Spiritual Photo Tip 12: Leading Lines

Welcome to Spiritual Photo Tip 12 – opening new ways of seeing & being in the world all the while taking better photographs.

Lines as the Subject

Lines themselves can make great subjects – whether they’re straight, curved, or in the highly sought sensuous S-Curve.

Leading Lines

Lines can lead the eye to your main subject.

They also lead the viewer into the scene, inviting them into your journey.

These lines can be real (solid lines) or implied (in the features of the landscape).

Take a look at the photo at the top of this post. Can you identify the 8 lines that lead you to the lighthouse? As you contemplate this photo, ask yourself if these lines add to or detract from the image.

I believe this was a rare instance when electrical lines actually enhanced the overall aesthetics.

Now go slowly through the gallery below to observe the various kinds of lines and how they influence your eye and your heart into the scene. If you’re on a laptop, click the first image and use the arrow to see each one full size.

That last shot of the Christmas lights at the MUN Botanical Garden in St. John’s, NL was created with an SLR camera, zooming while taking the photo at a slow shutter speed.

Heart Sight: What are your leading lines?

Now lets look at the opening lines in your conversations with yourself and with others.

Where do they lead?

Heart Sight 1: Opening Lines to Your Day

Ask your Inner Observer to notice the first words you say to yourself when you wake up in the morning.

What are the opening lines that lead you into your day? 

Are they lines of regret, complaint, dread, excitement, joy, or gratitude?

Can you see how you’re actively creating that day through those thoughts?

According to one of my spiritual mentors, Abraham Hicks, you have 17 seconds to set the pace of your day. 

And if that snowballs to 68 seconds (17 x 4), you’ve created the vibrational pull for the Law of Attraction to kick in.

Like attracts like any time of the day. But your vibration in those first 17 seconds are the most powerful.

So first, be aware. Then, if necessary, do something to change those engrained lines in your way of thinking, making new lines to lead you into a happier, healthier life. You’ve got 17 seconds to do so!

Heart Sight 2: Your Opening Lines in Conversation

How do you start your conversations with others? 

Do people avoid you because they know the first words out of your mouth will be some sort of criticism, scolding, negativity, gossip, or nagging?

Or do they smile seeing you because they know you’ll have something delightful, constructive, or loving to share?

Basically, do your opening lines lead to a blocked or open heart? 

You’ve no doubt experienced your inner reactions to your partner saying “We have to talk”. The tone of voice will influence the feelings those words inspire. They can certainly lead active imaginations to fear the worst.

It’s true, you can’t be responsible for how others react to you or your words – that will largely depend on their past experiences. But you may have had something to do with shaping those experiences.

So why not say something like:

  • “Hi. I’ve got a great idea to share with you. Do you have time to talk?”
  • “Wonderful. I was looking for you. I’m experiencing an inner conflict and I’d love to hear your perspective.”
  • “I’m in the process of making some decisions that may impact our holidays. Do you have time to hear what I’m thinking about?”
  • “I’ve made some fear-based assumptions that are eating me up. I’d love your help getting clarity. Is this a good time to talk?”
  • or a variety of other leading lines.

For the next while, pay attention to how you start your conversation with others, especially those closest to you. Pay attention to the qualities of your leading lines – word choices, tone of voice, feelings before starting, and timing.

How are you bringing other people into your picture? What kind of picture are you co-creating with those opening & leading lines?

Take Time to Share

The best way to learn something is to teach it.

I’m reinforcing both my photography & personal growth skills by sharing this Spiritual Photo Tip Series with you.

By practicing photographing lines this week, you’ll be reminded of what you read here, reinforcing exploration & expression of your love of beauty and the beauty of love. 

So please share your photos and your self-observations with your friends, adding both love & beauty in the world.

And I always welcome comments below.

May you become the conscious creator you were meant to be. Peace be with you!


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