Love Oracle 12: Living Large with the Universal Laws

What does “living large” mean to you? Having a successful and abundant life may look different for you than for me.

May this second trio of Universal Law mandalas help you live large, no matter what that means to you. 

Pick a painting then scroll down to read its Love Oracle message. Ponder how it applies to your life right now.

The 12 Universal Laws help you transform your life from the inside out. 

Learning to use them to your advantage will help you become the conscious creator you were meant to be.

Note: You can learn more about all 12 Universal Laws in my free Guide to the Universal Laws.

Love Oracle Message 1: The Law of Correspondence

Dear Beloved,

The world as you see and experience it stems from your thoughts and feelings.

Two people in the same space may see and experience it completely differently.

Two people in the presence of another may see and experience that person completely differently.

According to the Law of Correspondence, whatever is growing within your inner being spirals out into the world. Your current reality, therefore, took roots within your mind. This is as true for individuals as for communities.

The more you nurture and cultivate your inner world, the more your outer world will match your true essence.

Moment-by-moment, are you choosing light or darkness – love or fear?

What are you sowing in your inner world with your thoughts, actions, choices? Know that these seeds are taking root and will spread into your outer reality.

Know also that your full potential in this world already lies within you, just as the tree already exists within the seed. By tapping into your true essence and nurturing your growth, you can evolve into the True You that you were meant to be.

With every new day, you are given another opportunity to live large, re-creating a world more aligned with that golden essence that lies within you. Choose love, not fear.

Painting: Law of Correspondence. Order mandala prints here. Collection of twelve 30″ x 30″ originals + one 36″ x 36″ summary piece for sale here. Free Guide to the Universal Laws here

Love Oracle Message 2: The Law of Cause & Effect

Dear Beloved,

Everything happens for a reason.

Today is the result of your past thoughts and actions. Tomorrow is being shaped through your thoughts and actions of today. 

What kind of future are you creating?

We currently live in a world of contrasting choices, emotions, thoughts, actions, beliefs, and resulting realities.

By experiencing contrast (love / fear), you can better appreciate the power of free will – the power of what you choose every moment of every day.

“Man becomes what he thinks about all day long.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

When you can fully appreciate your own creative power, you open yourself to living an abundant successful life, no matter what that means to you.

“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” ~Sir Isaac Newton

So start with today, Beloved.

  • What movies or shows are you choosing to watch?
  • What foods are you choosing to feed yourself with?
  • What people are you choosing to hang out with?
  • How are you choosing to act (vs. react) in the situations that present themselves to you?
  • Are you nurturing loving or fearful thoughts?
  • Are you focusing on everything that’s going “right” or everything that’s going “wrong” in the world?

Keep making the higher-vibration choices and watch your reality shift.

Painting: Law of Cause & Effect. Order mandala prints here. Collection of twelve 30″ x 30″ originals + one 36″ x 36″ summary piece for sale here. Free Guide to the Universal Laws here

Love Oracle Message 3: The Law of Compensation

The Law of Compensation Mandala

The Law of Compensation

Dear Beloved,

The more you give, the more you get. The opposite is also true.

The key is not to give in order to get. That takes love out of the equation and just won’t work.

So if today is a reflection of what you’ve given in the past, how can your choices today attract what you’d like to receive in the future?

What doors are you opening with your generosity and kindness? What are you contributing, receiving, building in your world?

The beauty is that there are many ways to give.

No matter if you’re the type of person who is very active in the community, part of a family unit, or single with more hermit tendencies – you can find ways to give that suit your unique presence and purpose on this planet.

Here are the 7 Sacred Gifts that Give You Everything, according to Derek Rydall, one of my teachers.

  1. Giving to yourself: give yourself what you seek from others
  2. Give thanks: what you appreciate, appreciates
  3. Give forth: share your time, talent & treasure
  4. Give up: release habits, criticism, complaints, judgment
  5. Give in: let go of resistance, surrender to what’s emerging
  6. Give away: circulate what you no longer need/use
  7. ForGiving: free yourself and others from emotional debt

Try focusing on one every day or every week and watch your inner and outer realities transform.

The results may not be immediate. You may not make the connection between what you’re giving and what you’re receiving. You don’t need to.

Remember, however, that to be a part of the Universal Energy Flow, you need to be as gracious about receiving as you are about giving. 

You may already be a big giver but have trouble accepting the fruits of others’ giving. Or is it difficult for you to ask for help, which offers others an opportunity to give?

Open your heart to both giving and receiving as both are needed to live large.

Painting: Law of Compensation. Order mandala prints here. Collection of twelve 30″ x 30″ originals + one 36″ x 36″ summary piece for sale here. Free Guide to the Universal Laws here

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