Here are some of my photography projects and outings.

Tune In #10: Do You Get the Connection?

Do you get the connection between symbolic imagery and the messages it holds?

Pick the image that attracts you most today. 

Tune in! This time, contemplate your chosen image first without reading the messages below.

Tune into your heart and let it speak to you.  Why do you think you picked that photo? What is it saying to you?

Then, scroll down to find out extra layers of meaning to help you connect to your true essence and Highest Good.

Tune In 10-Pick your favourite photo from the Connection collection

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#1 – Choices

"Choices" from the Connection Collection

There are so many ways you can spend your days.

There are so many people and groups you can choose to spend them with.

There are so many places where you could choose to hang out.

There are so many dietary and lifestyle choices to make on a daily basis.

Your journey is your own. It’s a journey of choices.

Your choices have put you here and now. Is this where you want to be?

Can you truly be yourself in your current environment and with your circle of friends?

Unconditional love comes from being seen and then accepted for who you truly are. For that to happen, you’re being invited to put more of your Self into all you do, all you are, and all of the choices you make.

This is an invitation to authentic living.

Not everyone will like the changes or like you. Don’t take it personally.

Find your Self and then find your tribe. There is a way to live in alignment with your soul – to make the choices that raise your vibration and connect you to the love and happiness that you deserve.

Think of one way you can shift your choices to be truer to your Self. Then take inspired action – one baby step at a time until you’re moved to take a leap of faith.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#2 – Crystal Bowl

"Crystal Bowl" from the Connection Collection

Music can help you reconnect to your essence and open you up to divine experiences.

It heightens your awareness and raises your vibration.

Music provides a body-mind-spirit connection that changes your brain waves – it’s powerful stuff!

It can bring you deeper into meditation or get you up and dancing. There are so many benefits.

Of course your choice of music can help. This week, take time to bring more uplifting music into your life.

Doreen Virtue, world angel expert, explained in a recent interview how high vibrational music actually leaves particles on you that act like a shield against external stressors. It also helps relieve internal tension. That’s a visual I’m now using as I dance to 3 kirtan songs on my mini-trampoline every morning!

Try something new. Explore chakra-balancing crystal bowl music, indigenous drumming, classical symphonies, kirtan (Sanskrit chants), angel sound therapy, Gospel, some band you recently heard about but never followed up on, etc.

Ask your friends for recommendations or use Google and YouTube. You’ll know what’s right for you when you hear it.  Enjoy!

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#3 – Crystal Mudra

"Crystal Mudra" from the Connection Collection

You’re being invited to contemplate the big picture of your life.

What lessons have you learned from your journey?

How can these lessons help you and those around you right now?

Then meditate on your life today. Where is the energy flowing and where is it stagnant?

This is also an invitation to explore crystals and gemstones as a tool for healing, cleansing, meditation, rituals, and decoration with a purpose.

Take time this week to find a shop where they sell rocks and crystals – or go into nature.

Feel your way around until you find something that attracts you. Hold it. Close your eyes and feel it.

Trust your intuition and bring something home that you feel will support you in your intentions. It doesn’t have to be an expensive piece of jewelry. It can be a loose stone from the beach.

Start by cleansing it from the energies it’s absorbed from others and do this regularly. Click here for suggestions.

Then hold your chosen crystal as you envision energy flowing and movement growing in various areas of your life.  Carry it around or wear it to energize and protect you. Or sleep with it under your pillow. Again, follow your intuition as to how it can enhance your life.

Note: There are books and websites that describe energetic properties of various stones and crystals. But I’ve heard for years now that these are changing with the polar shifts happening on the planet. So trust your Self in your choices: let your feelings guide you.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#4 – Dolphin Sky

"Dolphin Sky" from the Connection Collection

Before falling asleep, ask your angel dream guide (who has been with you since birth) for whatever kind of help you need.

As your body falls asleep, so does your ego.

It’s easier to access guidance at that time.

You’re co-creating your dreams with your angel dream guide to heal, problem-solve, have a dress rehearsal, etc. Ask for what you need and enjoy the journey.

Have you ever tried dream analysis? Dream journaling helps you to remember the messages you’ve received during your dreams. It’s a practice that takes determination but is very worthwhile. But even if you don’t, you may receive a memory flash during the day when you need it.

I’ve made major decisions based on messages in my dreams. Had it not been for my dream journal, I would have misremembered the guidance.

Take a course or read a book to learn more first. Dreams at different stages of your sleep have different roles – from processing of the day’s events to divinatory dreams. It’s good to learn more if you’re feeling moved to go this route.

You’ll gain access to your intuition and further explore the wonderful world of symbology – universal and personal.

Whether it’s in your sleep, through creative visualization, day dreams, or some other technique, you’re being invited to dive deep into your intuition and the power of symbolism.

If you haven’t watched my video tutorial on the 5 Steps to Activate Your Intuition for a Happy Healthy Life, now may be the time. Click here – it’s free.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

Did You Get the Connection?

Which image spoke to you today? I’d love to hear one message it gave you before you read my description.

Did your image’s description inspire you to take inspired action? Name on in the comments below.

Bring Visual Connection Into Your Home & Office

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P.S.  Sign-up for my bi-weekly e-newsletter by clicking here. You’ll get a free mp3 guided meditation to help you tune into your intuition.

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Tune In #9: Bloom Baby Bloom

It’s your turn to bloom baby bloom! 

Tune in! First, pick which photo you feel most attracted to today.

