You are a gift – there is no one else in this world like you. Your life, therefore, will be just as unique. Embracing a life that is true to your heart and soul’s callings can be challenging in a world of expectations, labels, and ingrained social norms. This series is about creating a life that is true to who you are, based on the only story I am qualified to write about: mine.

Join me on a Voyage of Connection – A Guided Visualization

Are you feeling disconnected?

Join me on this voyage of connection.

It’s another guided visualization meditation I channeled live during a group session.

This time, you’ll be transported in a bubble of light into magical worlds.

You’ll connect to Guides and receive messages and tools for your journey to your Highest Good.

It’s a lot faster than some of my other co-created meditations. There’s more movement and less pauses for you to explore the space on your own. It asks you to immediately trust what comes up for you and just play along.  May it be whatever you need it to be.

Your discovery journey will be different every time you listen.

Guided visualizations are more than just a focused time to tap into Guidance.

Depending on the theme, a guided visualization can help you activate the natural healing properties of the Life Force dancing within you.

This is one of those.

So find a comfortable spot, close your eyes, and enjoy the journey. Do not use while driving.

(best enjoyed with headphones)

P.S.. If you’d like to listen to / download another one, sign-up by clicking here. You’ll receive the access link in your email inbox and my ezine every 2 weeks.

P.P.S You can also order a custom channeled meditation co-created with your Team of Divine Helpers. My introductory prices end September 1st, so act fast. Click here to learn more.

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Playing with the Fairies


Queen Anne's Lace in my backyardMy heart filled with joy as I stood in my backyard earlier this month and looked at the expanse of Queen Anne’s Lace along the river. What a blessing it is to live next to a fairy playground!

I’m sure they’re in there. I haven’t seen them, but I can sense their presence – inviting me to play, dance, sing, and cherish Mother Earth in all her beauty.

Children here in Newfoundland were taught to fear fairies who would turn babies into changelings. Folks carried hard tack bread in their pockets for protection.  But this was just another way to keep children from wandering too far at night.

I see fairies as keepers of the land. They connect us to our earthly roots and teach us the wisdom of nature. They’re healers – a big part of why we feel so much better after spending time in nature.

I’ve been more aware of fairy energy these days than usual. Maybe because it’s finally summer here.

Fairy Tea Party

Just a few weeks ago, during Summer Solstice, a group of us gathered in Bauline to celebrate the occasion with a Fairy Tea Party.  

My new friend Maggie Power hosted it and longtime friend and collaborator Regina Wright led our fire ceremony.

We ate, danced, sang, laughed, and drummed.

It felt sooooo good to reconnect with Regina’s Destiny Drum. Of all my painted drums, I resonate most with the voice of this fire horse.

We then blew our concerns, troubles, prayers, and wishes into magic bubbles that we released into the Universe.  Oh how I love bubbles!

And with reverence, we infused our thanks and wishes for Mother Earth into a beautifully crafted prayer stick that we added to the fire.

As Regina guided us in a musical fairy meditation, my visions came streaming in. I knew they held messages for the group and was welcomed to share a mini- Divine Storytelling Time to support them on their journey. The fairies had an unmistakable hand in that!

The whole afternoon was magical. It was playful. We radiated with joy.

I need to play more. Believe it or not, I’m way too serious!

What about you?

When was the last time you let your inner child out to play?

Trust me, it’s such a happy healthy thing to do.

Ask your heart: “How can I reconnect to that childlike joy today?”

Invite the fairies to relieve you of your troubles and to tickle your fancy so that you too can laugh and play.




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On the Trail to Paradise

IMG_0715When was the last time you went somewhere you’ve never been before?

I just love that moment when I pass the threshold from the known to the unknown. 

It’s both exciting and scary; it awakens my childlike wonder, curiosity, sense of adventure, as well as the little voices of fear and doubt that tag along for the ride.

That’s how I felt when I took my bike for a solo ride on the T’Railway from my house to the town of Paradise.  I’d walked it plenty of times through the neighbouring Bowring Park and a little past that, but not much.

When my familiar path ended,  I stopped. I had no idea where to go. The trail ended on a busy street. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe the trail didn’t go all the way to Paradise. Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe I should go back or wait to do it with someone who’s been here before…

I took a deep breath, asked for Guidance and waited.

