Frozen Dinner, Snores Galore & Radiant Roses


A heat wave has hit Vienna. We’re talking 30 degrees Celsius or maybe even above.  When surrounded by concrete, that’s hot! I don’t do so well in the heat (one reason I’m glad I’ve chosen to live in Newfoundland again in a few weeks), so my walk home from school yesterday was a very slow one.  There was a huge line up at the water fountain in front of the Imperial Palace, where I refilled my water bottle. It was the first time that I saw people using the button on the side that showers a mist into the air above our heads.  I certainly didn’t complain.  I was also tired after a full day workshop with 17 other people in a small classroom.  It was a good day, but I’m looking forward to delving into new territory in the rest of the week.

Since I’d had a huge lunch at 1:30pm and it was so hot, I wasn’t planning on having dinner.  After walking by it almost every day since last September, however, I found myself walking into the Ice Dream Factory for the first time. Wow!  Even the smell of sugar was almost enough to knock me over.  They specialize in American Style waffles (which we call Belgium Style waffles in Canada).  I don’t usually do much sugar or dairy, so I’d never been in – but the place is impressive. Great atmosphere.  The best of all, however, was their ice cream counter.  I ended up with a chocolate coated waffle cone with vegan apricot, mango, raspberry and a complimentary dollop of vegan chocolate on top.  It made the rest of my walk home so much more pleasant – a new version of frozen dinner.

It was about 7:30pm when I got home, happy that my residence room had kept cooler than outside.  I love this room in a passive house – soundproof, air quality controlled, clean, etc.  It’s great to like where I live – it’s so important.  By 8:30pm, I was fast asleep.

I don’t think I’m a regular snorer – although I’m not in the best position to say – but last night, I kept waking myself up each time I started snoring. I’d quickly go back to sleep, which is a good thing.  One advantage, though, has been better dream recall in the morning as each time I’d wake up, I took consciousness of my dreams.  Interesting fodder for analysis this morning.


Anyhow, the real reason I started blogging at 5:30am this morning is to share my iPhone photos of my morning walk through the Volksgarten on my way to school. I discovered my iPhone doesn’t do well with bright reds…  Last time I was there, they had just uncovered the rose bushes.  Now, what seems only a couple of weeks later, they already seem past their prime (I tried not to show that in my photos).  I’m glad I left early yesterday morning and made the slight detour.  What a fragrant and beautiful way to start my day.  I may just do the same today…


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