Contemplate your chosen image to form your own interpretation. This is a great way to exercise your intuitive muscles. Why do you think that image is calling you?

Then, scroll down to discover more of its message for you.

Tune In 9-Pick from these 4 photos from the Blossoming Collection and find out what your intuition is saying to you


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#1 – Breathe

"Breathe" from the Blossoming Collection

Do you spend way too much time sitting at the computer or in the car?

Haven’t you heard?! Sitting is the new smoking !

It’s time to get more oxygen into your body.

Your breath is your Life Force – your connection to Spirit and a conduit to health.

Getting your body moving is a great start. Whether you dance in your living room or walk in nature, these are definitely blessings in your life.

Now do more – look into deep breathing practices.

There are lots of benefits to deep breathing. Here are a few:

  • reduction in stress and blood pressure,
  • strengthening of abdominal and intestinal muscles
  • relief of general body aches and pains
  • better blood flow
  • release of toxins from the body
  • healthy sleep

You’ll find all sorts of coaching online or through yoga and meditation classes.

So find a deep breathing practice that is right for you and incorporate it into your lifestyle. Of course, if you’re breathing fresh air, all the better.  Nature is a great place for that.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#2 – Garden of Consciousness

"Garden of Consciousness" from the Blossoming Collection

Do you like structure in your life?

Are you a well organized person?

Are you comfortable with routine?

That’s wonderful.

But make sure to allow room for happy surprises and opportunities.

Don’t over-schedule yourself or always say “no” out of fear when an unexpected inspiration or invitation comes your way.

Better yet, invite the unexpected into your life by taking yourself on an intuitive journey.

It’ll allow you the space, time, and structure to follow your intuition and embrace the mystery. It’ll open you up in fun ways.

Here’s how it works.

Schedule an unplanned block of time for yourself.  Then, either on foot, bicycle or by car, just go.

Where you ask?

That’s the point. You don’t know.  Head in any direction that feels good to you and then, at every intersection, make a choice that feels right.  Consider all directions and just go with your gut feeling.

I love exploring new cities in this way. I even did it by car for a few weeks as I crossed Newfoundland my first year here.

This is an exercise in feeling the fear and doing it anyway.

It’s also practice in being in the here and now – intuitively feeling your way to what’s in your Highest Interest.

You may end up in a shop, museum, swimming pool, park, or country road to the next town. Its’ all good!

Play with it. The only goal is to be open to discovering something new – about yourself and the world.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#3 – E-Motion

"E-Motion" from the Blossoming Collection

I once went on a guided birdwatching outing shortly after moving to a new city.

The guide pointed out many kinds of feathered creatures but failed to talk about the gorgeous iridescent birds that accompanied us the whole way. When I asked, he simply said, “Oh, those are magpies. They’re a nuisance.”  I’d never seen one, however, and was in awe of both their boldness and beauty.

The same can be said of weeds.  If you don’t “know better”, you might think they’re the most beautiful specimens in the garden. Your heart will open as you watch them dance in the breeze. You might even replicate their essence in a painting or in a photograph.

Where are labels, roles, and prejudices limiting your experience of life?  These might be labels you’ve put on yourself or others. Or they may be labels others have put on you.

“Oh, that’s the cleaning lady”, “I’m Peter’s Mother”, “I’m retired”, “I’m an artist”, “She’s single”, “He’s married”, “They’re not from here”, “He’s a millionaire”, “She’s a doctor”, “They live in such-and-such neighbourhood”, etc.

Pay attention to how both positive stereotypes and negative labels and prejudices affect how you feel about the people and circumstances in your life.

Is there any fear involved? Any jealousy?  Get to the root of your emotion and then see if you can add a little more love into the mix.

You’ll learn to appreciate the world as if it was your first time visiting.

You’ll grow to see yourself through the eyes of your soul, open to new ways of being and becoming.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#4 – Light Quest

"Light Quest" from the Blossoming Collection

Walking into this meadow of sparkling dew stopped me in my tracks.

My intention was to have an early morning hike on the Skirwink Trail, but I ended up on my hands and knees with my camera for a couple of hours at the trailhead, lost in the magic of these jewel-like droplets.

Are you letting magical moments and opportunities pass you by because you’re too fixed on your plans?

Are you so goal-oriented that you’ve forgotten to enjoy the journey?

Are you so rule-bound or set in your ways (or your society’s ways) that you’re not connecting in the here and now with the elements, people, and situations in your life?

By traveling or getting to know different cultures, you open yourself to different ways of being in the world.

If you can let go of the idea that your way is the right way, you’ll appreciate the differences in cultures, social norm, traditions, etc.

Then, you can more easily figure out which work for you. How would your True Self navigate the world if she or he wasn’t socialized in a particular family or culture?

There’s so much to learn from the world – from nature and various communities near and far.

Open yourself to discovery and to letting go of what may turn out to be an unatural way for you to be if you were truly true to your Self.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

Are You Ready to Bloom?

Which photograph from my Blossoming Collection spoke to you today? Is it inspiring you to bloom more in your garden of life? I’d love to hear your example in the comments below. Thanks!

Add Art to the Heart of Your Home or Office

Trust me. What you look at all day makes a difference.

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Tune In #8: What’s Your Call to Treedom?

What’s your call to Treedom today?  Tune in! 

First, pick which image calls you the strongest.

Then, scroll down to find out what it means.

Tune In 8-Pick your favourite Treedom photograph and read what's your call to Treedom

As you contemplate your chosen image, also add your own interpretation. This is a great way to exercise your intuitive muscles. Why do you think that image is calling you?

