Divine Life Planning Meditation

This is the perfect time to look at the 8 areas of your life to see which ones need your attention for a happier healthier year.

Let’s do it with a whole-brained approach to success.

First, let me explain the traditional way to do this.

Then, I’ll offer you a guided visioning meditation to go even deeper for guidance.

This Divine Life Planning Meditation was channeled to give you access to more than what your Left analytical brain can come up with on its own.

It’s an opportunity to ask your heart, your Right intuitive brain and Team of Divine Helpers for what is truly needed in each area of your life for your Highest Good.

The Life Coaching Approach

A life coach may ask you to draw a circle divided into 8 pie pieces. Then, you’d give a score for each of these 8 areas to rate your sense of fulfillment in each.

A score of 1 marked with a dot near the centre would mean no fulfillment. A score of 10, near the outside edge of the circle, would mean total fulfillment. By joining the dots, you would see where your life is out of balance.

The 8 Areas:

  1. Physical Environment
  2. Fun / Recreation
  3. Business / Career
  4. Personal / Spiritual Development
  5. Wellness & Health
  6. Romance / Family
  7. Finances / Life Planning
  8. Society / Community

Awareness is key to making changes.

An Example

Last year, after doing this exercise, I realized that I’d neglected my social and fun areas for the sake of my career (which is also fun…).

So when I was told about the the formation of a French improvisational comedy league here in St. John’s, I said “YES!”.

I’ll admit, it was a stretch of a few comfort zones. I’m not much for going out at night, and this meant taking the bus across town if my housesister’s car wasn’t available. What can I say…. I can be a bit of a homebody.

No regrets though! I had such fun in 2018! New friends. New skills. New laughs. New opportunities.

By December, we’d received a grant to fly to the French islands of Saint Pierre & Miquelon south of Newfoundland for a weekend of training & play.

Their team is joining us here at the end of January for more fun & games.

My social / fun & recreation scores are much higher now, all because I was aware and took inspired action! 

Go Deeper with the Intuitive Approach

Let’s tune in to see what your heart & intuition have to say about the 8 areas of your life.

Your answers are within you. This meditation can help you access them.

You may not be able to see your next level of emergence into your True Self from your current limited perspective or emotional state.

That’s where visioning can help. It raises your vibration and opens you up to receiving messages through all your channels for the bigger picture of your life.

(For a description of your intuitive channels, make sure to listen to the free 75-minute tutorial on my Intuition into Action Treasure Map.)

The more you practice this kind of meditation, the stronger your intuitive messages will be. Do it more than once and keep exploring the layers – during the meditaiton and in your journal afterward.

Love yourself through this exercise. Let it be what it is for you.

If meditating right before bed puts you to sleep, try it at another time of day while sitting in a chair instead.

Just ask & get ready to receive.

Video – Play here or on YouTube

Enjoy this meditation I channeled last weekend at the Holyrood Public Library during the closing of my art exhibition.

39 minutes. Best experienced with headphones.

P.S. This painting is called “Ask & You Shall Receive”, a summary of my Intuition into Action Treasure Map. The 8 areas are represented within the arrows. The original (36″ x 36″) and prints are available for purchase.

P.P.S. You can hire me to channel a custom meditation based on your needs. I’m also available to join your group for a live experience.

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Mother Mary Meditation

It’s strange that I hadn’t painted Mother Mary yet. I’ve got paintings of angels, Buddha, Saraswati, Lakshmi, Kwan-yin, Mary Magdalene, my totem animals and various representations of Source, but hadn’t yet honoured Mary or her son Jesus.

My spirituality has expanded from my Catholic roots to a more Universal philosophy. But Mary and Jesus are still very much a part of my Team of Divine Helpers. 

I’ve felt a painting of the blessed mother germinating for some years. But it’s almost as if I’d taken this part of my foundation for granted.

When I went to Ottawa in September, I attended mass at the Notre Dame Basilica. It was my first time there alone with my father since my mother moved into a long term care home.

The light was shining through the stained glass windows in mesmerizing ways. We used to go in the evenings, so the morning light here was new to me.

During that hour, I felt a whole new body of artwork calling me. And I knew that Mother Mary was going to be an integral part of it.


