“Solo Retreat Down the Street” – the movie

Say YES to your YES!

Doesn’t it feel good to say Yes! to your Yes!? 

It may not make rational sense, but your intuition is giving you strong signals that whatever is calling you is in your Highest Interest. It may be something as small as a menu choice or purchase or as big as a relationship.

You might think: “But that’s not in my budget.” or “I don’t have the time for that.” or “I can’t eat that, I’m vegan.”

Intuition doesn’t always make sense.

Trusting your inner guidance, however, can lead to growth beyond your imagination, limiting beliefs, and obstacles to your physical, mental and spiritual health. 

Your Higher Self knows what you need. Your Team of Divine Helpers – no matter who that is for you – is answering your prayers.

When you pick up on a sign that comes in through any of your intuitive channels (the 6 clairs as outlined in my free tutorial), and say yes! to turning intuition into action, great things happen.

First, you strengthen your connection with your True Self. You’re developing your intuitive muscles. This makes it easier and easier to recognize and live in alignment with who you truly are.

Second, you open up to whatever it is that’s needed in your life. Taking inspired action leads to the next best step – even when you can’t see the full picture.

My Yes!

A few weeks ago, I saw a post on Facebook for the Light Keeper’s Houses Airbnbs at Fort Amherst.

I got an instant YES!

I’d been aching for some intensive nature time away from my routine and home environment.

I got spoiled last year with several airbnb stays in exchange for property photos for 2 friends of mine. This opened me to my new passion for creating mind-calming, soul-soothing nature videos that I share on my YouTube channel (have you subscribed yet?).

But this time, when my intuition gave me the strong sensory messages that I needed to book this creative retreat, I hesitated.

“It doesn’t make sense to spend more than a month’s rent on two nights just down the street from my house.”

“I did just sell a few paintings….”

“Wouldn’t it be better to invest on a vacation outside St. John’s – somewhere I can’t get to regularly?”

And on it went for a few hours.

I even reached out to the owners to offer them an exchange. They were possibly open to it, but later in the season when the flowers were out and with a fresh coat of paint.

But my soul persisted. “Now is the time. You need this now!”

So, having learned over and over how good it feels to say Yes! to my Spirit Calls, I booked 2 nights. Instant relief! – always a good sign.

The owners, Peter & Nicole Gill, generously added a bonus night on the house! Thank you!

It all worked out wonderfully.

3 Nights & 4 Days of Shooting

I also know from experience that it takes me 2 days to decompress and calm down from the excitement of film-making. I’m outside at 4am and go to bed past 10pm in total creative bliss.

That’s so nourishing in so many ways, but it’s usually on the 3rd day/ night that I have more space to simply be.

And I got that! I got exactly what my body, mind & soul needed.

Without a car, I was able to get there with my equipment, clothing & home cooked meals for 3 days/nights – all on my bike.

It usually takes 20-30 minutes to bike there (depending how good a shape I’m in because of all the hills).

This time it took me 3 hours to bike the 5km. It wasn’t just the weight of the saddle bags, however. I kept stopping, setting up my tripod, biking past, going back for my tripod, etc.

Movie-making fun!

4 days / 3 nights of playtime. Fun! Fun! Fun!

What I found most amazing about this location is that I could see both the sunrise & sunset over the water from the same spot – sunrise over the ocean and the sunset over downtown St. John’s and the harbour. Wow!

Thank goodness for time lapses – that’s when I’d set up the camera and it would shoot several hours’ worth into a 30-second video clip – with clouds flying by or the sun climbing high into the sky in seconds.

You’ll notice how the one that shows both the sun & the moon is quite shaky. I decided to leave it in because it shows how windy it was. Even on my professional tripod, that camera was very shaky. At first I was disappointed, and then I recognized my need to let go of perfectionism.

With the camera busy at work, I could go indoors to warm up (temperatures near freezing to 10 degrees Celsius + wind chill), take my shower, cook, eat, read, relax, or spend hour after hour just staring at the weather and listening to Spirit.

Another opportunity to let go of perfectionism has to do with my sideway pans. I hadn’t realized that my camera settings had reset after my last iPhone system update. So I was filming at 30 frames per second instead of 60fps – so the pans staggered a bit. Again, live & learn and allow it to be what it is.

Each movie project offers opportunities to learn more about iMovie, my iPhone XI Pro Max and myself! Yay!

When I wasn’t “working”, I finished reading ” Journey of the Heart – the Path of Conscious Love” by John Welwood, which a friend had recommended. The book even became a main character in the movie!

Don’t you find the titles & passage I shot just perfect for this movie?

5 Days of Editing

Whether working on a painting or a video project, I work best in uninterrupted focused marathons.

When I got home, I spent 13/hours a day for the first couple of days and less on the next 3 for a total of 55 hours in 5 days editing this movie.

I share this because people often ask me how long it takes to create my artwork.

I had already edited some of the clips while on location and trashed hundreds.

In the end, I worked with 390 photos & video clips to make the final movie.

This was the first time I ever sequenced the transitions between clips with the music. I learned a few lessons there too – like any changes after the first run through means hours of jiggling with what follows to get the transitions back on cue. I’ll have to research if there’s a more efficient way of doing this.

I’ve still got lots to learn, but I trust you’ll enjoy the results. Enjoy this 40:44-minute “Solo Retreat Down the Street  (video top of page). It’s even better on the big screen if you can watch YouTube there.

Thank you to my Community Art Grant Donors

When I was sitting up on the cliff staring out at the ocean in a state of pure bliss, I received an intuitive download – the idea to ask for sponsors.

So I created a trailer (a fun iMovie feature) and asked for donors for my Community Art Grant to help cover the $900 expenses (Airbnb & music rights) and perhaps provide me with an artist salary for the full week’s work needed to create this inspirational video.

I’m constantly open to creative ideas on how to finance my life as a full time artist – making my passion for sharing sustainable.

It’s often a stretch of my comfort zones, but I was glad to ask. I found that better than putting ads all throughout my movie on YouTube, breaking the meditative mood.

So a big thank you! to the 12 who answered my call – contributing a total of $709.06.

  • Kerri Best
  • Leslie Bridger
  • Dorothy Corrigan
  • Elaine Dunphy
  • Jo-Anne Guimond
  • Deirdre McKiernan
  • Carmelita Morgan
  • Doreen Reglin
  • Johanna Rocco
  • Bev Sharpe
  • Judy Squires
  • Elizabeth Stamp

If you’d like to be a part of my next feature project, receiving a movie credit for a donation of any amount, please send an e-transfer (Canadians) or Paypal to [email protected]

Thank you!



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In Thanksgiving – Tors Cove Video

Gratitude is a powerful thing.

When you keep finding things to appreciate in your life, your positive feelings improve. And what’s not to like about raising your vibration?

