The Art of Transformation at Ananda Assisi

Welcome to the last of the videos I’ll be sharing here from my 2 months at Ananda Assisi while I was doing the Transformative Arts Certificate program at the Academy of Art, Creativity & Consciousness. (you can see them all on my Youtube Channel)

This video and the peacock art piece were my Final Project for Level 1 – A Personal Journey.

I dedicate this creation to all beings of many realms who helped bring me to and shape the sacred container for this summer’s journey & process. You know who you are.

Part 1 – The Lotus

For the first 75 seconds of this Final Project, I chose to play with the symbolism of the lotus flower …. or it chose me.

With just a few days left in Italy,  I was compelled to walk to the studio in the dark to set up my 2 iPhones so I could film a 3-hour Timelapse of the lotus flowers opening. I’d been a witness to their beauty all summer and marvelled at the life within this small fountain – a snake, tadpoles, koi fish, a chorus of frogs, and mating dragonflies.

In some cultures, the lotus  symbolizes the path to enlightenment, with each petal representing a step towards spiritual growth and transformation.

Also a symbol of beauty, purity and overcoming adversity, the lotus emerges clean from the murky waters and mud in which it grows.

You can see in the timelapse of the trio, that every morning, lotuses dance their new beginning, opening and rising to the light of the sun. That’s why they’re also a symbol of rebirth.

Then came the manifestation of a vision I’d had of filming Paramjoti’s exquisite dancing prayer against the blue backdrop of the Ananda temple roof. I’d been daydreaming of slow motion shots of her whirling skirts, especially while lying facing up near her feet.

She herself was like a lotus flower opening to the Light.

Footage of her graceful spiritual expression became the ribbon of light that unites all 3 parts of this video.

And that blue temple cupola that so captured my heart! You’ll see that from the inside during the choir concert, it too is reminiscent of a lotus bloom.

All that happens under it, from daily meditation, classes, concerts, Sunday services, etc. – all are petals of spiritual growth and transformation.

So you can imagine my joy when I let go of my busy-ness and fatigue on this last week of classes to take in one last Ananda Joy Choir evening concert.

That’s when I recorded the song “Cherish These” by Swami Kriyananda, the founder of Ananda. How perfect!

Is there anywhere on earth,
Perfect freedom, sorrow’s dearth,
Selfless friendship, blameless birth?
Cherish these, naught else has worth.

The lotus, the dance, the choir, and the roof to the Temple of Joy – the ideal ingredients to thankfully celebrate my summer experience. 

Part 2 – The Peacock & Transformative Arts

Our mission for this final transformative art project was to create a process piece that represented our summer’s personal quest.

Tranformative art is about the process, not the product. So I opened to understanding why I’d been so strongly Guided to be in Italy this summer.

As I asked my Team of Divine Helpers for inspiration on one of my walks back to my room 15 minutes away, I received a vision of a peacock tail behind a television playing the many art videos I’d created in my 2 months there. 

I’ve always loved both the beauty and symbolism of the peacock.

Thought of as the modern version of the phoenix, they represent transformation.

But what most impresses me about them is their ability to eat poisonous snakes and plants and transform these toxins into nourishment. What a perfect symbol for transforming one’s challenges into beauty.

This is further enhanced by their many eyes (fanned out along their tail), representing the wise vision necessary to see clearly and live in alignment with Truth.

One of my biggest blessings this summer was breaking my Netflix habit – an overindulgence in watching movies.

I tend to do everything intensively – creative projects, travel, friendships, studies, and yes, watching movies. I’m a Scorpio! But watching too many and sometimes toxic movies isn’t good for my body, mind & spirit.

Months without wifi in my room (or the time with such a full schedule of classes and other opportunities) helped me break my habit.

Each of our program’s weekly themes and my experiences at Ananda awoke a desire to make videos instead. Hundreds of hours went into the creations I’ve shared with you this Fall.

And no doubt that having watched so many movies in my life has given me an insight on the techniques and visual possibilities I explored in this self-taught medium. This was my version of turning toxins into nourishment. 

As I reviewed the pile of artworks from the summer, I was inspired to shape the peacock tail on a labyrinth. I drew and decorated it sitting in front of the school while my cameras were filming the lotus pond.

On another early morning before class, I spontaneously wrote the prayer following the path of the labyrinth.

