Tag Archive for: angel

Birds of a Feather – the painting

“Birds of a Feather” – Original (24″ x 48″) and prints available.

You’ve heard the expression “Birds of a feather flock together”? Well, I truly believe that our winged friends of the earthly and celestial kinds hang out together.

The way I see it, birds will often come into our lives as a way for the angels and Source to communicate to us. 

How many times has a feather floated into your awareness as a sign of hope, comfort, confirmation, travel, a visitation from a dearly departed, or acknowledgment that was perfect for the time?… even if you were indoors!

How many times has a bird appeared to lift your spirit or convey some other symbolic message of freedom, inspiration, or higher knowledge?

Just like the angels, birds are messengers from God (or whatever term resonates with you).

Google is really helpful for finding out the universal symbolism of various breeds, but it’s also important to tune into your own personal and intuitive meaning-making skills.

From the yellow finches reminding me to play to the ravens call for transformation; from the blue jay’s reminder to be resourceful & determined to the eagle’s call for vision & focus – they are such blessings in my life.

Dedicated to my housemate Orinda

Just as I was writing this, I heard my housemate squeal with joy, calling me out of my room to see the 2 northern flickers and blue jay on our patio railing.  Their timely appearance held different messages for both of us.

According to one site, they “symbolize growth or advancement.  Believers of flicker totem are gifted with intuition, ability for deepened understanding of being and seen in unconventional careers. Their changing perception and unconventional ways of life brings them to success”. Perfect!

When I was studying visionary art in Vienna in 2014, I sent out an email to all my friends with the list of everything I was hoping to manifest in a place to live upon my return to St. John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador. They sent it to their friends, and it eventually landed in Orinda’s email inbox. After a few messages back and forth, I communicated a message the birds had given me and she was thrilled to report she’d shared with friends what the birds were telling her about sharing the house. We too seem to be birds of a feather!

We’re blessed by many daily visits from our fine feathered friends at Orinda’s bird-feeder. Her relationship with them as a form of communication with the Divine Oneness reminds me of my own.

That’s why I dedicate the creation of this piece to her in thanks for the support I feel in this little nature sanctuary of a home to be who I truly am and do what I feel called to do.

Birds of a Feather – the painting

After painting the first few layers of the background, I received a knowing that this painting would include an angel and a bird in a tribute to both kinds of feathered friends, our winged messengers.

I could sense (it wasn’t a vision this time) an angel holding a bird in its feathered embrace.  I knew it would be a big bird because of the kinetic feeling I was getting. So my first thought was a swan, having recently painted “A Call to Swana Grace“.

But then I received a vision of what I first thought was a snow egret – a bird I fell in love with during a California photography trip years ago. But it was bigger. That’s when I knew it was a crane.

I became very aware of cranes while living in South Korea for 3 years. Their meaning stayed with me and fit perfectly with the essence of this work in progress.

The crane symbolizes spirit-centered creativity, happiness, balance, emotion, grace, connection to the Divine, prosperity, and longevity. They offer an invitation to let go of what no longer serves you.

I chose to paint a whooping crane, an endangered species which breeds in Canada and migrates to the States during our harsh winters.

Is it calling to you?
Purchase the original.
Order prints.

Title: Birds of a Feather
Year: © 2018
Size: 48″ x 24″ (122 cm x 61 cm)
Artist: Dominique Hurley
Materials: Professional acrylics, mica & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. 
Genre: intuitive painting, visionary art, energism art, spiritual art, inspirational art
Price: $ 3,700 CAD

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Kinship with our Winged Messengers

Do you have a feather or bird story to share? Let’s celebrate in the comments how our winged friends communicate to us.

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Painting: “I’ve Got Your Back”

Ive got your back-Dominique HurleyHere’s a clear example of creating out of necessity.

This painting was born from a state of desperately needing to reconnect to Source, to Support, to Purpose, to Love during a period when I’m spending 10-16 hours a day learning and building my new website.  I get overwhelmed and scared much too easily when it comes to technology.

So I took Easter Sunday off the computer to dive back into the creative realms that nourish me on so many levels.

Can you feel the energy that was channeled through this blessed image?

It spent the whole next day beside me at the computer and my eyes sought it often as panic and frustration mounted.

It reminded me to breathe and connect on a moment by moment basis. Very empowering!

