motion photograph of echinacea flowers

The Power of a Vision Statement – Coaching in Action

motion photograph of echinacea flowers

“Floralis Dance” from my Blossoming Photography Collection (available in many sizes and mediums)

This is great stuff! I had to share. I’m sure it’ll help you too. Plus it’s quite easy to do.

It only took me about 10 minutes to write up my Vision Statement during a recent life / business coaching session with Brenda Kelleher-Flight of GDP Consulting. She needed a volunteer for her latest certification, and I jumped at the occasion. (You’ll hear more from her later in this post.)

I’m already feeling its effects. My homework is to listen to the recording of this Vision Statment a few times in a row each day to connect to the life I envision for myself.

It’s such a natural step forward from my previous work with affirmations and vision boards. I’ve now got one more tool to build the life I want.

I’m happy to report that I’m steadily aiming in the right direction. And I trust the Universe is working on the elements that aren’t visible yet, but I know are already on their way. All I need to do is keep the faith and continue to affirm it through thoughts, feelings, and inspired actions. My Vision Statement recording will help with that.

Here’s how it works. Write up your vision of your ideal life. Write everything in the present tense. Cover all areas. Be specific or stay general.

Here. Listen / read mine for an example.


My Vision Statement


I go to bed early in a grateful and positive frame of mind, so that I wake up feeling completely refreshed. I love my morning routine, as I give myself the time and space for sacred rituals: dancing on my mini-trampoline and chanting, yoga, asking and receiving Guidance. These raise my vibration for the rest of the day.

My business day starts between 6-7 a.m. when I do intuitive readings, guided meditations, or energy paintings. Helping people on their path also helps me with my life purpose of exploring and expressing my love of beauty and the beauty of love.

My flow of clients is steady, only attracting those who are a good match for my offerings.

My work is making a significant different in my fans’ and clients’ lives. I feel truly blessed to be doing this work. It’s also financially lucrative so that it creates more freedom for myself and others to live in ways that are aligned with my / their inner guidance. People are happy to be supporting me in my goals as it also helps them with theirs.

My business is organized in a way that allows for an uninterrupted flow of passive income.

I have the freedom to follow my inner guidance to wherever it leads, be it for study, recreational travel, business, and more.

My work day usually ends around 3 pm to focus on quality time with my Self, my life partner, and friends.

My presence is a gift – the result of my open mind and generous heart.

Every day, I nourish myself with healthy foods and take nature walks – alone or with friends.

I am in a mutually respectful and unconditionally loving relationship with the right man for me. We both want the other’s happiness without expecting anything in return.

All those in my life feel connected to me even when I’m not physically present. My love and support are felt with all my friends and family.

I’m happy and healthy in body, mind, and spirit because I choose to live in this way.

The Power of Coaching

Brenda Kelleher-Flight in her officeBrenda and I spent 4.5 wonderful hours together, filled with aha moments and shifts that I felt on the physical, mental, and energetic level.

I can just imagine the benefits of regular life-business coaching!

Here’s how Brenda talks about it.

Message from Brenda

Are you totally satisfied with all areas of your life and work? If yes, this post isn’t for you. If not, then please keep reading and I hope you’ll find the guidance you’re searching for at this time. The guidance I’m speaking about is that of a coach.

Sometimes we feel stuck or as if things could be better, but we don’t know who to talk to, who to trust, or whether things could actually be as we dream. The good news is that a good coach is a confidant. You can tell your coach things you wouldn’t tell others because a coach is trained to understand and be non-judgmental.

A coach will lead you through exercises to help you identify your blind spots. You determine what is holding you back from achieving what you desire and deserve because your coach only has one agenda – that is working in your best interests.

In my training through the Fowler International Academy of Professional Coaching , I’ve learned that it’s essential to set priorities, work on manageable targets, and hold you accountable for taking actions and seeing results. When you report on your accomplishments and initiatives, we get to celebrate together. When things don’t go as well, I’m there as a non-judgement sounding board.

I can assist you to create your vision for your future and see it become a reality. There’s no such thing as failure in my world, there’s only success.

Brenda Kelleher-Flight is a professional coach and mediator. She can be reached at [email protected] or 709-753-9935.


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