Once I had the labyrinth tail with its affirmation feathers installed behind the television, I recognized something was missing.

I had a tail. The TV playing my videos became the peacock body. I still needed a head.

Another early morning in the studio and the peacock was complete.

Part 3 – The Prayer

There was no draft for this prayer. I wrote it without stop along the path of the labyrinth, not knowing that I’d be recording it for all to hear…

The journey towards the centre expressed my gratitude for all the blessings of my summer.

The journey back out called upon my Team of Divine Helpers to continue Guiding my way.

This was a surprisingly emotional process.

My heart was so filled with love and gratitude as I was writing my prayer.

That’s when I realized I wanted to include more of the community in my final video – transforming my project into a Thank You gift.

I don’t tend to film people much, so this realization inspired a few creative walkabouts to capture the smiling faces of those I wanted to remember.

Of course I didn’t get everyone. But oh am I ever glad I stretched my comfort zones to ask folks if I could include them in my goodbye video.

This also gave me a chance to invite them to our final exhibition, where I gave away all of my summer’s art pieces in thanks for the difference they’d made in my life there.

I didn’t have enough for all I would have liked to thank. May this video be an extension of my gratitude.

And may it touch your heart in whichever way is meant for you.


Dominique Hurley

P.S. If you’re curious about spending 2 months or a thematic week in the Transformative Art program at the Academy of Art, Creativity & Consciousness in Italy, check out their web page here.

P.P.S. If you’ve enjoyed these past few months of inspirational offerings, please consider donating to my art & life fund. All amounts add up and are appreciated. Thank you for your patronage. Click here to donate by PayPal or credit card. 


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Open Your Heart to the Divine

This is the calendar week I celebrate being born in this earthly form in this lifetime. I’m glad to be alive!

One of my gifts – to myself and you – is to share the messages I received during the “Healing Journey” week at the Academy of Art, Creativity & Consciousness. This Transformative Arts video was also inspired by my life at Ananda Assisi, where I lived during the 2-month program.

May something you hear, see, or feel during this 5.5-minute video experience open your heart to the Divine.

Open Your Heart to the Divine

Are you ready to embody the Divine Love & Joy
that created you?
Give yourself time & space to study
Your Treasure Map back to Source.
Familiarize yourself with the language of your soul.

Don’t concern yourself with the speed or direction
Of other people’s paths.
Focus on your inner landscape.
Know thyself.
For self-awareness is the threshold to self-realization.

Open the door to the Goddess
You already have the combination deep within you.
You are the lock, the key & the keyhole.
Freedom lies beyond the prison walls that keep you small.

Enter sacred process &
Transform your Journey from the inside out.
Dive deep into the ocean of devotion.
Use willpower to unlock the portals
Revealed through the keyholes of your very being.
So much to uncover.
So much to empower.
Wisdom guides the way.

Discover your deep-rooted beliefs and leading values.
Surf & soar on the airflows of inspiration.
Fuel the fires of your creative passions.
Breathe in the fragrance of Divine Mother
In the spaciousness of your soul.
Drink deeply of Her Love.
Cultivate good karma as you continue
To gather the nectar from lifetimes on the spiritual path.
And share the harvest through
Unconditional love for yourself, others,
And all that is – in service to Father/Mother God.

Align with the celestial rhythm
Attune to its sacred energy
Embody Divine Will
To blossom into who you truly are,
An individualized expression of the Divine.

Now open the door to your heart.
Say yes to Light.
Say yes to Love.
Say yes to Freedom.
Live your life fully as a creative expression of God’s Love.
For love encompasses the whole Universe.

Take in this Spirit Vision
And dance in Oneness with all Creation
Gracefully moving in harmony, in joy.

May your flow be a self-offering to the Divine Mother.
May your whole being be absorbed in God’s love.
May you step into happiness
As you get in sync with the Holy Music
That unites All That Is.
For the score to this Freedom Dance
Is already carved as sacred codes into your soul.

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Find Your Right Playmates – Temple of Isis Video

Once upon a time, my ex wisely said “Dominique, I can’t be your everything!”. I must have been disappointed that he wouldn’t attend an event with me or share my passion in some interest.

He was absolutely right!

Relying on one person to satisfy all our needs is a recipe for disaster.

Often, what you think you need from another is something it would be healthy to give to yourself. For example, if you’re looking for love, how can you love yourself more in this moment?

