The Rainbow Harmony Drum

The Rainbow Harmony Drum was the first drum to be painted in my 8-Painted-Drum Fundraiser.

When I started, only 1 person had pre-paid her deposit, giving her the opportunity to pick or pass as each drum was painted, until she had found her drum.

As the vision for it came through, I wasn’t surprised that she said “Yes!” to this first drum.

The whole painting process & energy channeling that went into it felt like it was meant for Lucy O’Driscoll. 

The vision and the painting that emerged from it was very aligned with what I knew Lucy’s work to be – bringing people together for yearly Body Mind and Spirit retreats here on the island of Newfoundland.

I first attended one of her retreats on my birthday back in 2011, the year I was guided to move here.

Since then, I’ve led workshops every year or two at her retreats, filling my cup as I help others fill their own,

What a thrill to know this drum will be used to help bring community together and create sacred space at all her retreats.

The Rainbow Harmony Drum Symbolism

As Mother Earth herself ascends, she is creating a slipstream that is helping humanity to ascend with Her. She is supporting our transformational journey into Higher Consciousness.

Having said that, as we do our inner work to raise our vibration and live more in alignment with our True Selves and our Higher Purpose, we too help our planet ascend and thrive.

Re-connecting to our Selves, each other and our planet’s sacredness, we nourish everyone’s transformational journey.

This can be accelerated by communing with the Elements represented on this drum: Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Aether (Spirit) and I added Vibration (the energy within all beings and all things).

The gathered people in the circle are chakra or rainbow-coloured. Both chakras and rainbows are sacred symbols associated with colour. Colour is energy vibrating at a frequency we can see.

Open or balanced chakras represent the free flow of Life Force in the energy centres of the human body. The kinds of activities practiced at spiritual retreats help achieve that within the individual and the community.

Rainbows are a bridge, an invitation to spiritual growth. Among many other things, they represent new beginnings, change, hope, encouragement, and ascension.

The community sitting in sacred circle, is a symbol of unity, interrelatedness, Oneness – of coming together.

You can see why this was the perfect drum for Lucy and her calling to create sacred community, something she’s been doing in Newfoundland & Labrador for over 30 years.

Watch it Evolve

Enjoy this short video that shows you how I brought the vision into being – you’re seeing days’ work at super-speed!

Want a Drum?

All 8 painted drums in my fundraiser have found homes. Commissions are possible for $1,111 CA. Contact me too enquire.

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