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#1 – Peace

"Peace" from the Treedom Collection

Can you feel nature’s magical essence calling you?

Find a trail, park, or garden to spend time in today – even for just 10 minutes.

Then breathe deeply of its song.

Become one of its lyrics by connecting to the curiosity and wonder of your inner child.

Daydream among its standing people, the trees.

Close your eyes to feel the water tickling your toes.

Leave your impression in the sand while watching the clouds go by.

Hide within the tall grasses to see the world from a wolf’s perspective.

Climb a tree to commune with the birds.

Squint your eyes to blur the details. Look beyond the trees, the flowers, the grass.

Play with nature’s invitation to shift perspectives and explore various ways of being.

And breathe… always breathe. Your breath is your Life Force, your connection to Self and Spirit. Herein lies your answers and your peace.

When was the last time you truly played outdoors?

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#2 – Portal

"Portal" from the Treedom Collection

Where’s your go-to spot?

Do you have a place in nature that you go to access the Universal Energy Flow?

If you do, take time to go there.

If you don’t, explore various natural areas to discover which feels best to you.

Where you do feel the most expansive, the most connected, and the most at peace.

Think of this go-to-spot as your energy booster.

Whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed, unclear, scattered, or anxious, go there.

Establish a little ritual to deepen your connection to your Self, Mother Nature, and your Team of Divine Helpers.  Ask them to help you bless this spot so that it becomes even more of a portal to your Highest Good.

You might bring an offering for the water spirits.  You may take along your journal to write or your camera to focus on the beauty.  You might take a nap, sing, visualize, or pray … whatever works for you.

Nature is a healer. Nature is a listener. Nature is a portal for connection, transformation, reflection.

Blessed be your go-to-spot!

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#3 – Rejoice

"Rejoice" from the Treedom Collection

You are amazing!

As part of the Divine Oneness, you stand alongside your fellow human beings.

But you’re also a unique expression of the Divine here on earth.

It’s time for you to rise up and celebrate your true colours.  Be who you are! There’s no one else quite like you.

Find what raises your vibration and do more of that.

Add your colour to this world. That is your purpose and your roadmap to health and happiness.

It might be singing, cooking, dancing, yoga, volunteering, canoeing, leading, creating, etc.  Whatever that is, bring more of it into your life.

Let it change you at a cellular level so that your very being shines in the spotlight of your joy.

By allowing your Light to shine, you’re giving others permission to do so too.

Not everyone will get it. That’s OK. Find your tribe and celebrate together.

Or stand alone, knowing you’re really never alone. You’re connected to the Divine Oneness of the Universe – no matter what you’re doing, where you are, or how you’re being.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#4 – Rooted

"Rooted" from the Treedom Collection

Are you feeling scattered or depleted?

Is life speeding by?

Then it’s time for some  grounding, rooting, or earthing.

Basically, slow down, get down to earth, and feed from its energy.

Take your socks and shoes off and connect directly with Mother Nature.  Or lie down in your bathing suit and allow her energy to refresh and replenish you through your bare skin. Gardening and tree hugging are also very effective.

You’ll receive a charge of energy that’ll make you feel healthier and better fast.

In our modern lifestyle, we can go days or even years without touching the earth. By losing touch with it, we’ve lost touch with our True Self, our happy healthy self.

But when you’re in direct contact with the Earth, you can replenish your energy stores.

Take the time. You’re worth it.

Your dependents or work tasks will also benefit from your self-care.

So go ahead. Take your shoes off and just stand there, soaking in the Earth’s energy much like the roots of a tree getting its nourishment from the ground.  The longer and more often the better.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

Did Treedom Call You?

Which Treedom Collection photo spoke to you today? I’d love to hear how the message or image resonated with you. Go ahead… comment below. Thanks!

Bring Nature In

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Tune In #7: Want Inspiration For Connection?

Tune In 7-Pick your favourite photo and get inspiration for connectionPeople connect to their Higher Self and Spirit in many ways. That’s why my Connection Collection includes such a variety of photographs.

Want to find out what your heart and soul might be saying to you? Tune in!

Which of these 4 photographs attracts you most today?

Then, scroll down to find out how you might best get inspiration for connection this week on your Path to your Highest Good.

Remember, my suggestions come from what I was experiencing at the time of co-creation and what these images are saying to me now. But feel free to add your own interpretation.

You’re truly the best to figure out why you feel called to a particular life-enhancing energy-infused image.

Go even deeper into your intuition with this free 26-minute guided visualization mp3. You’ll also get my art & inspiration newsletter.

I want this!

#1 – Being

"Being" from the Connection Collection

Swimming with wild dolphins in Hawaii was profoundly connecting.

I got to witness their healing powers as they rallied to help the planet after the earthquake in Japan created a tsunami that swept through our retreat house (we’d been evacuated). Their geometric swimming patterns were unlike what local experts had ever seen.

If you’ve chosen this photo, it’s because you need to find peace to help you cope with the busy-ness or chaos around you. Nature is your answer.

Don’t focus on the overwhelm. Focus on peacemaking – in your own heart first and then in the world around you.

Are you a water person? Find a lake, ocean, or swimming pool.

Are you a mountain person? Go hiking or watch a nature show on the great peaks.

Are you a tree hugger? Go sit in a forest and ask Mother Earth to help ground you.

Do colourful blooms uplift you? Find a garden where you can stop and smell the flowers.

