Vive la vida (Live Life) – the painting

Are you, like me, an avid lifelong learner?

Spiritual / personal transformation courses keep me inspired and definitely spill-over into my art.

This year, I’ve become a member of Mindvalley. It’s an online education platform with an abundance of transformational quests for various aspects of life. I was familiar with many of the excellent teachers and am discovering many more.

During the final meditation of Michael Beckwith’s 35-lesson “Life Visioning Mastery” quest, I received a beautiful vision and message.

I’ve captured these in “Vive la Vida” (“Live Life” in Spanish), a 30″ x 30″ painting that has already had quite an impact on my life. More on that later….

In my vision, the woman grew roots and branches. This isn’t new. My first tree woman painting was back in 2009, and I’ve created many since.

This time, however, the branches and roots linked up together and were overflowing with lusciousness.

I usually like to show the structure of the tree, but this time, I couldn’t get enough of dot-making – flowers, fruit, leaves …. the more the better. Can you spot the 3 different flower designs repeated throughout? More detailed photos below…

Interestingly, this vision reminded me of a Michael Beckwith quote I heard a few years back: “Grow deep roots to harvest rich fruit! When your roots run deep, you cannot help but bear the fruit of the Spirit.”

Part of the Universal Tree of Life

After finishing the thriving foliage & flora of the tree of my life, I was called to add something that wasn’t in the original vision but naturally evolved from it.

A canopy of iridescent Universal blooms appeared into view at the top, revealing that this individual cell, this single life – an individualized expression of the Divine – is only one of infinitely more in the much Greater Universal Tree of Life.

When you look at the painting again, can you imagine it as only one of a million similar yet different dots that make up a much much bigger bountiful tree? And can you feel the magnetic energy in the space between?

It’s as if emerging as more of our True Selves in our inherent abundance of every kind connects us to the greater picture, to All That Is.

The Keyhole – Time to Live Life

The biggest difference between this woman-tree and my previous ones is that the woman has stepped out of the trunk leaving behind a keyhole in the shape of her body to go out there and live her life.

Here’s a chicken & egg thing. Which came first?

The inner work we do helps us emerge as our True Self, giving us the courage to live our best life.

But living life also pushes us to grow deep roots and rich fruit through conscious experience.

It really doesn’t matter which comes first.

Perhaps it’s a back and forth thing. Perhaps she periodically returns to her keyhole in the trunk of her tree to ground, connect, reset. Then back out again.

The key here (pun intended) is that through that keyhole in the painting, you can see her living her ideal life.

I chose to represent that as a leisurely sunrise/ sunset walk with my life partner & dog – symbols of simple living, unconditional love & joy.

If you got the message “Live life, your name!” from your Team of Divine Helpers, what would emerge from your heart, thoughts, bucket list?

What would your ideal vision be through the keyhole of your personal tree of life?

Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows

Ironically, after receiving the message to “Live Life, Dominique!”, I spent several solid days in the studio translating the vision into paint.

It’s true, painting is one aspect of living that thrills me. But I’ll be honest. I haven’t been as active or as playful as usual this summer. So my Team of Divine Helper’s nudge to “Live life, Dominique” wasn’t surprising.

Here’s the fun part.

A couple of days after painting the couple with the dog, my housesister Orinda tells me of someone looking for a puppy-sitter for 5 days for his 4-month old Staffy called Bimber.

I looked at her quizzically, wondering if she meant me…. Orinda loves animals, but usually from the other side of the door/window. So I asked: “Would you be open to having him here?”. “Yes”.

So there you have it! This certified dog trainer & behaviour therapist happily manifested part of her painting: I’ve never had a dog and have only spent 1 week in my life dog-sitting – I never had the lifestyle or location for a dog but took the 8 month course 20 years ago as I’ve been passionate about dogs my whole life).

Bimber went home yesterday after 5 days together – a full-time project before heading to Ottawa for my “Driving Mr. Hurley” road trip adventure with Papa.

It was a good run (pun intended – or should I say test run), Maybe I’m more of a cat lady.

Kudos to all parents of all kinds. I don’t know how you get anything else done at the toddler stage. lol.

As for the other part of that painting, I know my ideal life partner is also already here in my energy field. I just can’t see him yet. And I’m not sure a 5-day mate-sitting trial is in the cards for me – lol! I guess dating would be a test run too!

Whatever the case, I’m continuing to learn to live my best life.

Cheers to you as you live yours. Vive la vida!



Vive la Vida

Title: Vive la Vida
Year: © 2022
Size: 30″ x 30″ (cm x cm)
Artist: Dominique Hurley
Materials: Professional acrylics & channeled energy work on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted edges. No framing required. 
Genre: intuitive painting, visionary art, energism art, spiritual art, inspirational art
Price: CAD $3,177 – Buy it here.
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2 replies
  1. Patricia
    Patricia says:

    I’ve always loved the keyhole image of woman. It definitely feels and looks like a portal to go through to other worlds. The images are beautiful. Thanks for creating and sharing this Dominique.


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