The bonus is that each time you find something to be thankful for, you tell the Universe to bring more of what’s in that same essence to you.

I smiled in the middle of the night as I found myself thankful for the comfort of indoor plumbing! I didn’t do it to attract more comfort in my life. However, I know that will be a ripple effect of my attitude of gratitude.

Do you have a gratitude practice?

Some like to end their day writing in a gratitude journal. Others name 5 things they’re grateful for the instant their feet hit the ground in the morning. Many regularly practice a rampage of appreciation as taught by Abraham-Hicks. Others kneel in prayer to give thanks on Sundays. Some have gratitude buddies, with whom they share their daily appreciation. And, once a year, people gather on Thanksgiving weekend to feast and publicly share their appreciation.

No matter what your gratitude habit looks like, having one will definitely improve your life. It has mine!

Right before Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada, I headed 45 minutes out of St. John’s with my friend Kerri Best for another barter staycation at The Alcove Airbnb on Tors Cove Pond, thanks again to my friend Gordon Martin of People, Places & Things.

There was so much to be grateful for during those 4 days, which I visually expressed in this video.

The text was written in the following 2 weeks. It isn’t based solely on what I’m grateful for now in my life. It’s also based on what I’m thankful for in the vision of the life I’m consciously creating and manifesting. This came out of the work I’d done in the past year writing my Lifebook, part of a Mindvalley course with Jon & Missy Butcher to help “design & achieve your vision of success in all 12 dimensions of your life.

Not everything in it may apply to you – for example, in the parenting category, I talk about pets. And being single, I express my thanks for the relationship I’m attracting.

As you listen to the 26-minute video above, allow the energy of gratitude to inspire you. It doesn’t matter that not all of it applies to you.

Sharing in my thanksgiving will add momentum to both our lives. Thanks for that!

Below is the written text in case you want to use it as the basis to write / record your own.

Your Turn

Let’s start a rampage of appreciation right here on my blog.

What are 3 things you’re grateful for? Big or small.

Write them in the comments at the end of this post.

In Thanksgiving

Thank you for this journey of constant transformation that I may emerge more fully into my True Self.

I know that when my heart sings, I am on the Right Path, ever growing in love & beauty, ever thriving through the Rhythms of life.



“I already have it all. I already am it all. I’m already more than enough. It’s already done. So it is. So I let it be.” Derek Rydall

I’m so thankful that as I answer my Spirit Calls, I clearly, easily, and gracefully manifest whatever is in my Highest Good.

Thank you for the deep happiness that arises within me as I open to the world of Guidance and synchronicities.

Thank you for my awakening into the highest vibrancy of a Reality of both spirit and matter.

Thank you for the love, beauty, and quality experiences that nourish my soul.

Thank you for my inner and outer travels and my presence in this life.

Thank you for the simple, peaceful, comfortable sanctuaries I call home.

Thank you for my healthy lifestyle supported by the Universe’s many helpers and channels for abundance.

I’m grateful for simple living.

I’m grateful that as I live true to my Higher Self, I allow my Light & Love to shine.

I appreciate that the more aligned my quality of life, the more fully I can live and the more deeply I can love.

I’m thankful for the happiness and joy I can radiate all around me.

Thank you for unveiling my birthright, experiences that spark my childlike curiosity and wonder.

And thank you for my ability to transform my experiences into contributions.



Thank you for this vessel through which Source Energy can flow.

I value my healthy body, this sacred vehicle full of energy & self-healing power.

Thank you for my ability to listen to its needs & messages.

I’m grateful for this body that works optimally and effortlessly to be well…

That I may have the freedom to be, do & have.

I feel blessed by physical, mental & emotional strength and intelligence,

The wisdom to make ever healthier choices,

Graceful posture and movement through life.

I’m so thankful for the vibrational harmony my body produces to remain in perfect balance.

Thank you, dear body, for helping me awaken the “I Am” presence in your living sensations that ground me in the here & now.

I’m grateful for vitality, for nourishing whole foods prepared with love, for body workers who support my commitment to optimal health, and for my physical expressions of joy, passion, and gratitude for life.

Thank you, dear body for taking care of me, for being my trusted partner and ally in this lifetime.



Thank you for my intelligence deeply rooted in my emotions and spirituality.

I appreciate the daily reminders to plug into the Earth and stay in tune with Creation.

I value the flourishing garden of my mind that I constantly weed & nourish.

I am so thankful for the power to change through awareness.

I’m grateful for my connection to my Higher Self to make choices that are aligned with it despite what my ego or subconscious mind say.

I’m blessed by the knowledge that I bring about what I think about.

And my ability to change my thoughts so that I can change my world.

So thank you for the tools & resources to cultivate my inner world,

For my love of learning,

For the inspiration within and all around me

For my imagination and intuition

I appreciate the guidance of my Higher Self,

My single-minded focus on achieving my heart-centred goals,

My clarity of vision & purpose

Thank you for the activation of my Divine Intelligence

And the courage to live my life the way I was meant to live it.

It makes my heart smile to know I’m motivated to nurture what serves my Highest Good and to let go of the rest.

I value conscious living and appreciate my commitment to think deeply and deliberately about my life.

I acknowledge the importance of an alert and calm mind, a source of happiness and health.

I’m so thankful for my growing ability to embrace life’s mystery & splendour.

Thank you for the resources to boost my brain power through nutrition, meditation, inspiration and true education.

I value this uncluttered focused mind and the balance between my intellectual input and output, the balance between giving & receiving in ways that nourish my heart, soul, and mind.



I’m so grateful for encountering the force field of my soul through my emotions.

Thank you for my Emotional Guidance System,

Opening me to the truth of who I am and the Divine Love that surrounds and infuses me.

I’m grateful for being guided to do the heart-smart things to do, choosing consistently great emotions, knowing that the emotions I feel are indicators of whether I’m in vibrational alignment with my Higher Self.

Thank you for my intuition as the compass to a life of love, peace, joy, health, wealth, happiness, freedom, integrity and creativity.

I’m thankful for the time I spend every day to fine tune my emotional instrument with meditation, grounding, nature, dance, yoga, and more.

I appreciate choosing to live in the feeling tone – scheduling time in activities, places, and with people that resonate with my heart’s desires.

Thank you for the ability to be conscious, accepting and learning from my emotions.

My emotional insight & control,

The ability to create the emotions that I want in my life.

I’m so grateful for all the times when what I think, say, and do are in harmony.

I value my understanding and wholehearted belief that nobody can create my happiness other than me.

Thank you for the knowledge that I can be happy no matter what.

My heart sings when I’m moved to nurture and guide the emotions that support the life I truly want to live,

Those emotions that empower my relationships.

Thank you for the gifts my emotions give me when I listen & learn from them.

