Here are some of my photography projects and outings.

Snowy Photo Walk

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They’re not joking when they advertise that Newfoundland has crazy weather.  I woke up with a fright at 3am on Saturday morning because of the 120km wind gusts we’d been warned might lift roof tiles.  It sounded very dramatic out there.  When I woke up again at 5am to the sound of rain hitting my window, I emailed my friend Leslie to cancel our walk and went back to sleep.

When I got up at 7am, the snow angels in the backyard were all but gone – instead, it was a very slushy and soggy jaunt down the lawn to feed the ducks before starting a new painting.  After my first layer, however, I looked out the window to see a glimpse into the magical world of fluffy white snowflakes.  They were coming straight down.  The wind had completely stopped.

So I contacted my friend Leslie, who is also a photographer, and we headed out towards the ocean in her little Honda Fit, which was thankfully equipped with quality snow tires.  The world was thick with snow again.

Here are a few of the shots I took in-camera, including a zoom shot at the end.

Of course I had to play a bit in Photoshop to duplicate and layer images.

My favourite is this one, using the wallpaper at the restaurant we ate at afterwards to blend into the scene.  It reminds me of my current style of paintings.

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I so enjoy spending time with my friend Leslie Bridger – she’s an inspiring woman who recovered from a near-fatal brain injury ” with vast knowledge…about life here on earth, about eternal life, about the changing role of humans, about our ability to heal ourselves and about the true Divinity and perfection of every living thing on this planet, amongst many other things.” She is offering great things to the St. John’s community, including weekly S.O.A.R. (Soul Optimal Awakening & Retrieval) meditations as part of the AWE project (awakening wellness everywhere), a more global project with Glen and Sandra Rose.  Here’s one of their video offerings. Enjoy.

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Layers at My Back: Hair & Snow

I love layers!  In today’s post, I want to give a big shout out to both my hairstylist and Mother Nature for the layers of beauty they have created in my life this weekend.

Yay Tara!

First, thanks Tara Tobin, who is now working out of The Head Room on LeMarchant Rd.  This is the 3rd salon I follow her to since I first found her 3-4 years ago.  She’s an artistically inclined humming pixy who loves playing in my hair.  How great is that!? Although I never really see the back of my head, I love all the layers she’s created back there.  As you can see, I’ve kept the long wisps at the front that give me the impression that I still have my long hair when I look at myself, without all the trouble of managing it.  Here’s the latest evolution of the hairstyle I adopted when I first put scissors into it myself back in Saskatoon (before going to a hairdresser a few weeks later to have it cleaned up  a bit… OK, a lot!) – artistic yet feminine, wash & go.

Yay Mother Nature!

Dominique Hurley-IMG_8640Although many of you have been cloaked in a word of white for a while now, this weekend’s snow in St. John’s is the first that has lasted more than a day. It’s soooo beautiful, and I don’t need to look further than my backyard to appreciate it!  Surprisingly, it’s still here the day after.  You see, Newfoundland is famous for its wind that sometimes has me leaning at a 45 degree angle on my walks to the bus stop.  Amazingly, there hasn’t been any wind at all these past two days, and so Nature’s shawl is still resting gently on its limbs.

On Saturday morning, as I stepped out of my room and looked into our backyard, I was in absolute awe.  I had my iPhone in my hand as I was heading to the basement for my morning yoga/rebounding routine.  It’s also my music player and my point-and-shoot camera.

I hadn’t gotten through my full routine when I noticed the light changing outside, so I jumped into my snow gear and headed to the back yard with my real camera gear.  I had to put that aside for a few minutes as the ducks were already there waiting for their morning feeding, and I just couldn’t keep them waiting any longer. My housemate Orinda buys big bags of duck feed for them in the winter, and the first pair come right up to the back steps the day of the first snow every year to let her know that it’s that time.  During the warmer seasons, they stay in Bowring Park where loads of people feed them, but they come down the river in the winter and sleep near here as both Orinda and the neighbour across the river lay out their daily buffet.

I then took a few pictures and just enjoyed being amongst the many birds who come to the hanging feeder.

After a while though, my stomach called me in for breakfast, so I continued my birdwatching (and photographing) from the sofa in the living room.  Yup, the lazy way.  We get so many birds here everyday, and even more since Orinda discovered David Suzuki’s recipe for a peanut butter based Fat Block Bird Feeder that’s been quite the hit around here.  She spreads it on a board and covers it with a net so that the crows don’t just take the whole thing away all at once.

