Life By Design: Right Livelihood

Coming Forth-Dominique HurleyIt’s 7am and I’m still under the covers.  I’m rarely still in bed at this hour, but I’m here because I can be, with my computer on my lap (that’s why they call it a laptop, isn’t it?!). I haven’t blogged in a week, although I’ve written a few posts in my head… so I thought I would start here this morning.

There’s a snowstorm outside that has already shut down most of the city. The buses aren’t running and campus is closed.  The soundtrack is dramatic – muffled through the walls and windows as if it there was a space war in the next theater. People all over the city have stocked up on snack food and are looking forward to this first real Snow Day in St. John’s. Of course, they’re hoping the power stays on, so that they might watch a few movies from the comfort of their homes.

This is really just another day for me.  I can go days without leaving the house except to feed the ducks in the back yard.  I’m either at my computer working or painting in the studio.  I love it!  I schedule art deliveries and meetings only once I’ve consulted the weather forecast. Generally speaking, my days flow based on inspirations, moods, and deadlines – and that’s such a blessing.  My challenge is not to work from morning til night, 7 days a week…

What Works For Me:

What I’ve learned though, is that I’m a project worker.  I love focusing on one project at a time and giving myself completely to it for short periods of time – without any distractions. I’ve always been goal oriented…. too much so at time and I can forget to  enjoy the journey.  Anyhow, working from home is perfect.  Once I’m in the flow, I can work with ease and efficiency.  I’m so much into what I’m doing that I’m surprised to look up and see that it’s already dark outside.  The Flow is such a wonderful place to be!

For example, I just completed a 100-hour curriculum development project for Memorial University.  The English as a Second Language Department hired me to develop three thematic units for their summer school.  It was a highly creative and interesting project based on 3 significant chapters of Newfoundland history.

I had requested this contract because I correctly assumed that art sales would be slow right after the holidays. The most challenging thing about being a full-time artist for me is that lack of steady predictable income… I knew, however, that the energy and time required to teach in the academic program this term was not in line with my soul calling to devote myself more fully to my art.  So this project was perfect.

I worked from home when I felt moved to within a 2-month period. I sometimes put in a 10-hour day, but then skipped a day or two to paint or worked on it for only 2 hours when I had to run errands.  By the end, I had a huge binder filled with highly detailed instructions and fun, success-oriented learning activities for 3 levels of learners. I had created something tangible that would make a difference for both the teachers and students in summers to come.  That felt very much in line with my life’s purpose.

Could I sustain that kind of energy or focus all year?  Probably not.  I’ve discovered that I like highly creative projects that have a clear beginning and end – not too far off in the future.  It was the same with teaching – the more creative input, the better. The shorter the term, the better.  I like 5-week courses. Twelve weeks stretched on at times.  The idea of having the same class year-round like regular school teachers do never appealed to me.  I love teaching and am good at it, but being an introvert, it takes a lot of my energy. I work better alone, from home.  Balance on a yearly basis vs. a daily basis is also good.

Precious Moments-Dominique HurleyQuestions:

What kind of work environment do you thrive in? Alone from home? On your computer while traveling? With a lot of people in an office that’s constantly buzzing with activity?

Do you prefer routine, planned variety, or constant surprises?

Are you a 9 to 5er with weekends off? Or do you like early morning or late night shifts?

Do you need the security of a regular paycheck? Do you prefer the uncertainty but possibility of limitless income through entrepreneurial motivation? Or do you need a little of both for peace of mind?

Do you like working year-round with scheduled holidays? Do you prefer contract-based work that leaves you free certain months of the year – whenever you choose?

What are your needs in terms of income, social contact, mentorship, time off, etc.?

These are all good questions to ask as you consider how to live a life on purpose and earn a living.  Although I feel very strongly called to be an artist full-time right now, I have to carefully consider how I can sustain that. My non-business expenses are pretty low as I live a simple life, but my peace of mind / security needs are maybe higher than some.