Are you an animal lover? Get yourself some pet therapy. If you don’t have your own, go to a friend’s or to a shelter to cuddle the kitties.

Do whatever you need to connect to nature in ways that are aligned with your soul. Your recipe for wellness is there this week.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#2 – Teaching

"Teaching" from the Connection Collection

Mudras are body and hand positions that have an influence on the energies flowing through your body, mind, and spirit. They’re often used during meditation.

This photo features the Teaching hand mudra on a Buddha statue.

Is there something you’re learning that you’d like to spend more time on this week?

Are you feeling called to teach others? How? When? Where? Why?

What physical or spiritual practice has taught you to connect to your True Self and live in right livelihood? Can you add more of that to your life this week?

Perhaps you simply need to slow down and listen to your heart.

Meditation is a great tool for that and has so many benefits. The trick is finding the style that’s right for you – there are so many (learn more).

If you’ve chosen this photo, you’re being called to focus on what influences the energy flow in your life and in your being.

If nothing comes immediately to mind, brainstorm a few ideas and feel which of these creates a greater sense of expansion in your body as you contemplate it.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#3 – Rockface 2

"Rockface 2" from the Connection Collection

You love ease and grace.

But you also love giving yourself entirely to a project and working hard at it.

You thrive through challenge.

You’d rather chip away at a block of stone than mold a lump of clay.

Is there’s a project you started a long time ago that’s waiting for you to get back at it?

What is it?

To give yourself fully to it, you had to accumulate more layers of life and experience. Now you’re ready.

Connect to your True Self by working full-on at what you love.

This is likely not about building something new, but working with or changing something that already exists.

Does this resonate?

If this project doesn’t immediately come to mind, ask your team of Divine Helpers to reveal it to you.

Then pay attention to your thoughts and to the signs in your environment today.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

#4 – Spirit Call

"Spirit Call" from the Connection Collection

This gorgeous lens flare was created in Gros Morne National Park as I pointed my camera directly into the sun over Western Brook Pond.

This sent scattered rays and orbs of light onto my sensors and into my soul.

Truly, if you raise your face to the sunshine, you will not see the shadows.

Where is your focus these days?

Are you making uplifting choices in terms of what you’re listening to, looking at, eating, etc.

Fill yourself with Light.

Choose entertainment, learning material, company, and activities that help you connect to your True Self and Source.

How can you best receive The Universe’s Light into your own life?

What helps you project your own Light into the world?

You are a lightworker. By your very being and choices you make a difference.

Feed your Self, your soul, your body, and your days with Light and then have fun sharing it in your very own unique way – in both your being and doing.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences. Just click on the words.

Did you resonate?

Feel free to share how your image choice spoke to you in the comments below. I’d love to hear.

Surround Yourself with Beauty.

It’s so important to surround yourself with objects and art that support you on your journey to your Highest Good. Does your artwork raise your vibration and inspire you to connect to your True Self?

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P.S.  Sign-up for my bi-weekly e-newsletter and receive a free guided meditation to help you tune into your intuition at an even deeper level.

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Tune In #6: Where Are You Rusty?

Can you believe these are photos of rusty cars? 

The Shades of Time – Autoscape series was photographed in Saskatchewan, Canada.  These close-ups of old rusted abandoned cars remind us that the world is not always as it first appears.  There is beauty in everything, especially when we look at it closely – we just need to have the eyes and heart to see.

Each holds a special message.

Want to find out what your intuition is saying to you today?

Tune in! Pick which photograph attracts you the most.

Then, scroll down to see where you might be a bit rusty.

Tune In 6-Pick your favourite from the Autoscape Collection to see where you're rusty

As you contemplate your chosen image, also add your own interpretation. This is a great way to exercise your intuitive muscles. Why do you think that image is calling you?

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#1 – Dolphin Autoscape

"Autoscape-Dolphin" from the Shades of Time Collection

Oh wonders of wonders! You’re not alone!

You may not see them. You may not feel them, but they’re there…

You’ve got a whole team of Divine Helpers supporting you on your Path to your Highest Good.

These could be guiding spirits, angels, totem animals, fairies, The Universe, Great Spirit, your ancestor, God  …. What do you believe in?

They’re there to help whenever you need them. All you have to do is ask. Because of Free Will, you’ve got to ask.

Then open your heart and your eyes to see the signs and manifestations all around you.

There are no coincidences. Miracles and synchronicities are your guideposts.

Trust. Believe. Open yourself to the flow of unconditional love that’s aimed right at you. Can you feel it? If not, take a moment to eliminate all distractions and ask them to make themselves felt. Then open to receiving.

P.S. I couldn’t believe it when I got my nose nearly stuck to this car to find a fully shaped dolphin with an eye, fins, and all.  I felt like I’d been given a gift! This piece of the car is about 2 inches wide.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences.

#2 – Monet Autoscape

"Autoscape-Monet" from the Shades of Time Collection

Nothing has meaning but the meaning you give it.

Is this just a photo of a rusty car revealing all the coats of paint it’s had in its lifetime, or is it a work of art reminiscent of the great master Claude Monet’s work?

There’s no right or wrong answer to that. It totally depends on you.

So how are you seeing the world and the people around you?

What do you see when you look in the mirror?

Your choice of answer will determine the thoughts and feelings that follow.

It’s all about perception. It’s all about choice.

Think of someone or something you’re having difficulty with these days.  Then see if you can’t change your perspective to approach your challenge from a different angle.