But that’s not really what I wanted to discuss here.

Today, I wanted to share how thrilled I was to have found the ideal playmate for a vision I received while at Ananda Assisi this summer.

The ease & grace with which this co-creation came about was the fulfillment of a dream I’d have for a few years to create a music video.

My efforts in the past had been thwarted by weather, logistics, etc. – group projects that lingered in my “mental wish list” for months until they just dissipated.

So WOW! how grateful I was for this creative bliss with the perfect playmate, Rose Saegusa, a classmate in my Transformative Arts Certification Program at the Academy of Art, Creativity & Consciousness.

From start to finish, this project took 5 days, in my spare time.

Here’s how it happened.

  • We attended the Ananda Joy Choir concert in the temple one evening. I’d asked the director, Peter Treichler, if I could record some songs for possible use in a video. Only about half the choir was there that night, but he generously said yes.
  • Both Rose and I resonated with the song “In the Temple of Isis”.
  • I woke up the next day with a vision of her dancing outside the temple.
  • Before morning meditation, Sanjaya shared a prayer to the Divine Mother that paired wonderfully with the song. It turns out he wrote it and gave me permission to use it.
  • I knew from what Rose was processing in class that week, that she’d be up to dancing in a video.
  • I asked.
  • She answered “When & where!”.
  • I replied: “5 am Saturday, before the yoga classes in the temple and our class trip to Assisi.”
  • She agreed!
  • I had most of my shots figured out before she arrived. She came up with some brilliant additions.
  • We shot it all within a couple of hours as the sun got higher in the sky.
  • Then I spent about 20 hours playing with the footage and new special effects I’d gotten access to by upgrading to the Pro version of CapCut on my phone.
  • Rose gave some excellent editing notes, a skill I also called upon for future projects.

Et voilà! Enjoy the fruits of our co-creative play in this 5-minute Temple of Isis music video.

Acting on Inspiration

I’m used to co-creating with Spirit without delay after receiving an inspiration – when it just involves me .

It’s harder with fellow human beings because of a multitude of practical and other reasons.

This experience was absolutely and completely (yes, they mean the same thing) fulfilling!

What fun! what creativity!

Is it perfect? Of course not!

But when that week was followed by a week of hazy white skies, a different flow pattern in the fountain,  and bare rose bushes, I was so relieved we’d acted on our inspiration while it was fresh and our enthusiasm high.

Thank you Rose for being the perfect playmate for this project.

Find Your Right Playmates

Do you rely on your romantic partner, family member, or best friend to be your everything?  To satisfy all your emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical needs?

Or do you try to do it all on your own, refusing to ask for help or invite others to play with you?

We need a team and the courage to develop one.

Making friends can be a challenge when our efforts seem one sided or people decline our invitations for a play date.

Don’t give up. It’s all about finding the right playmates for the kinds of play you’d like do.

Some may love to go kayaking with you but would hate to visit a museum. Some may love going out for coffee while others would rather walk & talk on a nature trail. And others may simply need a lot more alone time than you.

Finding the right playmates is a key to health and happiness. 

So what do you need?

How can you invite that into your life?

I wish you the best in both finding and nurturing the friendships and collaborations that will add the quality you seek in your life.


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What are your first impressions?


Back in the 80s, a Psychology professor at Ottawa U pointed out that no one in the room was looking at him in the same way.

Some might think him attractive (I thought so). Others arrogant. Too tall, too short. Some might find his voice annoying. Others soothing. Some might resonate with his way of teaching while others couldn’t wait to get out.

He explained that none of it had anything to do with him. It all had to do with the person looking at him and their perception.

He added that since he couldn’t control what anyone thought of him, he may as well just be himself and not worry about it. I loved that!

He then showed us this classic image and asked if we saw an old woman or young woman.  What about you? What do you see?

It’s both. Look at it long enough and you’ll see.

What is the old woman’s eye as she looks sideways to the left is the young woman’s ear as she looks behind in the same direction.

As this was the first time many had been introduced to this image, there was some rather interesting debates and aha moments.

What was so obvious to one simply wasn’t to another. And vice versa.

This stayed with me, especially when reflecting on first impressions.

When it comes to new environments, I’m definitely of the breed of people that looks for the beauty. I seek beauty and I find it. That’s why I love nature and tourism photography/videography so much. 

