Reconnect Lesson 11: It’s Birthing Time


It’s very moving when a layer of the big picture reveals itself.

As I sat beside my father on Ash Wednesday at the Notre Dame Basilica in Ottawa after we created this video for the last Reconnect To Your True Self Lesson, it dawned on me…

The first time I sat with Papa alone in the very same pew after Maman had to be placed in long term care, I received the inspiration to create the Re-Connecting Collection – 11 intuitive visionary paintings answering an inner call to examine my roots and spiritual evolution.

9 months later, the collection was complete.

6 more months, so are the lessons.

What had initially appeared like procrastination on this last lesson turned out to be divine timing. My mother’s passing helped me understand the lesson this painting was to offer you as she entered the Gateway back Home to God.

As I sat beside my father again in the same pew during a mass dedicated to my mother’s memory, I realized we’d come full circle.

11:11 – 11 paintings, 11 lessons: a deeply personal and spiritual journey which can now serve others …

I dedicate this blessed project to both my parents, Jerry & Rita Hurley, who helped make my being a possibility in this lifetime. Rest in peace, Maman. Continue walking in love, Papa.

Reconnect To Your True Self Lesson 11 – Birthing Time

Welcome to the last of the Reconnect to your True Self lessons. It’s now time to birth what your Spirit has been calling for – be it a new way of being, doing, or co-creating.

Say yes to this year being the gateway into a new chapter of the life you are meant to live.

How is your Spirit moving you?  What will the next chapter of your life look like?

Every day is a gateway, a choice.

When you align those choices with your True Self, you’ll naturally feel happier and healthier. You’ll be living life on purpose.

In the past 20 weeks, the Reconnect to Your True Self lessons have given you the chance to get to know your Self better.

  • Lesson 1: creating space to listen within and to connect through prayer
  • Lesson 2: recognizing how your Light shines for yourself & others
  • Lesson 3: surrounding yourself with those who see, accept & love you – finding your tribe
  • Lesson 4: uncovering your superpowers through your unique hero’s journey
  • Lesson 5: getting rid of the accumulated dirt to see the truth & beauty of who you truly are
  • Lesson 6: reconnecting to your creativity
  • Lesson 7: consciously choosing your roles in community for a perfect fit
  • Lesson 8: nurturing mindfulness, gratitude & intuition in nature
  • Lesson 9: raising your vibration
  • Lesson 10: re-examining your identity building journey

And now, with Lesson 11, it’s time say yes to emerging more fully into your Self through the birthing of what’s next.

No matter if you’re clear on the big picture or simply need to take the next inspired step on the journey – enter the gateway.

My Gateway

When I started the Re-Connecting painting series in late 2018, I only knew I was being called to paint 11 2’x4’ paintings. Each piece was created intuitively over a period of 9 months, guided by my Team of Divine Helpers.

It was while creating the first painting that I understood I was being called to travel to Glastonbury near the end of the series, before creating the last piece.

I accepted that call, knowing the journey through the co-creative process for the series would prepare me for what was to come.

My trip to the UK to spend time in the sacred Chalice Well garden and participate in the Sun Lover Goddess Conference led to this final piece “The Gateway”.

It celebrates Divine Procreative Energy and the bridge between Heaven & Earth, the Etheric Field, the Akashic Field. That’s the sacred geometry of the Vesica Pisces that so fuels my creative quest.

Still, I wasn’t clear on what that gateway was inviting me to.

Birthing is not an immediate process. Just as I learned when being guided through the creation of the Law of Gender mandala, there are 2 aspects to consider.

First, there’s a need for both the feminine & masculine – the intuitive, receptive, open aspects of ourselves and the action-oriented implementer.

There’s also a gestation period – 9 months for humans and for my Re-Connecting Collection and various other time periods for various projects, transformations, etc.

I knew that my gestation period included the time to create these 11 video lessons for you. This is part of what I dedicated myself to after completing the collection. It also involved a 5-month hiatus in painting.

I thought I’d been procrastinating in the preparation of this last lesson. Known for being goal-oriented, organized, and efficient, I uncharacteristically delayed it.

Then, on February 3rd, my mother passed away, transitioning from her earthly body back to her Spirit Self. I knew she was ready to go, although I only understood the messages I’d intuitively received after she’d died.

At the age of 88, Maman chose to enter her gateway back Home to God. I was at peace with her passing and have been blessed to spend this month at my father’s side.

So, as this painting celebrates the Sun Goddess giving birth to the Earth and the birthing process itself, I said goodbye to the one who gave birth to me in this lifetime. Exactly one month later, I offer you this final post of the project.

Had I been procrastinating, or was the delay in designing this last lesson perfectly timed to understand what I was meant to share with you?

Divine Patience During Your Gestation Period

In our modern rushed times, when most have gotten used to running on the hamster wheel, we’re not always patient with the gestation time.

But as you wouldn’t want to rush a mother’s 9-month pregnancy, so too do you need to nurture your birthing or re-birthing process.

First, the seeds are planted through listening to your soul and implementing the inspired actions that will eventually bring your dreams and soul callings to fruition.

