So Much to Share

I’m not sure if you’re keeping up with my blog … there’s so much I want to share that I hardly have the time to do so.  Yesterday was another fantastic day for at least 4 reasons.

1- Walk to School
Do you walk to work/school?  Do you take a different route each time?  I recommend it! I usually arrange to live 30-60 minutes from where I need to go on a daily basis as I love walking  – I avoid the crowds, nausea, and expense of public transport, plus there’s always so much to see. Plus varying my route awakens the senses!  Since yesterday was surprisingly sunny and warm, I extended my walk past the Parliament and into the Volksgarten, and with my iPhone, I don’t need to lug my big/real camera when I’m not on a dedicated photo trip.  Nice!

2- Mana Prima

OK, this was totally cool and fun!  One of our teachers, David Heskin, has developed this technique of using powdered pigment and water to create abstract designs. It has since been taught to thousands. It’s a lot like what I was doing with airbrush colours, liquid acrylics and water, but with much more control and playing time. So I guess what I’m saying  is that it’s totally different, but similar in its intuitive creative play qualities and hand application as well as in its freeing spirit – anyone can do this.

Here are some pictures from today – we started with white pigment on black with a drop of blue/magenta (collaborative boards, and then individual black gesso-covered papers) and then colour on white. Then we went outside in the courtyard to spray them with acrylic varnish as there are no binders in this technique, so water re-activates the pigment. I’m so enjoying this intensive – I feel like Me again.  David then taught the class how to mirror images in Photoshop to create cool worlds – something I enjoy doing with my photography, but I’ve never done with my paintings.  The two mirrored images are of 2 of my pieces (not the best quality as shot on iPhone) – if you can see them close up, you’ll find lots of faces and creatures.

3- Pay What You Can Restaurant – Really?!

I love to eat – you probably already know that.  I enjoy delicious food about as much as I don’t enjoy cooking.  So an all-you-can-eat Pakistani buffet at whatever price you feel like paying sounded too good to be true.  But it was absolutely awesome!  Since our lunches this week are half an hour longer than usual, I initiated a group trek to Deewan to partake in an experience that some of the students had told me about.  Wow!  First, the food was absolutely delicious.  I had two plate-fulls and desert – healthy ingredients and lots of flavour and variety.  Second, the atmosphere was unique.  Yes, the place was absolutely packed – all three levels – mostly with young people.  All the tables were full, so we sat on a raised platform with cushions and low tables at the back of the 3rd level down. There was a definitely a higher consciousness feel to the place, yet I could see or sense no religious affiliation or agenda.  It simply seemed to be what it was – I’m definitely curious in learning more about it all as, after 7 years, they must be making a profit to survive while providing such a wonderful service.  Third, the price is right.  Drinks and take-out have set prices, but the buffet is truly a pay-what-you-can/want.  I even had to figure out where to pay on my way out, handing my money to a man on the phone who just dropped it in his cash without really looking/counting.  Interestingly, I chose to pay 4 Euros ( about $5.50 Cdn – more than some and less than I’ve ever paid for a meal out here).  I chose to do so because I could – a mix of both abundance and scarcity motives it seems…. very interesting.  I chose to do so, however, knowing that next time I will pay more, also simply because I can.  This payment system very much reminded me of how I run garage sales – I ask people to pay me whatever they want / can over $1 – some pay $1 and some ask me how much I originally paid for something and pay me that.  Very interesting indeed!  Again, I’ll have to go back and chat with them when they’re less busy or read up more online – I’m very curious –

4- German Conversation Meeting

This week, I returned to the Tunnel Club for the Couchsurfing German Conversation Meeting.  If you’ll remember, I went 2 weeks ago, but no one showed up for the first half hour, so I left.  This time, I went with Lizzy, one of my classmates, and we were soon joined by a man from Poland, 2 Austrians, another from Poland, one from Turkey, and so on.  By the time we left at 8:30pm, there were about 20 people around the table and I’m sure more showed up later as it goes until 11pm.  It was great!  We got to practice and to learn even if we were the most beginner students there. It was a very welcoming atmosphere. We’re going back next week.  Couchsurfing events in town (there are lots) are free, so that’s even better!  They’re everywhere around the world, so you might want to check it out for yourself.  A truly wonderful organization.

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3 replies
  1. Shannon Lu
    Shannon Lu says:

    I loved the video on the painting technique. That must have been so much fun and the paintings are so beautiful. I can see how you will incorporate this technique into your paintings! He is so right about our hands being a creative extension of ourselves. That buffet place sounds amazing! What an interesting business model!


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