Affirmations Video for a Happy Healthy Life

May you be nourished by the healing energy and beauty of Mother Nature during this 15-minute video inspired by a staycation at The Country Experience on Hawco’s Pond in Deer Park, Newfoundland & Labrador.

For an even more powerful experience, repeat the affirmations out loud, allowing yourself to feel their truth in your life. Then breathe deeply and expand that feeling out into the Universe as you watch.

Celebrating Life

As much as I craved solitude for my first monthly creative staycation (which resulted in A Prayer for Our Times), I was thrilled to share this experience with my good friend Leslie Bridger.

The timing was perfect as June 14th was Leslie’s rebirthday, 15 years after a near-fatal bicycle accident in Toronto. Doctors had little hope for her when she came out of her induced coma, but she not only recovered from her physical and brain injuries, she turned her life around.

Sharing her love of life and belief in the healing powers of Mother Earth and the Elements has become her mission. She came out of her coma understanding that we are all interconnected Divine Beings, like points of light on a giant web. Her love for humanity is great – a wonderful influence on me.

I already knew she was a perfect traveling companion, having house-sat together in Nova Scotia for a couple of weeks in 2017. I don’t say that because she loves to cook and I love to eat! It does help, though.

We also understand each other’s need for balanced activity time together and time alone to work on our projects – my video art, her book.

I couldn’t have asked for a better staycation. Indeed, it was just what my Spirit Calling Cards suggested on the morning of our departure:

The Gift of Life

You don’t have to almost die to realize you deserve to live the life you were born to live.

With COVID-19, more people have taken the time to reflect on the preciousness of life. After the shock of having been kicked off the hamster wheel, many have simplified, prioritized, re-organized their lives to focus on what truly matters. Some didn’t have a choice!

From small changes to major life decisions, they’ve sought the opportunities emerging from these challenging times.

What about you?

Wherever you are on your transformational journey, life invites you, through experience, to make the choices that serve your Highest Good. Only you can make those choices; only you can take that responsibility.

What’s right for you may not be what’s right for everyone else. Listen in and follow your intuition, one inspired step at a time.

And if the “buts” of your ego try to keep you small, acknowledge them and creatively love your way through and past them.

For example, my ego was telling me not to spend on staycations at a time when income has only been trickling in and I have thousands of dollars tied up in credit in Ireland since my 2-month trip was cancelled due to the pandemic . I knew, however, how instrumental a change of scene and break in routine could be for my creativity.

So, thinking outside the box, I offered friends who owned or managed properties, the opportunity of receiving photography of their sites in exchange for 3-night stays. Win-win!

When you set your heart on a goal and make life-affirming decisions, the Universe provides. Stay open to miracles! Ask and you shall receive.

Which affirmation from the video spoke most strongly to you? Please share it in the comments below.

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Affirmation Booster 7

This Oprah Winfrey quote in my planner inspired this latest edition of my Affirmation Booster series.

I know for sure that what we dwell on is who we become.”

Isn’t that the truth! It’s another way of saying “Where attention goes, energy flows.”, a principle that keeps coming up for me.

We’re always thinking of something. In fact, I’ve read that experts say we have anywhere from 50,000 to 80,000 thoughts a day. That’s 2,100 – 3,300 thoughts an hour!

Some research claims that up to 98% of those thoughts are the same as those from the day before. Shocking, right?!

If water keeps running the same course, it forms a groove and becomes a river. If a thought keeps being thought, it forms a neurochemical dynamic process that becomes a belief.

So the question is, what do you believe about yourself? What repeated thought formed that belief?

More importantly, is it true? Is it really true? Who would you be if you didn’t believe that thought?

If you don’t recognize this line of questioning, it’s part of Byron Katie’s life-changing The Work. I recommend her book “Loving What Is”as a introduction to her process.

Affirmations Create New Beliefs

Affirmations are a great way to form new grooves in your belief system. They work if you use them often enough to change the current limiting patterns of belief.

Give these 11 affirmations a try to see how they impact your emotions, decisions & actions.

Then pick your favourite and post it on your mirror to repeat every day this month. It just may be the one that creates the most resistance as this shows you where your groove is currently running deep and going in the opposite direction.

Pause the slideshow and repeat one at a time as often as you need with feeling until you can find an example of it in your life. Let the energy of my art support your process. Then focus on that truth and amplify the feeling. 

Give yourself a high five before going to the next.

Going back to Oprah’s quote, as you dwell on each one, you’ll become it more and more.

Life will then give you opportunities to practice being the truth of that affirmation.

It’ll also provide mirrors for you to recognize your True Self in them.

Enjoy the process!