I recognize that life is moving me in a more expansive direction with ease & grace.

I feel blessed to know that as I continue to reach for higher frequencies, I attract more of what resonates at that same frequency.

I acknowledge that I’m a spiritual being having a human experience for the fun of it – that being happy is the whole point.

I’m grateful for the paradigm shifts and my ability to let go.

Thank you for reminding me to ask “What would love do now?”,

I value my introspection and growing capacity to be grateful and to allow more joy into my life.



I’m so grateful that more of my true nature is emerging no matter the conditions.

I value my strong character that I continue to craft,

My self-awareness, self-discipline, and self-love.

Thank you for helping me make the choices and decisions to do and be the right thing.

I appreciate this life by design guided by deeply engrained values.

I’m so grateful for my life of love, spirituality, beauty, inspiration, integrity, freedom & creativity.

Thank you for the opportunities to explore and express my love of beauty and the beauty of love

I’m so thankful for the growth that comes from stretching my comfort zones

I appreciate all the Universe’s support to choose love over fear in my actions, reactions and interactions.

I value my connection to my Higher Self & Team of Divine Helpers and the time I invest in nurturing these life-affirming relationships.

Thank you for helping me be trustworthy, honest, reliable, sincere, and loving for myself and those around me

I’m so thankful that as I follow my flow, the who, what, when, where, why and how that best matches my inner callings reveal themselves

I’m grateful for my pleasure in being creative, my art, my life.

“I surrender to the Highest Vision of my life, to the Highest impulse of my soul. Yes, I’m willing, Yes, I’m ready. Yes, I can. Yes, I am!”

It warms my heart that I wake up and go to bed feeling good about myself and the difference I’m making in my various roles in life.

I feel blessed to know that as I strengthen my character, I allow the best of me I can be to emerge more fully into my life, inspiring others to do the same.



I’m grateful for my belief that there exists something mysterious, deep, invisible and eternal that connects everything and everyone everywhere.

I so value my personal relationship with God, the Universe, my entire Team of Divine Helpers.

Thank you for this Path I’ve chosen to walk in this lifetime as an individualized expression of the Divine.

I so appreciate my interconnectedness with All That Is.

I’m thankful that as I raise my consciousness and live my best life, I’m inherently in the service of others – inspiring and leading through example.

Thank you for reminding me of who I truly am, helping me find the peace, love and happiness that have always been at my core.

Thank you for teaching me that the more I thrive in my simply rich & happy Spirit driven life, the more I experience and inspire love, peace, joy, beauty, creativity, wellness, integrity and freedom.

Thank you for showing me that the more fellow human beings I serve as an instrument of Divine Peace, the happier, wealthier and freer we all become.

I appreciate your guiding me to be the shining Light & Love I was always meant to be

I’m grateful for my practice of the 7 Sacred Gifts – Giving Away, Forgiving, Giving Thanks, Giving Forth, Giving UP, Giving in, and Giving to myself.

I’m grateful that as I reconnect to my True Self, I journey the Path all the way home to my Self, God, and all beings.



Thank you for the love relationships of my past that have helped shape me into who I am today.

I value how they’ve allowed me to emerge more fully into who I truly am, into love.

Thank you for the extraordinary man, the right man for me, who is finding his way to me for the Highest Good of us both and the Greater Good of the planet.

I’m so grateful for my belief in the deepest kind of romantic connection, in divine union with a divine purpose as I attract the perfect partner for me.

Thank you for the unconditional love that I’m learning to give & receive, that love that comes from being seen, accepted and loved for who we truly are.

I so appreciate the vision of sacred teamwork nourishing this garden of truth, purpose, passion, abundance, fun, inspiration, love, beauty, happiness & creativity.

Thank you for supporting this openness to True Love, Real Love – a love that brings us closer to God.

Thank you for my Twin Flame and all my Soul Mates that have helped prepare me for our joining.



Thank you for the 4-legged creatures that have spent time in my life, offering me a window to my soul.

I’m grateful to have been a pack leader, a guardian and a companion to these blessed creatures.

It was my honour to have them open me even further to unconditional love.

I valued their support in my exploration and expression of the love of beauty and the beauty of love.

I welcomed the laughter these furry soul mates, friends and teachers offered.

I’m thankful that when the time is right, more pets will grace my life.

Until then, I value the joy & hugs I receive from my neighbours’ and friends’ bundles of joy.



Thank you for my human family, my blood relations and my friends.

I’m so grateful for the inner circles I have been blessed to have in all the places that I’ve lived.

I so value the giving and receiving, the heart to heart and soul to soul connections.

I’m thankful that I’ve learned more about myself through my deep connection to others – seeing myself through the mirror of their eyes, giving me a fresh perspective on myself and my life.

I value the relationships that stimulate me, open me up, pull me forward and never hold me back.

I recognize that some friendships are for a chapter and others for a lifetime, blessings both.

It warms my heart to know that it’s thanks to my family & friends that I’m increasingly present, loving, compassionate, and authentic with those I’m with at the time.

Thank you for the ability to attract, develop and keep extraordinarily deep & loving friendships that enhance the being, doing, giving and receiving in my life.

I’m grateful for our shared time and support we offer each other in our emergence – seeing, accepting and loving the truth in each other.

I’m grateful to have friends that help me lift myself up to greater heights as I do for them.

Thank you for the balance between my much-needed time alone and my quality soul-nourishing and fun time with others.

I recognize how these relationships connect me in a more tangible way with humanity.

I so value our mutual understanding, appreciation, acceptance and growing unconditional love.

I’m thankful for my healthy social network in my home environment, social circles and work – opening me up to new internal and external experiences.

I appreciate the people who inspire me, challenge me to rise higher, making me a better human being.



Thank you for the abundance in my life in all its forms.

I’m grateful for all the channels of wealth that open me up to creating, sharing and celebrating what is good in the world.

Thank you for my prosperity and the ability to fully experience life through it.

I’m so glad my inner and outer wealth mirror the abundant nature of the Universe. I love that I’m so rich in so many ways.

I recognize that money is a form of spiritual energy that fuels expanded freedom, choices and wellness.

I love what money can do for myself and others. I admire and respect it.

I’m so thankful that how I earn and spend money contributes to that flow of energy in the world.

I’m grateful for my healthy, peaceful, loving relationship with money as it flows into my life with ease & grace.

Thank you for my Right Living, my passive income, my ability to generate abundance in its many forms.

I’m so thankful that it’s helping me explore and express my love of beauty and the beauty of love in all areas of my life.

I’m grateful for the peace of mind wealth has fostered in me so that I may more easily connect to my intuition, my limitless potential and life purpose.

Thank you for my financial intelligence and the resources that have helped me earn, save, and spend in alignment with my values.



I’m so grateful for my successful life, which is as unique as is my definition of success.

