Love Oracle 27: Everyone Counts

Everyone counts. Seems obvious, doesn’t it?

But do those words float at the conceptual level or do they really live deep into your belief system?

Do you feel you count? And everyone else you encounter in a day? How about in some obscure place around the world?

March 1st is Zero Discrimination Day.

Organizations like the United Nations (UN) actively promote the day with various activities to celebrate everyone’s right to live a full life with dignity regardless of age, gender, sexuality, nationality, ethnicity, skin color, height, weight, profession, education, and beliefs.

Many countries have laws against discrimination but it’s still a problem in all layers of society in every country in the world. Many countries have and still use discrimination as a way of governing.

The symbol for Zero Discrimination Day is the butterfly, widely used by people to share their stories and photos as a way to end discrimination and work towards positive transformation.

So this week, let’s see how we can positively transform our truth to better reflect Truth – that everyone counts!

Ask your Team of Divine Helpers “How can I be more loving?” Then pick the painting that speaks to you the most. Scroll down to read its Oracle Message.

May it help you love yourself and others at a much deeper level. 

Love Oracle Message 1: Discover Different

painting "MindShift"Dear Beloved,

Once upon a time, I went for a walk with a woman who told me something like “I make it a point to meet people who think differently than I do. That’s how I grow.”

She likely had no idea how her words would impact me. Of course I’ve met many kinds of people living and working on 3 continents and 5 provinces. But I definitely gravitate to spending all my free time with like-minded folks.

If you picked this painting, you’re invited to observe and reflect on how your thoughts, your words, your perceptions change when you’re in different environments and with different kinds of people. This includes those you see in the news, or on the Internet.

Make it a point to test yourself by going somewhere different to practice mindfulness, self-awareness.

Do you judge others for being different than you? for believing in a different deity or having a different way of living?  Or are you curious and open to learning and expanding?

Are you a “my way is the right way” kind of person? Do you suffer from black & white thinking? Or do you relish different perspectives to stretch your horizons?

This week, use the affirmation “I am curious about my earthly brothers and sisters. I delight in differences.” to ask questions and discover the multiple facets to our human family.

Love yourself compassionately if you notice you’ve been negatively influenced by cultural or popular prejudices when it comes to appearances, ways of speaking, ways of dressing, socio-economic classes, habits and mannerisms, etc.

See if you can let go of a layer of delusion that you are either inferior or superior. 

Discover the differences and delight in them.

Remember, to someone else, you’re the one who’s different. Wouldn’t you like to be seen, accepted, and loved for who you are? Consciously try it with another.

Painting: MindShift (SOLD). More on it here….  Order prints here.   

Love Oracle Message 2: Feel the Positive Transformation

Dear Beloved,

What is your vision of a loving, harmonious world with zero discrimination?

Close your eyes and dream this vision into reality, first in your heart & mind. Take at least 5 minutes and explore the various details of that ideal world. If that doesn’t work for you, try journaling instead.

Really feel it as you imagine it – first in your family, then in your immediate circle, community, city, country, continent and all around the planet.

Transformation starts with you. How would you travel in your day and in your world differently if there were zero discrimination?

How would you perceive others’ acceptance of you? How would you imagine your acceptance of others?

How would being truly seen and seeing change the love in your heart and the love in the world?

What would be the ripple effect of everyone living this way? What would happen on a social, economic, political, etc. level in the world?

Stay focused on the positive transformation.

Just like with the butterfly effect, your small seemingly trivial imagination play can ultimately result in something much greater.

The power of your visioning is being added to that of all those who picked this painting on this day and for years to come. 

So as you flap your love-wings here and now, it could ultimately change the world into one of zero discrimination.

So go ahead. Flap away in your imagination and in your life.

Positive transformation starts with you. Thank you.

Painting: Visionary (SOLD). More on it here….  Order prints here.   

Love Oracle Message 3: Embrace All Spirit Vessels

painting of double heart-shaped woamn inside hands and glowing circleDear Beloved,

If you’ve picked this painting, you’re being asked to burn away whatever negative judgments you may have adopted, cultivated, and perpetuated about physical appearances – yours and that of others.

It’s often subconscious.

First, let’s start with you.

Can you honestly say that you love your body fully and totally for all it is, has ever been and will become?

If yes, bravo! You’ve picked this painting to celebrate this miracle. For it is a miracle in this day and age if you’re able to do that.

Next, can you honestly say that you love everyone else’s bodies no matter the shapes, sizes, colours, unique characteristics, states of health, etc.?

If yes, consider teaching this to others. Our world greatly needs it.

Beauty standards and expectations often vary depending on ethnic backgrounds. This results from tradition, deeply held beliefs, social pressure, and media influences.

In some cultures, being full-figured is a sign of health and prosperity. In others, it’s a sign of ill-health and low body image.

In some cultures, being tanned is a sign of health. In others, the paler the better.

In some cultures, short women are considered feminine yet short men are seen as weak.

How different life would be if we all simply honoured all bodies, no matter how they were born and what has happened to them since.

Every body is a vessel for the spirit.

These spirits have chosen to come into this world in all shapes, sizes & colours for a reason.

If we were all the same, it would be so boring, not to mention complicated in terms of knowing who is who.

Embracing everyone’s spirit vessel is part of burning away the layers of discrimination. 

How would total body acceptance manifest in your life?

Would you love yourself more unconditionally? Would you have more friends? Would you find your right partner? Would you accept your children more unconditionally? Would you be friendlier to all you meet? Would you welcome aging and death?

How would your life positively change if you truly accepted and even celebrated the differences in the costumes souls chose to dress-up in for this lifetime?

Reflect on this as you go through your days. You may better appreciate your own reflection in the mirror the more you appreciate the variety of shapes, sizes & colours of everyone’s unique expression of the Divine.

That would be first step towards becoming more unconditionally loving to who they truly are on the inside too.

Painting: Bridie’s Flame (SOLD). More on it here….  Order prints here.   


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