Here are some of my photography projects and outings.

Backyard Photo Break

I can go days without leaving the house. I like it like that.

I may be a globetrotter, but I’m also a happy hermit. 

Whether I’m in writing, painting, channeling, movie, or yoga & dancing mode, everything I need is here.

The Universe helped me find this home in 2014 after my return from a year studying visionary art overseas. It had everything I asked for, including its owner – my housemate Orinda. We live really well together – what a blessing!

As you can see in these pictures, its location is also ideal. Half an hour’s walk from downtown St. John’s, it has a big backyard that slopes down to a small river. On the other side, past 2 streets of houses, are the tree-covered Southside Hills.

I don’t get cabin fever here. All I need to do is open the door and step into my backyard to be in nature. I can even snowshoe along the river when there’s enough snow.

But we haven’t had much snow yet this year. Rain is slapping the windows at the time of this writing.

So you can imagine my joy when I woke up one morning to find this scene in the backyard. As daylight appeared, I grabbed my camera and tripod and headed out. About an hour later, the sun melted the snow off the branches.  I’m so glad I listened and acted on my heart calling!

Do you have a favourite? Comment below.

Oh – and can you find the one that’s been digitally transformed into a snowflake?

Note: Click on the first and use the arrows if you’d rather see them one at a time.

If you enjoy my photography, remember that there are 5 galleries for you to peruse in my online shop. Prints are available on canvas, fine art paper or metallic paper. Click here to visit my galleries.

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Avoid Overwhelm One Step at a Time

around-burnt-cove-dominique-hurley-_dlh7478Last week, I offered you a meditation to take stock of your life. Click here if you haven’t tried it yet.

When I did it (vs. channeling it – very different experiences), I identified a few areas that weren’t in alignment with my soul.

Basically, I work too hard and not always on the right things. When I lose touch with my abundance, I struggle with the overwhelming demands and expenses of being a budding entrepreneur and the mismatch with my desire for a simple life.

Identifying those areas and visualizing a more fulfilling life was a great first step. It helped shift my mindset and started the momentum for change. Taking inspired action was next.

That’s where many quit. They get overwhelmed by the size of the task and end up stuck in the status quo.

Is your to-do list already too long? Time too short? Money too tight? The learning curve too steep?

Change can be overwhelming on many levels. But the cost of staying where you are can be even higher.

Take a Deep Breath

My first inspired action – taking a short seaside holiday away from the computer – had opened up this next opportunity to spend 3 days in Burnt Cove.

I brought my laptop this time, but spent several hours breathing in the fresh sea air while walking in small communities and nature trails.

Deep breathing is key to intuition. Your breath is your Life Force, your connection to Spirit.

Ask and You Shall Receive

On my walk from Bauline East to Doctor’s Cove, I did an Intuitive Walkabout.

I asked “How can I create a viable business while living a simple life?”

For the next half hour, my attention was fully absorbed in the various textures and features of the forest path beneath my fee.  The variety in such a short walk was remarkable: gravel, bedrock, stepping stones, boardwalks, stone and log steps, dirt, moss-lined, steep, level, jagged, smooth, etc.

When you ask a question, pay attention to what draws your attention. This becomes the intuitive data to work with.

So how did I interpret this?

“Avoid overwhelm one step at a time. Appreciate where you are in every moment, knowing that your path will vary greatly. Some parts will be smooth and easy and some may require you to climb or tread with more care. Don’t worry about the terrain. You’ll be provided the resources to navigate your way through it. Others have walked before you and prepared the way. Enjoy the journey as much as the destination.”

When I got to Doctor’s Cove, my first ocean view since the trailhead, I could see the storm rolling in. Part of me thought it’d be best to head back right away, knowing it would take 1.5 hours. But when I tuned in, I recognized it as fear, not guidance.

So I sat on a big stone boulder and admired the view, breathing it in and contemplating the meaning of this part of Intuitive Walkabout.

“Remember to pause and enjoy the results of your efforts. Even if the world or your tasks seem daunting, rest and contemplate. Tune in to know when it’s time for your next best move.”

I felt a lot lighter after that walk, filled with beauty and guidance. I got home minutes before the heavy rain and winds picked up the deck chairs and threw them to the edge of the cliff. I grabbed them just before they went over.

“You’re abundant and safe. Know it. Feel it. Then continue walking forward one step at a time when you’re moved to do so.”