I soon spotted a couple of cyclists across the busy street. As they turned a corner, my eyes spotted a pathway sign hidden in the trees. My courage returned!

Yay! Smooth sailing from here! Well, not quite… Bumpy gravelly riding, but hey! That’s why I bought a hybrid.

Without the high winds and cold from the week before, it was perfect – and so much flatter than my roller-coaster ride to campus!

After about 15 km (~9.5 miles) I reached Octagon Pond. Friendly strollers told me I was still far from the ocean, so I decided that was enough.

My way back was much faster. I hadn’t realized there’d been a slight incline most of the way.

I love how you see different things when you’re heading in the opposite direction.

This time, I spotted Berg’s Famous Ice Cream when the trail crossed a major intersection. I treated myself to a double scoop of mint-chocolate & cherry cheese cake on a cone. Bonus!

3.5 hours later, I was back home. I was proud and happy I’d answered that call to get out of the studio and explore the world around me.

What about you?

When was the last time you played tourist in your own town?

Do you ever walk or drive not knowing where you’re going – listening for an inner “Left” or “Right” at every intersection?

Is there an activity you’ve always wanted to try “some day”?  

What adventure calls you?

Listen. Stretch. Grow. And have fun with it. 

Then tell what this post inspired you to do in the comments below. I’d love to know.

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Oh Ego, You’re So Silly…

intuition quoteWhat does decision-making look like when intuition / Spirit takes the lead? Listen in.

It sure gets quicker with practice.

The more aware you are of what’s happening inside and out, the easier and clearer it all becomes.

I couldn’t help but smile the other day when my Observer Self recorded this conversation between ego and inner knowing.

It all happened so fast – faster than you can read this.

It started when I received an email from Memorial University of Newfoundland asking me to commit to teaching in their intensive English Language Summer School program for a 6th year in a row.

Here’s how it played out.


Ego: “But we told the world we were a full-time artist this year.” (defensive)

Heart: “That’s right. And we were. We are. We’ll now be a part-time teacher too.” (loving)

Ego: “But what will they think? We’ll look like a failure.” (scared)

Heart: “There’s no need to fear what others think. That’s none of our business. There’s only a need to follow our Path, no matter where Spirit leads. This is exactly what we’re teaching with our Ignite Your Intuition Formula. (loving)

Ego: “But this job is so intensive, we’ll have no time for our art. We need to focus on marketing to find clients. We can’t drop all the hard work and dedication we’ve put into it.” (belligerent)

Heart: “We’ll still have some afternoons and weekends when we’re not correcting essays. Plus, we’ve already done the hard work and put it out there. I know we’ll be shown ways to keep it up with ease and grace all while doing a great job teaching. Let the Universe take care of finding clients for 5 weeks. You’ve already got a waiting list for Co-Creative Soul Energy Portraits. More will come. We’ll be O.K.” (loving)

Ego: “But I could make that salary in a few days if I got more clients”. (argumentative)

Heart: “This isn’t really about money. We need to be there. Trust that.” (loving)

Ego: “But why?” (doubtful)

Heart: “Don’t you remember the Facebook message we got this morning from a student from 2 years ago wanting to meet because he was back in Newfoundland for a visit? Do you think that’s a coincidence? It’s the first message from a student we receive in almost a year. Don’t you remember the difference you made in his life? Can’t you remember how he shone once you helped him change his mind about quitting?” (loving)

Ego: “Yeah…” (hesitant)

Heart: “When Dominique prays “Make me an instrument of thy Peace”, who says that’s always going to be as an artist? Our life purpose is to explore and express our love of beauty and the beauty of love. That comes in many ways.

Ego: “Yes, but…” (stubborn)

Heart: “Has Dominique ever regretted a decision that was intuitively guided and supported by such a strong sign?” (loving)

Ego: “No…. but I’m just trying to protect her.” (pouting)

Heart: “I know, m’luv. You’re just doing your job. Thanks for sharing. But we’re saying “yes” to this full-heartedly and embracing the mystery of where it leads. The sign was clear. This is the Path. Plus, it’ll be fun to get out of the studio more during the summer and witness another group of students blossom. We can bike those hills to work and get into shape too. That was one of our goals! Isn’t this exciting?!” (still loving)

Decision made and I stand 100% behind it. That’s the only way to go!

Don’t worry – I’ll still make time to be of service to you too – through my artwork for sale, intuitive services, and blog.


