You are a gift – there is no one else in this world like you. Your life, therefore, will be just as unique. Embracing a life that is true to your heart and soul’s callings can be challenging in a world of expectations, labels, and ingrained social norms. This series is about creating a life that is true to who you are, based on the only story I am qualified to write about: mine.

Underwear and the Passage of Time

Photo of a rusted car with tree silhouette

“Green Tree Autoscape” from the Shades of Time Photography Collection. 

The passage of time is different as a full-time artist.

There’s no more Monday to Friday 9 to 5  to mark the weeks.

There are no more bi-weekly paychecks either.

And without kids around, the years all meld together.

I’ve moved around the world a lot, so I wasn’t there to see my nieces and nephew grow up. It’s hard to believe one of them has children!

Sure, there are still the monthly bills.

But my biggest time marker is my underwear.  Every time!

I’m always surprised when my pile runs low. And counting them as I hang them up to dry feels like a total reality check. Didn’t I just do the laundry 2 days ago?

What is this fascination with the passage of time? I have no conclusions – just musings.

If you’re in the here and now, does measuring it against the past or future matter?

I do love birthdays, but haven’t paid attention to the number in decades. I turn “the big 5-0” next November, but that means nothing more to me than when I turned 49, or 30.

I truly get more shocked to find 10 pair of underwear in my wash than about the changing of seasons or decades.

Is that a good or bad thing? Who am I to judge? It just is.

Take last week for example. I spent a very intensive week in the flow working on an energy painting commission. I’m glad my calendar was almost completely clear, so I could get lost in time. I just followed the flow.

As a budding entrepreneur, I still have to pay attention to my calendar – meetings, training, outings, commitments. But I’ve worked hard to simplify my life and my schedule. It feels good.

Maybe one day – when someone does my laundry for me – I’ll live even more in the here and now, without anything to mark the passage of time.

Will that be a good or bad thing? I don’t know.

What do you think?  Would you like to exist in the timelessness?


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The Power of a Vision Statement – Coaching in Action

motion photograph of echinacea flowers

“Floralis Dance” from my Blossoming Photography Collection (available in many sizes and mediums)

This is great stuff! I had to share. I’m sure it’ll help you too. Plus it’s quite easy to do.

It only took me about 10 minutes to write up my Vision Statement during a recent life / business coaching session with Brenda Kelleher-Flight of GDP Consulting. She needed a volunteer for her latest certification, and I jumped at the occasion. (You’ll hear more from her later in this post.)

I’m already feeling its effects. My homework is to listen to the recording of this Vision Statment a few times in a row each day to connect to the life I envision for myself.

It’s such a natural step forward from my previous work with affirmations and vision boards. I’ve now got one more tool to build the life I want.

I’m happy to report that I’m steadily aiming in the right direction. And I trust the Universe is working on the elements that aren’t visible yet, but I know are already on their way. All I need to do is keep the faith and continue to affirm it through thoughts, feelings, and inspired actions. My Vision Statement recording will help with that.

Here’s how it works. Write up your vision of your ideal life. Write everything in the present tense. Cover all areas. Be specific or stay general.

Here. Listen / read mine for an example.


My Vision Statement


I go to bed early in a grateful and positive frame of mind, so that I wake up feeling completely refreshed. I love my morning routine, as I give myself the time and space for sacred rituals: dancing on my mini-trampoline and chanting, yoga, asking and receiving Guidance. These raise my vibration for the rest of the day.

My business day starts between 6-7 a.m. when I do intuitive readings, guided meditations, or energy paintings. Helping people on their path also helps me with my life purpose of exploring and expressing my love of beauty and the beauty of love.

My flow of clients is steady, only attracting those who are a good match for my offerings.

My work is making a significant different in my fans’ and clients’ lives. I feel truly blessed to be doing this work. It’s also financially lucrative so that it creates more freedom for myself and others to live in ways that are aligned with my / their inner guidance. People are happy to be supporting me in my goals as it also helps them with theirs.

My business is organized in a way that allows for an uninterrupted flow of passive income.

I have the freedom to follow my inner guidance to wherever it leads, be it for study, recreational travel, business, and more.

