The Layers of Life

“The Journey: All the Way Home to My Self”

You’re a work of art! Did you know that?

I didn’t say a piece of work… I said a work of art.

Who you are now is a result all your layers of experience from this lifetime and beyond.

They’re what brought you here. They’re the reasons you have the gifts you have to share. They’re why you have the compassion, understanding, perspectives, tools, skills & inner resources to be and do YOU!

As I share in the creative layering process for both my intuitive painting and photography, I invite you to honour the many layers of your life that make you who you are today: your experiences, challenges, blessings, relationships, dreams, etc.

Whether it be in intuitive painting or photography, the final art piece is infused with the energy, symbolism, texture, and colour of the layers that came before it.

Keep reading to discover the parallels between intuitive art & your life.

The Layers of Intuitive Painting

I paint in layers. Some paintings have 20 layers of paint on them. The creative process is as important, if not more so than the final piece.

I sometimes start with a vision I receive for what a painting wants to become, but I often have no idea. I just paint, following the flow of inspiration, layer by layer.

This asks me to:

  • embrace the mystery
  • let go of expectations
  • accept what is
  • be in the present while pulling from my experiences and skills set
  • enjoy the process.

Each layer, with its intentions, flow & designs, interaction with previous layers, happy accidents, channeled energy work, or misperceived disasters, helps shape what’s to come.

Here are but a few of the layers in the creation of: “The Journey: All the Way Home to My Self” – you can see all of them and close-ups in the blog post on its creation.

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In the end, the piece has a depth of texture, colour, energy, and meaning that goes beyond what the eyes can see. It’s a portal from the process to the Universal Energy Flow. This, I believe is why healers and spiritual seekers have long since been called to my work.

The Layers of Intuitive Photography

I use a similar process when I create the Visual Gifts for Divine Storytelling Time clients – these are a unique and empowering self-study intuitive reading package created at a distance to help you tune into your intuition and take inspired action in your life.

After channeling your soul story for about an hour, I am intuitively guided by your Team of Divine Helpers and mine to pull photographs from my vast collection of images from around the world.

Each of these holds additional symbolic or energetic clues for the client to explore on their Intuition into Action Treasure Map.

Together, these photographs hold the essence of their story and act as a visual portal to move them forward on their Path to their Highest Good. As I manipulate the layers digitally, I create a custom piece that the client can have printed up to wall size – with or without the affirmation.

For example, this client’s Visual Gift was created using 6 layers from 4 photographs (2 repeated with different effects):

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  1. a stone angel holding a tray with a shell necklace and a bigger shell in the middle;
  2. a strong perspective line of towering palms leading up to the Kalachakra Stupa in the Paleaku Gardens Peace Sanctuary in Hawaii;
  3. a nightlight in the bathroom that changed colours, attracting a beautiful moth
  4. on the way back from a ceremony in Bali, a picture of a street market through the rain splattered windows of the car

The final result is something new & unique, only possible with the meaningful and colourful layers of what came before it. It’s a work of art inspired by the client’s life and his / her Divine Storytelling Time guidance.

Your Life is a Work of Art

Can you see now how your life is also a work of art?

Sure, it may have had an awkward teenager phase or layers you’d rather scrub off.

But in truth, every layer is a gift.

It’s just about learning to look at each layer through the eyes of your soul, through the eyes of Source to see how each has added the necessary energy, texture, colour, and gifts to what is opening up to you now.

Please allow yourself to see that and to stay open to what the next layer is calling you to co-create.

You’re a work in progress – perfect in your imperfection – and the creation of this masterpiece won’t be over until it’s over.

Happy co-creation!

Oh – and feel free to comment below on how this post has helped you see with new eyes.

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