Mind-blowing Limiting Belief Analogy – my Trailway “Discovery”

Way too often we play small in our lives. Beliefs we adopted from parents, teachers, society, life experience, etc. keep us from truly exploring and expressing all we were meant to be, do or have. Limiting beliefs sabotage our lives!

This lesson was brought home to me through a mind-blowing geography-based analogy as explained in the video above.

Imagine quitting on a dream when what you wanted to be, do, or have was just around the corner. Or even worse, imagine quitting on yourself when your next stage of evolution as the individualized expression of the Divine being that you have always been was just about to emerge… Not a fun picture, eh!?

Don’t give up! Don’t play small! Don’t sabotage the miracle of your life!

Enjoy the journey and know there are more destinations ahead. As long as you’re alive, you’re growing, evolving, discovering, being more of who you were always meant to be.

And that’s one amazing being! A truth from birth to death and beyond.

A False Truth Based on a Misunderstanding

When I first got my hybrid bicycle, 5 years ago, I was thrilled to finally  be able to travel the Trailway – a cross-province gravel path built upon the old railway bed.

Someone told me that this trail near my new home went all the way to Paradise, a neighbouring town.

Actually, they said it went all the way to the ocean in Conception Bay South, but that there was a section between Paradise and CBS that could only be done on foot or ATV for now.

She then explained that this rough section started after the 2nd pond.

So I headed out on my own one day 5 years ago to find the ponds. When I got to the second one about 2.5 hours later, I rested, then headed back home downhill in 1/3 the time on a slight downhill. What freedom! What joy!

I was thrilled with my success.

I then told my friend Leslie about it and we cycled it a few times every year since. She assumed I was telling her the truth, adopting my belief that Neil’s Pond was the end of the road.

But when I looked on a map for the spelling of the name of the first pond for a video in July, I was confused to find out that the first pond was actually called Brazil or Neville’s Pond – not Octagon Pond as I’d believed, having remembered my source’s mention of Neil’s and Octagon Ponds.

So where was Octagon Pond? Looking at a map on my iPhone, my jaw dropped. Octagon Pond was after Neil’s Pond, behind the big Sobey’s grocery store.

My original source of information had meant that Neil’s Pond was the small pond and Octagon the big. Brazil Pond must have been a puddle in her mind. Either that or I misunderstood something.

But for 5 years, I believed that Neil’s Pond was the end of the road…. Yikes! 

So this year, I went beyond Neil’s Pond, not 5 minutes away by bike to the real end of the road, the 3.8km loop around Octagon Pond.

Mind-blowing. For me anyway.

It just kept repeating in my mind for weeks after I discovered the real truth – “Where else can this be happening in my life?”

Yes, I’d enjoyed the journey. Yes, I loved my time at Neil’s Pond. But there was more! There was bigger! There was Truth!!! Right around the corner!

Have fun resting your awareness on your life to see where your limiting beliefs may have stemmed from a misunderstanding, falsehood, or ego protective mechanism to keep you small.

Then bust those limiting beliefs and allow yourself to be, do, and have all the goodness you can imagine or more.

You deserve the truth!

Other Cycling Mini-Movies

Cycling is such a source of pleasure & freedom for me. It’s also, as is all of life, a source of philosophical tidbits.  You can read more about what my time with Sephira (my bike) has taught me in another post here.

If you’d like to join me on a few other bike rides as I learned to use my camera and iMovie app, here are 4 other short videos I created earlier this year. It’s never too late to learn new skills – get creative, have fun, and enjoy the journey. 

I invite you to subscribe to my YouTube channel as I don’t post everything on my blog.

  1. May 10 – First Cycle of the Year (1:46) – watch it here.
  2. May 16 – Going With My Flow (4:39) – watch it here.
  3. June 5 – A Letter From the Sea (9:34)  – watch it here.
  4. July 13 – Sunday Cycle to Neil’s Pond (4:08)  – watch it here.


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