Love Oracle 13: Your Unique Journey


The energy work and symbolism in this week’s 3 Love Oracle paintings were all instrumental in my own healing, growing, thriving & gratitude journey.

Pick the one that speaks most to you today and scroll down to read the message your heart would like you to hear in support for your unique journey.

Love Oracle Message 1: Ready for Re-birth

Dear Beloved,

Your life is fertile right now for a rebirthing into the next best version of who you have always been at a soul level.

This is how you’ll help with the ascension of the planet.

What you do for yourself, you do for the world. 

No more inner conflicts! Unite in Self-Love for the love of All that Is.

Encourage both your inner divine feminine and divine masculine to work together in harmony to shine bright in your life and community.

As you drink from the holy well of imagination, inspiration and intuition, you’ll be guided to take the necessary action steps to help yourself and others thrive.

The birthing process isn’t necessarily easy. But mothers everywhere will tell you it’s worth it.

Celebrate the birthing of each new day, each new expression of You, each manifestation of humanity and Mother Earth’s radiance.

Together we are becoming the world we want to see and want to be.

How can you start by seeing, accepting, and unconditionally loving yourself?

Then extend that courtesy to those around you as they too go from the stages of being innocent babes, budding pre-teens, awkward teenagers, responsible adults or masterful mature seniors in various areas in their lives.

Take a moment to express to Source and your Team of Divine Helpers what kind of re-birthing you’re ready for.

Painting: The Gateway (48″ x 24″ ( 122 cm x 61 cm) Professional acrylics, mica & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required.  $3,700 CAD – Buy it here. Prints available here.


Love Oracle Message 2: Servicing the Separation

Dear Beloved,

You are not broken! Any pain or suffering on any level is the result of the belief that you are separate from Source.

Take a deep breath and see that void – no matter how it was created – as a space to service the separation.

What do you need right now to feel whole again? What can you invite or be right now to re-member that you are connected to All That Is? Which of your chakras is out of balance and needs attention?

Turn that space into an altar and place there the resources, messages, opportunities to re-connect to the Truth.

Repeat after me:

More than I want to fix, change, heal, control, or manipulate anyone or anything, I want to know the truth that makes me free.

You are rooted in God / Spirit/ Source/ The Universe. Your branches extend into the Heavens.

As you dance to the rhythms of your seasons, remember to journey deep within your Self, where all your answers live.

Move through your life in ways that allows the sacred sap at your Core to transport the love, peace, joy, health, wealth, happiness & freedom that already dwell within you to the areas which need it most right now.

Remember also that you are never alone. You have a whole team of Divine Helpers to walk with you as you journey all the way home to your Self.

Ask for help and guidance to live in alignment with your Highest Good. Then trust that what you may have imagined as a break or separation will fill-up with the Divine Essence of You as an individualized expression of Source.

It’s time to re-connect!

Painting: The Journey: All the Way Home to My Self – 2 canvases (24″ x 48″ + 48″ x 48″) Professional acrylics & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. Includes chakra quartz pendant & 7 chakra stones (red jasper (root), carnelian (sacral), yellow jade (solar plexus), green aventurine (heart), lapis lazuli (throat), amethyst (third eye), clear quartz (crown) ) $11,111 CAD – Buy it here


Love Oracle Message 3: The Perfect Recipe for Sacred Success

Dear Beloved,

You are a SuperSoul!

Your life has been a perfect recipe for sacred success in the making.

The unique ingredients of that life have been blended together to offer the world the tasty treat that is You!

You’ve been seasoned by your family make-up, spiritual upbringing, schooling, physical environment, travels, relationships, culture, experiences, etc.

The sweetness, saltiness, bitterness, sourness, umami, heat and coolness of each have all contributed to the unique balance of flavours on your journey.

That’s what makes you a superhero in your own life.

Had any of the elements been missing or mixed differently, you wouldn’t be who you are today. And who you are today is exactly who you were meant to be so that you may continue to emerge more fully as your True Self.

Trust in this perfect recipe for sacred success that your soul may have chosen before incarnation.

Trust also that others around you have been part of the plan so that you would bake or cook at the perfect temperature and in the perfect pot with the help of the perfect food growers, providers, cooks and diners.

Can you acknowledge that all that has happened in your life happened for you, not to you? If you can, you’ll be much happier in the kitchen.

What are you making with it all?

As you continue your journey as the Master Chef of your life, what help can you ask for or what can you do to ensure your perfect recipe turns out to be a delicious delight for humanity?

Painting: Supersoul (48″ x  24″) Professional acrylics, mica, glass beads & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required.  $3,700 CAD –Buy it here. Order prints here.


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