Seeing a new place for the first time is so exciting! I’m always taken aback when someone else complains or perceives mostly negatives.

But when it comes to people, I’m still in training.

I surprise myself! It’s like hearing someone else’s voice in my head judging the appearance, the manner, etc. It only lasts a couple of seconds until I catch myself with raised eyebrows thinking “Hey, what’s going on here!”. Obviously a part of me is afraid of something.

What am I afraid of? Being judged myself? Not being able to work with this person? Not understanding the differences? Prejudices I’ve somehow absorbed in life?

I don’t beat myself up about it. That wouldn’t help.

But I am aware that my judgments say more about me than about them. Something triggered something – hmmm… food for thought.

If you’re always able to recognize the other as the expression of the Divine that they are, bravo.

If not, I hope this memory that emerged as I re-watched the first video I created at Ananda Assisi this summer provided a good mirror for you too.

What do you seek when meeting new people, events, environments? What do you find?

First Impressions -Ananda Assisi, Italy

I created this video at the end of my first of eight weeks at Ananda Assisi. I’d moved there to do the Transformative Arts Certification Program at the Academy of Art, Creativity & Consciousness across the street.

Spirit had Guided me there. I wasn’t sure why exactly, but I knew I was where I was meant to be.

My heart was wide open and my curiosity heightened. 

I went into this experience expecting the best.

I felt instantly welcomed by and welcoming of both the community and other guests.

That minor extravert part of me came out to play, to interact, to love. 

The mood of this video reflects a lot more than my first impressions of the nature around me. It celebrates the high vibration I felt in the community and in myself.

My love & beauty radar was up and fully rewarded! Seek and you shall find!

As often happens when I share the world through my eyes, the locals are refreshingly surprised and start seeing their world through new eyes. That’s always fun!

Or they are thrilled to see their beloved world recognized and honoured.

I’m grateful that by sharing this with you now, a few months later, I’m reminded to carry that approach to first impressions – of people, places & events – back home, where I’m the local.

Enjoy viewing the Umbrian hills of Italy through my eyes in the video up top.


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Community Labyrinth Experience – Italy

Have you ever walked a labyrinth?

It can be a boring or a sacred experience. It all depends on how you approach it and how it’s presented. Sacred is much better!

In last week’s post, I shared the historic Chartres Labyrinth on which many around the world are based.

In this video, you’ll share in the magic of the simplified version of the Chartres labyrinth our class created at the Academy of Art, Creativity and Consciousness in Italy several weeks later.

Just investing 7 minutes watching this video can be a meditative experience.

21 students from 7 countries participated in the “Centering: Mandalas, Yantras & Labyrinth” week-long workshop.

On labyrinth day, we started building it at 9:30 am and finished around 6 pm.

Everyone followed their flow to help create it: measuring lines, painting rocks, gathering gifts from Nature, marketing our public event to the Ananda Assisi community, drawing decorative designs, etc.

Students also had their role during the public event. Some were greeters, guardians, musicians, holders of sacred energetic space, and more.

It lasted from 8:30 pm to midnight, and the impact was profound. 


First, the space had been energized all day. So much love and beauty were infused in both the process and physical space.

Second, visitors were greeted into the space and instantly felt the movement inward as they took their place in silence.

Third, our teacher, Dana Lynne Andersen, introduced the meaning of the labyrinth and the possibilities of the process.

Fourth, one of our classmates stepped into the labyrinth first, setting the speed.

Greeters made sure the next person was welcomed, re-introduced in Italian or English, and allowed in a few minutes after the previous person. They also made sure those coming out were welcomed back and grounded.

Some were in tears from the transformation and messages they experienced on this inner and outer journey.

Only a few participants were let in at a time. Others held the energy for them while sitting in silence around the circle.

The music, first with the Ananda Joy choir and then a small group including a few classmates, helped set the tone.


Below is my text from the video, inviting you to have a meaningful labyrinth experience, whether you walk one in your community, or trace the path with your finger on a smaller one you can design in many mediums.

I just walked one earlier this week that my friend mowed in her lawn. Amazing!

P.S. If you want to design your own labyrinth, there are lots of how-to videos on YouTube. We did quite a few of different styles on paper before tackling this one on the Academy floor.

Welcome to the Labyrinth

Welcome to the labyrinth,
A sacred space co-created with love and infused with energy.
There is only one path to the centre & back.
Before you enter,
Set an intention for your journey.
You may have a question for your Team of Divine Helpers.
ou may walk in prayer for yourself or another.
You may meditate on peace or gratitude.