Life is Beautiful

I’m sharing this with you because I believe that one person’s journey can help others.

I’ve long known that taking one inspired action at a time is the way to success – whatever that means for you.

My 3-day sojourn up the southern shore is yet another example.

Overwhelm is a state of mind.

I did what I needed to shift that mindset and the Universe collaborated with the details.

Your Turn to Ask

Do you have a question to ask your Team of Divine Helpers to live more in alignment with your soul?

Ask and then scroll through this sampling of photos from my time around Burnt Cove to see what catches your attention.

Then analyze the symbolism (with your heart and mind) to see what it means in relation to your question.

Next, take inspired action. Come up with 1-3 things you can implement to open up the doors to your ideal life.

Then allow the Universe its time to do its thing.

One step at a time. One breath at a time.

Click on the first image if you want to see them in slideshow mode.

Click here if you’d like my free 75-minute video tutorial on the 5 Steps to Activate Your Intuition and Get Your Life Back on Track. There’s a special invitation at the end for a Divine Storytelling Time Session.

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The Power of Gratitude – Disconnect to Reconnect


What a great topic for Canadian Thanksgiving, eh? Well, here’s a little point form story about the power of gratitude. As a bonus, it comes with lots of photos of Newfoundland for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!

  • I hadn’t had a holiday all summer. It was time.
  • My soul begged to get away from work and the Internet.
  • My original plans fell through.
  • I put it out on Facebook that I needed to get out of town.
  • Judith Royle told me her seaside guest apartment in Witless Bay was available.
  • My housemate Orinda offered to drive me there (40 minutes).
  • It was pouring rain. Awesome! It felt so real walking around for hours in my not-so-rain-proof rain gear. I felt like a true adventurer.
  • I walked her labyrinth, along the beach and down the road to the Irish Loop Coffee House for cod au gratin and salad.
  • That night, Judith happened to be leading a meditation group upstairs. Perfect!
  • The wind blew the flower pots and furniture around all night, but the sun came with it the next day.
  • I walked the East Coast Trail, sat and watched the ocean for hours, and had a lovely visit with a local artist. I was in a state of blissful contemplation and appreciation.
  • Judith drove me back to St. John’s, just in time for a dinner Orinda and her friends were preparing.
  • I gushed with gratitude at having spent time disconnecting from the computer to reconnect to my Self and Mother Earth. I so needed to get out of town and was so glad I did.
  • So Elaine invited us all the following Sunday to her oceanside home in Burnt Cove.
  • It was another great day up the shore (which means down south in Newfoundland).
  • Elaine loved my photos and asked to use some on her website in exchange for a few nights in her seaside rental apartment, ride included.
  • Then she invited us back for Thanksgiving too.
  • Then I get a call to see if I’d consider teaching my Intuition into Action workshop in French on the other side of the island and in Labrador.

I hadn’t spent a night out of St. John’s all summer, and now more opportunities are being handed to me. Wow!

It’s amazing what life brings you when 

  1. you follow your bliss
  2. feel grateful for it.

I’m not saying be grateful just to get more out of life. But you will. 

And hey! if this inspires you to spend a few days in nature without your phone or Internet, great!

What is it you need to schedule time to reconnect to? Trust me, you’ll be grateful you did.

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Playing tourist on Bell Island – natural inspiration

59-Bell Island-Dominique Hurley-_DLH6337

A client asked to postpone her Soul Energy Portrait experience, so I found myself with 2 days wide open last weekend.

I love what I do, so I’ll admit, I tend to overwork.  But after my teaching contract ended, I promised myself to add more summer fun to the mix.

So what did I do?  On Saturday, I checked out the online event listings and treated myself to 2 theatrical performances and lunch out. I love playing tourist in my own city!

If you’re in St. John’s, go see “Fleming” – a great way to tour the Basilica with the Bishop whose vision it was to build it in the late 1800s. Theatre and history make such a great mix. This was so much better than reading panels.

On Sunday, two of my photo buddies and I went to Bell Island.  It’s a 20-30 minute drive from St. John’s and a cheap 20-minute ferry to the island.

Oh how wonderful it was to explore without a plan, hike in such beauty, and learn about the iron-ore mining history that had once turned this 20km island into a booming centre.  The mines closed in 1966 and the population dispersed. But the new hiking trails, museum, and lighthouse café were plenty to keep us happy. Plus we never drove more than 2 minutes without stopping to take pictures. Fun!