I’m glad to say I’m in a much better space now because of it (although still only making baby steps towards my goals). Still, it’s progress.  Thank you dear God and Guiding Spirits, Angels of Light and Love.  I know you’re here – all I need to do is remember to ask for help.

We only need but ask…


“I’ve Got Your Back” – 15″ x 30″ – acrylics on gallery-wrapped canvas (no framing required) 

Original – Sold.  See  Prints in my online shop.

May this painting bring you whatever message you need to hear today.

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New Painting: “My Prayer For You”

My Prayer For You-Dominique Hurley

Introducing “My Prayer For You” – 9″ x 12″, acrylics on gallery-wrapped stretched canvas  – SOLD

Go to my shop to see all available paintings & reproductions.

I started with layers of dark blue and purple washes before taking my homemade snowflake stencils out again – those I created for “Divine Union“.

I had been looking forward to playing with those some more.

This time, I used iridescent paints to create the designs in the four corners, in different colours, overlapping each other. I then spent hours decorating these with dots before adding the fifth stencil on top in blue.

IMG_8834I then got on my rebounder to dance a few songs while contemplating it, asking how it wanted to evolve.  That’s when I saw in my mind’s eye the little angel that my housemate Orinda has on the kitchen table.  The day before, she had put it on the Canadian Tire flyer to point out the table on sale for me.  So I went to get her (the angel, not Orinda) and kept sketching until I had stylized her in my fashion.  From there, I traced her onto the canvas, painted her, and decorated her.

The cool thing about Golden Interference paints is that they change colours or appear/disappear depending on the light / angle.  If you look at these two photos below, they were both taken at the final stage of the painting.  You can’t see the blue iridescent shadows on her lap and in the creases of her dress in the photo on the left.  But they appear on the photo on the right, photographed from a different angle.  Cool eh?

As I looked up from the other paintings I’ve started working on, I would see her on the wall and smile every time.  She just filled my heart with joy.  She emanates with a simple iridescent beauty, and her prayers are filled with a love that feel quite palpable to me.

Can you feel it?


It felt so good to be painting again this weekend after a couple of weeks of working at the computer.  I had a business proposal, grant submission, guest blog post, newsletter, tax return, and curriculum development project to work on. There’s so much more to being an artist than painting…

There’s a new addition in the studio. I purchased a 6-foot table that folds in half for easy carrying / storage. Although I’ll still gladly sit cross-legged on the floor for the first very watery layers of some canvases, I’ve learned to be more careful about my posture. I don’t want to repeat last year’s back issues.

Go to my shop to see all available paintings & reproductions.



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New Painting: “All the Days of My Life”

All the Days of My Life-Dominique Hurley.jpgOK, so by now you already know how much I love and am grateful for my guardian angels, who have been at my side all the days of my life (although perhaps not the same angels the whole time – I don’t know much about their contract terms, job security, retirement age, turnover rates, etc.). What I do know is that they’ve done a truly wonderful job, even when I put up a fuss 🙂

I’m also very fond of the archangels, whom I call upon quite regularly.

It would only be natural, therefore, that I have more than one angel painting.  I’m adding to the collection this week with this one:

“All the Days of My Life” – 12″ x 24″ – Acrylics on gallery-wrapped canvas – SOLD


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Please Help Name this Painting

4 days to go before the end of trimester party and exhibition/sale!  I’m almost done.

IMG_6067I need help naming this one though.  All suggestions welcome. Let’s start brainstorming – your comments may inspire others.  Feel free to comment at the end of this post or on Facebook.

IMG_6085The theme is Never Alone, but I’m looking for positive wording that expresses that same feeling. I’m also open to whatever else inspires you.

It’s all about being connected to Source, to guiding spirits / totem animals, to angels, to Love and to the Higher Self on our evolutionary journey.  I usually “download” titles during the painting process, but oddly, for this self-portrait of sorts, I haven’t … I came up with “Never Alone” just this morning, but being big on the guidelines for wording affirmations, I try to avoid negatives.

IMG_6088Today, I worked on the angel’s final hairstyling – still feathered, but more like the wings.

And added the Light that comes from the joining of hands, of Heaven & Earth, of Psyche & Amore – the Light of constant support, companionship, Love.

So what do you think a good title would be?


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