It’s Official!

The Vienna Academy of Visionary Art is officially open and what an opening it was!

Crowds and parties aren’t usually my scene (although I love dancing!) and so I woke up a little nervous about the day ahead.  I chose a couple of paraliminal CDs to put me in the right frame of mind and, as usual, got a thoroughly helpful Spirit Calling Card reading.

readingI’ve been pulling that “Community” card almost every day!  So I spent the morning and the early afternoon on my own, doing my yoga, meditation, laundry, groceries, etc. before heading to school at 2pm to help set up.  I met more of my teachers and the last of my 6 classmates whom I hadn’t met yet, plus others who trickled in closer to the 5pm starting time.  I do like being early at events so that the crowd grows around me instead of my walking into a mass of energy and people.

The evening started in the Figaro Salle where there were paintings on display, live painting, cello music, a sales table (they sold a few of my bookmarks), speeches, and a 20-minute Power Point presentation by our director, Laurence Caruna.  I was in charge of advancing the slides, which forced me to really focus on his speech.  I was pleasantly surprised that I could understand the gist of it, even if it was in German.  Thankfully, he said “next” in English.

Then we moved up one floor for vegan treats at the Fairy Kitchen and the celebrations in the classroom/school.  A few times during the night I thought to myself “this is a really cool classroom!).  There was an exhibition of the teachers’ and some of the students’ work, slide projections of teachers’ work above that, and the doors to the Internationales Phantastenmuseum were open so guests could access the gallery halls through our cassroom.  As I was at the ticket table, I spoke more German on this night than I had in 2 weeks! It was great.  I don’t know how many other times I’ll have the need to say “she has the stamp” and “please take off your shoes there”, but it was fun to practice. Luckily, my partner was Austrian, so she answered people’s more complicated questions.  Plus most people spoke English, so it wouldn’t have been an issue.

At 8pm, I joined the 40 minute meditation – even if I didn’t understand anything, it was great to help create the space and when 100 people sitting in a circle chanted OM together, it was the most beautiful OM ever!  Then, the dancing began and it was great – just like the old days when my friends and I went to punk clubs in Hull, across from Ottawa, because tthat’s where you could just close your eyes, dance, and simply be (vs. the meat market dance clubs everywhere else).  Tonight’s sacred barefoot dance party was put on by Avaloka, and it was just my style.  After about 1.5 hours of dancing, however, I decided to leave while I was still having fun and before I got too exhausted.  It was past 10pm (the party went on until 1am) and I enjoyed the 40-minute walk home – the streets were still full of tourists and locals – I feel very safe walking here at night.

I had a good day and indeed, I feel our community taking shape – it’s a truly beautiful community.  I’m glad I believe in “Feel the fear and do it anyway” – I’m glad I’m here and opening myself up to even more new experiences.  I look forward to the start of classes on Monday.

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