When the Veil is Thin – Cave of Bethlehem Video

When the Veil is Thin

When I was wondering which of my summer pilgrimage videos to share this week, I immediately saw a link between our visit to the Cave of Bethlehem and Halloween. Or rather, Samhain, a Gaelic festival that marks the end of the harvest season and the beginning of the “darker half” of the year. Halloween has its roots in this ancient Celtic celebration.

At Samhain, it’s believed that the veil between the physical world and the spiritual (or “other”) world is at its thinnest.

Do you share my belief that so much more exists in the mystery beyond our usual perceptions?

If so, this is a perfect time to:

  • connect with God / your Team of Divine Helpers to ask for Guidance
  • sit in silence and ask to connect with the Spirit Essence of your beloveds that have departed their physical form
  • go outdoors to commune with Nature Spirits
  • engage in rituals that honour your soul on its Path
  • do energy work to realign your mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and energy bodies
  • take time to reflect on what tricks and treats you’re giving yourself in your daily routines
  • and more, as inspired

The Cave of Bethlehem

So why the link with this video?

One of our many sacred hikes on the 2023 Mary Magdalene pilgrimage took us up an unmarked trail to what’s known as the Cave of Bethlehem.

A couple magically appeared to give us direction just as we were about to pass the hidden turn-off.

We gave our legs yet another workout for an energetic experience infused in love , history & beauty.

This is said to be an ancient Cathar initiation cave. According to local expert, Anaiya Sophia, this cave was one of three underground retreats where Cathars met with the ‘Almighty Creative Essence’.

We are told that in these caves the initiate would begin to access the state of the living Soul, the state of the ‘Pure One’ or ‘Perfect One’ (parfait). When the timing was right the disciple would go through the ‘Mystical door’, and come back into the world to devote themselves to suffering mankind, in service to Christ.

The Bethlehem is the third and final stage of the Initiation. … This cave may well have been the spiritual centre of the Cathar world. For it was here that the ‘Pure’ candidate underwent an initiation ceremony that culminated in The Consolamentum, the invoking of the redeeming force to wipe away all sin (errors against love) and anoint to soul at the highest level with the touch of the Holy Spirit.

The Bethlehem comprises of a square niche in the wall in which stood the veiled Holy Grail, a granite altar upon which the Gospel of John would lay, a pentagram carved into the wall and obvious telluric currents emanating from the rock walls and floor.

Those from my group who chose to climb to connect to the energy in the pentagram in the rock had various and remarkable experiences. I chose to connect to the energies with my feet on the ground.

If you do choose to take advantage of the thinner veil between worlds at this time of year, may it bring you closer to Source, your Self, and your reason for being here now.


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