Love Oracle 3: Partnership

Let’s focus on romantic partnerships.I’m not talking about the Hollywood versions many of us grew up with.

I’m talking about being an active partner in an unconditionally loving couple.

It doesn’t matter what your relationship status or sexual orientation is.

Let your heart interpret the painting and message in whatever way serves your Highest Good.

Being heterosexual and currently single, I paint my visions of what I wish to manifest in my life.

If you’re single and want a relationship, allow your oracle message to nourish your visions of your ideal relationship.If you’re happily single and want to stay that way, you may want to interpret the meaning as it pertains to your own inner masculine and feminine sides.

If you’re in a same-sex relationship, simply change the pronouns and what you see in the paintings to what serves you.

Pick the painting that speaks most to you today, then scroll down to read its inspired words. 

May your Love Oracle message help you develop your ideal partnership, whatever that means to you.

Allow the energy of the painting and love notes to permeate your body, mind & spirit, then open to any inspired action that emerges from your contemplation.

Love Oracle Message 1: Expand Your Sacred Container

Dear Beloved,

It’s natural for you to grow and change with time. Your life experiences are meant to help you emerge more fully into your True Self. Please remember that the same is true of your partner. This may not look like what you expected or would choose.

Seek to see, accept, and unconditionally love them for who they are right now.

Envisage your partnership as a sacred container. Just as the nautilus grows new and bigger chambers to accommodate its growth, you too are asked to create more inner / outer space to accommodate the growth of yourself, your partner, and your relationship.

What that looks like will depend on both of your vision for your future together. Is this based on lifestyles, goals, or values?

No two containers (i.e. partnerships) will look the same. You’re shaping it as you go, unfolding your unique meaning as you both evolve at your own rhythm. 

Also like the nautilus, you’re being asked to use the parts of yourself that you’ve outgrown to propel you forward. Don’t get stuck in the past. Use its fuel as momentum to co-create something better for yourselves.

How is your relationship right now? Like the couple here looking at and past its reflection in the patio door window, use your relationship as a mirror. Does it match your common vision of what you’d hoped to manifest? If not, what adjustments can you make – either in your partnership or in your vision?

Just as the couple in this painting, admiring and respecting the power of the ocean beside which it has built its home (water symbolizing emotions), hold each other’s emotions as part of the sacred landscape upon which you live.

Evolving the sacred container of true partnership means creating a safe space for each of you to grow more into who you truly are and caring for each other’s happiness as well as your own.

Take the time to shape (or re-shape) your vision of the future, moving forward in whichever way best serves your Highest Good as both individuals and a couple.

Painting: Visualization Vibration Radiation” (VVR) (18″ x 36″) Professional acrylics & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required.  $2,267 CAD More on the original painting here…

Love Oracle Message 2: Create Balance

Dear Beloved,

Do you see one face or two?

As I painted this couple lying in bed (the couple, not me), I envisaged them as the perfect balance of the yin yang energies, mirroring the opposing yet harmonizing nature of the feminine and masculine, not only within the couple, but within each one of us.

She’s looking up towards the Heavens – in a relaxed, open, receptive, and intuitive state.

He’s looking at her in a more action-oriented, forward-moving state.

Individuals and couples need both for balance. If you’re too focused on one element in the polarity, you’ll live in a state of imbalance.

If you’re constantly on the move, you’ll eventually burn out. Likewise, if you’re constantly at rest, you’ll struggle to make forward momentum.

Notice how these energetic polarities play out in your relationship and life.

Are you in a state of balance? Or is your relationship suffering because there’s too much of one and not of the other?

Sit down with your partner to consider this question together, then take inspired action to bring you into greater balance – within yourselves and the couple.

Painting: Side by Side (30″ x 40″) Professional acrylics, granular gel, light molding paste, glass beads & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. $3,700 CAD. More on the original here…. Order prints here.

Love Oracle Message 3: Be Real

Sacred Romance - Meet Me in the Middle - painting of couple in Vesica Pisces

Dear Beloved,

It’s time to be real! What first came to heart or mind when you read this?

By choosing this Love Oracle painting, your soul is saying you’re ready to let go of the illusions and delusions that have kept you separate from your True Self and others.

Open your heart. Open your eyes. Come back to the here and now to share your truth.

Join with your partner in a space of curiosity and wonder, not expectation.

You’re ready to create something new – two elements of the Divine Oneness coming together in that sacred space in the middle to be real.

Is your partner impacted by your truly seeing, accepting, and celebrating him or her? Absolutely!

Romance is that awareness and celebration of the delightful, comforting, vulnerable, revealing truth of the moment.

So let go of what used to be, should be, could be, would be.

Be here now. Appreciate the truth of the moment. 

Nurture and celebrate the unconditional love that is possible when both people in a couple are present in Truth, committed to seeing and being seen, as well as accepting and being accepted for who they truly are.

It starts with you. 

Painting: Meet Me in the Middle  (18″ x 36″)  Professional acrylics & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required.  $2,267 CAD More on the original here…
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