I’m thankful for my rewarding career that is rooted in the rich soil of my soul.

I love what I do and it loves me.

I’m a natural at what I do and get better at it the more I do it.

I appreciate that what I do adds love and beauty to the world.

Thank you for guiding me to do what nourishes me on so many levels, including financially.

I’m so glad my work reflects my true spirit.

I so value that the more connected I am to my True Self, the greater difference my career makes in both my life and the lives of others.

Thank you for this me to we creative process that brings us all joy, fulfilment and inspiration.

I’m grateful to wake up excited to immerse myself in the latest Spirit guided creative project.

And thank you for the re-centering, re-generating, relaxing time in between projects to open up to the next inspiration.

I’m thankful to work on my own schedule and mostly on my own until what I’m creating is ready to be shared.

I’m also thankful for blessed collaborations.

My heart sings to know that the more fellow human beings I serve an instrument of love & light, the happier, healthier, wealthier and freer we all become.

I love that my career is my spiritual path and my spiritual path is my career.

I’m rich because of it – on all levels.

Thank you for the simplicity, clarity, alignment and abundance I strive for in the inner and outer work that guides my career path.

I’m grateful for the developing technical and heart-centred entrepreneurial skills that guide my practice.

Thank you for the resources, training and inspiration that keep me heading in the right direction.

Thank you for my growing self-resiliency, self-confidence, resourcefulness and courage that help me thrive in the service of the Greater Good.

I so value that what I do is in harmony with the Universe, turning transactional relationships into transformational ones.



Thank you for my ideal home.

Thank you for my ideal day.

Thank you for my level of health & fitness.

Thank you for how I grow intellectually.

Thank you for my constant emotional experience.

Thank you for the specific character traits I’ve built.

Thank you for all I do to feel spiritually connected.

Thank you for my ideal relationship.

Thank you for my wonderful family life.

Thank you for my beloved friendships.

Thank you for my new & improved financial life.

Thank you for my dream career.

Thank you for my high-quality lifestyle.


Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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Life’s a Puzzle!

I have to thank my friends Elaine Hann and Kerri Best  for inspiring this fun 3-minute video. 

I must have lit up last week when I spotted the puzzles on a shelf at an Airbnb Kerri and I were staying at. I told her it had been about 40 years since I’d made one. I used to love puzzles! But between my photography job, filming, walks, kayak rides, cooking and reading, I never pulled one off the shelf.

So after our hike last Tuesday, when Kerri dropped me off for my housesitting gig at Elaine’s Whale Watcher House & Apartments in St. Micheal’s, she handed me gift – a puzzle box with 500 tiny pieces.

I admit, I was intimidated after pouring the contents of the box on the table.

I almost put the pieces back in the box. “I don’t have time for this!”, “That’s way too big a job!”, “This doesn’t look fun!”, “You need a magnifying glass to do this!”

But then I put those thoughts aside.

I remembered some of the strategies I’d learned as a kid.

First, pull aside the pieces with flat edges.

Next, group them by colour.

Then, work on one small section at a time.

When it’s no longer fun, take a break and come back with a fresh perspective.

As soon as I’d started, I let go of everything I thought I should be doing.

I really got into it – both the puzzle-making and the life lessons the process brought to the surface.

After all, my time was mine. No obligations!

This was the first of my 9 staycations this year that I wasn’t “on the job” – either as an exchange for my photography or full-time sketching. Plus, I’d already made a movie of my stay here.

This St. Michael’s staycation brought me full circle from my adventure here last May, when I created “A Prayer For Our Times“.

This time, my intention was to connect to my Team of Divine Helpers, relax one day in nature, and work on a few unfinished creative projects.

Then this happened and I’m glad it did. Enjoy!

Life is a Puzzle

Here’s the text from the 3-minute video above. Enjoy both its scenery & message. 


Embrace the mystery with the dawning of each new day.
Greet it, open and willing to allow Love & Light to reveal themselves.
Fear not. Step into your life with eyes wide open.
Be ready. Be willing. You’ve got this!

And when you feel overwhelmed or scared of the task at hand,
Pause, breathe deeply, reconnect to your Life Force.
Bring the vision of your ideal life to mind and to heart.
Look how far you’ve already come in building the framework of your life.
Listen to your inner guidance.
Then, create a strategy.
Focus single-mindedly on your heart goals
One inspired step at a time.
Be fully present
And watch the windows of opportunity reveal themselves to you.

Your here & now are your home.
Live fully in it
With a clear picture of where you’re going in your heart.
Stay tuned in to your emotional guidance system
That keeps you on track and aligned
No matter the weather.

One piece at a time
Through the blessings and challenges
Happening for you, not to you
Stay on track.
And let the sheep go about their business.

Open the windows to your heart.
Trust in your evolving life purpose.
Ask your Team of Divine Helpers to assist you
And know their answers are all around you.
Piece by piece
With each window of opportunity
The picture reveals itself.

Some sections may be harder than others.
The missing piece to one project might show up much later.
You may have to rearrange pieces to find the perfect fit.
Trust in Divine Timing
And stand tall in the strong winds of life.

You are more than good enough.
You’re magnificent.
Your life is already the full picture of who you are.
Allow it to emerge one inspired piece at a time.
As you awaken your soul
And fulfill your destiny.

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Bite-sized Bliss

“Follow your bliss!” You’ve heard it before. It’s one of the ways to tap into your inner guidance. It’s also a way to attract more of what you love to you by living in the essence of what you’re wanting to attract. 

Now let’s take my new passion for videography as an example. It’s so fulfilling for me to create works of beauty that can be experienced and shared in the way videos can. But I don’t always have 4 days to film followed by 100 hours to put it all together.

I can, however, make the time for bite-sized bliss sessions that open me up to that childlike sense of curiosity and wonder I get when I travel and create.

This 4.5-minute video illustrates my point.

I didn’t travel far distances or devote two weeks or more to the creative process.

I just hopped on my bike and was at Fort Amherst not 30 minutes later. It’s hard to believe, but this was my first time there this year because the road to this National Historic Site was closed due of COVID.

I took 2.5 hours out of my busy schedule to bike out there and play at chasing a plane, kayak, helicopter, cyclist and a ship coming into St. John’s harbour with my camera. How fun!

Later that night, I spent another hour or two putting it all together on my phone with royalty-free music provided in iMovie.

Voilà – Joy! Creativity! Beauty! Fresh air! Exercise! All as an unexpected answer to an inner call to go out and play for a few hours.

I truly believe that consciously taking the time to do just that for the first part of the year is what opened up the path to my spring-fall series of barter staycations and deep-dives into longer videography projects.

I drew that opportunity to me because I was” living in the feeling tone” (L.I.F.T. practice as coined by Derek Rydall),

What would you like to draw to you? What’s your passion?