Stay open.
Take your time..
Let go of expectations and simply be –
one step at a time with whatever evolves for you.

When you reach the centre,
Pause, connect, listen, feel.
Then bring what you’ve gathered at your centre
Back out with you,
Remaining attentive during your return journey
To new messages, feelings, insights…

Peace be with you.

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Oh Blessed Nature Spirits

This ode to Earth’s blessed nature spirits is the creative gift that sprung from my week in the Spirit, Art & Nature workshop at the Academy of Art, Creativity & Consciousness in Italy this summer.  I was there for 2 months for the Transformative Arts Certification Program.

The video is only 4.5 minutes this time!

Once you’ve watched it, ask yourself if your soul is moved to connect with Nature more. If yes, how could you create your own sacred space in your own unique way – be it in your back yard, city park, or in the wilderness.

Make it an inviting and honouring spot to commune. Invite the blessed nature spirits to join you, expressing both gratitude and asking for their messages.

Be present, asking and receiving intuitive guidance. You may hear these blessed nature spirits, see them, feel them, know them. They may communicate to you through your feelings, memories, elements, experiences.

Be still, dance or create within your space.

Always pay attention to both your inner and outer environment.

Those acorn sprouts had a lot to teach me. So did the fact that the threatening thunderstorms held off for the week until after our closing circle. Then came the hail!

May this video, prayer and channeled answer I received also be a blessing in your day. The messages we receive for ourselves are often of benefit to others. In this I trust.

P.S. This video sure was a lot of fun to create! I layered my voice multiple times for the songs. I found Aums and gongs on my music-subscription site. I discovered special effects in my video-creation app on my phone. And I stayed up very late one night because every time I turned off the light, new lines kept popping up in my mind to match all the footage I’d recorded that week.

Ah the creative flow. How nourishing. How fulfilling. And as for the specific guidance I received in the woods that week, it helped me make decisions about my future, and opened my heart to possibilities. Two months later, I’m still open to where it will all lead. I’m glad I created this video to remind me of what I still need to hear.

P.P.S. If you’d like to be a patron of my art, I gladly receive contributions via Paypal or etransfer (for Canadians) at [email protected]. Thank you.

Oh Blessed Nature Spirits!

Oh Blessed Nature Spirits
Children of Mother Earth & the angelic realms
Beloved Elementals, beings of pure spiritual energy,
Crystal & Flower Devas, beings of light who unlock the power of inner healing
And faeries who tend to our animal & plant friends
Thank you to you of many names who dwell in the forests, mountains & water sources –
Dancing behind the veil that once fluttered invisibly before my eyes.
I am honoured by your presence in this sacred space.
I have asked and stilled my mind.
May your wisdom and magic infuse me yet again.
I am listening.

Welcome Home Dear One.
Just as the acorn holds within it the blueprint to become a great oak,
You too are ready to burst out of your shell to reach higher & higher
And to embody the Life and Light divinely designed within you.

Listen. For “Out of the darkness, out of the silence
Thunders the Cosmic Sound, Aum!”

You were born, nurtured, and held safely on Mother Earth’s ample lap
And though storms may dampen your spirits,
They awaken deeper strengths, calling you forth.
Do not hide from your True Self.
Drink deeply of life beloved child of Mother / Father God.
Trust that your challenges happen for you, not to you.
Step through delusion & fear
To quench your thirst in the Light.
Break through the walls of your ego shell.
Trust the flow of Truth
To embrace the Mystery.

“Gone is the our bondage with the dawn of new freedom;
Gone is delusion in the light.”

You are home within your Self no matter where you are.
You are safe. You are loved.
You are divinely guided one inspired step at a time.
Open your heart to the Divine spark within
Let it lead you beyond your perceived limitations.
Appreciate the varied textures of your Path
Look for the signs we place there for you,
Follow your bliss as your service to humanity.

You are a prayer in action
In constant transformation
Know we are here for you always
Join us often in Nature to reconnect
As you did when you were a child
We are still here to support you on your journey
Soar in the Glow of Divine Love.



Quotes from the song “Thunder of Aum” by Swami Kriyananda – part of the Ceremony of Light at the Ananda Assisi ashram I was living at during my 2 months program. 

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