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When a 2D Community Becomes 3D

DLH_6831I’m not big on crowds. Never have been.

I may have organized city-wide festivals and love being on stage, but entering a room of 600 strangers isn’t something I look forward to.

If you’re an introvert or empath, you can relate.

That’s why I was so surprised last month in San Diego when I experienced the power of a 2D community becoming a 3D one.

It’s all because of Facebook.

I’m one of those who joined social media really late in the game. I wanted to participate in my online course discussion groups.

At first, that was overwhelming too.

My B-School group had over 2000 students in it! It took me a while to accept that I couldn’t read everything or help everyone. I had to trust that I’d see what I was meant to see and let go of the rest.

The support and help I received when I had a question was amazing! I truly learned the value of a 2D online community during that course.

So when I joined Lisa Sasevich‘s Speak to Sell online course for big-hearted entrepreneurs this year, I brought that collaborative spirit to its Facebook group.  The exchange was rich.

It really helped me get more out of the course. I didn’t have to figure it all out on my own.

We also had group calls with Lisa, and I managed to get my questions answered on many of them.

So when I got to her bootcamp in San Diego, things were a lot different than the huge workshops I attended before the age of social media.

I can’t tell you how many people came up to me and hugged me or said things like:

“Oh Dominique, I was so hoping I’d meet you here”.

“Thank you for asking that question on the call. I was having the same problem!”

“You’re the one from Newfoundland! I loved my visit there …”

“I love your art! I’m so glad we’re getting to connect in person.”

I wasn’t a stranger surrounded by strangers.  Names and thumbnails were now real live people I’d shared with online. We could skip the small talk and connect at a deeper level.

My willingness to stretch my comfort zones by joining social media (and learn not to get swallowed up by it) led to a truly heart-warming real-life community experience.

For that I am grateful!

Oh – and it also helped me find 3 great roommates to share the expenses with. Now we’re friends and in our own little mastermind group!

What’s your favourite 2D online Group? Name 1 benefit of being a part of it in the comments below. I’d love examples and stories.

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Get Your Butt Moving!

Paradise Point-San Diego-Dominique Hurley-_DLH4647

Lots of photos for you today!


Trust me. This isn’t easy. I’ve been blogging at least twice a week for years! But I’m slowing down for the summer.

I’ll be posting every Tuesday, but skipping Thursdays to spend more time outside. I need the air, the beauty, the exercise. I hope that’s OK with you.

You see, I was smart and arrived 2 days early for my business bootcamp at the Paradise Point Resort  in San Diego. I also stayed 2 days after it.

It felt soooooo good to walk on the beach, kayak around the island, swim in one of the 5 pools, and bike in nature for at least an hour every day. See photos below.

So I came back with a commitment to get my butt moving outdoors this summer.

It’s so easy to spend full-days both in the studio and at the computer. I tend to overdo it. Working at home has been fantastic in many ways, but I don’t get off my butt as much as I’d like to.

So I’m listening to what my body, mind, and spirit had to say as soon as I hopped on that bike in San Diego.

What freedom! What joy! I sang with glee as I explored the deserted trails around the island at 6am. I didn’t stop after I got in the kayak either. Bliss!

So I’m shopping for a bike these days. I sold my 30-year-old men’s 10-speed Peugeot as part of my pre-Vienna fundraiser. Now it’s time for a hybrid that can handle St. John’s hills and the gravel trails on the old rail bed.  Exciting!

I’m also choosing to walk more, especially in the early evenings instead of defaulting to Netflix. I had some great river & canal walks with my Dad in Ottawa after San Diego. I went from palm trees to tulips! I also went from cool California weather to a heat wave!

But it was back to freezing once home in Newfoundland (Yay! I don’t do heat very well.)

And so far so good. I had a lovely hike up Signal Hill next to downtown with my friend Janice. I’m also taking my work strategy sessions to Bowring Park.  I’d much rather walk & talk with clients and collaborators than sit in a coffee shop.

So what about you? Are you going to get your butt moving too this summer? Sound crude, I know. Sorry. But trust me, it’ll love you for it. Haven’t you heard? Sitting is the new smoking! 

What’s your favourite form of outdoor exercise? Comment below.

Oh – and if you’re in the mood for a bit of inspiration between posts,  just come visit the archive. You’ll find lots there!

Here’s to our health!