Dominique Hurley-DLH_0818This morning, sitting on the sofa in the warm sun with my camera by my side and a book on my lap (Deepak Chopra’s “Buddha” that Orinda had on her shelf), I continued to revel in the layers of winter’s wonderland -so much to be grateful for!


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Body Sculpting: My Friend Lori Reddy

Lori Reddy-10-by Dominique HurleyI got an email from my friend Lori Reddy at the beginning of October asking if I would be willing to do a photo shoot of her shortly after she had fulfilled one of her long-term dreams: participate in the Newfoundland & Labrador Amateur BodyBuilding Association (NLABA)’s Figure category of the Physique, Figure & Bikini Championships.


Not only did she follow-through on her goal with rigorous training and disciplined eating (even turning down my housemate Orinda’s famous chocolate-chip banana loaf!), she placed 2nd in the Figure Masters division, 3rd in the Figure Tall division, and was voted most photogenic overall by Judi Stone, the official photographer for the national bodybuilding competitions. Wow!  Here’s a photo from Saturday’s championships. I couldn’t make it as I was teaching intuitive painting at the Festival du Vent, so thanks to Jim Costello for allowing me to use two of his photos.

Photo by Jim Costello -

Lori Reddy (left), Tina Power (middle) and Nathalie Shea (right) Photo by Jim Costello – &

Who is Lori Reddy?

Although some know Lori as a savvy business person who used to work on Wall St., I’ve known her as a visual artist, musician (she played the flute on the Yagull album that I featured in my Spirit Calling Card videos), and hoop dancer.  As you may remember, we painted two murals together – one at Shakti Yoga Mount Pearl (see photos – now a dance studio) and one at Shakti Yoga on Torbay Rd. (see photos -now Yoga Kula Coop).  I’ve also organized a few art exhibitions with her, and she participated in the very successful Art To Go online auction that I organized as part of my Vienna Visionary Art Scholarship fundraising efforts.  Remember her now?

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The Photo Shoot:

Although I’ve trained as a professional photographer (one the many chapters in my lifelong learning journey), people-photography is far from being a passion of mine. I simply don’t have a thick enough skin to hear people criticizing themselves (“I’m so fat…”, “That’s not my good side.”, “Look at all those wrinkles!”, etc.).  I much prefer being in nature or traveling with the camera. Trees are simply happy to be …

Sunday, however was fun. And with digital editing, I didn’t even need all those extra off-camera flashes and lighting umbrellas I got rid of years ago.

Lori Reddy-08-by Dominique HurleyPlus the pressure was off – Lori’s prize as most photogenic of the 100+ participants there that day is a photo session with a local photographer. Great! I was free, therefore, to do the kind of work/play I enjoy.

My painting back-splash worked well as a photo backdrop (with a few extra layers of white cloth to hide the many paint stains).  I wanted white as my plan was to blend photos of Lori with a couple of her paintings that I also photographed that day….

and some of my own art photography (mostly from my time overseas in 2013/14).  What you see here is the result of 6 hours of creative work after the photo shoot.

Lori Reddy-09-by Dominique HurleyWhy this post?

Lori Reddy-12-by Dominique HurleyI asked Lori if it would be OK for me to blog about her story and share my photos of her.  For me, this is a story of courage, determination, and following one’s heart despite the many challenges and judgements she may have faced along the way.  It’s also about reconnecting to lifelong passions – something I’m a big fan of.

I may not be into body building or rigorous exercise of any kind, but I can tell you that there were a few lazy mornings when I just had to remember what she was up to in order not to skip my morning restorative yoga and mini-trampoline dance routine.  After all, I no longer walk 10-20 hours a week as I had done most of my life and now benefit from Orinda’s great cooking on a regular basis.

In Lori’s Words:

I asked Lori to write about her experience for you.  Not only was this a whole new world for me, but as I said before, her journey itself was inspiring for me in many ways, and so I imagined it would be for you as well.

