Love Oracle 6 – Rise up with the Universal Laws

Let your heart & spirit guide you to picking the Universal Law Mandala that will most help you rise up and shine this week.

Pick a painting then scroll below to read its message. Ponder how it applies to your life right now.

The 12 Universal Laws help you transform your life from the inside out. 

May this week’s Love Oracle message support you in becoming the conscious creator you were meant to be.

Note: You can learn more about all 12 Universal Laws in my free Guide to the Universal Laws.

Love Oracle Message 1: The Law of Divine Oneness

Dear Beloved,

Sourced from Divine Energy, all that is seen and unseen comes from a field of infinite possibilities.

Together, we move as one within a spiralling web of interconnectedness.

To help you grasp and feel how you are moving as part of the Divine Oneness, be more mindful of your actions.

What you do for one affects everyone. The smile you give others may brighten their day and thereby their circles day and so on.

Here’s another example. When paying for an item at a store, imagine all those involved in the process of bringing your purchase into being. Also imagine how the financial energy you’re giving through your purchase will impact the many, from the store employees and owners to their families, producers, etc.

Basically, see your every word, smile, state of being, action, and reaction having a ripple effect into the world.

Even when you’re alone at home, the peace you nurture within yourself is felt all around the planet. So is your anger and pain.

So when you are feeling alone or in pain, imagine that there are millions of other people with you, supporting you, doing and being what they can to help you too – even when they don’t know it.

You are not separate. You are not alone. We are connected through Divine Oneness. Breathe that in.

Painting: Law of Divine Oneness. Order mandala prints here. Collection of twelve 30″ x 30″ originals + one 36″ x 36″ summary piece for sale here. Free Guide to the Universal Laws here

Love Oracle Message 2: The Law of Vibration

Dear Beloved,

Absolutely everything is alive with pure energy vibrating at different frequencies – humans, animals, plants, physical objects, space, time, history, emotions, thoughts, beliefs, disease, etc.

As a vibration manager, your role is to reach for higher frequencies to attract more of what resonates at that same frequency.

So what can you do or be to feel higher right now?

Take a look at your physical environment. Is there anything vibrating at a frequency that brings you back to painful moments of your past? Let that go. Even if it’s a valuable art piece or wedding present that reminds you of what you’re ready to leave behind.

Take a look at your friends and social circles. Do they bring you down, keep you small, wallow in negativity? Ask your Team of Divine Helpers to help you connect with people who will truly see, accept and love you for who you are while helping you shine.

Before you eat, consider whether your choices will nurture a higher vibration or bring you to a false high only to leave you crashing.

Also, are you making time in your day to prioritize activities that bring you up? Know that if you start your day with something that raises your vibration, everything else that follows it will be closer to that vibration.

Like attracts like. Make the choices that helps you FEEL good, knowing more good will follow.

Painting: Law of Vibration. Order mandala prints here. Collection of twelve 30″ x 30″ originals + one 36″ x 36″ summary piece for sale here. Free Guide to the Universal Laws here

Love Oracle Message 3: The Law of Action

The Law of Action mandala

The Law of Action

Dear Beloved,

When fuelled by the fires of purpose and passion, each inspired step towards your dreams will lead you to the opportunities and tools you need to achieve them.

Through the continuous process of tuning in, communicating to the Universe, staying open and receptive, and following through on guidance, you’ll create the necessary momentum to manifest your vision.

Are your actions forced, dull, or inspired?

Are you living your life through should, woulds and coulds? Are you just going through the motions of life? That’s not living.

Be spontaneous and consciously follow through on inspiration, ideas, dreams?

You may not know why you were suddenly moved to call someone. Do so before your ego starts telling you why it’s not such a good idea.

You might not have a conscious grasp of how you’ll achieve a major goal. But trust that one step at a time, you’ll be shown.

Or, you may not know why you’re feeling moved to attend a workshop, sign-up for a group, or change jobs or cities. If it feels guided, take that action and trust that it’s leading you to your Highest Good, especially if that’s what you’ve been asking for.

You may not know the big picture. You don’t need to. Put one piece of the puzzle in place at a time when it becomes clear to you through inspiration and intuition. Life is an adventure to have fun with, one inspired action at a time. Enjoy!

Painting: Law of Action. Order mandala prints here. Collection of twelve 30″ x 30″ originals + one 36″ x 36″ summary piece for sale here. Free Guide to the Universal Laws here

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