Pick a photo and learn how it can liberate your treedom of expression

Tune In #12: What’s your Treedom of Expression?

A walk in nature can be both grounding and uplifting. It can free us up from our limiting self-beliefs so that we can better express ourselves in the world.

Want to find out what your intuition is saying to you? Tune in!

Pick the photo that attracts you the most and scroll down find out how it can liberate your treedom of expression?

Tune In 12-Pick a photo and learn how it can liberate your treedom of expression

As you contemplate your chosen image, also add your own interpretation. This is a great way to exercise your intuitive muscles. Why do you think that image is calling you?

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#1 – Invitation

"Invitation" from the Treedom Collection

Do you believe everyone sees the same thing when they’re looking at a scene, situation, or person?

They’re not.

Each is seeing what’s in front of them through various filters of experience, judgment, and perception.

If you’ve picked this image, you’re invited to look at yourself and the world through new eyes. Change the filter.

Are you seeing reality through rose-coloured glasses, x-ray vision, or a smoke screen?

Basically, are you looking at the world through the eyes of love or fear?

If you don’t like what you see, first take a look at why you’re seeing it that way – the answer will reveal a lot about your beliefs and judgements.

The more you realize the power of perception, the less you’ll take others’ judgments of you personally. It’s really freeing when you realize that a person’s perception of you or your work says more about them than it does about you.

You can always use their judgment as a mirror to examine if there’s any truth in it for you, but there’s no need to adopt their filter.

Once you let go of worrying so much about what other people think and trying to please everyone, you can start expressing your Self and creating from a more authentic space.

Your job is to keep a watch on your own filters and to live in a way that’s true to your heart.

Not everyone will like what you have to offer, but that’s OK.  Others will love it and accept you for who you are. They can only do this if you take off the masks and show them who that is!

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#2 – Present

"Present" from the Treedom Collection

Are you fully present with those next to you?

It’s become so easy to separate yourself from the people right beside you or on the other end of the phone line.

There are so many distractions pulling you in all directions.

Have you lost your power of focus?

Can you sit for a meal without checking for texts and emails?

Do you connect to strangers on the bus or in line ups?

Can you have a phone conversation without multitasking?

Are you truly listening when someone at work or home is talking to you, or are you thinking of a million and one other things?

Do you turn off all social media when you’re working on a project?

If you’ve picked this image, you’re invited to pay attention to how present you are in the presence of others.

Find union and harmony in your interactions.

And feel the blessing of a heart to heart, soul to soul interaction with another member of the Divine Oneness.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#3 – Surrender

"Surrender" from the Treedom Collection

Is there something in your life that simply isn’t working?

Are you feeling overwhelmed or oppressed by the weight of the world?

Are you spending too much effort trying to impose your will or force things to happen in ways you think they should?

Sometimes, the best thing to do is simply to let go. Surrender your concerns, depression, and fears to God (or whatever term you use to identify what is greater than you).

Ask for help and give your troubles over to your team of Divine Helpers and the Universe.

This conscious handing over of your load opens you to a deeper level of faith. It’s easier when you remember that you’re not alone and don’t have to carry that load all by yourself.

You may choose to express this surrender in a short prayer or ritual.

Once you’ve done this, it’ll help you to allow everything to be exactly as it is. There won’t be such a need for control or fear.

You’ll start feeling the warmth of Divine Light shining on your shoulders and guiding you out of despair or confusion to appreciate the contrast in life.

Contrast is a good thing. It’s from this contrast that you’ll know what it is you want and what you don’t want.

Once you’ve figured that out, surrender these desires, knowing that they’re being taken care of in ways that are aligned with your Highest Good. All you need to do is ask, believe, let go, and allow. You’ll be guided out of the darkness and into the light.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#4 – Promise

"Promise" from the Treedom Collection

Oh that glow of spring after a long winter…

Colours and fragrances pop!

The weather and hearts warm to the promise of new beginnings.

If you’ve picked this image, you’re being invited to search within yourself for the seedlings of a rebirth in any area of your life.

Is it time to start a new creative project? It’s gestated long enough. It’s ready to sprout and grow in full colour and with vibrant life.

When you read the lines above, did anything come to mind? Is there something you’ve been wanting to do, but it wasn’t the right time yet?

Follow the rhythms of your personal seasons. Nourish your fertile soil and bask in the sunshine of your beingness.

Allow your creations to blossom –  to reach for the heavens in ways that elevate your vision and your sights.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

Are You Feeling Your Treedom of Expression?

What photograph spoke to you today? I’d love to hear how the message resonated and / or what you got from the image. Please comment below.

Bring Nature In

Today’s images all come from the Treedom Collection. It’s so important to surround yourself with the love and beauty of Mother Nature.  

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