Professional Guidance:

I’m about to start a 6-week free training program with the Newfoundland and Labrador Organization of Women Entrepreneurs (NLOWE) to explore different avenues through which I can grow my business.  I’ve spent hours listening to entrepreneurial and arts-business coaching podcasts to keep me in the right frame of mind despite my fears.  I’ve followed inspiration to put grant requests and business proposals together and to make contacts within my community.  I’m in the process of finding clarity for my business as my right-brain intuitive Spirit-led self harmonizes with my left-brain common sense action-oriented self (that’s the goal anyway).  It’s a work in progress and requires patience and determination.

Working with a coach at NLOWE has already been so fruitful in terms of questioning and clarifying.  I’ve also put my name down on a waiting list for a mastermind group.  They also offer many networking opportunities, which have helped me become aware of my triggers around events where people can be inauthentic and in “getting” mode.  As the world is a mirror, it’s helped me re-evaluate my own way of being during such events.  Although I can be a great leader and have no trouble talking to large crowds, I can be very uncomfortable in social settings.  This growing process can be tough, but that’s what we’re on this planet for, so I’m open to it – just asking to do so with ease and grace instead.  My coach advised me to seek my like-minded community, even while I’m in hermit mode , but with the goal of doing research.  “Go out there and find out what their needs are and how best you can serve them through your art and inspiration”.  Just changing my frame to that from “Let’s go find buyers for my paintings” really helped me stay in a space of authenticity, last night, for example, when I went to a local Meet-Up group on Spirituality & Metaphysics.  Although part of me just wants to stay home and paint, I am grateful for all the resources available to me at this time as I find clarity on my path.

The Path of Discovery:

This isn’t something I’ve just jumped into. My career path has helped me answer many of those questions above.  I’ve discovered through experience what works for me and what doesn’t.  The unstable contractual nature of ESL teaching helped me become more comfortable with not knowing (in terms of schedules, salary, etc.).  I came to fully appreciate the choice it gave me every few months to accept a contract or spend the time learning or painting.  And when circumstances chose for me, I learned to accept that that was meant to be – it was in line with my Highest Good as that is what I always pray for. I then started looking for the opportunities in that.  It also taught me to live debt-free and have an emergency reserve put aside in a bank that I don’t use for anything else in case I’m completely without income for a few months.

All is One-Dominique HurleyAt 48, I’m still figuring out what a Life by Design looks like – for now and the near future. In the past, traveling around the world and across Canada teaching English was perfect.  Being a student at various times in my life was also perfect.  Always, however, the art and inspiration have been present.  My job right now is to figure out how I can best serve my community and if/what/how I can earn a living from that.  It’s all part of exploring and expressing my love of beauty and the beauty of love.

Divine Union-Dominique HurleyP.S.  No matter what happens, I love creating and sharing.  I may not be reaching a lot of people yet through my own social media platforms, but I experienced the power of it yesterday.  Girish, a famous kirtan singer (Sanscrit meditation music) posted my painting “Divine Union” on his Facebook Page (I have no idea how he found it – the magic of social media) with a quote by Marianne Williamson.  This is quite amazing as I had spent the morning pairing some of my paintings with quotes by this spiritual teacher coming to St. John’s in May.  Coincidence? I think not.  Anyhow, within 13 hours, 890 had Liked it and 563 had Shared it, meaning that all of their friends had seen and potentially shared it.  I may not have made a penny from this painting yet, but it’s out there touching and moving people. I can feel the Great Creator working through me.  I have tears of joy just writing that.  I know I’m on my path and I know that the Universe will support me as I follow that call.  In that, I trust.

I will keep praying for Guidance as I refine the Work aspect of my life as a spiritual being having a human experience.  Indeed, I will keep my heart set on what the Buddhists call Right Livelihood on the Eightfold Path.

May your Work fulfill you and serve others as you create your Life by Design.

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