Painting "Lighting the Way"

Solstice Intentions – De-cluttering and Visioning

Painting "Lighting the Way"

“Lighting the Way” – prints available.

It’s 4:37am here in St. John’s, where a fresh layer of snow transformed the city overnight – the kind that sits prettily on the branches.

It was easy to remember that Solstice was just a few hours ago because my room was still lit up with 15 of the battery-operated flickering tea-light candles I’d purchased to decorate the Enter the Mandala Winter Solstice Event.

I know you want to hear how it went … Hold on. That’s coming at the end.

I’d ceremoniously placed these lights on or near symbolic objects I wanted to energize:

  • this self-portrait -“Lighting the Way” which honours my sources of Guidance
  • my new art brochures
  • my parents’ wedding portrait
  • my bookkeeping files
  • my 2016 agenda
  • my computer
  • my crucifix of the resurrected Christ (a happy colourful one)
  • a photo of one of my energy painting commissions
  • an image of unconditional love

So I’m writing this to candlelight – fake candlelight, but it’s all in the intention. And that’s what this post is about.

I’m focusing on my true intentions because I didn’t like what I’d answered in my dream.

Right before waking, an unseen voice asked me what my intentions were for 2016. I answered that I wanted to return to the Czech Republic to do some post-war photo-reportage.

But then another level of my consciousness piped in with “You said that because you watched a movie about a Second World War love story in Poland right before falling asleep. See how movies influence you? Is that really what you want the Universe to record as your intention?”

So I started composing this in my dream. Then I decided to wake up to write it down instead.

My Plans for Today

The 6 days before and after Solstice are powerful for transformational shifting. I’m using this energy to help set the pace for 2016.

Today, I’m going to continue cleaning up after Sunday’s event, clearing space in both my room and studio. I’ve always been a believer that de-cluttering allows us to let go of what no longer serves us to let in what does. I don’t want to start the new year in a mess.

Then, 2 of my friends are coming over for an intuitive vision board party.  Writing down your conscious intentions for the year ahead is one thing. Letting your intuition guide you in them is another. Last year’s board was instrumental in my decision-making. I look forward to seeing what comes up for me today. If you want to do one too, you can learn how in my “7 Easy Steps to Creating An Intuitive Vision Board“.

My Conscious Vision for 2016

So – to cancel my post-movie dream declaration, here’s what I’d like the Universe to hear as my reality for 2016. You’ll notice I use the present tense to avoid keeping my intentions in the perpetual future.

“I connect to my Self and Source every day, so that I may hear guidance and follow it with inspired action.

I’m present. In every moment. I’m healthy. I work when I’m inspired and take the time to nourish my body, mind, and spirit in nature, with friends, and exploring the world in which I’m called to.

I’m nourished by both my alone time and community time. I’m open to new opportunities of all kinds that serve my Highest Good and that of others. I stretch my comfort zones and grow. Clarity comes easily – I know when to say “yes” or “no”.

The right man for me has entered my life and we’re growing together, learning to love unconditionally with ease and grace.

Now that I’ve built this foundation for my new full-time art business, I’m thriving as an artist.

My Universal Law mandalas have found a permanent home where they can serve all those who are embraced in their energy. I continue to practice and share what they’re teaching me.

All of my original paintings for sale easily find loving homes where they inspire and support.

I’m hired by 2 energy painting commission clients and 10 intuitive reading clients a month for 10 months. Using my gifts in this way opens me more and more to the Light and Unconditional Love within me and all beings. I enjoy being of service in this way.

Interior decorators and private customers are drawn to my online shop to order both painting reproductions and photographic prints to raise the vibration of spaces and lives.

Life is fun. Life is peaceful. Life is meaningful. I’m happy no matter what.”

The Enter the Mandala Winter Solstice Event

Sunday’s event was the culmination of my year and of my initial vision for the Enter the Mandala Project. It was exactly as it was meant to be. And for that, I’m so grateful.

Our team of leaders and volunteers created a beautiful and sacred space for the participants. We were about 40 in the circle. The 13 lit mandalas held one side of the room while Regina and Leslie’s altars held the other.

The day flowed through ceremony, meditation, visionary storytelling, a delicious lunch, drumming and chanting, sound healing with crystal bowls, chakra dancing, mandala drawing, and conversation on raising our vibration through self-awareness.  It was exactly the kind of Solstice event I wanted to attend. It felt so good to receive my co-leaders gifts. It felt just as good sharing mine.  And what a heart-opener to be a witness to the experiences of those who chose to attend.

We stayed open for the public after our closing circle. Very few came despite all the marketing, but I know that everyone who did was touched by their experience.

Our day was about quality, not quantity. We all put so much into it. And it was worth it on levels we cannot begin to understand. I know we helped those in attendance make a difference in their lives. It made a difference in mine. How can that be measured in numbers and dollars?!

Sunday provided me yet another mirror for my Self – showing me my gifts and my growth as well as the thoughts and patterns that still cloud my true vision. It was a gift to my Self and to my community.

And now I need a rest. This was a huge year. I pushed myself hard – harder than was necessary. I do that.

You’ll hear more about that on the 29th (I already wrote that post so I can take time off the computer while in Ottawa with family for the New Year).



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