Playing tourist is definitely one of the ways  I enjoy  exploring and expressing my love of beauty and the beauty of love.  

Enjoy the results and make a date with your Self or friends to do the same. You don’t have to go far to have a holiday! 

Note: Click on the first image and use the arrows to scroll through bigger images.

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Is Your Work Devoid of You?

"Humble"- a photograph of the fall forest floor

“Humble” from the Treedom Photograpahy Collection – available as a print on canvas or paper

Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends! Our Canadian one was in October.

One thing I’m grateful for is honest friends – totally upfront ones.

I spent a full day this week designing a brochure to bring my art to the attention of interior designers and corporations.

For months I’ve visualized my Treedom Collection gracing the walls of some big business, bringing the energy of Mother Nature into the work environment. Can you see it?

But my website and marketing materials are geared more to individuals who are on a path of spiritual growth.

So I tried designing a brochure that was more… corporate.

After 8 hours of sitting at the computer, I was done … and done in.

Right before leaving the house for the evening, I sent it to my friend Glen for feedback. He’s a genius at design.

When I got home and read his email, I sighed with relief.

You may be sorry you asked. At the risk of offending your work…I feel it is clinical, sterile and otherwise boring… You are an incredible artist and there is not one artistic item in your brochure…it is an oasis of bland…”

His words mirrored the frustration of my day.  There’s a reason I felt out of alignment and wasn’t enjoying my task. In an attempt to please others or fit in, I’d taken my Self right out of the picture.

How are you doing this in your career?  If your work isn’t aligned with your Higher Self, you’ll feel it.

It’s important to listen to our internal guidance system.

I’ve heard countless stories of successful people – no matter what their definition of success was – and their success relied on them showing their true colours.

So back to the drawing board for me. What about you?

How can you bring more of who you truly are into your work?  Your voice is unique and beautiful. Don’t muffle it.

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When Was the Last Time You Played Tourist in Your Town?

St Johns Photowalk-Dominique Hurley-DLH_3004

I’ve been blessed to have seen so much of the world! I’ve lived in 5 countries on 3 continents, including 5 Canadian provinces.  Plus I’ve travelled a lot!  But I can also be a hermit.

Sometimes, it takes a decision to play tourist in my own city to get out of the studio.

And when I take my camera along, it’s almost guaranteed that I’ll reconnect to that sense of childlike wonder that (re)discovering the world inspires.

That’s what I did on Saturday, along with 21,472 other people around the globe.  It was the annual Worldwide Photowalk. This year, there were 1000 organized groups around the world.  We were 11 photo buffs here in St. John’s.

For 2 hours, we walked around the famous jellybean row houses on the hills of St. John’s. It was cold and grey, but that didn’t matter.  I had fun and I’ve got the photos to prove it!

Which are your favourites?

This was my 3rd time doing the Worldwide Photowalk. The last time I did it was in Vienna, Austria.

Your Turn

You don’t have to wait until next year’s Worldwide Photowalk. You don’t even need to bring your camera.

Get out there! On your own or with friends. Play tourist in your own town. Feel it. Live it. Be grateful for it.

We live in an amazing world if we take the time to notice.

Photo by  Dawn O'Reilley

Photo by Dawn O’Reilley

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How You Make Your Day in 17 Seconds

yellow bird in pink flowers in Bali

“Garden of Light” from the Connection Photography Collection in my shop.

What do you wake up thinking every morning?

How do you feel?

Did you know you had 17 seconds to set the pace for the rest of the day?

And if that snowballs to 68 seconds (17 x 4), you’ve created the vibrational pull for the Law of Attraction to kick in.

Like attracts like any time of the day. But your vibration in those first 17 seconds are the most powerful. I learned that from Abraham Hicks.


Born New Every Day

I love the fact that sleep is a reset button. It’s like being “born new” every day. Isn’t that great news?!

But I’m not mastering this 17-second co-creative opportunity.

I’m told I used to wake up singing when I was a young child. And I’d keep singing in my crib until my mom came to get me. My inner child has a lot to teach me.

Now I wake up with my running checklist in my mind. And if I reach for my phone and see it’s past 5am, stress kicks in. There’s no practical reason for it… I’ve just run that program for so long that it’s on auto-pilot.