Lori Reddy-03-by Dominique Hurley

“I started lifting weights when I was 17 and loved how I would actually get sore – this would tell me that I worked a muscle to the point of it tearing and needing to repair which meant growth. Eventually, I started to buy fitness magazines in order to further research which exercises I could do for certain body parts (I was obsessed with getting biceps initially LOL) and then became very fond of the fitness models that were featured in the various issues – most notably Mia Finnegan and Monica Brant. It wasn’t until 20 years later, at the age of 37, that I considered entering into a competition. I had visited Mexico in February of 2014 for a month, and upon my return I started to put on a little weight from not being as active. I needed a new goal and decided that preparing for the competition in November fit in just perfectly.

Lori Reddy-15-by Dominique HurleyA friend recommeded her online coach who I signed up with for my “offseason prep” – offseason prep is the period of time that you spend building and sculpting your body prior to trimming down (which is known as the period “contest prep”). This worked for a
couple of months, but I really felt that I needed to be coached by someone who I could sit down and speak with (my online coach was from the west coast in the US). I then decided to sign up with Kristian Alexander (owner of Inshape Fitness on O’leary Ave. in St. John’s), who is a friend and former highschool mate. Kristian worked with me during the late stages of offseason and then coached me through contest prep in both diet and fitness regimes.

Lori Reddy-11-by Dominique HurleyMy days looked like this – rise at 4:30, gym by 5:30 with cardio/stretching on an empty stomach. Home, shower, eat, work. Eat, then gym again around noon for weights and stretching. Eat again. Back to work, eat some more. During contest prep I would be back in the gym again in the evening for a second cardio session – then back home to eat twice more before bed. That’s 6 meals in a 12 hour period. PHEW. Small frequent meals meant no snacking and a steady source of energy throughout the day to keep blood sugars from tanking. During contest prep, my meals would consist of egg whites, sweet potato, oatmeal, cod, tuna, chicken and green veggies. No dairy, sodium, sugar, oils…..just bland food. Funny how you look at food as fuel only vs. enjoyment when you are so limited to what you can eat.

Lori Reddy-13-by Dominique HurleyThe hardest for me was seeing progress SOOOO slowly as I had already been
working out consistently and eating healthy. It was hard for me to shock my system. I also found it difficult during offseason training, as I was putting on muscle mass and gaining some fat as well – I felt HUGE at times. But I kept telling myself, this is what I am supposed to do – and I have a coach for a reason!! Listen to him! I also heard this said numerous times: “trust the process” – this is so very very true.

Lori Reddy-14-by Dominique HurleyThe other part that I found to be difficult was to not compare myself or my gains (or losses for that matter) to others. People post pics of themselves, their slender lean physiques (washboard abs!!!) on Facebook, Instagram – showing how much progress they have made. Looking at my own progress at times, I would find myself discouraged – why wasn’t I seeing the same results – then I would talk myself out of it and regain focus as to what I should be doing, not what that other person was doing! Communicating with my coach during times like these was super important to help stay on track.

Lori Reddy and Whitney Matthews  Photo by Jim Costello - - and -

Lori Reddy and Whitney Matthews Photo by Jim Costello – – and –

The day of the competition and waiting to get up on stage was also challenging. By this point I was anxious, excited, hungry and TIRED. But the moment when my number was called and I lined up with other competitors – at that moment it all felt worth it. I now had a calmness that came over me as the moment was finally here where I was able to display my hard work and dedication to the world and judges. I was smiling ear to ear and thought this is my one moment to shine so give it 200%. And I did.

I placed 2nd in the Figure Masters division, 3rd in the Figure Tall division and won most photogenic overall.

Will I compete again? Who knows. I am taking it one day at a time. Was it all worth it? 200%. I learned so much about myself and the process over the last 5 months that I would not have learned any other way.”

Lori Reddy-01-by Dominique HurleyCongratulations Lori!

and thanks for the art & inspiration…


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From Coast to Coast and Across

afficheI leave bright and early tomorrow morning for the French cross-province painting workshop tour organized by the Fédération francophone de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador. I’m driving across the island with the coordinator to deliver the first workshops on the west coast of Newfoundland. Then I fly alone across to Labrador for workshops in Labrador City and Goose Bay.  At this point, I know my flights, hotels, and car reservations, and I have my lesson plans and materials organized.  I’ll be filled in on the rest of the details during our 10-hour drive.  I’m so used to being in control of the details (or thinking I’m in control anyway…) – this has been a major exercise in letting go and trusting that all will work out as it needs to.  I’ve become quite good at that when it comes to my personal life (finding jobs, housing, major guided life transitions), but not when it comes to planning and marketing workshops that I’m leading for others.  Life is definitely providing me another opportunity to grow here. This whole project came to me as a blessing, and so I know that if I continue to embrace the mystery, I will be pleasantly surprised. May it be so!

