your life already. For example, “I am blessed” and bring to heart/mind a list of your blessings.
  2. Then look at yourself in the mirror and start with your name and use “you”. For example, “Dominique, you are blessed”.
  3. Next, amplify the energy by creating a buzz about it. You know how powerful gossip can be. Plant uplifting rumours. Turn to your friend, cat, plants or to the cars passing in the street and say your name and “she/he”. For example, “Dominique, she’s so blessed!”

Try these 3 D affirmations:

Try it! You’ll like it. Here are 11 more affirmations with my energy-infused art support your practice.

Breathe. Be present. Repeat.

Pause the slideshow and take your time.

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