It’s not always easy. But it’s easier than living with the destructiveness that comes from judging the world harshly.  You’re worth so much more than that. And so is whatever you’re judging negatively.

It all comes down to a choice of love or fear. Which will you choose?

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences.

#3 – Tofino Sunset Autoscape

"Autoscape-Tofino Sunset" from the Shades of Time Collection

Is there something in your life that feels a little drab?

Are you feeling a little blasé about any of your relationships?

How can you make something old new again?

Take a moment to close your eyes and visualize the situation as it is now. Then ask your heart how you can add a little more life, spice, or colour into it.

When I looked at all the photos from my car yard shoot that day, I could have thrown this one away. It didn’t really have a point of interest.  But I’d taken it because something there attracted me in the first place

So I opened myself to a creative solution and that’s when the idea of adding a treeline silhouette from another photograph came to mind.  I was inspired to transform the original background into something new and then fell in love with it all over again.

Which area of your life is asking for a little more creativity? How can you fall in love all over again?

You’re where you are for a reason, but that doesn’t mean it can’t get better.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences.

#4 – Wave Autoscape

"Autoscape-Wave" from the Shades of Time Collection

Where are you rough around the edges?

Is there a subject you’d like to master?

Is there a skill you’d like to polish?

Is there a relationship you’d like to smoothen out?

Now’s the time!

Don’t just skim over this for entertainment value. Take a minute and ask yourself “Where am I rough around the edges?”. Then listen to your heart.

Next, ask your Self and team of Divine Helpers what you can do about it in the month to come.

List 1-3 inspired actions that would help you be less rusty in that area or relationship.

Then go ahead. Do them.

Energy flows where attention goes.  So focus on how you want to be or what you want to do and watch the magic happen.  Good luck!

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences.

Did you resonate?

Which autoscape spoke to you today? I’d love to hear how the message resonated and if you’re planning to take any inspired actions because of it. Please comment below.

Bring Energy-Infused Intuitive Art Into Your Life

It’s so important to surround yourself in beauty. Do your walls inspire and support you on your journey to your Highest Good?

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P.S.  Sign-up for my bi-weekly e-newsletter by clicking here and receive one of my guided meditation mp3.

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Tune In #5: Are you Ready to Blossom?

Want to find out what your intuition is saying to you? Are you ready to blossom? Tune in! Which photo from my Blossoming Collection attracts you most today?

Then, scroll down to find out why.

Tune In 5: Are you ready to blossom?

As you contemplate your chosen image, also add your own interpretation. This is a great way to exercise your intuitive muscles. Why do you think that image is calling you?

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#1 – At Rest

"At Rest" from the Blossoming Collection

There’s a season for everything.

Your choice reveals a soul calling to rest and re-create in this quiet season of hibernation.

Is it time to slow down?

Are you in need of self-care or pampering?

Don’t let yourself get to the point of exhaustion.

There’s a natural rhythm to all things. Work with your cycles to fully benefit from all the stages of  your personal and professional life.

Find peace, knowing that spring comes after winter. New growth is on its way.

But first, this is a time for rest and contemplation. Let your ideas germinate and projects gestate.

By doing so, you’re assuring that your creative juices will flow with greater abundance and fruitfulness in divine timing.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences.

#2 – Blossoming

"Blossoming" from the Blossoming Collection

Life is not stagnant.

Life is not boring.

Allow variety and colour to dance in the breeze of this garden called life.

Awaken your senses to the invitations around you.

Follow your bliss to move into alignment with your soul.

What gives you the greatest joy in your life these days?

What did you love to do years back but haven’t in a while?

This isn’t about instant gratification or superficial pleasure. I’m talking real joy – that feeling of expansion throughout your whole being.

What elevates your vibration?

Add more of that into your life.  Like attracts like. This is the Law of Attraction.

The more you elevate your vibration through healthy happy choices, the more you’ll attract joy-making circumstances into your life.

You have the power to manifest the growth and changes in your life that will move you forward on your Path to your Highest Good.

Write down a few that came to mind (or to heart) as you read this and make space for them in your schedule. You’re worth it!

* Need more guidance?Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences.

#3 – Consciousness

"Consciousness" from the Blossoming Collection

Are you truly aware of the beauty and wonder that you are?

Or is your vision clouded by thoughts, feelings, and sensations that keep you from your Self?

You’re so much more than these.

You have the introspective power to see beyond these to the treasure that lies beyond them.

Take anger for example.

You’re not your anger.

Through consciousness, you can use this anger as a tool to understand a deeper truth.

You can learn from this truth and grow from it.

That’s how you can affect the changes to move beyond that anger to reconnect to your True Self and Life Path.

In fact, that anger can become the fuel for you to make your way through the jungle of your mind to find clarity and Truth.

So don’t let yourself be overshadowed by your thoughts, feelings, and sensations. Look upon them as an observer and take conscious action (or inaction) to live in alignment with your soul.

* Need more guidance?Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences.

#4 – Reverence

"Reverence" from the Blossoming Collection

Do you believe in something greater than yourself?

It doesn’t matter what name you use to identify this Divine presence.

What matters here is this invitation to connect and show your gratitude through your reverence to God, The Universe, Source, Mother Nature, your ancestors, etc.

Reverence is having profound respect and love. It’s to be in awe and to express that awe.

How do you do that on a regular basis?

Are you into rituals? Either on your own or with community?

Have you taken the time lately to pray, contemplate your blessings with gratitude, commune with nature, participate in ceremony, etc.?