My work day usually ends around 3 pm to focus on quality time with my Self, my life partner, and friends.

My presence is a gift – the result of my open mind and generous heart.

Every day, I nourish myself with healthy foods and take nature walks – alone or with friends.

I am in a mutually respectful and unconditionally loving relationship with the right man for me. We both want the other’s happiness without expecting anything in return.

All those in my life feel connected to me even when I’m not physically present. My love and support are felt with all my friends and family.

I’m happy and healthy in body, mind, and spirit because I choose to live in this way.

The Power of Coaching

Brenda Kelleher-Flight in her officeBrenda and I spent 4.5 wonderful hours together, filled with aha moments and shifts that I felt on the physical, mental, and energetic level.

I can just imagine the benefits of regular life-business coaching!

Here’s how Brenda talks about it.

Message from Brenda

Are you totally satisfied with all areas of your life and work? If yes, this post isn’t for you. If not, then please keep reading and I hope you’ll find the guidance you’re searching for at this time. The guidance I’m speaking about is that of a coach.

Sometimes we feel stuck or as if things could be better, but we don’t know who to talk to, who to trust, or whether things could actually be as we dream. The good news is that a good coach is a confidant. You can tell your coach things you wouldn’t tell others because a coach is trained to understand and be non-judgmental.

A coach will lead you through exercises to help you identify your blind spots. You determine what is holding you back from achieving what you desire and deserve because your coach only has one agenda – that is working in your best interests.

In my training through the Fowler International Academy of Professional Coaching , I’ve learned that it’s essential to set priorities, work on manageable targets, and hold you accountable for taking actions and seeing results. When you report on your accomplishments and initiatives, we get to celebrate together. When things don’t go as well, I’m there as a non-judgement sounding board.

I can assist you to create your vision for your future and see it become a reality. There’s no such thing as failure in my world, there’s only success.

Brenda Kelleher-Flight is a professional coach and mediator. She can be reached at [email protected] or 709-753-9935.


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A Change of Scenery

Brigus NL-Dominique Hurley-DLH_3793

It’s only February, and I’m already manifesting my way through my 2016 intuitive vision board. This time, I took its soul advice for a change of scenery and spent 4 days at my friend Victoria’s in Spaniards Bay, a little less than an hour from St. John’s.

I love road trips. I’m constantly gasping at the beauty (sometimes a bit alarming for the driver).

But since I’ve chosen not to have my own car, I don’t get out of town much – especially if I’m focused on work as much as I was in 2015.

So Victoria came to get me, and we spent a lovely 4 days driving around taking pictures, socializing, eating, and getting to know each other and her 4 fur-babies better. It was great!

I first met Victoria in an art class I taught back in 2011. She’s taken almost every one since. She was also instrumental in helping me raise funds for my Vienna Art Scholarship Fund.

I felt right at home in her new house. Plus it was thrilling to see so much of her artwork live. She’s not only thriving with intuitive painting, but creating wonderful figurines and mixed media hooked pieces on slate. Click here to visit her FB Page.

I came home with a closer friendship, lots of new photos, a few extra pounds, work in a new gallery, some cute kitten scratches (the kittens were cute, not the scratches), and all the benefits of recreation.

So there you have it.  By traveling only 50 minutes away, it was a complete change of scenery. What a blessing in so many ways! Thanks Victoria!

You don’t have to go far to play tourist. 

Where can you go this February for a change of scenery?

P.S. You can also click on the first image and scroll from there.

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An Unconditional Love Guided Meditation

Here’s my gift of an Unconditional Love Guided Meditation. May it fill you to overflowing.SCC card spread for unconditional love guided meditation

This is the Spirit Calling Card spread I pulled before starting the recording. It couldn’t have been more appropriate!

After recording the meditation, I took another 48 minutes to actually do it.  These are quite different experiences.

unconditional loveWhen I channel meditations, it’s like watching a movie filled with pauses.  My job is simply to describe what I’m seeing or experiencing and relay instructions.

But when I listen, I connect to different levels of seeing, feeling, healing, and being for my Self. I receive different messages and connect to different Guides each time. Try it. It’s amazing!