Today, my friends Leslie and Orinda, and I had a Bon Voyage picnic along the most eastern coast of Canada before I head across the province to its western edges.  What gorgeous weather!  Although they’re both Newfoundlanders, they hadn’t been to Petty Harbour before (or not in decades). It’s only 20 minutes from where I live in St. John’s.  It was such a pleasure to share this with them after I myself got to re-experience it a few weeks ago with my good camera. This time I only had my iPhone to take photos, but I’ll be bringing my good gear with me on my trip, even if I won’t have much free time in some locations.  At the very least, I’ll have Thanksgiving Day off in Labrador City.

For now, enjoy this iPhone photo break at a working fishing village on the Atlantic ocean.

P.S.  This blog site has now become my new website so you’ll notice changes in the navigation bar at the top. You can now access everything from here, including my art for sale pages and other goodies.  You can also sign up to my e-mail list here as well as following my blog. Hope you enjoy the changes. This ex-technophobe is now officially a techy!

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Photo Break – Petty Harbour

Dominique Hurley_Petty Harbour_DLH_8151

Once again, am I ever glad I said yes.  I was fully absorbed in another painting marathon day recently when the phone rang and a friend invited me to drive out with her to Petty Harbour.  She wanted to see if she could find fresh fish.  I decided to take advantage of the warm sunshine and this ride out to one of the most scenic little villages near St. John’s.  It’s close to Cape Spear, the most easterly point of North America.  It may be small, but I’ve always come home from there snap happy.  Thanks Eva – for the ride, the company, and the soft serve ice cream! What a refreshing 1.5 hours!

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Nature Break – Photo Walk in Chapel’s Cove

Dominique Hurley_Chapels Cove_DLH_7729I can’t believe I almost said no.  Glad I didn’t though.  You see, it’s often challenging for me to transition from one state to another, especially when I’m focused on a project.  It’s rare, however, that that I’m not absolutely thrilled to get out of the house and into nature. What a blessing I did this week – especially since I haven’t done this kind of thing as much this summer as I’m used to.  Sure, I’ve walked through Bowring Park and downtown, where I stopped at The Rooms to look at the view of the harbour on one day and went to sit on the dock another to watch a cruise ship leave St. John’s. But without a car, I haven’t headed out of town very often since I returned in July.

Truth be told, with so many fulfilling projects in my painting studio, I’m definitely going through a hermit phase. Since I started painting full time, I’d say I average a 60-hour work week. I’m often in the studio by 6am and stay there until 10pm.  What can I say. Time flies when you’re having fun.

Dominique Hurley_Chapels Cove_DLH_7522 copyAnyhow, I’m so glad I said yes to a ride out of town this week.  My housemate and her sister were going blueberry picking and asked if I wanted to come along.  Winters can be very long in Newfoundland, so the mild sunny weather alone could have been enough to get me up and out the door.  The thought of walking by water with my camera & tripod, however, were what really pulled me out the door.

Dominique Hurley_Chapels Cove_DLH_7472While the sisters reveled at the abundance of blueberries on a burnt-out wooded hill by the ocean in the Town of Harbour Main, Chapel’s Cove & Lakeview (about 30 minutes out of St. John’s), I walked along the road from the ocean and past a series of ponds (lakes, really) all the way back to the main road.  Although I had more than one lens, I shot everything with my 70-300mm. What beauty! And what a great picnic too- Orinda had baked ciabatta bread that I had lathered in pesto and filled with roast chicken and organic romaine lettuce! I also had one of her famous spelt bran, wheat germ, flax seeds & blueberry muffins with me … just in case.

Dominique Hurley_Chapels Cove_IMG_8276Dominique Hurley_Chapels Cove_DLH_8005When I got to the main highway 5.5 hours later, it was getting dark.  I sat on a unique bench at the end of someone’s driveway for an hour, listening to the sounds of nature and neighbouring households, but then thought it best to knock on a door to ask to use the phone to see what the girls were up to.  By the time they came to pick me up, we all had lots of stories to share.  Thanks Charmaine & Orinda and thanks to the folks of Harbour Main, Chapel’s Cove & Lakeview! I invite you to experience this beautiful part of the world through my eyes.