Tune into your heart to feel your way into reverent behaviour that will re-awaken your awe and appreciation for life and all that is.

This will naturally lead you into quiet transformation and invite even more blessings on your Path.

* Need more guidance? Find out about my intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences.

How did your choice speak to you?

What’s one more way your photograph spoke to you beyond the words in my description? Please comment below. I’d love to know!

Bring Nature In

Colour is light and we need light to survive. Beauty not only adds light to our days but nourishes our souls.  Are you surrounded by beauty?

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Tune In #4: Your Soul’s Call for Connection

Tune In to your intuition pick a photo 5-Pick your favourite from the Connection Collection

Let’s face it. We live in a busy world. And sometimes, we create even more busy-ness to avoid connecting with our Selves, others, and our team of Divine Helpers.

Intuitive hearing aids like these visual prompts are meant to help you cut through that noise to get back into alignment with your soul.

So tune in and find out what’s your soul’s call for connection!

Which of these 4 photographs from my Connection Collection attracts you most today?

Then, scroll down to find out what this says about you.

Note: My description is just a cue to ignite your own intuition.  Contemplate the image and listen to your heart to gain even greater meaning from your choice.

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#1 – Miracles

"Miracles" from the Connection Collection - white horse in setting sun

You’re being invited to greater depths of self-awareness and awareness of your environment through your interaction with Mother Nature’s creatures.

Animals can open us to the miracle of beingness – our own and theirs in relationship.

They’ll let you know if you’re truly present, open, and respectful in the moment.

Indeed, these creatures are great mirrors to our current states of being. We can learn so much about ourselves from being around birds, pets, and wildlife.

Horses, for example, are highly aware of our energy, feelings, thoughts, and body language.

This 15-year old Welsh Pony mare called Lacey is part of the team at the Ravenheart Equine Learning centre and retreat in Saskatchewan. Such equine-assisted wellness centres offer programs for self-development and personal growth, healing, grief, relationships, team-building, recovery, and learning.

How are you being called to deepen your relationship with your Self, others, and Mother Nature through the highly sensitive and responsive animals in your life?

* Need more guidance? Work with me: intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences.

#2 – Prosperity

"Prosperity" from the Connection Collection - butterfly on echinacea flowers

Stop and smell the flowers, my friend.

Your life’s garden is already so rich with beauty and colour. Take the time to appreciate all that you’ve cultivated.

Your inner garden too is teaming with the resources and answers you need to move forward in your life.

So take the time to pause and truly be present.

Take nourishment from the health-giving wisdom of your heart. It knows what’s in your Highest Good. It can guide you, through your intuition to the prosperity you deserve.

So first, appreciate the well-being that you have.

Then, keep cultivating from your strengths to create the good life, whatever that means for you.

By tending to your garden, you’ll harvest the rewards.  What does this mean to you?

Weed out what no longer serves you to give room for goodness to grow into the Light.

Then share your prosperity with the world in ways that fulfill you. Don’t do it out of obligation. Share your bounty in ways that resonate with your life’s purpose.

Trust your feelings in this process. A sense of expansion means it’s aligned with your soul callings. An immediate feeling of contraction means it isn’t.  Any expansion followed by contraction means that fear and ego are stepping in the way.

How can you best weed these out for your well-being and that of world around you?

* Need more guidance? Work with me: intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences.

#3 – Rockface

"Rockface" from the Connection Collection

Are you so preoccupied with looking far ahead in space or time that you’ve forgotten to appreciate the spot in which you’re standing?

Yes, I’m speaking literally as well as metaphorically.

Take a moment. Where are you standing?

Look around. Look up, and yes, look right beneath your feet. What do you see? What are you grateful for?

This photograph was taken one day on a coastal hike. I was so taken with the views of the ocean and islands in the distance that I hadn’t realized what I was standing on. This rock… the most beautiful rock face I’d ever seen…

So what or who are you taking for granted in your immediate environment.

Are you wasting precious energy longing for something in the distance when the gifts are right there in your space?

It’s by first recognizing and connecting to these gifts that your vision for the future will become clearer.

This is also an invitation to reconnect to nature.  There’s a life-giving energy there that is unlike any other.

Take the time to go for a walk in nature, no matter the season.  You’ll see. It’s a portal to your intuition, clarity, peace, and so much more.

* Need more guidance? Work with me: intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences.

#4 – Laughter

"Laughter" from the Connection Collection - laughing Buddha photo

You’re so typically yourself.  It’s OK. Laugh at that! It’s great medicine!

And if you and your patterns aren’t funny enough for you, find something else that makes you laugh.

If comedy shows don’t work, have you tried laughter yoga? Or how about inviting your friends, family, or co-workers to lie with heads on each other’s bellies and start a contagious laugh-out.

According to, ” Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease. Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain.”

Do you laugh enough?

Your mental, physical, and social health needs it.

So go ahead, bring a bunch of playful people together for a game night or any other activity that might get you laughing – at yourselves and with life.

* Need more guidance? Work with me: intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences.

Did you resonate?

Feel free to share how your image choice spoke to you in the comments below. I’d love to hear.

Surround yourself with beauty.

Dominique Hurley with intuitive energy-infused paintingsDo your walls need a makeover? It’s so important to surround yourself with objects and art that support you on your journey to your Highest Good.

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P.S.  Click here to sign-up for my bi-weekly e-newsletter & get a free guided meditation mp3.