How can you add bite-sized bliss sessions into your week so you too can live in the feeling tone of what you’d like more of in your life?

It’ll raise your vibration and activate the Law of Attraction. You’re a magnet  to more of what’s in the vibration you’re already in.

So enjoy your delicious bite-sized bliss snacks. It’s all part of becoming a conscious creator of the life you want to live.

And when you’re offered a feast, give thanks and dig in!

You deserve it!

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Meet the Tree of Life Visionaries – Documentary

Meet the visionaries at the root of the Tree of Life sustainability project and retreat centre in this inspiring 1-hour documentary created after my August 25-28 staycation at its Airbnb.

From vision quest to reality, this is a story about building community in a sacred space lovingly and artistically designed to help us reconnect to nature and the Self.

Ian Goudie dives deep into the rich soil of the land in the Salmonier valley of Newfoundland & Labrador – its history and its gifts. He also lets us in on the spirit & stories behind each of his architectural creations – the several buildings at the Tree of Life.

At the core of his work is the desire for sustainable building & sustainable living inspired by the spirit of sacred geometry.

Meranda Squires branches out into the community aspect of the Tree of Life. Her contribution to this collective vision was a retreat centre for spiritual teaching & practice in the heart of nature.

Supported by the Elements, she explains how the space is conducive for connecting to our Selves, each other and the Divine.

Enjoy the video here or by searching for it by title on YouTube on your big screen TV.

Read more below about my growth experience there.

A Stretch in More Ways Than One

People come to the Tree of Life for many reasons: work exchanges, retreats, workshops, etc.

My only other time there was in a group of 50 for a one-day water blessing ceremony with Zimbabwe shaman Mandaza in June 2013.

This time, I was there on my own to photograph the Cedar Lodge Airbnb in exchange for a 3-night stay, once again thanks to my friend Gordon Martin who manages several vacation rentals.

I’ll admit, I was nervous when I found out my cabin wouldn’t have a stove or even a fridge. I had this preconceived notion that I’d really be roughing it at TOL and well, it’s been years since I’ve been camping.

Without wheels of my own, making sure I’m well fed for 4 days was top on my mind. I’d never cooked on a propane burner, and wasn’t sure how long a cooler with ice would work.

But like Mark Twain said: “I’ve had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.”

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I’ve lived on 3 continents and 5 provinces, but still feel like a chicken in new experiences. If I’m intuitively guided, however, nothing stops me. I feel the fear and do it anyway!

I brought pre-cooked frozen soups & stews and never lacked for anything.

It also turns out that Ian is not only a master builder but a great cook. That raspberry pie he made during the storm with berries he picked on the land was amazing!

And the wood stove kept me nice and toasty on that rainy day/night.

In fact, my 3-night stay at the Tree of Life was absolutely comfortable & wonderful on so many levels! I got to stretch my body in the yoga studio and stretch my mind & comfort zones on the trails too. Yay!

My friend Leslie drove me there and joined me on my first hike to the waterfall.

I then went back alone in the afternoon for a swim. I met Ian’s nephew and his friend there, who told me about the small ledge you can stand on under the falls. Exhilarating! Thanks to my tripod, you’ll witness that in the video! I’m so glad I went before the storm though as you’ll see from the changing flow & colours of the falls.

I tried hiking the trail for a bit after my swim, but didn’t know at that point that it was a 3km loop and got nervous that I’d miss the magic light at the Cedar Lodge for my work photos before sunset. So I turned back the way I came.

The next morning, I tried the trail again.

I confess, I had to breathe through my fears. I don’t know why I was so nervous, but this nature-loving city girl had to stretch her comfort zones … not a bad thing!

Was it a release of all the fears I’d absorbed from the world as an empath during these strange times? Was it old fears rising to the surface to be seen as they left?

Yes, I’d recently seen a lynx on a drive back from St. Vincents, shocked to discover there were big cats on this island!

Yes, we were approaching fall, rutting season for moose.

Yes, there are coyotes in the region.

What if something happened to me alone in the woods?

Imagination can work for you or against you. In this case, it wasn’t helping. But I could discern that it wasn’t an intuitive warning.  So I moved forward and did the 3 km loop with occasional stops to take photos. Mostly, however, I just wanted to get it done. And when the buildings came into sight, both arms reached up in the air and I found myself doing a little “I did it!” dance.

Why do I share this? It doesn’t paint me in the best light. That’s OK.

I’m all about being real. Fear for me was real. Facing it and growing past it was also real. And if sharing my story can help even one more person to stretch their comfort zones and grow, then great!

The results were sooooooo worth it!

When I returned on the trail that second afternoon with Ian, having done it once before and now with a guide, I was completely relaxed and saw so much more than I did in the morning.

I couldn’t believe, for example, that I’d missed the hundreds of puff ball flowers that grabbed my attention that afternoon. For me to have missed something like that means that I truly wasn’t present in the moment – such a good lesson! Instead of focusing on the beauty and on the potential joy of the moment, I had let my fears fuel my blindness to the truth around me.

It also highlighted the blessing of having a guide in unfamiliar territory. Not only did Ian point out all the lichen and their benefits to the bio-diversity of the planet, he chivalrously helped me cross the river to access the Hidden Falls.

Even with Ian there, I was nervous walking on fallen trees above the rushing waters at the edge of a cliff (small waterfall) to get to the other side of the river. But I was motivated to see / film the Hidden Falls again. Back in 2013, there was a bridge there, but it disappeared in some storm.

Thanks to Ian’s shoulder that got a hard squeeze, I got over the butterflies in my stomach, crossed to the other side, and was rewarded by a magical world opening up before me – rainbow lens flare included (my favourite video moment!)

After some contemplative time there,  we trudged through the water and up rock faces for more river magic –  total movie-making bliss!

I’m so glad I felt the fear and went to the Tree of Life on my own anyway when my friend had to cancel coming with me.

The Tree of Life isn’t roughing it! I was comfortable and very well nourished in body, mind & spirit. 

I trust you can feel some of that for yourself in this visual & educational tribute to the visionaries, volunteers, and land that have made the Tree of Life what it is today.

The Movie

It soon became evident that this staycation was going to turn into another video project! I had no idea, however, how big a project it would evolve into – with over 100 hours of work, improving my technical & editing skills, not to mention my appreciation for the work Ian & Meranda are doing. I felt so inspired!

One thing for sure, my Spirit Calling Card reading was spot on when I’d asked for Guidance about my upcoming trip.

I’d originally imagined another nature video with maybe an introduction by Ian, who lives there.

I had no idea I would learn so much through my time spent with him, both on the land and during our interview. I gained such a deeper appreciation for everything I saw and experienced there.

As you know, my being is naturally programmed to seek beauty in my surroundings.