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Spirit Calling Cards

Limited Edition 

painting deck shot

photo deck shot

I created these for my Vienna Academy of Visionary Art crowdfunding campaign and had a very limited run of 55 sets of decks printed (these are not mass produced).   Each deck is numbered and signed.

What are Spirit Calling Cards?

In January 2013, I handmade a set of 14 index cards with a word and small photo that I used to make up sentences and affirmations to guide me on my day. I was so inspired by them that when it came time to think of what Goods I would offer supporters of my “Vienna Visionary Art Scholarship” crowdfunding campaign, I felt moved to create 2 decks of 44 cards – one based on my photography and one on my paintings. These can be used separately or combined.

Why did I name them “Spirit Calling Cards”?  For years, I have referred to the strong guiding messages I have received as my Spirit Calls (from my Higher Self, intuition, God, Great Spirit – whatever name or concept you are comfortable with). These Spirit Calling Cards are two-way communication tools that facilitate the asking for and receiving of such Calls.  First, they’re a way for you to tune into that source of guidance, just as you would use a calling card to connect by phone with loved ones around the world.  Second, they’re a way for your source of inspiration to announce its presence, much like the calling cards used by visitors of olden spread 3How to use them:

Feel free to use these cards in any way you feel moved.  I’ll outline a few options here. I recommend using your left hand to pick cards as it’s the hand of your subconscious/ intuition.

1 – Spontaneous Sentences/Affirmations:

Pick a number of cards (8 or more) for your week.  Quickly combine them every day in different ways to find inspirational messages.  With my original 14, for example, I was able to create seemingly endless combinations every day for 6 weeks.  The trick is to not think about it too much while you’re placing them together.  Reflection about their meaning / messages comes afterwards – in meditation, journaling, etc.  Note: you’ll need to change the parts of speech as needed (nouns to verbs, verbs to adjectives, etc.) and add little words like a, the, with, etc.

For example, on one day, I made up:

  • “Contemplate the flow of love in your life”
  • “Be trusting of the spirituality that guides your imagination towards the light”
  • “Unite with the creativity that nourishes an abundance of beauty”

And on another:

  • “Create union by trusting love”
  • “Be the spiritual light”
  • “Flow with the guidance you receive in contemplation”
  • “Imagine beauty and you’ll nourish abundance”

2 – Daily Picks:

Shuffle and pick 3-5 cards to make up one affirmation/guiding sentence for that day.

3 – Question & Answer:

Focus on a question while you shuffle and pick a card. Journal about the guidance you feel it’s giving you – feel free to write in the voice of your source of guidance (ie: a letter from your Guardian Angel)

4 – Past, Present, and Future:

Shuffle and pick 3 cards to help you understand a particular situation.  The first on the left will show you your past in relation to the situation, the second your present purpose/mindset, and the third your future.  Reflect about your journey.

5 – Whole Being Perspective:

Ask for guidance on a particular issue and pick a card with your right hand to show you how your action oriented left-brain is perceiving it. Next, with your left hand, pick a card to show you how your intuitive right brain is perceiving it. Then pick a third card to show you how to synergize both sides.

6 – Message of Love:

Tune in to your source of guidance and to a loved one.  Ask to be given a message of love for them and gift it to them by letter, email, phone, etc.  Have fun discussing the possible interpretations and timing for the message. It beats talking about the weather…

7 – Team Brainstorming:

Use them in a group setting (yes, try them at work) and have each member of a group pick between 3-5 cards while focusing on your goal/ challenge, etc. Have them each make up sentences and brainstorm about their meaning.  Members can do this alone in writing first or more spontaneously out loud as what one member says may enlighten another on their contribution.

8 – Relationship Building:

Couples, friends, parent/children, etc. can use them to connect to each other on a deeper level.  They make great conversation openers that help people get past the banalities of life and into really seeing, hearing, accepting, and loving another person’s true Self.  This can be accomplished in a game fashion (pick 5 cards and explain how it relates to your day) or on a common question / feeling / etc.  (How is this challenging situation an opportunity for us to grow?).

The ways in which you use these are limitless and may evolve with time.  You can also find many different tarot card spreads explained on the Internet.

May these cards enhance your calls to Spirit & Spirit’s calls to you.



Limited Edition – Buy Yours Here

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