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Tune In #3: Your Invitation for Transformation

You’re constantly being called to stretch your comfort zones and grow. That’s intuition’s role as a leader. Don’t let your ego keep you small. Accept this invitation for transformation.

Tune in! Which of these photographs from my Transformation Collection calls you most today? Choose the one that makes you feel the most expansive. Your choice will reveal your invitation for transformation.

Tune In to your intuition pick a photo 3 - Your Invitation for TransformationNow scroll down to find out what each photo means.

Note: As you contemplate your chosen image, also add your own interpretation. This is a great way to exercise your intuitive muscles. Why do you think that image is calling you?

Want more of my art & inspiration? Join my mailing list and get a free guided meditation mp3.

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#1 – Shifting

"Shifting" from the Transformation Collection

You’re being shaped by your circumstances and environment.

But it’s still your choice as to how these external changes affect your inner landscape.

With every wave of change comes an opportunity for peace and harmony.

Nothing in life is constant but change itself.  Pay attention to the rhythms of nature – yours and those of others – and allow yourself to dance gracefully within this ever-shifting reality.

You’re part of the Divine Oneness. You’re both the waves and the shifting sands.

There’s no need to fear change. Be with it.

Ask your Self how you can move with it in ways that add peace to your life.

* Want to go deeper? My intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences support your intuitive development and transformational journey.

#2 – Beingness

"Beingness" from the Transformation Collection

You’re being invited to look at your Self and the world through new eyes.

How is your perception affecting your experience of life?

How would that change if you looked at yourself in the mirror in the same way your soul or team of Divine Helpers look at you?

Go ahead, try it. Look into the mirror and ask your Higher Self to guide you as you transform your sight through unconditional love.

What would you forgive? What would you accept? How would it feel to see yourself through the eyes of your soul?

Then look around you at the people and circumstances of your life.  Can you feel their call for love?

Love changes everything. It starts in your heart and transforms your vision.

It allows you to be – to simply be. And in so being, you change the world.

* Want to go deeper? My intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences support your intuitive development and transformational journey.

#3 – Transition

"Transition" from the Transformation Collection

You are the result of all the layers of your existence.

Your unique inner and outer beauty emanates from all the joy, healing, grief, growth, wonder, and splendour of your life.

Can you see how your your challenges happened for you, not to you?

Take some time now to reflect on how your past challenges ended up being for your Highest Good.

Then take an inventory of your current difficulties. How can you transform these into gifts? Gifts for yourself and others?

There’s no one else in the world exactly like you. You are the Gift.  Unwrap your Self and marvel at the miracle that you are – at all levels and in all layers.

* Want to go deeper? My intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences support your intuitive development and transformational journey.

#4 – Soul Shift

"Soul Shift" from the Transformation Collection

Your life is a series of successes. Can you see that?

Some came to you easily and others required hard work and perseverance.

Then there are the successes you originally labelled as failures…

All of these have brought you here and now. That’s success because it’s opened you up to opportunities unique to who you are.

Is your definition of success the same as it was 5 or 10 years ago? 20 years ago?

Take the time to set your vision on what a successful life looks like for you. Then enjoy the journey there.

Start in your imagination and feed that vision daily in your ways of being and doing.

Success will mean different things for different people.

Let go of definitions that no longer serve you. Let go of limits that you thought defined you.

It’s your time to soar beyond what you previously imagined possible. What does that look like for you?

* Want to go deeper? My intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences support your intuitive development and transformational journey.

Are you feeling it?

Which invitation for transformation spoke to you today? I’d love to hear how the message resonated and / or what you got from the image itself. Please comment below.

What You Look At Matters

Are you surrounded by visual support for your transformational goals?

What you look at matters. Take a look at your home and work environments to see how you can add visual reminders and energetic support as you journey on your Path to your Highest Good.

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*  Sign-up for my e-newsletter and receive a free meditation mp3.

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Tune In #2: Which Treedom Calls You Today?

Want to find out what your intuition is saying to you? Tune in! Which treedom calls to you most today?

Then, scroll down to find out what it means.

Tune in to your intuition pick a photo 2- Which Treedom Calls You

As you contemplate your chosen image, also add your own interpretation. This is a great way to exercise your intuitive muscles. Why do you think that image is calling you?

Want more of my art & inspiration? Join my mailing list and get a free guided meditation mp3.

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#1 – Humble

"Humble" from the Treedom Collection

Your life is of great importance. You’re making a difference.

Indeed, you’re a Gift for those around you.

Do you doubt it?

It’s true.

Allow your being-ness to make an impression where you stand by simply standing there. There’s no need to shout from the rooftops.

Simply be in your here and now.

And connect to the greatness that is all around you.

Acknowledge the support you’ve received to get you here.

Be grateful for both the challenges and ease & grace.

Then, in the peacefulness of your heart, ask your Self why you’re being called to humbleness today.

Your answer is within.

* Want to go deeper? My intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences support your intuitive development and transformational journey.

#2 – Abundance

"Abundance" from the Treedom CollectionAs above, so below. As within, so without.

Your life is a reflection of your inner reality.

What are you feeling? What are you thinking?

You’re already so abundant in so many ways.

Can you name 10 signs of your abundance in various areas of your life?

Bask in the golden glow of your life as it is now.

By first recognizing the light that shines within you and all around you, you attract more of the Universe’s gifts to you.

Yes, focus on your abundance and see it mirrored in its limitless beauty.

* Want to go deeper? My intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences support your intuitive development and transformational journey.

#3 – Healing

"Healing" from the Treedom Collection

Rise up sister! Rise up brother!