Mother Mary Grottos

A month later, I went to a panel discussion called “Walking and Healing: on feminism, spirituality, land”.

One of the presenters talked about the Mother Mary grottos here in Newfoundland and her doctoral research on their role in their communities.

It stirred something within me.

The Grotto in Lourdes, France

I remember visiting Lourdes in France as a young girl. I’d had a little booklet on the story of Saint Bernadette and her visions of Mary in a cave in the mid 1800s.

Although I was partly overwhelmed by the touristy aspects surrounding the sacred site, I remember feeling touched by the evidence of healings and miracles.

The sacred was palpable through the commercial veneer of this pilgrimage site.

Having said that, I did go home with 3 big plastic Virgin Mary bottles full of holy water that I kept for another 20 year. I wish I still had them now.

The Grotto in Renews, Newfoundland & Labrador

The weekend after the discussion panel, 4 of us traveled to Renews-Cappahayden to hold ceremony at the Grotto de Lourdes on Mass Rock. You can read more about its interesting history on Canada’s Historic Places website.

As I placed my hand on the Mass Rock, I connected through my heart to people throughout history and around the world who have had to hide their spiritual beliefs for fear of prosecution.

Still, they believed and gathered in secret to celebrate as they did here in the 1700s when the colony of Newfoundland fell under England’s Penal laws.

I’m so glad I live in a part of the world where I’m now free to be and believe as I do. 

Having learned at a young age to be quiet about my own visions and some of my spiritual experiences, I’m amazed at how open the world has become.

I feel so grateful for the increasing acceptance of what I’m being called to channel or participate in for the service of others.

Our time in Renews – open to each person’s background and contributions – was a part of that.

We took in the energy, held a beautiful collaborative ceremony, drank the waters, remembered the stories of how significant this place was to the local community and walked on Midnight Hill.

In our closing, we each offered names in prayer. I included my mother, Rita.

Not 2 minutes later, one of the women in the group found wind chimes on the ground, likely blown down in that week’s 140km/hr windstorm that literally shook the island. On its pendant was written “Rita’s Chimes”.

We all recognized the undeniable sign. It took 3 of us to fix the clasp and hang it back in its tree, symbolizing the support needed and manifested so that Rita’s chimes, my mother’s voice, can still be heard.

Mother Mary Meditation Video

As part of our ceremony, I channeled this meditation.  We stood in a circle holding hands, closed our eyes, and journeyed together within the visions I was being offered.

When I got home, I added the music and photos to create the video below.

I recommend you listen to this Mother Mary meditation with your eyes closed the first time and then re-experience it with the photographs afterwards to anchor your internal journey and any messages you received along the way.

I’ve also included the audio-only track below and the photographs for you to contemplate at your leisure.

May this post help you connect to your Divine Feminine, to Mother Mary, and to self-love.

Next week, I’ll share the painting that was born from this experience.

Note: You can find this and other meditations on my YouTube channel.

Photo Contemplation

Feel free to click on the first photo to scroll through them one at a time.


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Planting Seeds – a Visioning Meditation

Are you in need of raising your vibration to plant the seeds and cultivate the fruit that’s in your Highest Good?  In this Planting Seeds visioning meditation, you’ll have the chance to ask 5 questions or set 5 intentions and receive intuitive guidance on each.

Powerful! Can I say that about something I’ve channeled? Why not!?

I listened to this short visioning meditation for the first time 2.5 months after channeling it live for a group at my Pause for Peace event in Deer Lake, Newfoundland & Labrador.

What I experienced was exactly what I needed. I feel so much lighter, stronger, clearer.

May it be so for you too.

Planting Seeds – a visioning meditation

I only had half an hour left at the end of the event, so I asked my Team of Divine Helpers for a short & sweet meditation.

I have to admit that I felt a little time conscious, so I didn’t give you as much ‘receiving’ time as I usually like.

So here’s what you can do to prepare ahead of time.

Think of a list of 5 things you’d like to connect to your intuition for. They can be

  • 5 questions
  • 5 intentions
  • 5 affirmations

If you write them down, it’ll be easier. Keep them short & sweet.

Then put on your headphones (I find it easier to meditate and the sound is better with headphones, but it’s not essential) and enjoy your visioning experience.