Then, divine patience is needed, focusing your attention on nurturing those dreams. Where attention goes, energy flows.

Going on Maternity Leave

What’s next for me now that the birthing of this Re-Connecting Collection project is over? I’m not sure.

The full picture of my next chapter is a mystery. I’ve only been shown the next Gateway and my heart is saying YES! to it. What I’ll birth at the end of it is unclear.

I know changes are required as the status quo of my career in the arts doesn’t seem financially viable.

Something has to change, but I’m not sure what or how. 

What I do know is that my soul has called me to travel to Ireland to spend time soaking up the energy of the land in solo contemplation at various hermitages, retreat centres and pilgrim walks.

It’s time to go deeper within – to pray, write, sketch, photograph, listen, and open to the next inspired action.

I’m ready to disconnect from the Internet and from the distractions of my everyday life. That’s the gateway I’m saying yes to at this time.

Excited & scared (the kind of fear that comes from a call to grow by healthily stretching our comfort zones), I bought my ticket. I’ll be there from April 27 – June 22.

The seed was planted a few years back on my intuitive vision boards.

When I applied to an art residency in Ireland in late in 2019, my excitement was a sure clue. One artist from Newfoundland would be chosen to spend a month, paid, in County Donegal.

Reading historic fiction novels, stories and researching spiritual travel on the land of some of my ancestors has fuelled that dream.

Residency applicants were told we’d know if we won by the end of February, so I guess that route wasn’t meant to be.

As I awaited the announcement of the residency winner, I became clear of my need to prioritize investing the time and financial resources into this project no matter what. Interestingly, submissions for other projects were also ‘unsuccessful’, leaving 2 blank months in my calendar.

Do I know what creation might come out of this? What I’m birthing next? No. I don’t need to know. I trust in the journey. Life has taught me that.

This spiritual maternity leave after the birthing of an intensive 15-month project will become the gestation period for the next birthing.

What about you?

Your Birthing Time

Is your status quo fulfilling? Or is your soul calling you to birth the next chapter of your life?

Is it a new project? A relationship renewal? A career change? A course of study? A soul-nourishing trip? The start of a family? A move? A letting go? An adoption?

Your gateway can take many shapes and open to many new possibilities.

The question is which gateway will you consciously say yes to, embracing the mystery of what lies beyond it while taking each inspired step necessary to make it happen.

Listen in, act, trust and be patient – knowing that each inspired step leads to the resources you need to take the next step. That’s the Law of Action.

If you’re feeling discontent, depressed, disconnected – these are all signs that your soul is calling for change.

If your whole being comes alive around a particular focus, that’s the direction you’re being called to.

Changes can take so many forms – within yourself and the details of your life.

The more you know who you truly are, which I hope this series has helped you with, the clearer you’ll be to knowing which gateways to say yes or no to.

Once you’ve said yes, put your trust in it and allow the Universe to reveal the “how” to make it all happen. Be patient as this can take time.

Birthing is a miracle, be it of a new life or a new chapter in your life. Here’s wishing you a life of miracles!


Make sure to discern if your calls feel like you’re moving towards something and not running away from something. Let your intuition & love guide you, not your fear.

For more on how to access your intuition, I offer a free online tutorial here.

Revelation UPDATE

Sometimes, the meaning of an intuitive process only becomes clear years later. The pandemic hit before my trip to Ireland, canceling most of my plans and delaying the 2-week bus tour (for which I couldn’t get a refund) until 2022.

When the pandemic hit, I realized that this painting’s messages were not personal but global. Oops…

My message to isolate for 2 months for a re-birthing of my world turned out to be a glimpse of the Gateway our entire planet would experience through 2 years of isolation. 

It is time for a re-birth of the planet, for a harmonizing of the Divine Feminine & Masculine for the Good of All.

When we started hearing reports of pollution lifting and wildlife thriving, I kept coming back to this painting and its messages.

Focus on your inner peace, the marriage of your Feminine and Masculine to birth the world you would like to see. We’re entering this Gateway together – this is a message of hope!

How has that manifested for you? Feel free to write a comment below.


P.S. You can read the original post on the co-creative process for the painting “The Gateway” on my blog here

P.P.S. You can order prints  in your choice of size and medium or purchase the original. Thank you for supporting my art!

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5 replies
  1. Elizabeth Stamp
    Elizabeth Stamp says:

    I am spiritually moved and with your love of Creation in all its splendour, I have as a result of your generous soul am connecting my life path to new possibilities as I give thanks for eighty-years of life and love. I never cease to believe that our encounter was meant to be. And what an enriching of my path. When I select my painting~ my personal birthday gift, I was later surprised that the title “All The Days of My Life” was so appropriate.
    You have graced my life and may you be lovingly by your Goddess and Energies of the Cosmos.
    With love, gratitude, and heart felt appreciation,
    NAMASTE ????

    • Dominique Hurley
      Dominique Hurley says:

      Thank you so much for those loving words, Elizabeth. I am so enjoying the flow of giving and receiving, of inspiring and being inspired, that has been birthed by our connection. You’re a true blessing and I’m glad you’ve enjoyed sharing the journey through my online presence and paintings.


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