Feel Mother Earth’s energy coursing through you from the soles of your feet all the way up to the top of your head.

Then raise your eyes to the Heavens and ask archangel Raphael to bless you with his healing green light.

Visualize these energies intermingling as they infuse your whole being.

Breathe deeply through your nose into areas that you feel need more attention. Your breath is your Life Force.

Then, as you exhale through your mouth, imagine that you’re letting go of all that no longer serves you in body, mind, and spirit. Trust that nature will recycle it into something that’ll serve the Greater Good.

You have amazing healing abilities, and there are so many resources available to help you on your Path to your Highest Good.

Asking for Divine Help, the power of visualization, and deep breathing are a few of these. So is the vibration of beauty.

Spend a few more minutes contemplating this image and soak in its life-enhancing energy.

* Want to go deeper? My intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences support your intuitive development and transformational journey.

#4 – Compassion

"Compassion" from the Treedom Collection

Are you feeling motivated to help relieve the suffering of the world?

You’re such a compassionate being.

Know that your thoughts and actions make a difference.

You’ve lived so much already in your life and that experience can help others. You understand them.

Spend a few moments brainstorming ways that your compassion can be put into action.

How can you add your Light to the world? At what scale?

Does a friend or family member need your help?

Are you feeling called to join a committee or organize an event?

Your Light grows as you shine it outwards.

Your Light also grows as you reflect and feed the Light of others.

You know what it means to be a part of the Divine Oneness. Thank for your compassion.

* Want to go deeper? My intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences support your intuitive development and transformational journey.

Did you resonate?

Which treedom spoke to you today? I’d love to hear how the message resonated and / or what you got from the image. Please comment below.

Bring Nature In

It’s so important to surround yourself with the love and beauty of Mother Nature, even when you can’t be in her embrace.  

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* P.S.  Sign-up for my e-newsletter and receive a free meditation mp3.

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Tune In #1 – What’s Your Connection?

Welcome to the launch of a new series to help you tune in to your intuition for a more fruitful journey on your path to your Highest Good.

Tune in to your intuition pick a photo 1-what's your connectionWant to find out what your heart and soul might be saying to you? Tune in!

Which of these 4 photographs from my Connection Collection attracts you most today?

Then, scroll down to find out what this says about you.

My suggestions come from what I was experiencing at the time of co-creation and what they’re saying to me now. But feel free to add your own interpretation.

You’re truly the best to figure out why you feel called to a particular life-enhancing energy-infused image.

Want more of my art & inspiration? Join my mailing list and get a free guided meditation mp3.

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#1 – Bridge to Contemplation

"Bridge to Contemplation" from the Connection Collection

There are lots of changes happening or about to happen in your life.

Contemplate the mysteries that lie beneath this time of transition.

Then keep walking, stepping beyond your comfort zone so that you may grow even more into your own Light.

You’re almost there. Don’t give up.

The path before you is straight ahead, safe, and clear.

Accept this invitation to cross over the unknown to what is calling you.

Then relish in the pure delight of being You and welcome the miracles and synchronicities that come your way.

* Want to go deeper? My intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences support your intuitive development and transformational journey.

#2 – Gateway

"Gateway" from the Connection Collection

You’re at the portal of your authentic life.

Are you ready to dive in?

Yes, this means letting go of what no longer serves you. This may be challenging but worth it.

Just ask your team of Divine Helpers and Mother Nature to help you let go with ease and grace.

It’ll start happening naturally as you focus on the magnificent beauty of living in total alignment with your soul.

What does that look like? What does it feel like?

Imagine it daily until, little by little, you start living it.

This is your gateway into the kaleidoscope of your Truth. Allow its reflections to feed your imagination and spark your intuition.

* Want to go deeper? My intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences support your intuitive development and transformational journey.

#3 – Nourish

"Nourish" from the Connection Collection

It’s time to nourish your body, mind, and soul, so you can soar in your own life and for the good of all.

What does self-care mean to you right now? How about self-love?

Please don’t assume others can or should know what you need. They’re not mind-readers.

Identify what you need, and don’t be afraid to ask.

How can your friends, family, community and the Universe best support you right now?

Your Divine Helpers are glad to help. But because of Free Will, they too need to be asked.

It’s your turn to receive help – whether from your Self, others or your environment. Ask and you shall receive.

* Want to go deeper? My intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences support your intuitive development and transformational journey.

#4 – Contemplation

"Contemplation" from the Connection Collection

Your life is a garden. Are you happy with it?

Contemplate what has led you here and whether you’re still heading in the right direction.

Give yourself a score between 1-10 for how fulfilled you feel in the 8 areas of your life.

  1. Health & wellness
  2. Romance & family
  3. Finances & life planning
  4. Social Life & community
  5. Physical location & environment
  6. Fun & recreation
  7. Business & career
  8. Personal & spiritual development

Now ask for Guidance and listen to your heart for ways to increase these scores. Keep a record and start implementing inspired actions this week.

* Want to go deeper? My intuitive readings, custom guided meditations, and Soul Energy Portrait Experiences support your intuitive development and transformational journey.

Did you resonate?

Feel free to share in the comments below how your image choice helped you tune in. I’d love to hear.

Surround yourself with beauty.

Do your walls need a makeover? It’s so important to surround yourself with objects and art that support you on your journey to your Highest Good.

I invite you to visit my online shop for:

*  Sign-up for my e-newsletter and receive a free meditation mp3.

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