Community Labyrinth Experience – Italy

Have you ever walked a labyrinth?

It can be a boring or a sacred experience. It all depends on how you approach it and how it’s presented. Sacred is much better!

In last week’s post, I shared the historic Chartres Labyrinth on which many around the world are based.

In this video, you’ll share in the magic of the simplified version of the Chartres labyrinth our class created at the Academy of Art, Creativity and Consciousness in Italy several weeks later.

Just investing 7 minutes watching this video can be a meditative experience.

21 students from 7 countries participated in the “Centering: Mandalas, Yantras & Labyrinth” week-long workshop.

On labyrinth day, we started building it at 9:30 am and finished around 6 pm.

Everyone followed their flow to help create it: measuring lines, painting rocks, gathering gifts from Nature, marketing our public event to the Ananda Assisi community, drawing decorative designs, etc.

Students also had their role during the public event. Some were greeters, guardians, musicians, holders of sacred energetic space, and more.

It lasted from 8:30 pm to midnight, and the impact was profound. 


First, the space had been energized all day. So much love and beauty were infused in both the process and physical space.

Second, visitors were greeted into the space and instantly felt the movement inward as they took their place in silence.

Third, our teacher, Dana Lynne Andersen, introduced the meaning of the labyrinth and the possibilities of the process.

Fourth, one of our classmates stepped into the labyrinth first, setting the speed.

Greeters made sure the next person was welcomed, re-introduced in Italian or English, and allowed in a few minutes after the previous person. They also made sure those coming out were welcomed back and grounded.

Some were in tears from the transformation and messages they experienced on this inner and outer journey.

Only a few participants were let in at a time. Others held the energy for them while sitting in silence around the circle.

The music, first with the Ananda Joy choir and then a small group including a few classmates, helped set the tone.


Below is my text from the video, inviting you to have a meaningful labyrinth experience, whether you walk one in your community, or trace the path with your finger on a smaller one you can design in many mediums.

I just walked one earlier this week that my friend mowed in her lawn. Amazing!

P.S. If you want to design your own labyrinth, there are lots of how-to videos on YouTube. We did quite a few of different styles on paper before tackling this one on the Academy floor.

Welcome to the Labyrinth

Welcome to the labyrinth,
A sacred space co-created with love and infused with energy.
There is only one path to the centre & back.
Before you enter,
Set an intention for your journey.
You may have a question for your Team of Divine Helpers.
ou may walk in prayer for yourself or another.
You may meditate on peace or gratitude.

Stay open.
Take your time..
Let go of expectations and simply be –
one step at a time with whatever evolves for you.

When you reach the centre,
Pause, connect, listen, feel.
Then bring what you’ve gathered at your centre
Back out with you,
Remaining attentive during your return journey
To new messages, feelings, insights…

Peace be with you.

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