painting of

Yoga Bliss and the Body Temple

honouring the body temple through yoga painting -anjaneyasana

“Yoga Bliss” (9″ x 12″) – SOLD

I confess… the only yoga I did during my painting marathon week was on canvas.

Sure, there are countless benefits of spending focused time in the creative flow. It was truly blissful in mind and spirit – which benefits my whole being.

Those marathons take a toll, though – whether they’re in the studio or at the computer.

I’m glad the mat called me back.  Or should I say my body called me back – refusing to be ignored any longer.

It’s always the way. If I don’t pay attention to my body’s murmurs, it eventually screams until I pay attention.  Why do I do that?!

Raise your hand if you’re as guilty of knowing how good it feels to stretch, to exercise, to honour your body temple in so many ways …. but don’t do it often enough?

Good for you if your hand’s still down.

If not, stop reading right now and make a commitment to doing something physical today. It’ll clear your mind and open your heart too!

I just stopped in the middle of writing this post and called a friend to go for a walk in the glorious sunshine.

What are you going to do?  

Go ahead, write it in the comments below. Help us generate ideas.

So whether you end up in this low lunge yoga pose (anjaneyasana), dancing in your room, going on a group hike, or getting a massage, hourray to you for honouring your body temple.

You won’t regret it!

I mean, just go back up to look at my new painting “Yoga Bliss”. Can’t you just feel the happiness that comes from allowing the Life Force to flow through the body?

May you be healthy and happy – in body, mind, and spirit!

P.S. You’ll find “Yoga Bliss” and the other chakra jewels I created during my painting marathon in the Original Paintings section of my online shop.

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