Truth be told, it’s as entertaining and a lot more nourishing than some of the Netflix movies I sometimes choose to watch.

So I’m committing to 49 minutes several times a week this Valentine’s month to connect with unconditional love in this way.


Your Unconditional Love Guided Meditation

You’re welcome to come back as often as you like. Please use the buttons below to share it with friends.

Get comfortable and enjoy the ride.


P.S.  Contact me if you’d like me to lead a customized guided meditation for your group.

Or click here if you’d like more information about getting your own custom guided meditation.


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Are You Playing Enough?

Playing in my backyard - snowshoeingAre you playing enough? It’s worth it! My body, mind, and spirit are just buzzing from the natural high of doing something I love – something I hadn’t done in years.  Snowshoeing!

As you read this, pay attention to what comes to mind for you. What kinds of play did you love when you were younger and haven’t done in years? Bringing some of those back into your life can do wonders!

We’d had a huge snowfall overnight. It got me so excited. Sure, I had work to do. But I’d promised myself to play more this year.

I didn’t play much last year as I was “too busy” building my website and doing B-School.  I had a lot of studio time, which is always fun, but that’s still work-related.

So when I created my 2016 intuitive vision board, it was filled with soul promptings like “Embrace the Canadian Winter”, “Skate the Loop This Winter”, and “Be a Tourist in Your Own Town” (click here to learn how to make yours).

Vision boards work.  Right before New Years, I went to a movie with my friend Leslie. She had a pile of stuff in her car to drop off at a thrift store, including a pair of snowshoes and poles. So I took those home!

I used to love snowshoeing. I mean really love it!  My old-fashioned wood & sinew pair didn’t make the move to Newfoundland in 2011, when I’d reduced my belongings to just a few boxes.

Now I have new ones – the modern kind. Two days before this snowfall, I’d tried them out in the backyard. There wasn’t much snow, but enough to test the toe grips and poles that had never been a part of my snowshoeing history.

After circling outside the backdoor for a while, I stood at the top of my neighbour’s hill for a good 5 minutes before having the guts to head down. Poles are great! So are toe grips!

I’ve only been down to the river a few times since I moved in 1.5 years ago. I’d originally thought I’d start my days there with water ceremonies and nature contemplation. But I came back from my first trek through the tall weeds with a rash that burned for days.  So I’ve been enjoying the river from the house instead.

With the snow, however, I could make it all the way down the hill and along the river for 11 houses to an intersecting creek.  I felt like an explorer! I stopped and had a lovely chat with a neighbour across the river who came to see what his dog was barking at. Then I marvelled at all the birds and ice-laced rivulets.  I was in total bliss.

I made it back up to my yard and sat there to enjoy my high. I thought the only thing that could make it better was playing with my neighbours’ dogs. So I went to get them and play we did. I rolled around on the ground like a kid and threw sticks for them to fetch. I felt so happy! This was my first winter play session in a couple of years!

So after our huge snowfall, it only took a glance at my vision board to get me out the door again. My work could wait.

I’m so glad I’d explored the territory before though. The light fluffy snow was up to my knees in most places.  But when I’d inadvertently walk over hidden bushes or boulders, I’d slide down or cave in to my waist.  I tell ya – poles are great!  The grips didn’t do much in these conditions though.

At one point, a duck came and landed a few feet from me,  disappearing in the snow. Then her head poked up to look at me. When she realized I hadn’t brought any seed, she waddled her way a bit below eyesight before taking flight again.

This backyard adventure was just as great as the first one!

At one point, I lay down and made a snow angel, closing my eyes and letting the snowflakes melt on my face. I was filled with gratitude – for nature in the backyard, my flexible entrepreneur schedule, the home I share with my housemate, my new snowshoes, my body, and so much more.

I’m so glad my intuitive vision board reminded me of how important it is to play and do things I love. My whole being vibrated with joy.

IMG_9978The next day, I went skating at The Loop in downtown St. John’s for the first time ever before having dinner with my friends Kim and Daryl.  I hadn’t skated in about 5 years! More fun! More gratitude! More health & happiness!

Follow your bliss – that’s the key to the Law of Attraction.

What do you love to do that you haven’t done in years? Add your answer to the comments below. You just might inspire someone.