It’s 19 minutes long, but save time for journaling after. It’s great to keep exploring on paper while you’re still in the vibe.

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Guidance on Paradise Island Meditation

Tune into your intuition on this journey to Paradise Island, where you’ll connect to guidance for this next phase of your life.

I channeled this guided visioning meditation during the Deer Lake Pause for Peace event in mid-June.

In this meditation, you’ll be carried by the gifts of your challenges to your Paradise Island to let go of what no longer serves you, raise your vibration, and receive Guidance. 

Trust that the messages you are meant to receive will make it through one of your intuitive channels during this active intuitive exercise: inner sight, hearing, knowing, memories, feelings, smells, tastes, etc.

Intuition has many channels. One isn’t better than the other.

Allow yourself to use this practice to develop your intuitive muscles. The more you practice, the stronger they’ll get.

Each time you listen to this meditation, you’ll tap into new guidance, visions, etc.  It will evolve as you do..

May it serve you well as you take this pause for peace.  This gift you give yourself is one that you give the world.

Guidance to Paradise Island Meditation

This is a 25-minute Self-Discovery Journey (best listened to with headphones).



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Gifts from the Crystal Pond Meditation

In this 28-minute Gifts from the Crystal Pond Meditation, you’ll journey on the flow of gratitude & intention to interact with one of your Divine Helpers.

May it raise your vibration so you can tune into Guidance and take inspired action. May it help shift you into greater alignment with your Highest Good.

This is a recording of a live group meditation I channeled at the Body Mind Spirit Retreat in Salmonier.

It’s best listened to with headphones.

P.S. If you’d like me to channel a meditation mp3 just for you, based on your needs, no matter where you live, I’ll do that for you for only $247.  You can also contact me if you’d like me to lead a live meditation for you or your group.

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Earth Day Re-Connection Meditation

In this Earth Day Re-Connection Meditation (32 minutes), you’ll first ground yourself through your roots to the core of Mother Earth, Source Energy, and your past experiences / past lives.

You’ll then expand upwards and onwards into your Highest Vision & potential.

May you receive the gifts necessary to fully be present in the now and to access the next inspired steps along your Path to your Highest Good.

This is a recording of a live group meditation I channeled at the Earth Day Body Mind Spirit Retreat at The Wilds in Salmonier.

As usual, I asked Divine Consciousness for a creative visualization experience that would serve all those who would ever listen. May it nourish your transformational journey.

It’s best listened to with headphones.

The vision I received in this meditation reminded me of my painting “Lighting the Way” featured in the video. You can order prints on canvas or fine art paper here.

P.S. If you’d like me to channel a meditation mp3 just for you, based on your needs, no matter where you live, I’ll do that for you for only $247.  You can also contact me if you’d like me to lead a live meditation for you or your group.

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Unleash Your Creativity Guided Visualization

Are you ready to unleash your creativity?

That’s what this meditation I recorded live at a retreat is all about.

It doesn’t matter if you consider yourself an artist or not.

The Unleash Your Creativity Guided Visualization will help you invite inspiration into your art, your life, your kitchen, your relationships, your office problem-solving sessions, and so much more.

It’ll help you:

  • let go of obstacles to creativity,
  • receive the qualities and resources necessary to create,
  • connect to your Guides, angels, Higher Self, artistic muses – whatever is aligned with your belief system,
  • receive inspiration,
  • visualize the essence of a new project,
  • and more.

Your experience and results will be different every time you listen to it.

I recommend you set up your work or play station ahead of time so that you can listen to this 24-minute recording and then flow right into your creative activity.

It’s best enjoyed with headphones. Do not listen while driving.

Enjoy!You can access other meditations using the “Guided Meditation” search category in the sidebar or on my YouTube Channel.

Hire Me for a Custom Guided Visualization Experience

Would you like me to channel a guided visualization meditation specifically for your needs? Please go to my custom Discovery Journey Meditations page for details.

Or contact me if you’d like me to come channel one live for your group.

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Spirit Song Painting & Guided Meditation

Spirit Song whale painting with Derek Rydall Quote

My heart swells with love as I share these Spring Equinox / Easter gifts with you.