My mental checklist has boggled people for years.  It’s set a very productive tone for my days, but not a relaxing one.  I’m still learning to have fun…

For the past 2 weeks, I’ve been aligning with Source Energy more first thing in the morning. I’ve developed the habit of singing my mantra “Love, peace, joy, health, wealth and happiness. Love, peace, joy, healthy wealth and freedom.”  It’s catchy and my brain is catching on.

How to Build Momentum For Your Day

Awareness is the first key. Take the next few days to notice what you’re thinking about upon waking. If you don’t like the momentum you’re building with those thoughts and feelings, change them.

Focus is the second key.  It doesn’t just happen.

You have to decide to be happy to build the positive momentum to create it.

There are days when I wake up in total appreciation for how quiet it is. Traffic and construction haven’t started yet. It’s blissful. When that’s my first thought and feeling, I naturally continue thinking of everything I’m grateful for.

Appreciation is one way to focus and create momentum.

Going straight into meditation instead of reaching for the phone is another.

Can you think of more? I’m open to ideas. Please list them below in the comments.

17 Seconds Throughout the Day

The 17 second rule isn’t only true first thing in the morning. That’s just the most powerful time.

Notice your thoughts and feelings throughout the day. Put a chime on your phone to remind you to pay attention.

And if you’re going to focus on anything negative, complain, or wallow during the day, keep it under 68 seconds. Remember, like attracts like.

Yikes! Now it’s 6:30. Time to get on with my day.

Ooops. Cancel that.

It’s only 6:30 – I’ve got my whole day ahead and have already written today’s blog post!

Was that under 17 seconds?  🙂

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Challenges Happen For You, Not To You


“Gateway” from the Connection Collection

How did you feel when you read that title?  Do you agree?

Sure, I pray for a life of ease and grace. But I’m grateful for what my challenges have given me.

My 2 biggest ones were:

  • being bullied from the ages of 11-13
  • my ex-husband’s health crisis and its many fallouts in the late 90s

I believe my soul chose those challenges before I was born.  

That’s right. I believe challenges happen for me and not to me.

I wouldn’t wish those experiences on anyone, but I don’t regret them.

  • When I was bullied, I learned to be true to my values and say no to peer pressure.
  • When my ex-husband got sick, my fear pushed me deep into my spirituality and inner resources.  I became so much stronger for both of us and even more connected to my Guides.

I could’ve chosen to be bitter or start throwing blame around. But that wouldn’t’ve served me or anyone else.

It may have taken time, but I eventually recognized those challenges as the gifts they were.

Now if only I could apply that to the relatively small challenges I face these days, like website-building glitches…

Where attention goes, energy flows.  I know that. I need to focus on the learning, not the difficulties. Since I needed the reminder, I thought you might like it too.

What gifts have come out of some of your challenges? Please inspire us below.

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Stop Horsing Around!

horse photo

“Mindfulness” from the Connection Collection

When preparing my photography choices for my new e-shop print galleries, I was reminded of a wonderful weekend I spent in the Horse, Spirit and Play workshop at the Ravenheart Farms Equine-Assisted Learning Centre and Retreat in Saskatchewan.

I’ll admit, I’m a personal growth workshop junkie. I’ve taken so many and now teach some of my own.

I believe self-awareness is a great tool for navigating through life in a more unconditionally loving way, and I’m open to exploring new ways to achieve that.

Animals are Great Teachers

My training as a professional dog-trainer and behaviour therapist (although I wouldn’t hire me as I’ve yet to share my home with a dog) taught me as much about myself as it did about dogs.

For example, I learned that as a lifetime dog lover, I used to approach them in the park with such overpowering joy mixed with neediness that it was sometimes too much for them. I hate to think that I might have approached dating in the same way at one time…

If you’re not sure what I mean, take a look at this scene from the Celestine Prophecy movie. It has stayed with me for years. I try not to be this way – with people or animals, but the reminders are always good.  I may not actually see energy like some folks I know, but I certainly sense it.

If you’re into energy and haven’t seen “The Celestine Prophecy” or read the book, I recommend it.

Horse, Spirit & Play Retreat

Horses have been much less humanized than some of our household pets. They’re more authentic in a way.

During this Horses, Spirit and Play workshop, we never actually got on the horses.  We learned to be with them.  We learned how our energy impacted them.

