Love Oracle 23: Dance to the Rhythms of Life

Happy Summer Solstice! On this longest day of the year, let’s dance to the rhythms of life.

Are you dancing towards or away from what your heart desires?

Are you dancing to the beat of the music or stepping on toes, your own included, as you fight the tempo?

Are you frustrated because you can’t sensually rumba or do a Grand Jete on your first try?

If you’d like to dance through life with ease & grace, pay attention to the lessons of these, the last 3 of 12 Universal Law mandalas presented in the Love Oracle series. They’ll help you transform your life from the inside out.

Pick the painting that speaks most to you and focus on its lessons this week. Its message is below.

Note: You can learn more about all 12 Universal Laws in my free Guide to the Universal Laws.

Love Oracle Message 1: The Law of Polarity

Dear Beloved,

We live in a dualistic world. It’s what makes existence possible. There’s no north without south, hot without cold, success without failure, etc.

The beauty is that there’s a whole continuum of existence between those polar opposites.

When you focus on the opposite of what you don’t want, you start dancing along the continuum towards what you do want. 

Where attention goes, energy flows. You always have a choice. Which way do you want to tip the scale?

I’m sure you can think of examples in your own life when fear kept you focused on what you most wanted to avoid. You were so intent on it that you ended up attracting it your way – fear of being sick, fear of failing a test, fear of freezing on stage. The possibilities are endless.

So are the possibilities of being healthy, successful, inspirational, etc.

Why not shimmy, sway or skip your way towards the end of the continuum that holds all your heart truly desires? 

I smiled when I heard in the movie “The Art of Racing in the Rain:

“In racing, they say that your car goes where your eyes go. The driver who cannot tear his eyes away from the wall as he spins out of control will meet that wall…Simply another way of saying that which you manifest is before you.” (quoted from the book p. 83)

Which end of the continuum do you want to make your dance partner? 

Painting: Law of Polarity. Order mandala prints here. Collection of twelve 30″ x 30″ originals + one 36″ x 36″ summary piece for sale here. Free Guide to the Universal Laws here

Love Oracle Message 2: The Law of Rhythm

Dear Beloved,

Nothing is random. There’s order in the Universe through the repetitive movement, patterns, and cycles in everything.

This is as true about the seasons as it is about relationships, politics, and the economy.

Everything is either growing or dying.

By understanding this rhythm, we can act accordingly and sensibly.

Don’t fight the cycles. Work with them to your advantage.

Mastering the Law of Rhythm means finding balance and equanimity no matter which way the pendulum is swinging.  

Don’t bring your ballet slippers to a rock concert or your Dr. Martens boots to a ball. You’ll end up hurting someone on the dance floor or getting hurt yourself.

Instead, familiarize yourself with the music, the weather, the setting, the crowd and your own state of being to see how you can most enjoy the dance you’re going to.

Wearing a thick wool sweater to a salsa dance on a summer day in Cuba would be as uncomfortable as wearing a bikini beach dress to a New Year’s Eve Ball in Switzerland.

If you know ahead of time what the circumstances will be, you can better prepare for them.

Know that life’s pendulum will keep swinging. If it’s down, know that it’s going to head back up. Don’t sabotage yourself by lowering your vibration and getting depressed. If it’s up, don’t overindulge so that there’s nothing left when it starts heading down again.

Are you riding an emotional roller coaster or are you in a state of inner peace and joy, no matter what?

Painting: Law of Rhythm. Order mandala prints here. Collection of twelve 30″ x 30″ originals + one 36″ x 36″ summary piece for sale here. Free Guide to the Universal Laws here

Love Oracle Message 3: The Law of Gender

Dear Beloved,

It takes two to tango, waltz or cha cha.

The Law of Gender is about both creation and gestation.

First, gender exists in everything and on all planes: physical, mental, and spiritual.

On the physical, this manifests as sex.  On the psychological, it’s the right and left brain traits.  On the spiritual, it’s the yin and yang qualities of the soul and ego, the heavenly and earthly. 

It takes both male properties (will, penetration, action, expression) and female properties (intuition, openness, allowing, nurturing) for all creation.

The key to using the Law of Gender on the spiritual plane is in nurturing harmony and balance between the male and female aspects within ourselves.

Second, everything needs time to gestate and grow.

For humans, it takes 9 months. For your dreams and goals, it depends.

There’s Divine Timing, but like with anything, where attention goes, energy flows.

The more you focus on your dreams, the faster they’ll come to fruition.  The trick is keeping the faith and exercising both inspired action and gratitude along the way.  

Don’t give up. Don’t get negative. That will only delay, stunt, or kill its growth. 

Like with all seeds, our ideas need time and nourishment. Be patient and keep on believing..

Are you feeding your dreams or have you given up on them?

Painting: Law of Gender. Order mandala prints here. Collection of twelve 30″ x 30″ originals + one 36″ x 36″ summary piece for sale here. Free Guide to the Universal Laws here

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