Equilibrium – A Sacred Painting

Take a moment to contemplate this still image of “Equilibrium”, a 3 x 5-feet intuitive visionary painting created over the span of the summer.

I was Given the name “Equilibrium” before I even started. But it could have as easily been called “Synergy” or “Stabilization”. What feeling does it inspire in you?

Allow the symbolism and transformational energy of the 5 Elements to nourish you before scrolling down to the video that shows you close-ups of the final piece and the layers of its becoming.

The photo will never do this painting justice. The changing nature of the iridescent colours and subtle paint & energy textures can hardly be captured in the video either.

Before I started, I was Guided that this piece would contribute to the planetary shift in our ascending world.

I’ve learned to trust that sharing its messages, process and final manifestation can open new possibilities. 

You’re here for a reason. Please don’t rush through your exploration of why.

As you spend time with it – here or in person if you get the chance, know that you don’t have to understand its effects on you. Simply invite and allow it to be and do what is meant for you.

Something else my Guides alluded to near its completion were the concepts of

  1. a belt buckle, and
  2. a shield.

The ornamental plate of belt buckles as far back as the 6th century is sometimes referred to as the shield. These were made popular in 20th century western movies, but existed long before that. They were used for decorative, identity, status, and storytelling purposes.

The word “shield” usually means protection. In this case, however, the feeling I received had nothing to do with protection and more with empowerment.

Perhaps “Equilibrium” is meant as an empowering emblem for this phase of our ascension.

I’m still open to understanding the layers of these messages, more out of curiosity than necessity. If you receive additional guidance, feel free to share it in the comments.

Elemental Equilibrium – a Dynamic Transformational Journey

As for many intuitive paintings, I had no awareness of how this piece would evolve and what symbolism would emerge from the process.

It was only after layers of mark-making and guidance for the basic foundational shapes and colours that I understood this would be a piece based on the 5 Elements: Earth, Fire, Water, Air & Aether (Space).

These Elements are present within you as well as your environment.

When they are out of balance, so are you. Yoga, Feng Shui, Chinese Medicine, and many philosophies around the globe recognize the influence of the Elements on health & happiness.

One message received through the co-creation of this painting is that reclaiming your power (in the higher consciousness sense of that word) means achieving equilibrium, or stabilization through the dynamic process of transformation & alignment.

Alignment with your Higher Self comes from embracing and integrating (not rejecting) all that you are: the shadow & the light; the feminine & masculine; your unique blend of experiences, blessings, challenges & gifts.

It also comes from an awareness and letting go of all that doesn’t serve you to be reborn in your emerging power & light. This could be as simple as changing a bad habit … although that isn’t always as simple as it seems…

This constant re-alignment using your inner GPS system – your intuition – is what marries you to Divine Unity within your Self and All that Is.

Trust that your soul & spirit are strong and courageous enough to do this.

Healing and transforming distortions within your mind and old wounds within your held bodily experiences is what helps you navigate more freely  in this energetic Universe.

Parts of you are constantly dying so that you can be reborn into a new and hopefully more aligned and balanced way of being in the world.

This is what I was reminded in the central symbolism of this painting:

  1. my first symbolic vision received after the foundational layers was of a phoenix above a compass
  2. and my final vision, more than a month later, was of a copper-wired smoky quartz crystal acting like a needle for that compass.

Metaphysically speaking, smoky quartz helps transform dense energies while grounding, leading to feelings of stability, calmness and peace.

Another symbol that I looked into were the 2 koi fish. I had imagined painting a whale in the water element but found myself designing 2 koi fish swimming in opposite directions.

While looking up if this may relate to the astrological sign of Pisces, I found other websites that explained that 2 koi fish swimming upstream and downstream often represent the yin yang balance of opposing forces, acceptance of challenges, perseverance, prosperity.

There’s a lot of symbolism in this painting. I invite you to spend more time reflecting on or researching the ones that draw you in.

Elemental Tweaking

Working with the Elements within and all around you can help in in your transformational journey. You may have too much or not enough of certain Elements.

May contemplating this painting and becoming aware of how it impacts you help you achieve Equilibrium in both an energetic way and through practical inspiration.

As you return to the still image above or watch the video below, notice which symbols or Elements move you the most. 

You may feel a subtle or significant rise in your vibration or attention. Or you may feel more of a longing and heaviness.

Spend more time there and ask your Team of Divine Helpers for equilibrium in all levels of your being and your life in a way that is for your Highest Good and the Highest Good of All.

Everyone is different and how you interact with this piece will be just as unique.

You might want to journal to understand what layers are ready to be left in the ashes as you are re-born into more of your True Self on every sacred step of your journey.

Or you may be inspired to consult an expert who works with the Elements like an Ayurvedic doctor or Feng Shui practitioner.

Perhaps you’ll simply be inspired to add more of that element in your life through diet, activities, etc. Stay open to Guidance.

For example, if you need more:

  • Earth: ground by walking bare foot on the earth or hug a tree, wear or place rocks & crystals in your environment, garden, play with your pets, wear brown/green, etc.
  • Air: use breathing techniques, stand in the wind visualizing it blowing all your troubles away, open a window, become conscious of the air on your skin (temperature, movement), wear white, add wind chimes or air purifying plants to your home, etc.
  • Water: drink more water, go for a swim, add a fountain in your yard, take a warm bath, sit by a lake/river/ocean, wear blue, add mirrors to your home, etc.
  • Fire: light a candle, have a campfire, sit by the fireplace, ignite more passion in your relationship or your life; eat spicy food, wear red/orange, etc.
  • Aether: meditate, focus on your spiritual life, wear purple, use smudge, raise your vibration, pray, etc.

Whatever your need or inspiration, may something here today help you in re-aligning to your True Self. For you too are a unique work of art that contributes to raising the consciousness of the planet.

Now enjoy this 3:49 minute video paying attention to how you relate to it on all levels.

Title: Equilibrium
Year: © 2022
Size: 36″ x 60″ (91.44 cm x 152.4cm)
Artist: Dominique Hurley
Materials: Professional acrylics & channeled energy work, copper & smoky quartz on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required.
Genre: intuitive painting, visionary art, energism art, spiritual art, inspirational art
Price: SOLD

As for all my original paintings, feel free to enquire about payment plans.


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