Bite-sized Bliss – Take it!

There’s a lesson in everything you live … if you look for it.

I do. And sharing these life lessons is part of how I hope to inspire.

As you read this short story below, reflect on what guidance it can offer you in your life right now.

Bite-Sized Bliss

While on solo-retreat in Witless Bay for a week in July, I knew that a necessary ingredient to nourishing my body, mind & spirit would be spending some quality time with my 2 best buddies.

Luckily, St. John’s is only a 25-minute drive away.

My hope was that Leslie & Kerri could come for a whole day’s adventure.

Leslie was available to come early and stay half a day. Kerri came a little later and had planned to stay the rest of the day until a family phone call changed her plans.

No worries.

Sometimes life offers you bite-sized bliss and not the whole cake.

Enjoy those short moments of love & beauty that fuel the soul. Focus on what you have, not what could have, would have or should have happened.

Bon Appétit

Our plan was to drive to the other side of Witless Bay (5 minutes away) to the Beaches Path trailhead.

By the time we got there, we only had 2 hours to hike before lunch.

As we started, we reminded ourselves that this was about quality, not quantity. “Success is in the journey, not the destination”.

The trail is 7 km and is told to take 2-3 hours one way (so 4-6 for me & my camera).

We had no destination. We had 2 hours to enjoy our exploration for as far as it took us. Leslie put her watch timer on for an hour so we’d know when to turn back.

As you’ll see in the video above, it was so gorgeous! So what if we didn’t have time to do more…

We definitely want to go back to do it with a car at each end. But on this day, we only had time to take a bite out of the whole trail, and enjoy all of its tastes and textures. What beauty!

So grateful for our friendship and nature’s offerings of the day, we had a healthy lunch together on the deck of my temporary home before saying goodbye.

Short and sweet!

After they left, I learned of an outdoor pool built out of the river, just 5 minutes the other way. What a nice surprise before a quiet afternoon / evening.

So even though I didn’t get a whole day with my friends as I envisioned, it all happened perfectly and as needed.


Your turn – what would you like to experience this week? If you can’t make the full adventure happen, what bite-sized bliss can you invite in the essence of what you were envisioning?

Live in the feeling tone of what it is you want and know that in doing so, you’re inviting a lot more bites your way.

Have a blissful week, one bite at a time!


P.S. I’m taking time off blogging for a while. Have fun exploring my site at your leisure while I’m on holiday.




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