This was not about horsing around!

Were we coming on too strong? Were we trying to manipulate them? Were we respectful of their space and subtle communication? Did they mirror our fears? Were we in the present moment authentically?

“Horses help us bring focus and attention to the present moment. Engaging with horses requires clear and consistent communication. Horses pick up on our thoughts, emotions, and behaviours and they respond to these when we interact with them. Therefore, with the help of an equine assisted learning facilitator, being with horses can help us understand ourselves better and gain valuable insights inspiring change.” Carol Marriot, Ravenheart Farms

Horse Photography

horse and sunset photo

“Miracles” from the Connection Collection

I took a lot of photographs when I wasn’t participating in the Horses, Spirit and Play workshop. These three were part of the Connection Collection no longer available in my shop.

At the top is a layered photograph of Sugar, a Quarter Horse/Paint mare, and her tail. This is Lacey, a Welsh Pony mare, superimposed with a sunset shot also taken on Ravenheart Farms. The wall preview below is of Raven, the namesake for the farm. I photographed this wise Welsh Cob and then the sky above it, combining them in Photoshop.



Your Turn

There are so many ways to connect to our essence – to re-learn to how to be real. In a way, it’s an unlearning of the protective and reactive emotions and behaviours we’ve taken on in our lifetimes.  

What kind of workshop do you enjoy?  Which images remind you of such experiences? Feel free to comment below.

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Trees, Trees, Transformational Trees

Transformational trees - Witnesses-Dominique Hurley

Are you a tree hugger?  Have you ever tried it?  Trust me, it’s transformational.

The next time you’re feeling frenzied, worried, or stressed, hug a tree.  They have the amazing ability to suck that right out of you.  Just visualize your troubles being shot right down, deep into the ground, where that negativity gets transformed into something useful.

Trees also appreciate it when we give them our love and attention. Next time you walk among these standing people, tune in to see if any are calling for your healing hands, gratitude, or simple greeting.

Like with any relationship, a little mutual caring, or give and take, works best.

Glorious In Every Season

Trees are so beautiful in all seasons.  I’m equally drawn to their spendour when they’re bare of leaves as when they’re in full bloom or radiantly green.

Transformational trees - Generosity-Dominique Hurley

They’re always true to their nature, never aspiring to be anything else than present in the moment. What great teachers.

Believe it or not, it snowed here last week in St. John’s.  Yes, it’s May, but weather does what weather does. I don’t mind. It simply is.

We also had a couple of sunny days, when I went walking without my jacket, hat, and gloves. I’ll admit, that was great!

I’ve started taking my neighbour’s dogs out for walks – a true win-win. They motivate me to leave my computer and connect to nature on the nearby trails.

I have yet to see a bud on a tree, but it’s exciting to know that the treedom is waking up. After a long and necessary dormant phase, they’ll soon be singing again.

Inspiring My Heart & My Art

As you know, I often paint trees.

"On the Forest Floor" - 12" x 36" - Acrylics, tar gel, gold and pearl mica, stone, on gallery-wrapped canvas (no framing necessary)

“On the Forest Floor” – 12″ x 36″ – Acrylics, tar gel, gold and pearl mica, stone, on gallery-wrapped canvas (no framing necessary) – $845

Well, I spent a whole day this weekend choosing and editing photographs for my Treedom Photography Collection that I’ll soon be adding to my online shop.  They’ll be available as prints on canvas, fine art paper, and metallic paper. Can you imagine some of these as large canvases in your home or office?

I may not have been walking through the forest this weekend, but I sure felt the transformational power of trees through these photographs.

I look forward to helping bring that energy within the concrete walls of cities everywhere.

Transformational Trees - Present-Dominique Hurley

Daily Inspiration on Facebook

Not surprisingly, many have been inspired by trees.

I also created a series of inspirational image slides this weekend with quotes from other tree-huggers (I’m assuming). I’ll be sharing one a day on Facebook in June.  

With Facebook’s new algorithm, however, it’s important to Like, Share, and Comment for these to regularly show up in your News Feed. Out of my nearly 700 fans, only about 30 get my posts.

Transformational Trees - Sillness-Dominique Hurley

What do Trees Mean to You?

Until then, I’d love to hear from you in the discussion below.  Do you have any uplifting tree-hugging stories?  What do trees symbolize for you?

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