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What do others see when they look at you?

painting Exaltation of blue woman in radiating Light

“Exaltation” prints available

Sorry for gazing at you so much. I just keep looking at you and saying to myself: “I want more of what she’s got”.

That’s what one of the participants told me after my Ignite Your Intuition workshop at last month’s Body Mind & Spirit retreat.

I was doing what I love with open-minded, open-hearted soul seekers. Not only had I been sharing my life experiences and teaching how to use intuition, I spent 40 minutes channeling a reading for the group and witnessing transformation all around me.

How could I not be radiant?!

It’s the same when I’m painting or channeling in the studio!

If you’re connected to Self and Spirit – you can’t help but light up the room. 

So my first question to you is:

“How can you bring more of what you love into your life? At home? At work? During your free time?”

I was grateful for the mirror.  I was obviously on track.

But as I told her, I don’t look / feel that way nearly often enough.

iridescent painting of woman with arms stretched in the light

“I AM” (24″ x 36″) – acrylics on gallery-wrapped canvas.

Truth be told, when I look at myself in the mirror after a day of working on the administrative or marketing sides of my business, I don’t see what she saw.

There lies the challenge.

Our job is not only to do what we love, but also love all we do.

So my next question to you is:

“How can you connect to your Self and Source while working on the tasks that just need to be done?”

Until I have the resources to hire others who are passionate about doing the parts of my business that I’m not, I need to bring more curiosity and childlike wonder into all parts of my days.

I’m open to advice / musings on this. Please comment below.

P.S.  I created these sister paintings to represent the radiance that comes from connecting to Self and Source day and night – both literally and figuratively. Can you feel the energy coursing through her as she aligns with her soul to vibrate as both a physical and spiritual being?


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When the Body Says No

photograph of bridge to garden

“Bridge of Contemplation” from the Connection Photography Collection available in my shop.

Are you happy? Truly happy?

My grade 6 teacher didn’t think that “being happy” was an appropriate response to “What do you want to be when you grow up?”.

My answer remains unchanged, however, and the Dalai Lama agrees:

“The purpose of our lives is to be happy”.

So how do we do that? The answers, I’ve often been told, are within.

I thought I fully understood what that meant.

I considered myself a good listener when it came to my Spirit Calls, living a life of passion and purpose.

As I’ve written in a previous post, I’ve followed my intuition around the world, constantly growing and stretching my comfort zones.

When the Body Says No

In 2015, however, I realized that my listening skills weren’t as good as I thought.

Although I’d followed my inner guidance, devoting all my time to building my website and artist career, I was still operating with the beliefs and emotional coping patterns learned in childhood.

I pushed myself too hard and became the toughest boss I’d ever had.

My self-imposed expectations, pressures, and judgments were taking their toll. I could physically feel the anxiety and stress. Fear started running the show.

I became too busy to listen to the gentler voices inside, so my body became the communication channel. It protested.

As Dr. Gabor Maté writes in his book “When the Body Says No – The Hidden Costs of Stress”,

“What has happened is that we have lost touch with the gut feelings designed to be our warning system… (T)he salient stressors in the lives of most human beings today – at least in the industrialized world – are emotional. Just like laboratory animals unable to escape, people find themselves trapped in lifestyles and emotional patterns inimical to their health. The higher the level of economic development, it seems, the more anesthetized we have become to our emotional realities.”

Fortunately, years of mindfulness training helped me recognize the energetic tremors and physical stress, but childhood conditioning kept me pushing longer than was healthy.

I was determined to be good enough, strong enough, perfect enough, etc. Sounds familiar?


The cost of repressing, denying, avoiding, or overreacting to our emotions, is high. We’ve been paying it all our lives.

As children, we learned to fulfill the conditions of everyone around us, trying to make them happy and ignoring our own emotional guidance system.

The result is that many have lost touch with the messages of their bodies, minds, and spirits and end up in a state of physical, mental, or spiritual dis-ease.

We end up unhappy and unhealthy.

Luckily, I stopped denying what was happening before I burned out. Instead, I chose to re-establish harmony, balance, and alignment.

This wasn’t easy – leaving the computer for even a day initially made me more anxious. It’s pretty scary jumping off the hamster wheel when you think it’s going somewhere…

As Abraham (a group of evolved spiritual teachers channelled through Esther Hicks) explains,

“Until the stakes are really high, most of you are … chronically holding yourselves away from the vibration of alignment that is so natural to you, so a little bit of attention to how you feel as a determination to feel better more of the time will take an effort.”

