Tune In #17: Connect the Dots

Sometimes, it’s only in hindsight that we can connect the dots. By looking back, we see how our lives have been guided, helping us trust our intuition and take leaps of faith when they’re called for.

  1.  Start by asking your Higher Self and team of Divine Helpers:  “How have you guided me so far?”
  2. Then pick the image that attracts you most. Tune in! Contemplate your photo first without reading the messages below. What is it telling you about your life so far?
  3. Then, scroll down to find out extra layers of meaning to help you connect the dots on your Path to your Highest Good.

Tune In 17-Connect the Dots

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#1 – Mystic Vision

"Mystic Vision" from the Connection Collection

When I create digital art by mirroring an image, something magical happens down the centre line, where identical parts join in perfect symmetry.

Can you see how the frosty ice crystals on my backlit window at night form an angel near the bottom?

It’s as if the connection of two identical halves into a whole created new and mystical designs.

Similarly, miracles happen in our lives when we re-unite with Source (or whatever term you use).

Actually, I believe that we’re always spiritually connected – created in the image of God and housing God energy within us. We’re a microcosm of the macrocosm. We just lose our awareness of it because of all the noise – internal and external.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could stay aware of our connection to Divine Oneness all day, every day?

When have you felt it?  Maybe it was during morning meditation, holding your newborn for the first time, or facing the natural wonders of the world?

Experiencing it is a blessing. But remembering it is near impossible once the busy-ness of your day starts. Life takes us away from our Selves and Source – stress is like static on your direct line of communication.

Don’t worry. There’s help. Call upon the angels to bridge the perceived gap between you and the Creator. They’re here to marry your energies if the chasm seems to big to jump on your own.

Angels are a part of almost every religion. We’ve all got them. Because of free will, however, it’s important to ask for their help. They’re here to support your soul-driven requests.

According to Doreen Virtue, world angel expert, we were all born with guardian angels and we can call upon more when needed. I’ve certainly experienced this. Have you? Can you think of a few examples where you asked angels for help and were amazed at the results?  What do you need help with now?

Different archangels can be called upon for protection, healing, harmonious relationship, etc.  Groups of angels such as the abundance angels and romance angels are happy to join your team of Divine Helpers for specific projects.

Trust that the angels are here to help you remember your Divine Oneness, creating magic and mystical designs in your day. The best stuff happens along that center line where the Light in you reflects the Light of the Universe. Angels are here to help you do that. Ask and you shall receive.

#2 – Visit

"Visit" from the Connection Collection

You have sailed through life like a boat upon the ocean.

What gifts have you left behind in your wake?

List 5 of your greatest accomplishments. It’s not important if others acknowledged your success. How do YOU feel you’ve made a difference in the world?

These could be in your personal life: raising a happy child, overcoming addiction, achieving the perfect work/life balance, etc. They could also be in your professional life: designing a successful course curriculum, hiring the perfect staff, winning some award, etc.

Now for each of these, reflect on how your Team of Divine Helpers supported you in these efforts.

Did an earth angel in the form of a nurse, new friend, or pet appear in your life to help you surmount a challenge?

Did a series of synchronicities put you at exactly the right place at the right time for a life-changing position?

Did your community’s prayers lead to a miracle?

Did your intuition lead you to making a career change that now allows you to better spread your gifts into the world? It may have come through subtle messages or, if those weren’t heard, through stronger messages like unhappiness or disease.

By acknowledging the various ways your Team of Divine Helpers communicate with you and support you, you increase your awareness and receptivity to their presence in your life.

You’re not alone. You’re never alone. May this exercise help you uncover how blessed you truly are and what a blessing you are in return.

#3 – Messenger

"Messenger" from the Connection Collection

Intuition is a muscle. You need to exercise it.

Paying attention to your environment for answers to your questions is a great way to help you tune in to your very own messenger service.

Everything has meaning. Then again, nothing has meaning except the meaning you give it. You’re the very best one to interpret the symbolism that appears for you when you’re seeking for guidance. Cultural and universal symbolism are helpful, but always check in with your heart to decipher the messages left all around you all the time.

Have you ever felt the presence of a deceased loved one in the appearance of a bird or butterfly?

Has a song on the radio carried a message to you with divine timing?

Do your messengers speak to you through dimes found on the street or tools like oracle cards?

Does one of your daily email services always send you the perfect message for your day?

Do your answers come in dreams?

There are so many channels through which your intuition speaks. Figure out which has been the strongest for you and keep exercising that muscle.

The more attention you pay your messengers, the easier it’ll be to hear / see / feel / know / smell /and taste their guidance.

If you’d like to learn more about my 5 Steps to Activate Your Intuition for a Happy Healthy Life, take the time to watch this 75-minute free tutorial.

#4 – Mindfulness

"Mindfulness" from the Connection Collection

This image was created by layering a photo of the horse’s head and a motion shot of its tail.

But there’s so much more in between.

Do you spend too much time in your head? Are you stuck on the past or worried about the future?

Can you think of a time when things broke down in your body and life because you weren’t paying attention? The messages may have been coming in, but you weren’t receiving them.

Your body speaks. It gives you clear yes and no messages about people, circumstances, and choices.

How aware are you of your body, emotions, and environment around you?

Our intuition speaks as taps on the shoulder – quiet messages through our senses.  But if you don’t hear them, you just might get a helpful 2 by 4 that wakes you up to what’s going on inside and around you. It’s best not to let it go that far.

Mindfulness is achieved by focusing your awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting your feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations. It’s a mental state that brings you right into the here and now and opens your intuitive channels.

The more aware you are of the present, the better you can manage your health and happiness.

There’s lots you can do to improve your mindfulness:

  • focus on your breath for a minute
  • close your eyes and scan your body from head to feet
  • listen to a new piece of music without judgment
  • sit in nature and simply observe – notice everything!
  • walk through your home with a spirit of appreciation for the big and small blessings
  • really pay attention while doing something you do every day like brushing your teeth, driving, or opening a door
  • practice yoga or meditation to increase your body and mind awareness

The more you practice the more present you’ll be. What a gift!

Did You Connect the Dots?

Which image spoke to you today? I’d love to hear how the photo or text helped you connect the dots. Name one inspired action you’re going to take because of it.

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