Affirmations Video for a Happy Healthy Life

May you be nourished by the healing energy and beauty of Mother Nature during this 15-minute video inspired by a staycation at The Country Experience on Hawco’s Pond in Deer Park, Newfoundland & Labrador.

For an even more powerful experience, repeat the affirmations out loud, allowing yourself to feel their truth in your life. Then breathe deeply and expand that feeling out into the Universe as you watch.

Celebrating Life

As much as I craved solitude for my first monthly creative staycation (which resulted in A Prayer for Our Times), I was thrilled to share this experience with my good friend Leslie Bridger.

The timing was perfect as June 14th was Leslie’s rebirthday, 15 years after a near-fatal bicycle accident in Toronto. Doctors had little hope for her when she came out of her induced coma, but she not only recovered from her physical and brain injuries, she turned her life around.

Sharing her love of life and belief in the healing powers of Mother Earth and the Elements has become her mission. She came out of her coma understanding that we are all interconnected Divine Beings, like points of light on a giant web. Her love for humanity is great – a wonderful influence on me.

I already knew she was a perfect traveling companion, having house-sat together in Nova Scotia for a couple of weeks in 2017. I don’t say that because she loves to cook and I love to eat! It does help, though.

We also understand each other’s need for balanced activity time together and time alone to work on our projects – my video art, her book.

I couldn’t have asked for a better staycation. Indeed, it was just what my Spirit Calling Cards suggested on the morning of our departure:

The Gift of Life

You don’t have to almost die to realize you deserve to live the life you were born to live.

With COVID-19, more people have taken the time to reflect on the preciousness of life. After the shock of having been kicked off the hamster wheel, many have simplified, prioritized, re-organized their lives to focus on what truly matters. Some didn’t have a choice!

From small changes to major life decisions, they’ve sought the opportunities emerging from these challenging times.

What about you?

Wherever you are on your transformational journey, life invites you, through experience, to make the choices that serve your Highest Good. Only you can make those choices; only you can take that responsibility.

What’s right for you may not be what’s right for everyone else. Listen in and follow your intuition, one inspired step at a time.

And if the “buts” of your ego try to keep you small, acknowledge them and creatively love your way through and past them.

For example, my ego was telling me not to spend on staycations at a time when income has only been trickling in and I have thousands of dollars tied up in credit in Ireland since my 2-month trip was cancelled due to the pandemic . I knew, however, how instrumental a change of scene and break in routine could be for my creativity.

So, thinking outside the box, I offered friends who owned or managed properties, the opportunity of receiving photography of their sites in exchange for 3-night stays. Win-win!

When you set your heart on a goal and make life-affirming decisions, the Universe provides. Stay open to miracles! Ask and you shall receive.

Which affirmation from the video spoke most strongly to you? Please share it in the comments below.

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5 replies
  1. Elizabeth Stamp
    Elizabeth Stamp says:

    With gratitude for this beautiful meditation during Stay At Home 2020. The imagery-sights, sounds, ,,,are all with us here in our own sacred space and time, This is the time for Soul work amidst the external. For your love of all that ISNESS, I value your friendship and inspiration, Dominique. Continue your Journey in LOVE of BEAUTY,

    Elizabeth Stamp

    • Dominique Hurley
      Dominique Hurley says:

      What beautiful words and a lovely sentiment, dear Elizabeth. I’m so glad that my journey of passion & purpose is gifting us both. May we live an inspired and inspiring life. You’ve been instrumental on my Path. Thank you. Namaste.


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