For example, I’d already photographed the outside of the power house with it’s black log-end pattern. Gorgeous! But after our interview, I became fascinated with what was happening inside – awed at the fact that power from the dam, solar panels and wind turbine all got transformed in there, so I could charge my phone.

So when it came to creating a video, I felt moved to share not only the beauty but the story too. 

It soon became clear that this film would be incomplete without Meranda’s contribution, so once back in St. John’s, I arranged to meet her at The Lotus Centre to interview her.

That’s also where I had my first ever movie premiere on October 2nd with a small group of 15 filling the yoga studio (a large group for COVID times).

With 3 of my videos in the Unscripted Twillingate Digital Arts Festival a couple of weeks ago and now this, I definitely feel like videography is a skill I can offer as I pivot my art praxis to delight, inspire &  generate income.

If you enjoyed the video, please share it far & wide. Thanks.

Answering the Call – Your Turn

What a thrill to be able to explore and express my love of beauty and the beauty of love through this medium, nourishing your transformational journey in the process.

I had no idea when I started playing with video in the snow last Christmas that it would lead to what my summer staycations projects have opened up for me … and others!

After Ian first saw my 400+ photos and the 4 mini nature videos I shared on Facebook, he texted me:

“Your work inspired me so much that I made the decision to proceed with the Artist Studio & it opened me up when I opened into it. I’m getting blown open here working on the model. Thank you! “

I was so moved that my following my bliss inspired an opening for Ian to dive even deeper in his work. If you’ve watched the movie, already, you can imagine the ripple effect of what he’s creating on the lives of so many from around the world.

You never know how something you say or do, when inspired to, will change the life of those around you. So please, turn your intuition into action – be it a smile, a creative project, a thought shared, a person called, etc.

We are all interconnected in the web of Light, the Tree of Life. Know your life is making a difference. The more you put You into your Life, the more we all benefit.

Thank You for your Movie-Ticket Donation

 I gratefully accepted donations instead of selling movie tickets at the movie premiere of “Tree of Life Sustainability Project & Retreat Centre”.

If you enjoyed my documentary and are moved to do so, you’re welcome to send an e-transfer (Canadians) or PayPal donation to [email protected]. Thank you for your support.

Feel free to also explore my original paintings, prints, oracle cards, and intuitive services. And contact me if you’re interested in my videography skills to hightlight the beauty of your area.


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FAVA Sketch Challenge Experience

What an intensive and fun 4 days in Quidi Vidi representing Newfoundland & Labrador in the Atlantic Visual Arts Festival (FAVA) Sketch Challenge. Want my sketchbook? Make me an offer!

I spent over 35 hours drawing in the Christ Church Airbnb, in the village, on the clifftops and at the lake, – 5 sketches a day in all sorts of lighting & weather conditions.

As soon as I’d completed a sketch, I’d email it to the Festival and they’d post it on their Facebook Page, sharing my stories & videos too,

As you’ll see in this 13-minute video, there were several memorable moments:

  • discovering a 2nd keyhole in the intricate bedroom lock
  • finding a dry spot inside the Quidi Vidi Plantation
  • sketching in the dark during 4-hour sunrise time-lapse filming (very freeing!)
  • 60-90km/hr winds on top of the cliffs and at the lake, causing great splatters and stray marks on blowing pages
  • holding back on eating my blueberry harvest before sketching it
  • not holding back on the Mallard Cottage chocolate cake … and therefore not drawing it
  • pacing around a concrete island 100 times while time-lapsing the sunset over Quidi Vid Lake
  • all the head bobbing needed when sketching via observation – something I hadn’t done in 6 years!
  • spending another 3 nights in the Christ Church Airbnb – thanks to my sponsors Gordon Martin & the owners!

Letting Go of Ego

If you saw my introduction post, I was honoured to be invited to represent my province and also a bit nervous. Yes, I accepted the challenge and was excited about it.

But I also felt like a kindergarten child on a very public stage doing something I wasn’t used to doing.

Unlike the other 3 Atlantic artists whose daily offerings showed distinctive artistic styles and superb sketching skills, I played with all sorts of mediums and styles, making all sorts of mistakes.

I confess, I felt the imposter syndrome kick in that first day, but didn’t like how it felt, so gave that up. Yay! 

My Higher Self quickly reminded me not to compare myself – as so many do on Facebook in all sorts of areas. I certainly saw the danger of that.

From the start, I had to let go of ego, not caring what people thought of my sketches or wonder if anyone was questioning my worthiness as a representative for NL.

My job was to sketch and hopefully to inspire others to give it a try, seeing how I went about exploring subjects, styles, and tools.

So that’s what I did – some sketches taking 2 hours and others 20 minutes.

I had fun, and ended each day tired and aware of all I was learning on so many levels.

Interestingly, the easiest to draw, psychologically speaking, were the ones in the dark as I was waiting for the sun to rise. This was closer to how I paint from what I see with my eyes closed – less details, more feeling, more energy. Very freeing!

Sketchbook For Sale

This is no ordinary sketchbook! Within its 20 pages, you’ll witness an evolution, a process, a healing energy of exploration & expression.

If something moves you to want this sketchbook, email me at [email protected] with an offer. It’s still up for grabs.

Which is your favourite and why? Please comment below.

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Whale Song – a visual meditation

May this 17-minute communion with whales and their soothing song help you connect to your own voice, your own truth, your own song. Symbol of emotional rebirth, community, and communication, these giant mammals have wandered the waters of the Earth long before humans arrived.

I invite you to dive deeper into the mystical realms as you journey with these Wisdom Keepers, Memory Keepers through this visual meditation offering.

Whale Watching from St. Vincents Beach

What an adventure! Just days after our return from the Cape Shore, I called my friend Leslie to ask if she wanted to go whale watching on St. Vincent’s Beach, a 2-hour drive from St. John’s on the Irish Loop of Newfoundland & Labrador.

Witnessing humpback whales feeding on the spawning fish in the deep waters just off the shore of this impressive 5km beach had been on my bucket list for years. 

My Facebook Friends had warned me that there may not be as many whales out there since the Caplin had rolled in 4 days before, but we were willing to take the chance.

How exciting to approach the community of St. Vincent’s-St. Stephen’s-Peter’s River from high above the long narrow strand of beach with a pond on one side and the ocean on the other.

As we very slowly trudged our way up to the long barrier that runs the distance between the Flats and the Gut, we were glad we’d seen the sign not to drive up any closer. It was hard enough to walk up the path of tiny cobblestones, so not surprising that a van got stuck on the soft shoulder.

I was curious why a little crowd had gathered next to the gateway, sheltered behind the tall fence. When we got there, however, we understood that they hadn’t dressed for the cold strong winds coming off the ocean.