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The 11 affirmations are:

  1. I am forgiveness.
  2. I am humbleness.
  3. I am mindfulness.
  4. I am Oneness.
  5. I am radiance.
  6. I am reflection.
  7. I am serenity.
  8. I am softness.
  9. I am unconditional love.
  10. I am wellness.
  11. I am a witness.


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Affirmation Booster 6


Have you heard of 3D affirmations?

They add 2 extra dimensions to the usual “I am” statements.

How to say 3D affirmations:

  1. Start with repeating the I AM … until you can connect it to a memory or feeling of truth. You need to believe and feel it for it to work. Be creative on how it applies to you and your life already. For example, “I am blessed” and bring to heart/mind a list of your blessings.
  2. Then look at yourself in the mirror and start with your name and use “you”. For example, “Dominique, you are blessed”.
  3. Next, amplify the energy by creating a buzz about it. You know how powerful gossip can be. Plant uplifting rumours. Turn to your friend, cat, plants or to the cars passing in the street and say your name and “she/he”. For example, “Dominique, she’s so blessed!”

Try these 3 D affirmations:

Try it! You’ll like it. Here are 11 more affirmations with my energy-infused art support your practice.

Breathe. Be present. Repeat.

Pause the slideshow and take your time.

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Note: To access previous affirmation boosters, use the category search in the sidebar on your computer or use the search at the top (magnifying glass) with “Affirmation Booster”.

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Affirmation Booster 5

How do you surround yourself in life-enhancing affirmative messages, people, activities, event, etc?

Here’s something I taught at a recent Positive Thinkers Club of Newfoundland breakfast. They have a 10-minute affirmations session before their inspirational special guest.

First,  it’s important to believe what you’re saying for it to work. So I encourage you to repeat an affirmation until you can think of an example of its truth in your life.

Second, hold on to the affirmative feeling of that truth in you. Then, while breathing deeply, amplify that feeling 10, 50, 100 times. What you’re doing is generating the limitless possibilities of how that truth may manifest in your life from now on.

By really feeling the power of your I AM statements – the ones below or any you feel inspired to use for your life, you’re sending out vibration signals to the Universe. It’s a case of ‘ask & you shall receive’ in the language of the Universe.

And how does the Universe respond? It’ll send you people, places, experiences, etc. that will assist you in generating those feelings more and more often. The Universe will match your request with what resonates at the same frequency. 

The power isn’t just in the words. It’s in the feeling you generate through your memories, visions, and amplified vibration intention.

Try it out.  Use the pause button to stay with one for as long as you need, allowing the visuals to support your transformational journey, and then get yourself happily buzzing through this session of 11.

I’ve written them out below for you if that helps.

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  1. I am blossoming.
  2. I am giving.
  3. I am glowing.
  4. I am learning.
  5. I am letting go.
  6. I am listening.
  7. I am rejoicing.
  8. I am shifting.
  9. I am shining.
  10. I am smiling.
  11. I am soaring.

Feel free to use the search feature at the top or Categories feature in the right sidebar of my website to locate the previous Affirmation Boosters and to deepen your practice.

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Affirmation Booster 4

Have you worked with affirmations before? Did you find them effective?

If not, this may be why…

If you affirm “I am inspiration.” and then you follow it by thinking “Yeah, right! I am not! Nothing I do has ever inspired anyone. I’m boring. I can’t even inspire myself to get outside in the sunshine today.”, it just won’t work.

Those negative follow-ups are also affirmations and there’s a lot more of them.

It’s unfortunate but we’re overrun by negative words and self-limiting thoughts. They’re often the norm.

So saying these affirmations once and then spending the rest of day thinking or saying the opposite just won’t create the changes you want.

Affirmations are tools that have to be used often and used well. It takes practice to get your brain out of its usual groove to make better and happier choices. This takes time and determination.

So if you feel yourself wanting to counter what you say as you go through these 11 affirmations, pause.

Find an example of this statement’s truth in your life, no matter how long ago or how small. Focus on it as you repeat the affirmation. Believe it.

Then give it space to grow by cultivating a self-loving environment during the rest of your day.

Come back to this post several times during the day and weeks. Put your favourite ones on post it notes and in your voice mail.

Affirmations are a fun way to reprogram your beliefs and transform your life. You just need to believe they work.

More Tips

  • Use the pause & arrow buttons.
  • Repeat each one before moving on.
  • Connect to its truth – whatever that means to you in the moment.
  • Allow it to spark inspiration, ignite intuition, and guide you to taking inspired action.
  • Journal afterwards to strengthen these positive thoughts and beliefs.

Note: If your computer doesn’t show the slideshow, I’ve listed them below.

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  1. I am awareness.
  2. I am a dream come true.
  3. I am emotion in motion.
  4. I am an explorer.
  5. I am inspiration.
  6. I am life.
  7. I am light.
  8. I am meditation.
  9. I am the Path I walk.
  10. I am peace.
  11. I am quiet contemplation.

