photo of the snowy Battery in St. John's

Take a 15-Minute Soul Break

photo of the snowy Battery in St. John's during a soul break

Ahhhh….. What a difference a 15-minute unplanned soul break can make in the middle of a busy day. 

Am I ever glad I listened when my soul said “Turn left!” on my way home from running a bunch of errands with my housemate’s car yesterday.

I’d spent the morning taking down an art show, checking on a print order for a customer, and exchanging the broken microphone I’d recently purchased to make better-quality videos for my blog/website.  I was tired and hungry.

When I was less than 5 minutes from home, the sun broke through after a few days of wind and snow storms.

I cranked my neck to see out the St. John’s harbour as I drove through downtown.  By the time I got the intersection that leads to both Cape Amherst and Cape Spear, I had no choice but to turn left.

I know better than to ignore those soul callings.

My stomach and the rest of my to-do list could wait. As long as I was home for my phone-meeting at 2pm, I’d be fine.

I didn’t even drive all the way down to the Cape Ameherst lighthouse. I made it to the first parking lot and walked along the pier for 15 minutes with my camera.  That’s all it took to get me back on track.

It’s hard to believe I live about 5 minutes by car from where I took these!

I may have a river running through the backyard, but I have such a deep connection to the ocean. It pulls me and lifts me up.

I love St. John’s!

I’d been wanting snowy pictures of the Battery every since I moved here in 2011. I spent 2 months that summer living in one of those houses at the base of Signal Hill, right by the trail head. Click on a photo if you want to see it larger.

So where can you go for a 15-minute soul break in the middle of the day today? Trust me. It’s worth it. You’re worth it.


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9 replies
  1. Doreen Reglin
    Doreen Reglin says:

    Breathtaking photos! Such talent. Thank you for sharing. I am new here and am also awed by the beauty and grandeur of the place!

  2. Janis Dow
    Janis Dow says:

    These are such fresh images Dominique- no wonder you wanted to capture the hill! They are so good to see out here in dry dull-colored Edmonton right now. Yes…I did say that aloud- that I love the snow in the photos! Thank you for sharing them, you live in a magical place:)
    My backyard gives me a soul break when I need to re-connect with nature I go out and walk the new path that we made their last summer. Can’t wait to create more yard/garden this year. Love, Janis:)

    • Dominique Hurley
      Dominique Hurley says:

      Thanks Janis. It truly is magical. And so are most places in the world if you have the eyes to see. So glad you’ve got your backyard as a quick go-to place. Can’t wait to see your photos from down under!

  3. Jen Onyskie
    Jen Onyskie says:

    love the pictures! Beautiful…I know I enjoyed walking along the harbour during my conference…..such a lovely place! The water is a huge draw for me as well!


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