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Ireland, I hear you calling…

I got another intuitive hit while I was in Ottawa visiting family this holiday season – this time it has something to do with Ireland.


I’ve learned to pay attention and nourish those intuitive seeds. Following inspired action leads to great things.

If you remember, during the 2014/15 holiday season, a seed was planted in my heart/gut that led to the creation of the Enter the Mandala Project. I’m glad I acted on that one! I wonder where this one will lead…

The timing was the same. Maybe it’s because my routine is different, and I manage to slow down in Ottawa.

By the time I landed back in St. John’s, I’d started my research and followed-up on a few leads.

On my way home from the airport, I stopped by the public library to pick up a couple of books I’d reserved online. Celtic knots, spirals, symbolism, and illuminated texts… why are they calling me? They’re like an ancient mix of symbolism, zentangles, sacred geometry, and more. All the math and precision involved in learning to draw these knots on grids doesn’t appeal to me right now, but who knows what it will lead to. I’m just following my flow.

I’ve also spent hours online looking at artist retreats, spiritual tours of Ireland, and artist workshops. I’ve made some initial contacts and have a 3-month dream-itinerary shaping up.

Was it because “Roam Around Ireland” chose to be on my vision board? It’s the second year in a row that Ireland shows up for me in that way.

Or is it my Irish ancestry pulling me across the seas? I’ve been to France and Germany – both flowing inside my veins. But I’ve never been to Ireland … even with a name like Hurley.

Flying there costs the same as flying to Ottawa – thanks to Westjet’s direct seasonal flights from Newfoundland. But spending several months there (or even a week at these retreats/tours I’m looking at) is expensive, especially with the state of the Canadian dollar.

Finding a permanent home for the Enter the Mandala Collection would finance the trip. But I’m not attached to specifics right now. If I’m meant to go, the funds will manifest through art sales or some other means. Who knows!?  I may even be hired to bring my art there.

Our job is to tell the Universe what – it figures out the how. All we need to do is listen and act on our intuitive guidance. Take inspired action.

Right now, I’m in the listening, dreaming, following inspired action, and paying attention to signs mode of manifestation. So I have nothing else but an intuitive nudge to report.

The Law of Action mandala

The Law of Action

But I’m sharing this with you now in case it inspires you to pay more attention to what’s calling you.

What guided actions can you take right now to aim you in that direction, even if you can’t see the whole picture yet?

One inspired step at a time, the doors will open and the resources will be given you. That’s the Law of Action.



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Intuitive Guidance For 2016

My 2016 Vision Board

No, I’m not prophesying about the future of the world. I’m showing you another example of how you can find your own intuitive guidance for 2016 by making an intuitive vision board.

First, let’s look at how last year’s board helped me. After that, you’ll see how this brand new one is already showing me how to use the Law of Rhythm to my advantage this year.

There are many kinds of vision boards, but intuitive ones are my favourite. They’re quick and filled with meaning that reveals itself with time. They’re also a great visual tool for decision-making.

To learn how to make your own, click here to get to my “7 Easy Steps To Creating An Intuitive Vision Board“.

My 2015 Vision Board

Here are some examples from last year.

photo of house and word CocoonI was quite the little hermit in 2015 and loved it. Whenever I’d start feeling guilty about it, my board reminded me that it was OK. After a year of hopping around 3 continents, it was time to cocoon. It’s the only way I could have accomplished so much.

Look below at all the circles. These pieces kept encouraging me to move forward in my Enter the Mandala Project. I had to go deeper into both my passion for painting and intuitive visions to create art for contemplation. I needed to constantly connect with Source to understand and paint the 12 Universal Laws.


magazine photos And yes, I was driven by design this year – designing my business model through B-School, designing my website, designing my online store to offer my designs to others, and creating the Life by Design blog series of inspirational articles.  I spent the year creating a business and a life that’s a perfect fit for me.

little girl with dogI also reconnected with my love of dogs. I was obsessed as a little girl. This year, I got to spend time with the neighbour’s dogs whenever I felt moved to. I’d take breaks from the studio to throw a ball in the backyard or take them for walks. We all needed that!