The walk was slow. The length of the beach was like nothing I’d seen on this island before. A strand of dead Caplin with their big eyes still shining stretched a few meters from the waves for as far as the eyes could see. 

I’ve never seen the Caplin roll in, but it’s a celebrated event every year in this province. They come to spawn on the beaches, a spectacle that draws birds, whales, and throngs of people who come for the sight or for the buckets full of these small silver fish for food or fertilizer. My heart reached out to them, some of their tiny mouths open in the struggle for their last breath.

After walking a while, we settled down in a spot and just watched the horizon. The whales weren’t coming in just meters from shore as they would’ve had the Caplin still been as plentiful, but they were out there.  

I set up my iPhone XI pro on my mini tripod and my SLR camera on my bigger and much sturdier one.  I didn’t think I’d be able to use any video footage with my flimsy phone tripod wildly dancing in the strong winds.

I was later thrilled to find out about its internal video stabilization feature! The footage wasn’t perfectly sharp, but I wanted to give you a taste of what it was like to watch those gentle giants breach repeatedly on the horizon. Wow!

For a short time, the lighting changed from dull grey to a late afternoon sparkle bouncing off the waves. It was magical.

We ended our short visit to the region at my friend Elizabeth’s house, just off the beach. How joyous to see her in person (from a safe 6-foot distance) after being regularly connected online. Her home was filled with my paintings, and my Spirit Calling Card “meditate” rested on the coffee table.

I am so grateful to my art patrons for helping me continue to create, be it paintings or free online offerings like this one. If you’re moved to contribute to my spiritual art practice financially, I invite you to explore my online shop. Thank you!

Our adventure didn’t end there, though. As we drove through one of the towns, we saw what first appeared like a large blond dog coming towards us on a little bridge. We stopped the car to give it space. As it turned off the road and into the ravine, my heart skipped a beat. “That’s not a dog!”  Its gait and powerful hind legs gave it away, even if I hadn’t gotten a clear look at the face. “That’s a wild cat!”.

I had no idea we had wild cats in Newfoundland! As a regular hiker, I was aware there were plenty of moose and the occasional black bears in some regions of the island (and the rare visit from a polar bear off the ice floats), but never considered the presence of wild cats.

We drove ahead a bit and asked the couple stopped by the side of the road what it was. A Newfoundland Lynx, they said. They’d seen it go into the yard of a house and had stopped to tell the owner, who chased it away from her dog in the back yard.

Now, I wasn’t ready to get out of the car to go looking for it as they had (that was a big wild cat after all!), but my friend and I both felt honoured by the crossing. Looking it up, lynx are symbols of insight, vision, foresight, and intuition.

Whales & a lynx in the same day. Wow!

Still Photography in Witless Bay

Once I got home and started playing with the video footage and the few stills I’d succeeded to take despite the distance from the shore (and the dozens of just-too-late-splash-shots), I had an idea.

Why limit this video to a location? What I wanted to honour was our Wisdom Keepers, these giants whose presence has thrilled me many a times while living on this island. 

I’ve sung to them from the decks of a storm-chased ferry from St. Pierre & Miquelon (no photos from that time) and had the pleasure of connecting to them & photographing them from a few whale-watching trips in Witless Bay.

When I was an English-as-a-Second-Language instructor at Memorial University of Newfoundland, I had accompanied a few of my classes on both Gatherall’s and O’Brien’s  boat tours. I’d also taken some of my summer visitors to see the whales and bird colonies. My best shots since I moved here in 2011, however, were from my Eco Tours Zodiac Adventures with the St. John’s camera club. 

It’s in times like these that I’m glad I’m an organized person. I was easily able to locate and peruse several folders of whale watching stills to pick the ones I included in this Whale Song visual meditation video for you.

I was also thrilled to purchase a new song from my source of royalty free meditation music, “Into the Deep” by Christopher Lloyd Clarke.

I hope you enjoyed this 17-minute communing with whales experience with me.

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The Spirit of Cape Broyle – sight & soul candy

Sight & soul candy! That’s what my house-sister called this video of my staycation in Cape Broyle as we watched it on the big screen TV. You can’t be in a rush for this 50-minute contemplation of my love of the beauty and the beauty of love. Enjoy!

Once again, my friend and Airbnb Superhost Gordon Martin dropped me off, this time for a 4-night stay at Kelly’s on the Loop in Cape Broyle, 45-minutes drive from my house.

Like with every time before it, I thought this was the best staycation and most inspiring photo & video rich environment for my creative play.  “We love thee Newfoundland” (lyrics from the anthem).

There were so many highlights:

  • an afternoon & a sunset kayaking tours with A Wilder Experience
  • 2 glorious 3-hour sunrise photo sessions alone on the beach 3 minutes from the Airbnb (even if I got cold on the 1st and forgot my tripod on the 2nd but decided not to run back as the colours were already blazing)
  • exploring the rock formations & eating blueberries at the Southern River & later swimming in it with my friend Kim MacPherson, my long-time pirate adventurer (explorer) buddy.
  • walking a couple of hours on the East Coast Trail with my friend Tina White, who journeys at my mindful pace being a certified forest bathing guide
  • arriving at the harbour just in time to witness the unloading of a good haul of cod and having one of the men say “What’s your name again?” as he guessed I was the gal his wife had talked about after meeting me at The Red House in Ferryland the week before. Small world!
  • walking 3 hours to the trailhead in neighbouring Admiral’s Cove and, when I’d decided I’d had enough just making my way there, getting a ride back with a couple leaving one of the houses in an antique Cadillac (with my mask, of course).
  • driving back to Admiral’s Cove with my friend Kim who stayed overnight to see it in a different light, then going one little town further to witness Brigus South at the magic light hour.
  • having my first French fries since the beginning of COVID at the Riverside restaurant 3 doors down from my Airbnb… and a couple of soft serve ice creams at their take-out window.

I feel truly blessed to have had so many opportunities this summer to explore this province I’ve called home since 2011.

I also feel grateful that I have this way to share in my abundance with you through my passion for photography & videography.

I may have had Ireland on my 2020 intuitive vision board (instructions on how to create yours here). But as you can see below, I also had “Newfoundland Revisited”. My heart / intuition knew long before I did what I needed this year. I’m glad I’m following through on it.

Intuition into action – may it also lead you in your happy healthy life.


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Ferryland on Foot & Tips for Intuitive Living

There’s something very special about sitting on the toilet watching more than a dozen whales spouting in the distance.

With ocean views from all 4 sides of The Red House in Ferryland, I excitedly walked in circles day & night. I even grabbed my camera during a mid-night pee break to capture the full moon illuminating the herringbone clouds in the mackerel sky. That was before I even left my bedroom!

I don’t usually get much sleep the first night of my staycations. My childlike curiosity, wonder, and excitement kick in with so much newness to discover and beauty to breathe in. The creative spark lights my fire!