Did this affirmation booster make a difference in your day? How? I’d love to know. Please share in the comments below.

P.S. Add empowering visuals to your environment. Click here to see my painting and photography prints or click here for original paintings.

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Affirmation Booster 3

Most everyone on this planet has self-limiting thoughts and belief.

They keep you small, affect your self-esteem, and increase the power of negativity in your life.

The good news is that you have what it takes to change all that.

Affirmations are a great tool to help you create a joyous and fulfilling life.

By consciously choosing words that connect you to your True Self, you transform your reality.

It’s like re-programming your subconscious to create better experiences through positive words, thoughts, and feelings.

So here are 11 more affirmations to work with. The energy-infused artwork behind them will also help raise your vibration.


  • Use the pause & arrow buttons.
  • Repeat each one before moving on.
  • Connect to its truth – whatever that means to you in the moment.
  • With each repetition, feel and visualize its full potential in your life.
  • Allow it to spark inspiration, ignite intuition, and guide you to taking inspired action.
  • Journal afterwards to strengthen these positive thoughts and beliefs.
  • Come back often.

Note: If your computer doesn’t show the slideshow, I’ve listed them below.

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  1. I am brave.
  2. I am connected
  3. I am free.
  4. I am fruitful.
  5. I am Guided.
  6. I am happy.
  7. I am heard.
  8. I am luscious.
  9. I am perceptive.
  10. I am playful.
  11. I am mysterious.

Did this affirmation booster make a difference in your day? How? I’d love to know. Please share in the comments below.

P.S. Add empowering visuals to your environment. Click here to see my painting and photography prints or click here for original paintings.

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Affirmation Booster 2

Affirmations work.

You just need to believe them. So get yourself in a good frame of mind (dance, sing, etc.) and repeat the affirmations below.

Where attention goes, energy flows.

By repeating the truths in this affirmation booster, you’re increasing the energy flow to them.

That’s a whole lot more constructive than focusing on the negative in your life.

As you repeat these statements, feel what they mean to you. Let examples float into your mind’s eye to celebrate the harvest of your life.

The art behind each will help raise your vibration.

If your critical self-talk wants to join in, just smile and say them with more gusto and love.


  • Use the pause & arrow buttons to move through these 11 affirmations.
  • Repeat each one before moving on.
  • Connect to its truth – whatever that means to you in the moment.
  • With each repetition, connect to its fuller potential through feeling and vision.
  • Allow it to spark inspiration, ignite intuition, and guide you to taking inspired action.
  • Journal afterwards to strengthen these positive thoughts and beliefs.
  • Come back often.

Note: If your computer doesn’t show the slideshow, I’ve listed them below.

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  1. I am an ancient prayer.
  2. I am art.
  3. I am a teacher.
  4. I am the creator of my own peace.
  5. I am the dance of light and shadow.
  6. I am energy
  7. I am gentleness.
  8. I am harmony.
  9. I am love, loved and loving.
  10. I am one with nature.
  11. I am pure of heart.

Did this affirmation booster make a difference in your day? How? I’d love to know. Please share in the comments below.

P.S. Add empowering imagery to your environment. Click here to see my painting and photography prints or click here for original paintings.

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Affirmation Booster 1

Welcome to your first affirmation booster. Come back often to increase its magic in your life.

Everything you think or say is an affirmation.

Your words and thoughts are like seeds that already hold within them the potential of full growth. The more you repeat them, the more you nourish their manifestation.

That’s great when they’re positive. But your negative thoughts and words are also affirmations, making their destructive power stronger with each repetition.

So think happy thoughts.

See the vision of who you want to be and repeat the words until you’ve formed a new thinking pattern.

As long as you feel the seed of truth in these affirmation, they’ll germinate, sprout, and bloom in your life.

  • Use the pause & arrow buttons move through these 11 affirmations.
  • Repeat each one before moving on. Connect to its truth – whatever that means to you in the moment. Then, with each repetition, connect to its greater potential.
  • Allow it to spark inspiration and ignite intuition. Open yourself to taking inspired action. 
  • Journal to strengthen your reconnection to your true essence.
  • Come back often.

Note: If your computer doesn’t show the slideshow, I’ve listed them below.

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  1. I am abundant.
  2. I am beautiful.
  3. I am caring.
  4. I am creative.
  5. I am de-light-ful.
  6. I am divine.
  7. I am growing.
  8. I am healhty.
  9. I am intuitive.
  10. I am loved.
  11. I am open

Did this affirmation booster make a difference in your day? How? I’d love to know. Please share in the comments below.

P.S. Add empowering visuals to your environment. Click here to see my painting and photography prints or click here for original paintings.

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