Love Oracle 35: Loving Your Labyrinth

Every year on the first Saturday in May thousands of people around the world participate in World Labyrinth Day. This year, that’s on May 4th.

World Labyrinth Day is more than a celebration of the labyrinth experience. It’s a massive moving meditation for world peace. Can you imagine the impact of that?

According to the Labyrinth Society,

“Labyrinths are tools for personal, psychological and spiritual transformation, also thought to enhance right-brain activity. Labyrinths evoke metaphor, sacred geometry, spiritual pilgrimage, religious practice, mindfulness, environmental art, and community building.”

There are many types of labyrinths. Although I’ve painted the Classical 7-circuit, I’m a big fan of the Medieval Chartres style labyrinth as depicted in the 3 paintings above and on my Labyrinth Drum. That’s also the style of labyrinth I often walk in Bowring Park, down the street from where I live.

If you haven’t already, or feel like revisiting them, I invite you watch 2 of my labyrinth videos from my time in Europe last spring/summer. The first was filmed in the Chartres Cathedral.  The second features a community labyrinth experience at the Academy of Art, Creativity and Consciousness, where I studied for 2 months. 

If you haven’t walked one before, there’s a big difference between a labyrinth and a maze. In a labyrinth, there’s only one way in to get to the centre. Then you take the same way back out.

There’s no stress of getting lost or taking the wrong turn.

Your focus is on taking one step forward at a time and on whatever intention you set at the start. Everything you encounter on the way is purposeful – on the inside & out. After pausing at the centre, you walk back toward your daily life, carrying with you the gifts of the labyrinth.

Every experience is different. This week’s Love Oracle paintings and Messages reflect that.

So ask your Team of Divine Helpers “How can I best contribute to peace on earth this week”? Then look at and pick the painting that speaks to you the most. Its message is below.

And if you have a chance, find or create a labyrinth nearby to join with those thousands doing the same on World Labyrinth Day.

Love Oracle Message 1: Tune Into Your Intuition

Oasis labyrinth with 2 angelsDear Beloved,

As you walk the labyrinth, down your city street or park trail, ask your Team of Divine Helpers how you can best contribute to peace on earth this week. 

Walk mindfully. Pay attention to what’s happening inside you. Also pay attention to your environment.

Intuitive messages may be experienced through many channels – sight, hearing, sensations, knowing / memories, smells and tastes.

Just like in an intuitive walkabout, be hyper vigilant to the symbolism of what meets you on your path.

Is is something someone is saying, a literal sign on the window, a snail crossing your path, the sound of sirens in the distance (no kidding, I just heard one after I wrote that, a rare occurrence where I live).

What you’re looking for are clues or downright messages about what inspired action you can take to help increase peace in your life and the lives of those around you. 

You may suddenly remember an aunt or a favour you promised to fulfill. Call your aunt. Do the favour and apologize for the delay.

You may feel the urge to shift something in your schedule to create more space for peace. Or is it your perceptions and judgments that need to shift?

Pay attention to everything as you walk towards your set destination.

Then, pause in gratitude and pray for support before feeling the joy, the peace, the freedom of intuitive living. One inspired step at a time.

Painting: Oasis of Inspiration (SOLD). More on it here….  Order prints here.   

Love Oracle Message 2: Walk in Peace

Peace Flow labyrinth painting

“Peace Flow”

Dear Beloved,

The best thing you can do for peace in the world is focus on finding the peace within yourself first. 

If you’re feeling the divine peace that is always at your core, all those around you will feel the effects. So let it begin with you.

You are the peace dove. How you journey through life is the example. It sets the pace and the tone.

You can be super busy and still be at peace. You can also be super busy and be totally stressed. Often, it’s a matter of choice.

If you picked this painting, you’re asked to increase your self-awareness, your mindfulness as you go through your day.

If you find yourself getting stressed or anxious, pause. Then consciously continue doing what you were doing while choosing to do so peacefully.

For example, are you cooking dinner afraid you’ll be late and thinking of the laundry and errands that need doing? Or are you fully present in the moment, cooking while relishing in the smells, grateful for fresh ingredients, loving the act of feeding yourself and your loved ones?

It takes exactly the same time.

So how can you walk through your life choosing peace, cultivating peace, nourishing peace, spreading peace?

It starts here and now. And here and now. And here and now.

Peace be with you!

Painting: Peace Flow (SOLD). More on it here….  Order prints here.   

Love Oracle Message 3: Aligning in Peace

Dear Beloved,

Are you feeling your life is out of alignment? Are you feeling off-balance?

If you picked this painting, you’re being invited to open and balance your 7 main chakras to live a life that’s more aligned with your Higher Self.

There are many ways to do so.

Find yourself a chakra-balancing yoga class, do the 9 meditations in my Chakra Balance Meditation Bundle, book a Reiki or acupuncture treatment, paint in the 7 chakra colours while praying for support on what each activates.

When you’re feeling more aligned with your True Self, you’ll naturally feel the peace and the joy of true balance.

Working on the 6 lower chakras naturally helps to open the 7th, your crown chakra, the lotus of enlightenment. 

So as you walk the labyrinth of your life, notice what is feeling out of whack and seek support to have it enhance your experience of the journey, not debilitate it.

Enjoy the journey on your way to The True Destination.

Painting: Chakra Journey (SOLD). More on it here….  Order prints here.   

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