Oh Blessed Nature Spirits

This ode to Earth’s blessed nature spirits is the creative gift that sprung from my week in the Spirit, Art & Nature workshop at the Academy of Art, Creativity & Consciousness in Italy this summer.  I was there for 2 months for the Transformative Arts Certification Program.

The video is only 4.5 minutes this time!

Once you’ve watched it, ask yourself if your soul is moved to connect with Nature more. If yes, how could you create your own sacred space in your own unique way – be it in your back yard, city park, or in the wilderness.

Make it an inviting and honouring spot to commune. Invite the blessed nature spirits to join you, expressing both gratitude and asking for their messages.

Be present, asking and receiving intuitive guidance. You may hear these blessed nature spirits, see them, feel them, know them. They may communicate to you through your feelings, memories, elements, experiences.

Be still, dance or create within your space.

Always pay attention to both your inner and outer environment.

Those acorn sprouts had a lot to teach me. So did the fact that the threatening thunderstorms held off for the week until after our closing circle. Then came the hail!

May this video, prayer and channeled answer I received also be a blessing in your day. The messages we receive for ourselves are often of benefit to others. In this I trust.

P.S. This video sure was a lot of fun to create! I layered my voice multiple times for the songs. I found Aums and gongs on my music-subscription site. I discovered special effects in my video-creation app on my phone. And I stayed up very late one night because every time I turned off the light, new lines kept popping up in my mind to match all the footage I’d recorded that week.

Ah the creative flow. How nourishing. How fulfilling. And as for the specific guidance I received in the woods that week, it helped me make decisions about my future, and opened my heart to possibilities. Two months later, I’m still open to where it will all lead. I’m glad I created this video to remind me of what I still need to hear.

P.P.S. If you’d like to be a patron of my art, I gladly receive contributions via Paypal or etransfer (for Canadians) at [email protected]. Thank you.

Oh Blessed Nature Spirits!

Oh Blessed Nature Spirits
Children of Mother Earth & the angelic realms
Beloved Elementals, beings of pure spiritual energy,
Crystal & Flower Devas, beings of light who unlock the power of inner healing
And faeries who tend to our animal & plant friends
Thank you to you of many names who dwell in the forests, mountains & water sources –
Dancing behind the veil that once fluttered invisibly before my eyes.
I am honoured by your presence in this sacred space.
I have asked and stilled my mind.
May your wisdom and magic infuse me yet again.
I am listening.

Welcome Home Dear One.
Just as the acorn holds within it the blueprint to become a great oak,
You too are ready to burst out of your shell to reach higher & higher
And to embody the Life and Light divinely designed within you.

Listen. For “Out of the darkness, out of the silence
Thunders the Cosmic Sound, Aum!”

You were born, nurtured, and held safely on Mother Earth’s ample lap
And though storms may dampen your spirits,
They awaken deeper strengths, calling you forth.
Do not hide from your True Self.
Drink deeply of life beloved child of Mother / Father God.
Trust that your challenges happen for you, not to you.
Step through delusion & fear
To quench your thirst in the Light.
Break through the walls of your ego shell.
Trust the flow of Truth
To embrace the Mystery.

“Gone is the our bondage with the dawn of new freedom;
Gone is delusion in the light.”

You are home within your Self no matter where you are.
You are safe. You are loved.
You are divinely guided one inspired step at a time.
Open your heart to the Divine spark within
Let it lead you beyond your perceived limitations.
Appreciate the varied textures of your Path
Look for the signs we place there for you,
Follow your bliss as your service to humanity.

You are a prayer in action
In constant transformation
Know we are here for you always
Join us often in Nature to reconnect
As you did when you were a child
We are still here to support you on your journey
Soar in the Glow of Divine Love.



Quotes from the song “Thunder of Aum” by Swami Kriyananda – part of the Ceremony of Light at the Ananda Assisi ashram I was living at during my 2 months program. 

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