My Intuitive Guidance for 2016

So what’s my new board telling me about the year ahead?  Looks like the pendulum is swinging the other way.

No more hermit for me. It’s time to get out and get active.

My board is motivating me to play tourist in my own city, go on road trips, and gather with community. I may even go to Ireland this year. It was on my board last year, so I trust that some seed has been planted and may just sprout in 2016. The train means movement – maybe across Canada with my mandalas?

It’s important not to take everything literally with vision boards. Look at possible meanings when you’re in need of guidance. I’ve never been much for crowds or parties. To me, that quote has more to do with some kind of springtime celebration.

These pieces of the puzzle are already motivating me to lighten up. I went deep and intense with work on my website and mandalas this past year. I need a bit more fun and active living in 2016.

magazine photos about solo activities I’m also being guided to make sure I spend time alone. As an introvert, I need that to energize. I’m definitely calmer, happier, and better if I take time for my Self.

I really like all the words in red boxes I found in travel magazines. I know my heart will continue to open and expand as I see the world through new eyes. I understood this year that the more intuitive reading and energy painting commissions I do, the more I connect to people’s Higher Selves and the more loving I become.

As for the “pick up artists” piece, I hesitated using it. I’m so not a “flirt”! But my heart leapt when I saw it as I tore through magazines in the 25-minute gathering phase, so there it is. It could mean collaboration with other artists or the art of de-cluttering. Who knows?! I’ll tell you in a year.

magazine pictures and words about business

Of course my art is part of the year ahead. I’ll continue to create intuitive energy-based artwork that inspires and adds joy to people’s lives. Don’t you love how the waterfall image on the right is alive ? Nice symbolism. Working with transformative art is going to lead to wonderfully unexpected results – for both my clients and I. It’ll all happen with ease and grace. This fills my heart with comfort and joy!!!

romanceLast but not least, a few words about growing through learning to love unconditionally.

I’ve been lucky to have explored this through 2 significant relationships in my life. It’s been years though.

I don’t need a man. I’m happy on my own. But I’m definitely open to sharing my life in relationship when I meet the next right guy for me. And there’s that word “unexpected” again. It’s on my board twice.

He’s been on my board before, so I know he’s out there. We just haven’t found each other on the physical plane yet. I trust in divine timing and am grateful for him no matter where he is.

Your Turn

Wow! I’m going to have a great year! Through this new vision board, my heart’s given me a glimpse at what’s in my Highest Good for the year ahead.

Now it’s your turn to get intuitive guidance for 2016?  Get together with friends or do it on your own. Just follow my “7 Easy Steps to Creating Intuitive Vision Boards“.

Please come back and comment on any insights you’ve had for your 2016. I’d love to hear.



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Intention Setting in Times of Transition – a Guided Meditation

I channeled this guided visual journey to support both of us in times of transition. It’s 41-minutes long. Take at least an hour in case you feel moved to journal afterwards. You’re worth it. You deserve it.

When I channel a guided meditation, the mini-movies I receive in my mind’s eye sometimes freeze-frame to give you an opportunity to explore the different intuitive messages you’ll receive, depending on what serves your Highest Good on that day. It’s an ever-changing process, rich in opportunities for empowerment and transformation. May it serve you as I already trust it’ll serve me.

Let it be what it is – there’s no right or wrong way of experiencing it.

Enjoy the journey!

P.S.  If you enjoyed this experience, you can download a different guided meditation by signing up to my monthly art & inspiration newsletter. Click here to download yours.

P.P.S.  You can also order a custom channeled guided meditation on a theme of your choosing. Click here for more information.

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2015 – A Year In Focus

By the dawning of 2015, I’d already decided to devote my year to my art. And that’s exactly what I did. With great focus, determination, trust and growing patience, I put my whole heart into my art, bringing it, my Self, and our partnership to a whole new level.

My art was my baby, my lover, my teacher, my seed and my tree. It was my whole world. I even went into hermit mode for part of the year to accomplish my goals.

As with all relationships, developing and nurturing this one required unconditional love, forgiveness, and faith.

I learned a lot in 2015 and wanted to share its celebration with you.

