The Seed Drum

What messages are you receiving from The Seed Drum, #7 in my 8-Painted-Drum-Fundraiser?

The vision for it had been germinating for a few days before I started painting it.

I’d received the vision near the end of the week but decided to take the weekend off painting.

The first weeks of January had been a super intensive (and blissful) studio painting marathon while I caught up with my initial late-night download of visions.

After preparing myself, the space and smudging drum #7, The Seed Drum vision sprouted into its 3 foundational golden rings and then burst into fullness during the long and beautiful hours of the following day.

Oh such joy!

Overall Message

Its message is a valuable reminder on our growth journey as we emerge more fully into who we already are at our core.

The blueprint of the whole tree already exists within the seed – perfectly designed and complete as it always was. With Nourishment, it emerges and grows more and more into its innate self.

Feeling its energy as I painted, I also kept “hearing” that the oak tree never wishes it were a maple or a pine. A cherry tree never envies the apple or plum tree. They are all simply what they were always meant to be.

Such great reminders of self-acceptance & love – as well as acceptance and love for others for who they are.

More Symbolism

At first, I imagined the mature tree would be in shades of white & pearl – more of a spirit tree. I thought it would stay at the essence and presence within the seed.

But once I’d painted the white branches, it called to bloom into full colour – branches, leaves, spirit-fruit, clusters of seeds.

Interestingly, because of the colours, I kept sensing strong peacock energy. At first I wondered how that related to the story and purpose of this drum. But it makes sense.

What most impresses me about peacocks is their ability to eat poisonous snakes and plants and transform these toxins into nourishment.

Peacock energy helps transform lurking poisons into beauty. It assists you to use your experiences for growth. Challenges can then be accepted as happening for you, not to you.

So this drum is not only about acknowledging and nourishing the miracle that you already are, but also to accept and transform your challenges as fodder for growth.

Now let me tell you about the roots.

My first message was to paint the hoop purple. This way, the seed/seedling/tree could be rooted in Spirit. You’ll notice that a few Spirit-fruit already exist at the root level.

Then, quite “accidentally”, the roots on one side stretched farther than those on the other. I know there’s a meaning, but did not receive clarity on it.

Is this a call for more of a balance between the Left (masculine, rational, analytical) and Right (feminine, creative, intuitive) brain? It’s hard to tell which is the left & write on a round tree…  I’ve a feeling the drum’s new owner may receive more insights about this along the way.

A Home for the Seed Drum

The Seed Drum was quickly adopted while it was still a seedling.

Doreen Layman, a landscape horticulturalist at Murrays Landscape reached out and paid her deposit after seeing the initial layers of the gardener on my Facebook profile.

What a thrill for someone to find their piece before it was even complete.

I often feel that I’m channeling a painting for someone specific but it can take years for that person to find it or to invest in it. That’s why I’ve often been open to payment plans. I don’t like to stand between a person and the energy-painting that was meant for them.

Luckily, as this is a fundraiser for my summer studies in Italy, this drum has already found its home. Thank you Doreen!

“The Seed Drum spoke to me! This year, I’m starting a foundation for installing vegetable gardens at schools and seniors centers. However it’s not launched yet. I’ve applied for funding for the first project. I should know in March if it’s a go!” ~Doreen Layman

May the Seed Drum help support you as you work on your project. May its energy add to the groundwork you’ve done on your foundation, so it may become all it was always meant to be. Thank you Doreen for your contributions to greener & healthier communities!

Watch It Evolve

Only 1 Left


As of March 2nd, all 8 drums in my fundraiser have found homes. Commissions are possible for $1111 – contact me to enquire about timing as drum must now be special ordered.



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