Tune In 27 - Planting Seeds

Tune In #27: Planting Seeds

You’re planting seeds every day – through your thoughts, feelings, actions, and vision. Your inner and outer landscapes are a result of the seeds you planted in your past.

What kind of growth would you like to see in your future? What seeds do you need to plant right now?

Let your intuition guide you. Tune in!

Pick the photo that attracts you the most and scroll down to start planting seeds that are right for you. 

Tune In 27 - Planting Seeds

As you contemplate your chosen image, also add your own interpretation. This is a great way to exercise your intuitive muscles. Why do you think that image is calling you?

Want to find out what I’m inspired to create for you next? Join my mailing list and get a free guided meditation mp3.

Yes, please!

#1 – Serenity

"Serenity" from the Treedom Collection

Are you able to stay calm, peaceful, and untroubled in the midst of chaos?

Or are you thrown off kilter by changes in plans, unexpected results, world news, and unhappy people?

Wouldn’t you like to be the eye of the storm instead of jumping right into the drama, adding more energy to it?

Serenity is something you can nurture within yourself so you can act instead of react to life.

The more deeply rooted you are in your own serenity, the stronger a source of peace you’ll be for those around you. They’ll gravitate to you. Your very presence will calm them down. What a gift!

If you’ve picked this photo, you’re asked to check in on your serenity levels. Then take inspired action to become more peace-full.

  • Do what you need this week to nourish your spirit: rest, breathe deeply, meditate, and de-stress in healthy ways.
  • Simplify your life – be it your space or your schedule. With more room to breathe, you’ll breathe easier and be more loving (see this post).
  • Be patient with yourself. It takes time for the seeds of serenity to germinate and grow. Keep practicing with self-love.

So what do you need to be more at peace with everyone and everything?  Schedule it right away. You’re worth it!

* Need more guidance? I do intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on these to learn more.

#2 – Generosity

"Generosity" from the Treedom Collection

According to the Law of Compensation, the more you give, the more you get.

The opposite is also true. The less you give, the less you get.

If you’ve picked this photo, you’re asked to reflect on both your level and quality of contribution.

Take note. True generosity comes from planting healthy seeds. Their energy is pure.

So keep an eye on your motives. You don’t want to be planting tainted seeds. Giving just to get doesn’t work.

  • Are you being generous or manipulative? Do you help others just so they can owe you a favour? Do you expect or demand reciprocity though guilt?
  • Are you a gift-giver just to be liked?
  • Do you give advice just to increase your sense of self-importance?
  • Do you volunteer because it’ll look good on your resume or gain you recognition?
  • Do you donate out of a sense of obligation?

There’s a difference between giving to get and receiving through giving.

Giving feels great when it’s aligned with your beliefs and values. It increases your happiness, opens your heart, supports cooperation, promotes gratitude, inspires more giving, and is good for your health. That’s part of the abundance the Universe returns for your generosity.

So back to the question: How can you be more generous? Is this a question of quantity, quality, or both for you?

Let your generosity be inspired, not forced. The quality of energy you put into your gifts will affect the difference they make in the world.

* Need more guidance? I do intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on these to learn more.

#3 – Stillness

"Stillness" from the Treedom Collection

Be still.

Quieten your mind and your heart to reconnect to your essence.

This is easier said then done.

If you’ve picked this photo, you’re invited to carve out time in your busy schedule to connect to Source through stillness.

Start by setting your intention. Expressing it through rituals can help: prayer, smudging, lighting a candle, pouring a hot bath, sitting in a dedicated spot, etc.

Then meditate or focus your attention in a way that calls you.

You might:

  • sit in silence with your eyes closed to slowly scan your body from head to toe,
  • focus on your breath,
  • listen to a guided meditation,
  • repeat a high-vibration phrase or Sanskrit mantra,
  • contemplate the wind in the trees and the birds in the sky, etc.

Simply observe where your mind goes without judgment and gently redirect it back to your point of focus.

And breathe deeply so that Life Force fills your lungs and spreads throughout your body. Your breath is your connection to Spirit. It’ll help you decrease the static on the line between you and your team of Divine Helpers for clearer communication.

Whatever stillness practice you use, know that you’re planting seeds of awareness, connection, and wellness in your body, mind, and spirit.

* Need more guidance? I do intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on these to learn more.

#4 – Witness

"Witness" from the Treedom Collection

Don’t you feel all warm and fuzzy inside when you know that someone’s truly seen and heard you?

They’ve shared in your sorrows and joys by simply being there – open and accepting.

If you’ve picked this photo, you’re invited to become more of a witness in the lives of others. Really listen. Share in their experience.

Be fully present, whether you bump into a friend at the store for 2 minutes, share a meal with your family, or meet someone new at a networking event.

Be careful not to jump right in with your story or try to fix the situation with your advice.

Try not to compare yourself or your situation to theirs. Gently bring your focus back to them. Witness their truth of the moment.

See and accept them for who and how they are right now. Acknowledge the beauty of their perfection in their imperfection.

Life isn’t meant to be lived alone. Being human is a shared experience. By being a witness to the ups and downs of those who entrust you with their moments and stories, you connect the Spirit in you to the Spirit in them. You’re planting the seeds of love.

Go ahead. Practice truly seeing and listening to the people you meet today. Be the witness they deserve!

* Need more guidance? I do intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on these to learn more.

Planting Seeds

What seeds have you planted today? Please comment below on how your image and its message will grow within your heart and your life. Thanks.

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