Hearing the same message from spiritual and medical experts helped me accept that I was still hanging on to beliefs and emotional coping patterns that no longer served me.

“A major contributor to the genesis of many diseases … is an overload of the stress induced by unconscious beliefs. If we would heal, it is essential to begin the painfully incremental task of reversing the biology of belief we adopted very early in life. Whatever the external treatment is administered, the healing agent lies within. The internal milieu must be changed. To find health, and to know it fully, necessitates a quest, a journey to the centre of our own biology of belief. That means rethinking and recognizing – re-cognizing: literally, to “know again” – our lives.” Dr. Gabor Maté.

My career choices may have been aligned with my purpose and previous intuitive guidance, but the anxious vibrations I was putting out into the world weren’t bringing back the results I wanted – either in my business or in my being.

I was off track. I had to get back on. As Abraham says,

“when you relax and get back on track, you can feel the clarity, abundance, your worthiness, fun, vitality, eagerness, and passion, and life feels good.”

So that’s what I did. I got off the computer, traveled to see my family, connected to Source through nature, painting and inspirational podcasts, and I’ve kept a better balance ever since, even if I’m currently participating in another online business course while also reviewing last year’s course.

But I’m much happier and healthier now.

Hearing Aids for Your Transformational Journey

We have access to Divine Guidance all the time – we simply have a tendency to listen more when dire circumstances cause us to stop and pay attention.

Why wait that long? The answers truly are within. They’re in the stored emotions calling to be healthily expressed and released as well as in our moment-by-moment emotional gage.

For your sake and all those around you, listen. And seek help when you need it.

There are many empowering tools available to help you on this transformational journey. I offer 3 (see Custom Services in the menu tabs). Think of these as hearing aids.

In selecting tools that resonate with you, you’re creating the necessary expectation of healing that enhances their benefits. You create the intention and open yourself to happiness.

As Dr. Maté and Abraham both teach, whichever modality of treatment or empowerment tools people choose, the key to healing and happiness is your willingness to ask the questions and make informed choices in alignment with your true essence.

Active Listening

It’s important to remember though, that alignment with your Higher Self -happiness – is a moment-by-moment process.

It takes time, patience, practice, and unconditional love.

It’s worth it! You’re worth it.

What is your body saying? How are you feeling? What hearing aids do you believe will best help you?

Please don’t wait until your body says no to start listening.

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Living Simply by Simply Loving

Living simply quote

Does clutter overwhelm you?

Do you carry more debt than comfortable?

Do you overcommit to projects you’re not passionate about?

Do you make choices that aren’t aligned with your true desires?

It’s common, especially if you’ve shaped your life according to social expectations. The results are often a sense of emptiness and attempts to fill that void.

Once you’ve understood why we clutter our lives, it becomes easier to simplify – to identify what is truly important to you and let go of the rest. That’s living simply.


My Story

People have been asking me about simplifying since the early 90s. I’d left my “dream job” with the government to teach English in Czechoslovakia (a shock to some). When I returned a year later, I realized I’d spent more on storage than my salary overseas. Still, I didn’t regret my decision!

After that, each time I followed my spirit calls (10 cities in 4 countries), I de-cluttered even more.

I wouldn’t have been able to afford living my life’s purpose debt free otherwise.

Lightening the load in all areas of life, however, does a lot more than reduce the number of boxes that need storing or shipping.  It reduced the weight of old energies tied to old ways of being and doing.

This is not about lack, however. In fact, my life is rich! After studying art in Austria, Bali and Italy for a year, I returned to the island of Newfoundland, Canada in 2014 to devote myself full-time to developing my art and intuitive business.

Clutter as a Form of Imitation Love

About 5 years ago, I became conscious of the link between simple living and unconditional love.

Listening to Dr. Greg Baer’s audiobooks and videos on Real Love, I understood how we compulsively try to fill our emptiness with whatever feels good in the moment—money, anger, sex, alcohol, food, violence, power, conditional love, approval of others, and more.

“Although the effects are superficial and temporary, we still pursue Imitation Love because it gives us a sense of “happiness” that feels far better than nothing in the absence of Real Love”

Do any of these substitutes look familiar?

