Love Oracle 34: You’re Not Alone

Life is challenging. People struggle on all levels. Suffering is everywhere.

I doubt there’s one person whose circle isn’t touched by conflict, illness, addiction, grief, loneliness, sadness, and the list goes on.

Yes, challenges happen for us, not to us. That’s all well and good to say. It’s also easy to believe when those difficult times are far behind us.  It’s then simpler to see why they happened and the opportunities they brought into our lives.

My strong alignment with my True Self started at 10 years old after being bullied for refusing to bend to peer pressure.

My spiritual growth had a massive boost during the year a loved one suffered from an allergic reaction to medication that kept him in a suicidal state.

Today, I’m grateful for what those struggles opened on my Path. Back then, I would have wanted them gone!

I couldn’t have gotten through them if it hadn’t been for my Faith that I wasn’t alone. Along with my relatives, my Team of Divine Helpers pulled me through them.

It’s easy to forget to call on your angels and guides when all is going well. It doesn’t alway have to be for Guidance. Gratitude and continued communication about your dreams and intentions goes a long way.

Unfortunately, it’s also easy to forget to call on them when stuck in the mire, wallowing in the details and drama of life.

Today’s Love Oracle Messages are all reminders that you’re not alone. Pick the painting that speaks most to you and scroll down to read your message.

Love Oracle Message 1: Rebuild What Matters Most

Dear Beloved,

When was the last time you were cradled like a child in your parent’s arms?

Do you remember that feeling of being comforted? The gentle stroking of your hair? A soft hum or lullaby?

Perhaps you have a partner, parent or friend that still provides that for you in times of need.

But maybe you think that adults should be over that. Grown ups always need to be strong, show courage, be the comforter.

Think about it. Is that true?

If you have fellow humans in your circle that can provide such comfort and safety in their arms, count your blessings.

If you don’t, or even if you do, know that there’s a whole celestial Team of Divine Helpers ready to be there in that way for you too.

Close your eyes, ask for comfort, and use your imagination to connect, to feel, to let in that immense flow of unconditional love that is always there for you.

If an angel hug is what you’d like, visualize and feel it. Allow their touch to be felt through your own arms or that of a trusted other.

If words of comfort are what you’d like, open to them through automatic writing.

If a simple knowing that you’re being supported is what you crave, ask for a sign. It may come as the number 11:11 on a clock, a feather on your path, a dime, or anything else that has meaning to you.

Dear One, you are held. You are loved. You are never ever alone. Believe it and feel the comfort of it.

Ask for what you truly need and you shall receive. 

Painting: Held (SOLD). More on it here….  Order prints here.   

Love Oracle Message 2: Devoted to You

Guardian Angel intuitive paintingDear Beloved,

Do you ever wish you were truly seen, heard, accepted and loved?

Good news! You are!

Your whole Team of Divine Helpers are your biggest fans.

They know you to your core and applaud your magnificence. They see through the foibles and know that every step on or off the path is part of your Path.

Imagine your Guardian Angel like a waiter at the very finest of restaurants. 

For the sake simplicity, let’s use “he” for this story.

Your Guardian Angel has been assigned exclusively to your table. He’s aware of your needs even before you are.

He received your soul’s wish list before you were born. He’s coordinating a whole staff behind the scenes to provide you with what will nourish you in body, mind and spirit.

He invites special guests to your table and keeps the paparazzi away – except for those your soul has an agreement with so that you may grow in ways you’d previously requested.

You may not notice the attention that was given to the linen or silverware. You may take it for granted that your water glass is always full.

Did you see him pick up your fallen napkin and place a new one beside you?

Did you ask which dish on the menu would be better for your health and your palette? Of course, you always have the choice to ignore his recommendations. But if you trust him, you won’t regret the delectable experience.

Did you thank him when he pointed the way to the washroom and ensured that all the toileteries you needed would be there ahead of time?

Your Guardian Angel is your celestial wait staff – at your soul’s complete service. It’s not just his job. It’s his vocation. He cares for you. He loves you. He wants your soul to have the very best experience possible here on Earth.

But it’s more than that. He’s also got one of those tiny earpieces with a direct communication line to God. He’s here to do God’s will, protect your soul, and guide you back Home.

So imagine the very finest of waiters and the ultimate Secret Service bodyguard mixed into one …. not quite, but you get the picture.

So why not recognize when he catches your glass of tomato juice before it splashes all over you.

Ask him for help when your clumsiness causes it to spill on the tablecloth the 2nd time around.

Order the best desert from him. Listen when he suggests that ordering another may cause indigestion. Recognize that when you ignored him and ordered one anyway, you felt sick. Feel his compassion as he comforts you. He feels your pain as if it were his own. Ask him to remind you again next time to avoid repeating the same mistake.

Thank him when he holds the door open for you. And don’t be surprised to find him ready to drive you home and watch over you as you sleep.

So if you think you’re not seen, heard, accepted and loved – think again.

Your Guardian Angel chose you because he shares an affinity with your soul.

You’re never alone. He is devoted to you. He welcomes appreciation and communication, but fully understands your being human when you forget.

Painting: Guardian Angel (SOLD). More on it here….  Order prints here.   

Love Oracle Message 3:

Dear Beloved,

There’s always so much to be done in a day. It starts with having to get out of bed, wash yourself, dress yourself, and feed yourself.

For some, on some days, that’s tough enough.

Then for some, there’s taking care of others, work, volunteering, social coordinating, and so much more.

Being human takes effort! Some are lucky enough to have an assistant or even a full staff!

If you picked this painting, you’re being asked to remember that no matter how big or small your projects, duties and basic daily tasks are, your Team of Divine Helpers has your back. 

Yup! That’s right. Think about it. You can cook dinner alone or ask a cooking Guide to join you. It’s a lot more fun and you’ll be surprised at the inspirations you’ll get to add to the recipe.

You can feel crushed under the pressure of a goal or project or ask your Team for help. The task may be as challenging, but you’ll feel differently doing it. Surprising resources may show up. You’ll be inspired to take healthy breaks and go to places and talk to people in ways that will attract human help.

You can suffer through your grief alone or ask your angels to help you through it. It won’t magically disappear – it’s not meant to. But you will process through it differently and in divine timing.

If you’ve got a creative project, call upon celestial mentors with that kind of experience to work through you.

Nothing is too big or too small.

So whatever you need support with, ask! Asking is the key. Because of free will, you need to ask. 

If you think you have to do it all alone, you’re wrong. There are thousands of guides, angels, ancestors, ascended masters, totem animals, saints, and sages of all traditions at your service.

You are loved. You are supported. They’ve got your back!

Painting: I’ve Got Your Back (SOLD). More on it here….  Order prints here.   


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