Tune In 26- Connect

Tune In #26: Connect Up

How can you best connect up to life’s opportunities, like-minded people, your Team of Divine Helpers, etc.? Tune in and find out!

  • Pick the photo that attracts you most and ask your heart “How can I best connect up to what’s in my Highest Good this week ?”
  • Contemplate your image for answers before reading the text below. It’ll strengthen your intuition.
  • Journal before and after to go even deeper into the messages of your heart.

Tune In 26- Connect

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#1 – Vision

"Vision" from the Connection Collection

It’s OK to have your head in the clouds for short periods of time every day. Actually, it’s fantastic!

In order to connect up with the life you want, you need to imagine what that life looks like, feels like, is like.

Visionaries blend wisdom and imagination to create new possibilities. Inventors first give birth to innovation in their minds.

So go ahead. Fill your head with what might seem to others as unrealistic ideas. Imagine already being and having what it is you want. Schedule visionary breaks and invite the angels to play with you.

Have fun this week exercising creative daydreaming in line-ups, on your daily bus ride, while brushing your teeth, or right after waking up.

Explore the manifestation powers of your mind.

But don’t forget to come back into the here and now with those feelings and visions. Let their essence inspire creativity and action.

P.S. This image was digitally created using a photograph of a horse and the sky above it.

* Need more guidance? I do intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on these to learn more.

#2 – Impact

"Impact" from the Connection Collection

You’ve heard the slogan “Just Do It!”, right?

Well, it’s time.

You’ve been in your head long enough.

Stretch your comfort zones and grow through action.

Dive into that project that’s been calling you.

Go to that class to learn what you need.

Tackle that problem head-on.

Join that club to meet like-minded people.

Ask that person out for lunch.

Call that potential client or collaborator.

Make an impact in your life and in the world around you this week by moving ahead in the areas that both excite and scare you.

Take action!

P.S. Sitting in a zodiac and watching this humpback whale coming straight at us was exhilarating. It’s boldness and curiosity had a great impact on me.

* Need more guidance? I do intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on these to learn more.

#3 – Mystery

"Mystery" from the Connection Collection

Your first job as a co-creator with the Universe is to have a clear vision of what it is you’d like to live, have, create, etc.

Your next job is to let go of how that will manifest. Don’t try to force things to happen your way.

If you’ve picked this photo, you’re being reminded to let go of control. Have faith, trust, believe! Embrace the mystery. Get comfortable with the unknown. Let your plan evolve through inspiration.

Focus on what’s working and keep your energy aligned with the end result to keep attracting it to you. Don’t put the energetic brakes on by focusing on what you don’t have or the fact things aren’t working as you’d planned.

If you’re so bound on things manifesting in a particular way, you may miss the magical opportunities right in front of you.

For example, if it’s more money you need for a project, you may be so fixated on having your loan approved that you didn’t pay attention to a lucrative short-term contract proposal or an acquaintance’s offer to volunteer, which would reduce the costs of the project. Let your angels get creative and be ready to receive.

Stay excited about your vision and focus on the beauty of the co-creative process. Know your “what”, but leave the “how” up to the Universe.

Then keep your eyes, ears, and heart open. You’ll be inspired to take the necessary actions to achieve your goals and recognize alternative solutions to your challenges.

* Need more guidance? I do intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on these to learn more.

#4 – Trinity

"Trinity" from the Connection Collection

What does the word “trinity” bring to heart for you?

Is it:

  • Father, Son, Holy Ghost
  • Mother, Father, Child
  • Past, Present, Future
  • Body, Mind, Spirit
  • Creation, Preservation, Destruction
  • Thought, Feeling, Emotion
  • Maiden,Mother, Crone
  • Power, Wisdom, Love
  • other?

If you’ve picked this photo, you’re asked to reflect on how to best connect up to the three prongs of the trinity to empower your life.

Do you have an equally strong relationship with all three? Have you neglected any?

Are you stuck in one phases resisting the natural progression to the next?

Take some time to ponder why you chose this image and what your soul is calling you to be and do in response.

* Need more guidance? I do intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on these to learn more.

How Are You Connecting Up?

I’d love to hear one specific way your image and its text has inspired you. Please share in the comments below.

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