New Creations

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Fourteen new paintings were birthed this year in addition to my mandalas.

Ten of these provided me with a chance to channel the energy I needed at the time, evolving through layers of meaning, reflection, connection, creation, and celebration.

All but one of these originals are still available in my online shop, where you can also order reproductions on canvas, HD metal plaques (only available for some sizes), and fine art or metallic paper.

One was a donation to a project that paired artists with local nursing home residents.

The other three Energy Painting Commissions. What an amazing experience to support others on their transformational journeys through these intensive experiences. This connected me to three women across North America in ways that further opened my heart and soul on my own journey. What an honour and blessing! My intention is to be of service to many more in this way in 2016.

B-School and the Business of Art (or the Art of Business)

I’d set the intention to get my business online in 2015. So in February, when a friend reminded me of Marie Forleo’s B-School, an intensive online business program for big-hearted entrepreneurs, I jumped on board.

This was quite the investment in time and money, but it felt guided and aligned, so I didn’t hesitate. And no regrets.

I now have a professional website that I designed myself and the marketing materials to get the word out. For the first time, you can now purchase my art online, even ordering prints of your favourite paintings and photographs in various sizes and mediums.  That was my goal!

That’s not all B-School gave me.  Through the course of several months, I gained even greater courage and confidence. I’m no longer camouflaging my intuitive gifts. I was able to build a business platform that cohesively offered my intuitive art & inspiration, including my unique style of intuitive reading, which comes with bonus visual gifts.

I also learned from pushing myself to the brink of burn-out, with months of 12-16 hour workdays, 7 days a week. I know the stress and pressure I was feeling was entirely of my making. My self-imposed deadlines came from a scarcity mentality. My technophobia came from overreacting to things outside of my comfort zone or control. There’s a lot I needed to learn about the futility of trying to force things to happen.

With the pre & post modules, B-School was my all-consuming full-time job and personal growth program for about 5 months.  I’ll be going through the it again in 2016. We have lifetime access. Plus my business and I aren’t the same as when we did it the first time. So I trust it’ll take us to the next level – more gently this round.

Enter the Mandala Project – Inspired Action

all 12 Universal Law mandalas in a row

While I was with family in Ottawa a year ago, I received intuitive guidance to create a dozen mandala paintings. So when I got back to St. John’s, I submitted a grant application to help fund the project. I also ordered 12 – 30″ x 30″ canvases, which ended up taking a few months to arrive. Looking back, I’m so glad I followed my inspiration with action.

I then got so busy with B-School that I stopped connecting and listening for guidance. But on March 25th, I had a 30-minute Skype consultation with a coach for intuitives I met through B-School. Without knowing about my intention to create a dozen mandalas, she said my Guides wanted me to create a series on the Universal Laws… and there happened to be 12.

In April, I received news of a $1000 grant by the City of St. John’s, covering part of the materials for my project. My canvases arrived at about the same time. I needed the grant implementation deadline to force me away from the computer and into the studio. I’m so grateful as this was essential to my well-being this year.

Had I not followed through on my initial guidance with inspired action, there’s no way I would have completed the Enter the Mandala paintings by now or hosted the Winter Solstice Event.  Both parts of the Enter the Mandala project brought me in alignment with my life purpose. Here’s what one participant wrote to me about the event:

” I want to express my thanks and gratitude for the wonderful day you in-visioned and brought to fruition  … It was so powerful to be part of the group and to share all the heart-based energies that bathed us for the entire day. Until now, my only real energetic “community” has been online and I held fear around being seen fully in my life, all the while desiring to connect with like-minded and like-hearted individuals and groups. I feel as though the Solstice event illuminated a new path forward for me, while uplifting and transforming the heaviness of past patterns and obsolete beliefs about myself. The powerful energy of your artwork, of your soul expressing itself through your visionary co-creative process and story-telling, combined with the energetic offerings of Leslie, Regina, Katie and Tina was phenomenal to experience!” M.L.G.

This powerful collection (which now has 13 mandalas) has taken me deeper spiritually and artistically than any other painting project before it. The Universal Laws have taught me much, and I’ll continue to practice them as a key to my happiness.

My goal is to find a permanent home for them in 2016 and to keep on teaching what I’ve learned.