This time, my friend and Airbnb Superhost Gordon Martin dropped me off in Ferryland, Newfoundland & Labrador for a 3 night/4 day stay. As you can see in the video, this 5-bedroom iconic house was ideally situated for my solo Ferryland on foot experience.

Not having a car can be such a blessing – you see so much more of where you’re at! I feel I really got to know the area, and with this video, you will too.

I walked an average of 8 hours a day with thousands of photo/video pauses along the way. I wandered through the archeological dig & harbour, around town, on the beach, to the lighthouse, up on the old railway bed, along the main road and wherever my attention pulled me.

With strong winds keeping the boats in the harbour and COVID-19 keeping most of the doors locked, I often found myself on my own under magnificent skies.

The crowd waiting for their Lighthouse Picnic, however, was the largest gathering I’d been in since the pandemic started.

Once I’d called from a waiting station and received my picnic bag, however, there was plenty of room on the point to find a secluded spot to settle in and enjoy my curried chicken sandwich, lemonade, pasta salad & carrot cake.

As I then lay in the balmy 18 degree sun (64 F) to watch the grasses dance, a whale swam right below, enjoying its own picnic.

I was grateful that the winds were unusually calm long enough for my mini tripod to stay still during a time-lapse shoot of the “picnic ants” – my favourite part of this whole video.

And yes, it’s a challenge cleaning cream cheese icing off an iPhone XI Pro Max after trying to manoeuvre one-handed photography while holding up the cake…

There were so many awe-inspiring, heart-expanding, smile-inducing moments as I gratefully explored my surroundings. I can only hope that you can feel that for yourself as you enjoy this 30-minute video to the song “Into the Deep” by Christopher Lloyd Clarke.

All this is an hour’s drive from my home in St. John’s, NL.

Intuitive Living Tip

Following your bliss is part of the intuitive living recipe. 

Exploring your Intuition into Action Treasure Map means taking one inspired step at a time, not knowing what it might lead to. It asks you to trust. From baby steps to leaps of faith, that trust will open up your world to you.

That’s right. You need to embrace the mystery and trust that both the journey and the destination holds treasures.

I started taking photography and film-making workshops 20 years ago for the fun of it.

My plans to return overseas to teach English Second Language were derailed when I received intuitive guidance during meditation to go study photography on Vancouver Island for a year after completing my Masters of Education.

That led to working with the late Courtney Milne (world renown photographer of sacred sites & nature) and his wife & co-author Sherrill Miller for a couple of years in Saskatoon before diving deeper into my own art.

Intuition guides you, stretches you, encourages you to emerge more fully into who you are.

Like pieces of a puzzle, each inspired action fits into an evolving bigger picture.

That’s the feeling I get with my new passion for videography.

Right now, I’m creating and sharing these videos as a natural extension of being inspired to offer Gordon photos of the Airbnbs he manages in exchange for a stay there. 

This emerged from my need for nature retreats while my monies are tied up in credit in Ireland for the 2-month trip I’d planned there before COVID hit.

Before that, however, came the inspiration to invest in an iPhone XI Pro and to take a couple of video classes at the Apple Store in Ottawa while I was there for Christmas. I then started playing with iMovie on my phone to make fun videos like this cross-country ski one to share on Facebook.

I don’t know where this is leading, but I have a sense that all this nature & tourism passion play has helped me develop skill sets that could open up new income doors for me. It’s already opened creative vistas for a fulfilling summer around the bay. 

I’m excited. I’m curious. I trust that it’s all evolving perfectly one inspired step at a time.

If you look back at your life, can you see how taking inspired steps years or even decades ago has shaped where you are now? What inspired actions are calling you today? 

Embrace the mystery. Feel the fear but do it anyway. Many are being called to make changes or pivot in their careers to better serve the needs and generate income.

If I hadn’t stretched my comfort zone and reached out to Gordon at the beginning of the summer with this idea, this video wouldn’t exist.

Watching it last night on YouTube on the big screen TV at a friend’s house, it blew my mind… so much better than on a phone!!!

It had been a couple of weeks since I’d created it and tears came to my eyes. I couldn’t believe that this had been created through me. I felt so honoured. So amazed.

I’m not bragging here. No. I was reliving the awe and gratitude for the beauty I explored & expressed and for the path that led me here.

And now, I’m saying yes! to where it may lead. So may it be.

May you continue to explore & express your passions in these uncertain times. There’s never been a better time to listen in and take inspired action – from intuition into action, may you have a happy, healthy life.

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The Nosy Neighbour Staycation Challenge & my Quidi Vidi Adventure

Here’s a fun summertime challenge for you. Be a nosy neighbour in your city, town, or village. With COVID-19, staycations are the way to go!

Pick a neighbourhood, leave the car behind, and discover it in the same way a tourist would for the very first time – keeping safe social distance & practices, of course.

Playing tourist always brings out that childlike curiosity & wonder in me – important elements to the intuitive life.

Have fun with it – see where you’re inspired to explore and who you’re curious to talk to. If you can, stay overnight for a fuller experience.

That’s what I did!

It was a cold and rainy July 16th when my friend Leslie & I headed to Quidi Vidi, a neighbourhood of the city of St. John’s that used to be its own village. Now, it’s a mix of fishing stages reminiscent of the seasonal fisheries of the 1600s to upscale inns, restaurants, artisan quarters and a famous brewery.

We stayed at the historic Christ Church that I’d been curious about for years. Did you know it was and Airbnb in the summer? You’ll get an inside look at this beautifully appointed residence owned by Aiden & Elizabeth Duff and managed by my friends Gordon Martin & Linda Chantal Hewitt of People Place & Things.

I also found myself interviewing a few of the locals for some colourful and delicious til bits. Trust me, for a nature photographer, this was a stretch of my comfort zones, but a lot of fun. Both my guests were very cooperative, informative, and kind.

Thank you to Skipper Ring, storyteller, tour guide & musician who shares stories of growing up in Quidi Vidi, beating an 80-year record in the Royal St. John’s, Regatta, and crafting the lear fence along his stage.

Thank you also to  Sam Primmer, one of the managers at Mallard Cottage, currently #22 in Canada’s Top 100 restaurants. Our 3-hour feast was a welcomed splurge – both our first time there and my first restaurant meal since early March due to COVID-19.

So treat yourself with this 24-minute video as I take on the role of nosy neighbour in Quidi Vidi village for a day. 

Oh, and if seeing Skipper Ring’s breath in mid-July discourages you from coming to Newfoundland & Labrador, don’t let it. We got sunshine & outdoor swimming weather right after it!

So what neighbourhood are you inspired to explore in your city, town, or county? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below. Where did you go? What were you thrilled to discover? 

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