Spiritual Photo Tip 5: Foreground

Distant vistas makes for wonderful photographs.

Visions of your ideal life make for great daydreaming.

You’ll find, however, that including a piece of foreground in the picture can do 3 great things for your image and your life.

Are you ready to open new ways of seeing & sharing your life? Then dive into this 5th edition of my Spiritual Photo Tips to add more love & beauty to this world.

Foreground Creates Context

Where are you standing right now as you look into the distance? Are you on your way there? Is it reachable?

Invite others into your experience by not only photographing what you’re seeing far away, but sharing from where it’s being seen.

Placing something in the foreground can help friends, family, and colleagues become a part of your experience. It gives them a context of where you’re standing, crouching, or lying down when you’re taking that picture.

Heart Sight:

It’s the same with life. As you share the vision for where you’re heading, it helps to show people the context for your dreams.

Where are you standing right now? What’s the story that brought you there? From what perspective are you creating this vision for yourself?

Foreground Leads the Eye

Including an interesting feature in the foreground of your image also invites the viewer’s eye to travel within your photo, staying there a little longer.

Instead of flicking quickly to the next picture, a foreground element can keep the viewer interested, inviting them to slow down and take it all in. You’re leading them into a fuller experience.

Heart Sight:

When it comes to your own power of manifestation, if you recognize each step you take on your inspired path, that trust will lead you closer and closer to your dream.

By acknowledging each piece of the puzzle as you live it, you’ll more consciously see how your heart is leading you to your co-creation.

You won’t only be looking at a far vista, an unattainable dream. You’ll keep your eyes open for what’s being offered to you now by the Universe and your Team of Divine Helpers to help make that vision a reality. You’ll feel more encouraged to keep that vision alive.

By paying attention to your foreground as well as to the distant vista, you’ll be more assuredly led there.

Foreground Creates Mood

Sometimes, a foreground element is more than just pleasing to the eye. It’s pleasing to the imagination.  It can lead to questions, associations, story-building.

For example, I always wondered what these rings drilled into the side of cliffs might be for. It seems way too far up from the ocean to have anything to do with tying a boat. Or is it?

Someone told me they thought it was for rock-climbers. Maybe.

Whatever it is, this photo became about more than just a pretty atmospheric shot of sea & sky. There’s now a possible association with the boat in the distance or with me as the photographer.

Was I the rock-climber? Absolutely not… but that metal loop may spawn memories, stories, curiosities. It creates a mood!

P.S. If you’re using an SLR camera, you can select a high numbered f-stop to have the whole thing in focus from front to back. Or you can use a shallow depth of field and keep the front or back in soft focus. These are artistic decisions. With smart phone cameras, you can also play with this. For example, in these lighthouse shots, the default shot had most everything in focus. By tapping on the flowers in the front, I told my phone camera where I wanted it to focus – making the flowers sharp and the lighthouse blurry in the background. These photos tell 2 different stories.

Heart Sight:

What’s your story? What vision captures your fancy and what elements of your current life can be acknowledged as leading you closer to it?

If you can see how your current life relates to your dreams, you’ll likely be more motivated to keep that vision in mind and in heart.

If you can see the next best inspired action to take on your Path to your Highest Good, and you take & acknowledge it, you’ll likely trust your Team of Divine Helpers even more, removing any obstacles along the way.

Every challenge will become an opportunity, nourished by a strong relationship with your Guidance.

As always, if you’re interested to learn more about your intuition, check out my free 75-minute tutorial online. It’ll show you how to recognize what’s right in front of you.

Please Share

Adding a foreground element along with a far-off scene in your pictures creates context, interest, and mood.

The more you share your way of seeing the world – in your photos and in your way of living, the more interesting your life becomes.

So go ahead, take great photos and live a great life of manifested and manifesting dreams. You deserve it!

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