  • excessive shopping for shoes or gadgets you’ll rarely use;
  • buying rounds of drinks even if it puts you in debt;
  • buying a new car to keep up with the Joneses;
  • accepting to chair a committee, not because you like the cause, but because it will give you social status;
  • saying yes to every invitation or request even if you’d rather stay home and read a good book;
  • getting angry at those around you because it makes them do what you want;
  • measuring your self-esteem by the number of Likes on Facebook;
  • complaining to friends to get sympathy;
  • hanging on to gifts you don’t like, just so you can display them when the giver visits;
  • lying to give a good impression;
  • or, in my case, diving into excessive chips and movies (I did say I’m still a work in progress…).

There’s nothing wrong with praise, power, safety, and pleasure – only when they’re used unlovingly.

Dr. Baer provides highly practical advice on becoming more unconditionally loving and loved. As you become so, the confusion and clutter will gradually disappear from your life.

Two Steps to Simplifying

Good news! De-cluttering doesn’t have to wait until you are perfectly loving.

The Universe abhors a vacuum! So when you de-clutter any aspect of your life (space, time, finances, relationships, etc.), it will naturally fill the void with what is in alignment with your Highest Good, especially if you’ve set that intent.

How do you do this?

First, you identify what’s important to you.

Then, let go of everything else.

I’m not talking about reneging responsibilities or rejecting society. I’m talking about finding creative ways to live in line with your heart and your purpose.

  1. What’s Important to You:Find clarity on what you really want. Fifteen years ago, the book “What Matters Most” really helped me to identify my governing values and develop a personal mission statement.Once I’d verbalized that “my purpose is to travel through life exploring and expressing my love of beauty and the beauty of love”, I had a measuring stick for all future choices.

    This in turn has led to my living a life of greater intention, integrity, and success (my own definition of it).

  2. Let Go:Once you know what you really want, it becomes easier to release the rest.

    This will look so very different for everyone.

    Living simply is about living true to your purpose, whatever that is.

    How? You can use certain de-cluttering “rules” to get rid of physical stuff.You can use resources like “Your Money or Your Life” to transform your relationship with money and start living with financial integrity, intelligence, and independence.

    You can start saying “yes” to some things and “no thank you” to others.

    Last, you can increase the amount of unconditional love in your life – the true source of all happiness and the best de-clutterer of all.

Is It Worth It?

The more I’ve exercised non-attachment, the more I’ve created room for the Universe to fill with new experiences and abundance that’s more aligned with who I am and what I need for each new chapter of my life.

My path is even richer now that I’ve realized the strong link between love and simplifying.

As I continue my journey of exploring and expressing the beauty of love (for myself and others), I can vouch that it takes care of much of the clutter caused by the pursuit of imitation love.

What can you do to start simplifying today?

You can start small with some of the dozens of suggestions from online lists, or delve deeper into what drives your soul.

You and those around you deserve a simpler life. It truly is a loving thing to do.

I’d love to hear what action steps you’d like to take this month. Please share in the comments below.

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Cleaning Up the Red Light District

"Shifting" from the Transformation Collection. Prints available in many sizes and mediums.

“Shifting” from the Transformation Collection. 

I’ve lowered my standards. It was dirty.

I confess, it’d been over a month since I’d done it.

It used to be a weekly thing when I had a cat.

Or maybe it’s because I got spoiled when they came in once a week to clean-up in the international student residences in Vienna in 2013/14.

Either way, I’ve relaxed about the state of my living space and studio. I’m still tidy… I just don’t clean very often.

But oh! how satisfying it was to see those little red lights flash when my Aristocrat rolled around the floors doing what it does best.

Do you know what I mean? Is your vacuum equipped with dirt sensors that light up when it sucks up unwanted debris?

I love it! There’s something in me that finds it so satisfying to experience that “Before and After”contrast .

It’s like giving myself a fresh start. It marks the end of a chapter and the beginning of a new one.

After an intensive period of working on an energy painting and other projects, it felt great to clear the energy.

I washed the drop cloths, rolled up the tarp, tidied up, vacuumed, scrubbed a little, and voilà!

No more red lights!

It feels awesome to start a new project in a freshly cleaned space.  And when it truly needs it again, I’ll take my Aristocrat for a stroll and delight in watching its red lights flash.

What can you relax on in your life? How would it serve you?


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