May they encourage you to sing your Spirit Song, blessing your own life and the lives of all those around you.

Spirit Song – the painting

“Spirit Song” is part of a growing series of paintings inspired by the great ocean that surround the island of Newfoundland, where I live.

It calls you to rise up from the depths to move upwards & onwards, creating momentum in your life.

When you raise your vibration, you align with your Higher Self, making it possible to connect and communicate with your team of Divine Helpers.

The energy infused into this work encourages you to emerge from the winter more fully as your Self.

On a side note, have you ever seen a humpback whale up close?

I was blessed to have this experience while in a zodiac a few summers ago. I found out that the bumps on their nose are called tubercles. They contain hair follicles. I include a few photos I took in the album below.

“Spirit Song” (12″ x 18″) – SOLD
Acrylics on gallery-wrapped canvas – no framing required.

Sing Your Spirit Song – the meditation

“Sing Your Spirit Song Meditation” is a guided creative visualization I channeled to help you connect to your Light.

I’d asked my Facebook Friends what they needed support with.  I was then honoured to be used as a channel for Spirit to work through me.

Take 45 minutes in your day to close your eyes and be fully present in this participatory exercise.

May it open you up to the clarity & courage to sing your Spirit Song into the world.


  • raise your vibration,
  • melt away your obstacles,
  • see with the eyes of your soul,
  • and connect to the Guidance you need to transform 3 specific challenges in your life.

“Thank you so much! What a beautiful gift! I got some interesting insight that is helping me release the Winter and accept the positive as I accept my right work.” ~ Carol Galloway – San Diego, CA

P.S. If you’d like me to channel a meditation specifically for your needs, click here.

The background music, “Adrift Volume 2” is one of the new royalty free tracks I purchased from Christopher Lloyd Clarke to support your journey. I trust you’ll enjoy it.


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Grow Your Vision Wings Meditation

Are you feeling a difference yet between last year and this year?

2018 is the Year of the Butterfly.

It’s time to align to your divine essence to co-create the life you were meant to live.

Growing your wings and breaking out of the chrysalis to take flight is a process that takes intention, attention, and inspired action.

In this Grow Your Vision Wings Meditation – a guided visualization that I channeled live during a recent workshop – you’ll get to:

  • connect to your Team of Divine Helpers to receive gifts & messages
  • look in the rearview mirror at your life to acknowledge perceived obstacles & opportunities
  • transform obstacles into gifts
  • release what no longer serves you
  • imagine / manifest transformation in specific areas of your life
  • align with your Highest Good

It’s best listened to with headphones and your eyes closed.

Set time aside after this 30-minute meditation to write down the guidance you received and inspired actions to take to keep the momentum going upwards and forwards.


Note: All of my blog meditations are now available on my YouTube Channel

P.S. If you’d like me to co-create a guided visualization with your Team of Divine Helpers specifically for your needs, learn more here….

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A Purposeful Path Meditation

This Purposeful Path Meditation came into being at the end of a business meeting. Isn’t that what you do at the end of your meetings?

My friend Leslie asked that we do something to help align us to our life purpose and our mission for 2018 and beyond.

That seemed like the perfect occasion to channel a creative visualization. I’m glad I recorded it, so I could share it with you now.

May it support your intention to live a life of purpose & passion.

An Example of…

It’s also a good example of my custom Discovery Journey Meditations . These are based on your expressed needs.

I tune into your Higher Self and Divine Consciousness and ask for a meditation on your behalf. I then lead you through a scenario that I receive in my mind’s eye.

The only difference is that I didn’t record this one with my professional gear. I also didn’t mix in the music separately, which would have given it better sound quality. This was a live recording.

A Purposeful Path Meditation

So get comfy and enjoy this Purposeful Path Meditation. It’s a 26-minute self-discovery process that will bring you different experiences, messages, and inspired actions every time you listen.

It’s best enjoyed with headphones and with your eyes closed.

Note. All of my blog meditations are now available on my YouTube Channel.


Dominique Hurley Intuitive Readings - NamasteP.S. If you’d like me to channel a meditation based on your needs and with the help of your Team of Divine Helpers, they’re currently on sale for $247 Cdn. Learn more here…


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