Exhibitions and Events



I’ve had many opportunities to share my work in St. John’s this past year. For this I am truly grateful.

These included:

  • a month-long solo exhibition at The Sprout
  • participation in juried and open group exhibitions at Eastern Edge Gallery, the Craft Council Gallery, MUN Botanical Garden, First Space Gallery, Le Festival du Vent, and Earth & Sky Healing Centre and Gallery.
  • displaying my work in the offices of Dr. Laura Nurse, Tina O’Brien (Reiki/Facial practitioner), and National PR (juried pop-up gallery),
  • live painting for 2 days at the NL Folk Festival
  • booths at The Wellness Expo and The Healthy Living Show
  • the Enter the Mandala Winter Solstice Event & Exhibition

These helped me reconnect to the the purpose of my art and of my life. They also helped me practice patience and trust in divine timing, especially when it comes to income.

I love sharing the energy that I channel in the studio. But I have to learn to keep on giving to this relationship with my art and its fans without becoming needy or over-dependent. That only stifles the relationship.

Re-Connecting with the Community

I value my alone time. First, I know I’m never really alone.  Second, I enjoy my company (most of the time). Being in hermit mode was great and very productive. But I knew I could get too comfortable and disconnected if I stayed there too long.

Sure, I’d talk to you through my blog twice a week, but that’s not the same. I had to get back into the community and the opportunities came when I was ready.

  • I taught a fulfilling English Second Language Program at the university for 5 weeks in the summer
  • I met new circles of like-minded souls
  • I joined the Newfoundland & Labrador Organization of Women Entrepreneurs for its business coaching & mastermind group opportunities
  • I taught a few painting workshops though the Art Association of Newfoundland and Labrador and the Association culturelle francophone de Saint-Jean
  • I participated in community initiatives like the Massonic Art Project
  • I spent time some time with friends
  • I joined with community during the Enter the Mandala Winter Solstice Event that I organized with 4 friends.

A Great Year Indeed

I’m so grateful for the foundation I was able to build for my business in 2015. After 26 years of being a part-time professional artist, I’ve made the leap to full-time (or almost). In 2016, I’d like to continue that, but with a better work-life balance.

Apart from a trip to Ottawa to visit family, I didn’t even leave town this year. I’m now open to a lot more leisure time alone and with friends –  in nature and new surroundings.

I’d also like to socialize outside of my current circles of women. If it’s meant to be and in my Highest Good, I’m open to meeting a man who’s similarly dedicated to growing in unconditional love.

I want to nourish my soul through more than just my art.

To do that, I’ll take the time to ask and listen for guidance as I continue to explore and express my love of beauty and the beauty of love.

2015 was a huge year for me and my art. 2016 is a mystery. I’m open to it. I welcome it. And I look forward to sharing it with you.

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Merry Christmas!

"Prayer" from my Connection Photography Collection

“Prayer” from my Connection Photography Collection

Happy Birthday Jesus! The world is a better place because You were born, and I’m all into celebrating that.

I grew up Catholic. So Christmas has always meant more than the exchange of gifts and turkey feasts.

It’s true that my spirituality has become more universal in nature. I’ve welcomed many other teachers into my life, such a Buddha, Abraham Hicks, the Universe, and direct connection to Source through my Higher Self.  But Jesus was my first teacher and best friend.

He taught unconditional love and forgiveness, setting me on my path of exploring and expressing my love of beauty and the beauty of love.

He also showed me my potential of connecting to the Light within all Beings and within God through the Divine Oneness.

The world is truly a better place because He was born.

It’s also true that many misguided souls have spread hatred in His name, but that had nothing to do with Him.

So I’m joining with millions around the planet to celebrate the birth of Christ in my own way this week – no matter what season his birth may have actually occurred.

Happy Birthday Jesus. Thank you! I’m glad I met you when I was young. I am who I am today because I grew up with you. I know you’re still walking by my side and am grateful for having you as part of my Higher Council and team of Divine Helpers. I’m so glad we’re still buddies.

Merry Christmas everyone – no matter what your beliefs. May we all take a moment to be grateful for those who have shown us the path of Love.

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